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Nouns that can be both masculine and feminine

In general, words referring to human beings can be either masculine or feminine, depending on the sex of the person referred to. Note that the default gender is masculine when the sex of the person is unknown or irrelevant.


Nouns of this type end in -ante/-ente/-inte, e.g. estudante ‘student’, gerente ‘manager’,ouvinte ‘listener’; -cida,3 e.g. suicida ‘suicide (victim)’; -ense, e.g. canadense ‘Canadian’;-ista, e.g. dentista ‘dentist’; -ta, e.g. diplomata ‘diplomat’, idiota ‘idiot’, vietnamita ‘Vietnamese’ and some other nationalities, such as belga ‘Belgian’, etíope ‘Ethiopian’.

 -ante/-ente/-inte, e.g.estudante ‘student’学生, gerente ‘manager’经理,ouvinte ‘listener’;听众
 -cida, e.g. suicida ‘suicide (victim)’; 自杀行为
 -ense, e.g. canadense ‘Canadian’; 加拿大人
 -ista, e.g. dentista ‘dentist’;牙科医生
 -ta, e.g. diplomata ‘diplomat’外交官, idiota ‘idiot’白痴, vietnamita ‘Vietnamese’ 越南人 和其他国籍和民族群体, 例如 belga ‘Belgian’ 比利时人, etíope ‘Ethiopian’ 埃塞俄比亚人.

3 Nouns ending in -cida that refer to chemical products are masculine, e.g. inseticida ‘insecticide’.
那些以-cida结尾的化学产品名词是阳性的,例如,inseticida ‘insecticide’. 杀虫剂

Other members of this category are: caipira ‘hick’, camarada ‘mate, comrade’, chapa ‘buddy’, colega ‘friend, colleague’, comparsa ‘sidekick, partner in crime’, cúmplice ‘accomplice’, fã ‘fan’, herege ‘heretic’, intérprete ‘interpreter’, mártir ‘martyr’, modelo ‘(fashion) model’, personagem ‘character’ (in a story) and sósia ‘double, lookalike’.

这一类别的其它名词还有caipira ‘hick’ 乡下人, camarada ‘mate, comrade’ 同志, chapa ‘buddy’, 老兄colega ‘friend, colleague’朋友, comparsa ‘sidekick, partner in crime’ 死党; 好友, cúmplice ‘accomplice’ 帮凶, fã ‘fan’, herege ‘heretic’ 异教徒, intérprete ‘interpreter’翻译员, mártir ‘martyr’, 烈士modelo ‘(fashion) model’型号, personagem ‘character’ (in a story)角色 and sósia ‘double, lookalike’. 两面派

Note that many originally single-gender nouns become two-gender when used to refer to human beings: âncora ‘TV anchorperson’, mão de vaca (informal) ‘skinflint’, segurança ‘security guard, bodyguard’, etc.

要注意到的是,当某些名词涉及人类的时候,许多原来单性名词变为了双性名词,例如âncora ‘TV anchorperson’ 电视节目主持人, mão de vaca (informal) ‘skinflint’ 吝啬鬼,一毛不拔的人, segurança ‘security guard, bodyguard’保镖
posted on 2013-08-30 18:00 Eric_jiang 阅读(309) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 桑巴葡萄牙语教学

