Nouns that are masculine or feminine depending on meaning, 根据意思决定阳性或者是阴性的名词 Some words can be masculine or feminine depending on the meaning. Here are some common examples: 某些名词的阳性或者是阴性,取决于这个词的在情景中的意思,下面是一些常用的例子 作为阳性名词 作为阴性名词 As masculine noun As feminine noun Capital capital (= money) 资金 capital (= city) 城市 Cara guy 家伙 face 名字 grama gram (= measure) 尺寸 grass 玻璃 guia guide (= man or book) 男人或者书 guide (= woman); form, slip 失误,口误; 事故 moral morale morality; 道德观 moral (of a story) 寓意,教训 rádio radio; 无线电 radium radio station. 无线电电台