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Nouns that are masculine or feminine depending on meaning,


Some words can be masculine or feminine depending on the meaning. Here are some common examples:
                   作为阳性名词                                        作为阴性名词
As masculine noun                                                 As feminine noun
Capital     capital (= money) 资金                            capital (= city) 城市
Cara         guy          家伙                                       face 名字
grama     gram (= measure) 尺寸                            grass 玻璃
guia         guide (= man or book) 男人或者书            guide (= woman); form, slip   失误,口误;   事故
moral   morale morality; 道德观                             moral (of a story) 寓意,教训
rádio       radio;       无线电                                    radium radio station. 无线电电台
posted on 2013-09-03 15:20 Eric_jiang 阅读(296) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 桑巴葡萄牙语教学

