The NoteBook of EricKong

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Selenium是一个很好用的Web界面测试框架。但它的功能也有不足之处,比如: 在Selenium IDE中不支持程序控制语句。下面介绍如何在Selenium IDE中添加程序控制功能。

1)下载Selenium插件 (sideflow.js): 


var gotoLabels= {};
var whileLabels = {};
// overload the original Selenium reset function
Selenium.prototype.reset = function() {
    // reset the labels
    // proceed with original reset code
    this.defaultTimeout = Selenium.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
Selenium.prototype.initialiseLabels = function()
    gotoLabels = {};
    whileLabels = { ends: {}, whiles: {} };
    var command_rows = [];
    var numCommands = testCase.commands.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < numCommands; ++i) {
        var x = testCase.commands[i];
    var cycles = [];
    for( var i = 0; i < command_rows.length; i++ ) {
        if (command_rows[i].type == 'command')
        switch( command_rows[i].command.toLowerCase() ) {
            case "label":
                gotoLabels[ command_rows[i].target ] = i;
            case "while":
            case "endwhile":
                cycles.push( [command_rows[i].command.toLowerCase(), i] )
    var i = 0;
    while( cycles.length ) {
        if( i >= cycles.length ) {
            throw new Error( "non-matching while/endWhile found" );
        switch( cycles[i][0] ) {
            case "while":
                if( ( i+1 < cycles.length ) && ( "endwhile" == cycles[i+1][0] ) ) {
                    // pair found
                    whileLabels.ends[ cycles[i+1][1] ] = cycles[i][1];
                    whileLabels.whiles[ cycles[i][1] ] = cycles[i+1][1];
                    cycles.splice( i, 2 );
                    i = 0;
                } else ++i;
            case "endwhile":
Selenium.prototype.continueFromRow = function( row_num )
    if(row_num == undefined || row_num == null || row_num < 0) {
        throw new Error( "Invalid row_num specified." );
    testCase.debugContext.debugIndex = row_num;
// do nothing. simple label
Selenium.prototype.doLabel = function(){};
Selenium.prototype.doGotolabel = function( label )
    if( undefined == gotoLabels[label] ) {
        throw new Error( "Specified label '" + label + "' is not found." );
    this.continueFromRow( gotoLabels[ label ] );
Selenium.prototype.doGoto = Selenium.prototype.doGotolabel;
Selenium.prototype.doGotoIf = function( condition, label )
    if( eval(condition) ) this.doGotolabel( label );
Selenium.prototype.doWhile = function( condition )
    if( !eval(condition) ) {
        var last_row = testCase.debugContext.debugIndex;
        var end_while_row = whileLabels.whiles[ last_row ];
        if( undefined == end_while_row ) throw new Error( "Corresponding 'endWhile' is not found." );
        this.continueFromRow( end_while_row );
Selenium.prototype.doEndWhile = function()
    var last_row = testCase.debugContext.debugIndex;
    var while_row = whileLabels.ends[ last_row ] - 1;
    if( undefined == while_row ) throw new Error( "Corresponding 'While' is not found." );
    this.continueFromRow( while_row );


2)在Selenium中配置插件。如下图所示,添加sideflow.js 到 "Selenium Core extensions (user-extensions.js)" 文本框中,重新启动Selenium IDE。

3) 这样就可以在Selenium中使用流程控制了,例如

posted on 2013-09-06 16:54 Eric_jiang 阅读(500) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: HTML

