

pro*c and vc++ error :C2079: 'SQLSTM" uses undefined struct 'SQLEXD'

pro*c and vc++ error

From the oracle metalink -

Problem Description

You are trying to compile a precompiled Pro*C application.
You are using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.  At compile time,
you get the error message:

C2079: 'SQLSTM" uses undefined struct 'SQLEXD'

Solution Description

In Visual C++, under Project -> Settings -> Precompiled Headers,
set this to "Automatic Use of Precompiled Headers", with the "Through
option left blank.


"Glen" wrote in message
> Hi,
> I have precompiled some pro*c code which worked fine and outputted a
> c++ file which is included in my project. I have included the
> orasql8.lib and when I try to compile the project receive the
> following error:
> error C2079: 'sqlstm' uses undefined struct 'sqlexd'
> I don't understand why, the following code appears before where the
> error is encountered.
> static struct sqlexd {
>    unsigned int   sqlvsn;
>    unsigned int   arrsiz;
>    unsigned int   iters;
>    unsigned int   offset;
>    unsigned short selerr;
>    unsigned short sqlety;
>    unsigned int   occurs;
>       const short *cud;
>    unsigned char  *sqlest;
>       const char  *stmt;
>    sqladts *sqladtp;
>    sqltdss *sqltdsp;
>             void  **sqphsv;
>    unsigned int   *sqphsl;
>             int   *sqphss;
>             void  **sqpind;
>             int   *sqpins;
>    unsigned int   *sqparm;
>    unsigned int   **sqparc;
>    unsigned short  *sqpadto;
>    unsigned short  *sqptdso;
>             void  *sqhstv[4];
>    unsigned int   sqhstl[4];
>             int   sqhsts[4];
>             void  *sqindv[4];
>             int   sqinds[4];
>    unsigned int   sqharm[4];
>    unsigned int   *sqharc[4];
>    unsigned short  sqadto[4];
>    unsigned short  sqtdso[4];
> } sqlstm = {10,4};
> If anyone has any ideas i would be most appreciative.
> Cheers
> Glen

posted on 2005-09-24 20:28 john 阅读(2213) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Oracle Technology

