White Paper Draft
The AOP Alliance: Why Did We Get In?
1. Introduction
The aim of this document is to present the AOP Alliance project. Its goals, its philosophy, what answers it
should provide, and what it should not. It is a draft proposal which has to be further discussed with other
members of the AOP Alliance in order to reach a common view on what we are doing here. It should also be
completed as soon as an interesting point comes out from the discussions on the list.
This document is a white paper and can be used on internal purpose by the AOP Alliance members, but also to
provide an insight and an understanding about what is AOP Alliance for external people.
In section 1, I will try to explain in general terms the goals of the AOP Alliance. Our motivations comes
from the fact that AOP can improve solutions such as J2EE-based ones. If we manage to define a normalize set
of APIs, it would be possible to integrate AOP in existing solutions or to build AOP environments using
existing AOP tools. Section 2 gives an overview of a proposed architecture and APIs for aspect-oriented
environments. I try to guess what APIs should be specified by the AOP Alliance. Finally, in section 3, I
enter into the details of the identified components and their roles within AOP environments.
2. AOP Alliance goals
2.1 AOP Advantages: The J2EE Case
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a great way for designing and programing the applications. It offers a
better solution to many problems than do existing technologies such as EJB.
J2EE is a typical target environment (but not the only one) that could benefit from AOP Alliance. Indeed,
J2EE environments partially solve some issues by providing means to handle technical issues such as
persistence or transactions. However, the J2EE architecture is not flexible enough to easilly add new
technical concerns related to particular needs. Moreover, it would be interesting to be able to remove one
solution when not needed or when a ligther solution is preferable
AOP provides a generic means to build new technical concerns (crosscutting concerns) and to plug them within
an application in a flexible and modular way. Applying some AOP concepts in J2EE can also really simplify
its use. For instance, regular Java objects (POJOs) can be used in place of EJBs. So, being able to easily
apply full AOP to J2EE will greatly increase the usability of J2EE. It would also bring much more power to
J2EE-compliant application servers.
2.2 The Current Brakes To AOP
AOP is gaining in popularity. However, most of the AOP tools were not designed in the purpose to be applied
in any environment (mainly because most of the tools where designed on experimentation purpose). Thus, when
trying to use AOP in a specific environment, we can face some issues because, for instance, the environment
already supports some builtin aspects that may not be compliant with the AOP tool implementation.
This problem arises because AOP needs to modify the objects/classes of the application in order to work fine.
This objet-modification logic is implemented by a specific part of the AOP tool: the weaver. A weaver can be
well-fitted to a given environment but could break some important system properties in another one. For
instance, an interesting discussion on the AOP Alliance's list beetween Gregor and Rickard seemed to show
that AspectJ's weaver implementation for introductions (specific weaving operations) was not well fitted in
some environments having some kinds of distribution and persistence cacabilities.
这个问题的发生是因为AOP必须修改应用程序的对象/类来使其工作。对象的修改逻辑有AOP工具的指定的部分实现:weaver。一个weaver可能适合某一个指定环境,但是可能在另外一个环境中违反一些重要的系统属性。例如:在AOP联盟的list中,在Gregor 和Rickard之间一个关于AspectJ’s weaver实现不适合一些有用一些分布式和持续化能力的环境的介绍(weaving操作细节)
2.3 The AOP Alliance
Most of the people here do not believe in the perfect system. We think that a system is always suited to a
given problem and environment (it does not necesseraly fit the other one). This is exactly the case for the
AOP tools that we may use within complex environments such as J2EE. Depending on the faced problem, it would
be useful to have a specific implementation of AOP.
There are already a lot of specific implementations of AOP or AOP-related techniques such as generic proxies,
interceptors, or bytecode translators. For instance, among others:
* AspectJ: an AO source-level (and bytecode-level) weaver. New Language.
* AspectWerkz: an AO framework (bytecode-level dynamic weaver+configuration in XML).
* BCEL: a bytecode translator.
* JAC: an AO middleware (bytecode-level dynamic weaver+configuration+aspects). Framework.
* Javassist: a bytecode translator with a high-level API.
* JBoss-AOP: interception and metadata-based AO framework (running on JBoss application sever + a standal
one version).
* JMangler: a bytecode translator with a composition framework for translations.
* Nanning: an AO weaver (framework).
* Prose: an AO bytecode-level dynamic weaver (framework).
已经有很多特定的AOP实现或者AOP相关的技术,比如generic proxies,
interceptors, or bytecode translators,例如下面这些:
* AspectJ: 一个面向方面源码层(和字节码层)weaver,新语言.
AspectWerkz: 一个面向方面的框架 (字节码层动态weaver+XML配置).
BCEL: 一个字节码转换器.
JAC: 一个面向方面的中间件 (字节码层动态weaver+配置+方面 ). 框架.
Javassist: 使用high-level API的一个字节码转换器.
JBoss-AOP: 拦截和基于metadata的框架 (运行在JBoss服务器上+ 一个独立的版本).
JMangler: 使用一个转换的混合框架的一个字节码转换器。
Nanning: 一个面向方面的weaver(框架)
* Prose: 一个面向方面的字节码层的动态weaver(框架)
To us, these implementations reflect that there is no good or bad implementations, but implementations
suited to some problems/environments.
So, the AOP Alliance goal is neither to come with a new AOP model, nor to provide a great AOP implementation
that will work for all the cases or on a given J2EE application
server. The AOP Alliance goal is rather to enable all the exisiting
implementations to speak the same core language in order to:
* avoid re-building of existing AOP components by reusing them,
* simplify the adaptation of existing AOP components for a given target environment (typically a J2EE environment),
* simplify the aspects reusing by having a common root AOP API.
* simplify the implementation of development tools that whish to integrate AOP features.
- 避免重建已经存在的AOP组件
- 在特定环境下简化适应已经存在的AOP组件(特别是J2EE环境)。
- 简化准备集成AOP特性的开发工具的实现。
3.Aspect-Oriented Architectures
3.1 A Common Architectural Vision
In sections 1.2 and 1.3, we explain that it is difficult to agree on a common AOP model and implementation
because it is too tightly linked to the context of use and the environment (implementation may differ in a
pure Java approach and in a J2EE-compliant approach). However, we think that it is possible to agree on a
common architectural vision for Aspect Oriented Environnments (AOE).
Indeed, when building an Aspect-Oriented Environment (AOE)1, designers need to define an architecture. In
most of the existing AOEs, the architecture defines and combines some elementary modules/components/APIs that
implement the basic functions of the system. By looking at the existing tools, we can identify common
components (i.e. components that provides close functionalities in the considered architecture, but not
necesseraly using the same implementation techniques). For instance, JBoss' weaver uses Javassist to
implement an interception mechanism (which is instrumented at the client's side) whilst JAC's weaver uses BCEL
to implement an interception mechanism (which is instrumented at the
server's side). Other techniques like intercessing the JIT compiler can
be employed to perform the same effect. All of them heavily rely on the
In the next section, we will try to extract
components that can be useful to AOEs. These components may be used to build
contextual-dependent AOEs.
With AOE, we mean any environment that supports AOP in one way or another. E.g. JBoss AOP is an AOE but any
J2EE application server can be also regarded as a reduced AOE with buit-in aspects.
3.2 A 3-Layer Typical Architecture
图 1

A typical architecture could be drawn as shown in figure 1. This simplified diagram contains some components
(boxes) and some core logics (rounded boxes) that can use (bold arrows) the components' APIs. It is meant to
run an initial AO program on the top of the figure. Note that this architecture does not intend to be a
reference architecture but only one possible architecture. Indeed, several possibilities exist for composing
the different core components of an AO architecture.
One can split this architecture in three layers:
* a low-level layer (1) that provides basic components to implement the weaving (the main process of AOP)
on the target platform,
* a high-level layer (2) that provides basic components for AOP, in its original meaning, plus the logic
that implements the AO semantics (would depend on the target platform),
* a development-level layer (3) that includes the UI in its largest sense (can be supported by a language
, can be a modelling tool) and other tools that are needed to help the developer trusting the AO programs
(such as type-checking, visualization tools, debuggers, and so on).
一个 high-level层(2)提供AOP的基本组件,在原始意图中在上实现AO语义的逻辑。(依赖制定的目标平台)
3.3 What Shall AOP Alliance Specify Here?
As said before, the AOP Alliance goals are not to provide new models or better implementations of existing
tools. In fact, the AOP Alliance goals are to specify normalized API for the components that are identified
in common Aspect Oriented Environments (AOEs) implementations. If we manage to do this, it will be possible
to build better AOEs than existing ones by integrating the components that best fit the context in which we
want to use AOP. In particular, it should be possible to use the very best of AOP, even in complex
environments such as J2EE application servers.
So, if we refer to figure 1, the AOP Alliance's role should be to define the API of the identified components.
The most important components are the low-level ones because their implementations will influence the
environment in which the AOE can be used. Some technical caracteristics may also have deep inpact on the
resulting system properties (e.g. are the aspects can be dynamically woven/unwoven? is the system scalable
regarding distribution? can the system cohabit with built-in aspects such as persistence or transactions?).
However, the high-level components are also quite interesting for tools such as IDE, debuggers, modelling
tools, and so on. Having a common AOP concepts manipulation API will help the tools to better support several
AOP implementations in different environments.
The AOP Alliance could provide some reference implementations for some components (by using existing tools).
However, it would be better if existing tools (most of the tools creators are in the Alliance) provide their
own implementations of the defined APIs. These implementations will validate the API correctness.
The AOP Alliance will not tackle the weaving logic and the configuration logic since it really depends on the
AOE implementation. However, we should also provide some reference implementation in order to show how our
API should be used to build AOEs.
Finally, the AOP Alliance will not address the third layer (development-level). We should let the development
tools implementors use our API when the AOP tools they integrate implement it.
4. AOP Alliance Components
4.1 Low-Level
Low-level components are quite important ones because the entire AOE relies on them for its implementation.
The way these components are implemented will be crutial and may drastically affect the system's properties
such as performance, scalability, integration capabilities, or security.
4.1.1 Reflection
The reflection API is very important for any AOE. In fact, the weaver needs to introspects the classes of the
base program in order to apply the advices or the introductions. For instance, if a pointcut tells that all
the methods of a class should be adviced (using some kind of regular expression or an ALL keyword), then the
weaver will need to use the reflection API to explicitely know the list of the methods that actually need to
be adviced.
When the weaving process is done at runtime, the SUN's java.lang.reflect implementation can be sufficient to
build the AOE. However, in most of the existing systems, the weaving process occurs at the compile-time or
at class load-time. In these cases, a specific implementation of a reflection API is needed. According to AOP
Alliance, it is quite important to normalize this API in order to be able to switch the underlying
implementation depending on the running context of the AOE.
4.1.2 Program Instrumentation
From the weaver's point of view, if the reflection is the read access to the woven program, the instrumentation
is the write access 2. However, in AOP, the allowed program modifications are a reduced set of modifications.
The allowed modications are incremental regarding the existing structure of the initial program so that the
aspects can be correctly composed together. These kinds of incremental modifications are called
instrumentations because of previous discussions on the list.
There is no standard API for instrumentation. However, like reflection, instrumentation can happen at run
time, compile time, or load time. Moreover, for each category, different implementations can be performed
depending on the context and the AOE's environment (for instance, the instrumentation can be done directly
on the source code or on the bytecode). It is thus important to us that
the instrumentation API is normalized in order to change the underlying
implementation depending on the AOE requirements.
... access2
In reflection's foundations, this operation is called intercessio
或字节码上操作).为了能够依赖AOE需要,能切换不同的实现.规范化instrumentation API是非常重要的.
4.1.3 Interception Frameworks
Another type of base components that can be extremely useful to build AOEs are the interception frameworks.
With the dynamic proxies, Java provides a standard API/framework for interception. However, several
enhancements on transparency, performance, etc, can be achived by other implementations (most of them use an
instrumentation API). It is thus also interesting to define a standard interception API/framework with a
clear semantics.
Interception frameworks have many advantages since they allow to implement very easily the around advices of
the AOP model. Moreover, they can be standalone and most of the time provide quite clear AOP-like code
despite written in pure Java. For these reasons, several interception frameworks have been implemented in
many projects and environments (including J2EE application servers, see JBoss). Hence, the AOP Alliance
should provide an abstract interception framework in order to standardize this AOP important toolbox.
经在许多项目和环境种实现了.(包括J2EE应用服务器,see JBoss).
4.1.4 Metadata Handling
Metadata handling is useful when implementing AOEs, especially when coupled with an interception framework.
It allows the weaver to extend the classes semantics in a non-invasive manner. Since most implementations on
metadata allows dynamicity, it can also be used for dynamic configuration/reconfiguration of the aspect
Even if the JDK1.5 will provide a standard implementation for metadata, it should be useful to provide a
standard API that allows multiple implementations. These may take into account some environmental specificity
such as distribution, serialization, that may not be correctly handled by the default implementation.
4.1.5 Class Loading Frameworks
In many AOEs, byte-code level manipulation is required. It can be used to implement an interception framework,
or to directly implement the weaver's intrumentation of the programs. In some cases, this byte-code level
manipulation can be done at class's load-time because the AOP instrumentations are quite simple. Thus, most
of the AOEs use the flexible class-loading architecture of Java.
several environments also use the class-loaders to implement their own
functionalities. For instance,distributed environnments may generate
the stubs using specific class loaders. Within these environments,the
AOE's class-loading mechanism could lead to system crashes because of
class-loaders incompatibilities.
Consequently, we think that it could be important to normalize a
class-loading framework that would be flexible enough to easily enable
different class loaders comming from different environment to cooperate
in a safe way.
4.2 High-Level
The high-level components are important to normalize if we want the tools defined in the third layer
(development layer) to provide better support for AOP in general.
4.2.1 AOP API
Explaining the goal of our AOP API can be explained great by quoting Gregor: ''Clearly we want to do whatever
we can to avoid needless inconsistency among AOP tools. It is much too soon to actually standardize, we
still need room for meaningful variance. But needless variance is clearly worth eliminating.''
So, our AOP model will no be a new model. It will just try to bring
together what all the current models have in common. The AspectJ model
is doubtless the most achieved one and there are already some tools
that support it. So we will probably take a subset of AspectJ here.
可以引用Gregor的一句话可以解释AOP API的目标:”我们要做的就是清除在AOP工具中任何可以避免的不必要的不协调,以便最快的达到实际的标准,我们仍然保留有意义的vriance.但无意义的vriance则需要明确的清除”
4.2.2 Configuration API
Many aspects can be implemented in a generic fashion. This means that they implement a logic that is
potentially reusable for any program in which you would want to weave the aspect functions. Most of the time,
this aspect-reusing process implies a parameterization of the generic aspect (for instance, tell a generic
persistence aspect which class should be persistent and how). In AspectJ, this can be done by subclassing
abstract aspects. But it can also be done by using external tools (e.g. pre-processors). In J2EE environment,
the configuration process of the built-in aspects (technical concerns of the EJB container) is parameterized
by XML deployment files. In JBoss/AOP and other frameworks, the configuration can also be done using XML
files. In JAC, the configuration can be done in Java programs with the aspect configuration API or by using
a specific scripting-like language, and so on.
用XML,在JAC中可以使用aspect configuration
It would be great if we could normalize a configuration API. It would make AOEs integration easier for
development tools. It would also facilitate the reusing of specific configurations from an AOE to another
(e.g. AspectJ and JBoss/AOP).
Note that it is maybe unrealistic to make the aspects portable from an AOE to another because of the
potentially important differences. But it seems less unrealistic to make the aspect configurations portable,
which is already a first step towards AOEs interoperablity.
如果能标准化configuration API,那就非常棒.它将使开发工具更容易的集成AOEs.并且在不同的AOE中重用特定的配置更容易(比如AspectJ和JBoss/AOP)
注意,由于不同的AOE存在很大的区别,使方面(aspects)轻易的在不同的AOE中共同使用可能是不切实际的.但是让aspect configuration轻便一些,符合实际一些,这是AOEs之间能移植走出的第一步.
AOP Alliance http://aopalliance.sourceforge.net/