JSF 实现必须的库
构建JSF应用程序时必须的关键jar文件是 jsf-api.jar 和 jsf-impl.jar 。
除了核心JSF运行时jar文件,还需要一些关键的“公共”jar文件(commons-beanutils.jar commonscollections.jar commons-digester.jar commons-logging.jar )
1 # Jars for implementations of JCP standards
2 standard.jar=local path to JSTL standard.jar
3 jsf-impl.jar=local path to jsf-impl.jar
7 # Jars for miscellaneous dependencies required #by Sun's JSF 1.1
8 # implementation
9 commons-beanutils.jar=local path to commons-beanutils.jar
10 commons-collections.jar=local path to commons-collections.jar
11 commons-digester.jar=local path to commons-digester.jar
12 commons-logging.jar=local path to commons-logging.jar
posted on 2007-12-11 17:51
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