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AR Processing for FINIParadise
1. Create Customer
2. Create Sales Organization view for Customer
3. Check material Master ( Finished goods)
T-code: MM03
4. Create sales order T-code: VA01
5. Make delivery Note  T-code: VL01N
6. Post Good issue  T-code: VL02N
7. Check Material document and accounting document
8. Billing from SD 
T-code: VF01
9. Check Open item for the Customer  T-code:FBL5N
10. Manual incoming  payment  T-code:F-28
11. Check Open Item again
12. Check Sales and COGS in DC-SOI reports  
T-code: KE30
posted on 2007-04-30 08:59 javaGrowing 阅读(342) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: sap

