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2007年7月23日 #

单击“开始→运行”,在“打开”框中键入“MOUNTVOL   /E”,然后单击“确定”按钮,重新启动电脑。
posted @ 2008-11-01 15:19 javaGrowing 阅读(517) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Archetype Command
JSF Basic mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-basic-jsf -DremoteRepositories= -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.2 -DartifactId=myproject
Spring MVC Basic mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-basic-spring -DremoteRepositories= -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.2 -DartifactId=myproject
Struts 2 Basic mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-basic-struts -DremoteRepositories= -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.2 -DartifactId=myproject
Tapestry Basic mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-basic-tapestry -DremoteRepositories= -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.2 -DartifactId=myproject
JSF Modular mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-modular-jsf -DremoteRepositories= -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.2 -DartifactId=myproject
Spring MVC Modular mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-modular-spring -DremoteRepositories= -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.2 -DartifactId=myproject
Struts 2 Modular mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-modular-struts -DremoteRepositories= -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.2 -DartifactId=myproject
Tapestry Modular mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-modular-tapestry -DremoteRepositories= -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.2 -DartifactId=myproject
(backend only)
mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-core -DremoteRepositories= -DarchetypeVersion=2.0.2 -DartifactId=myproject

You should be able to run AppFuse immediately if you have a MySQL 5.x database installed and it's accessible to root using no password. If you'd prefer to use an embedded database, we've recently added Database Profiles for H2, HSQLDB, etc.

MySQL Security
Running MySQL using root with no password is not the most secure thing to do. Once your database is created, you can change the root password using the command below:
mysql --user=root --pass='' mysql -e "update user set password=password('newpw') where user='root'; flush privileges;"

AppFuse uses the username "root" and a blank password by default. To change these values, modify the <jdbc.username> and <jdbc.password> properties in your project's pom.xml (at the bottom).

Run your application

Running AppFuse is easy now. Once the archetype project is created, Maven will create and populate your database using the hibernate3 and dbunit plugins, respectively. All you have to do is use Maven to run the Jetty container and view your application.

  1. Check your new project into source control, unless you have a good reason not to. Google Code has free Subversion hosting, as do many others.
  2. From the command line, cd into your new project's directory and run mvn to download JARs, Tomcat and run the integration tests in your project. Now is a good time to take a coffee break or grab a beer - downloading everything and running the tests can take 5-10 minutes.
  3. To view your application run mvn jetty:run-war from your project's directory (for a modular project, you'll need to run mvn jetty:run-war from your project's web directory). Maven will start Jetty and you should be able to view your application in your browser at http://localhost:8080.
    The default username/password for an admin user is admin/admin. For a regular user, use user/user.
  4. To override files from AppFuse, run mvn war:inplace. This will extract the dependent WARs into src/main/webapp, where you can change files to your heart's content. When you have the war expanded in your source tree, you can run mvn jetty:run. This will allow you to change files on-the-fly and Jetty will reload them as needed. The only problem with this approach is you end up with an "exploded AppFuse" in your project, which won't bode well for upgrading. We recommend you check your project into source control before running mvn war:inplace. That way, it'll be easier for you to decide what needs to be checked in (over written) and what can be deleted.

If you receive OutOfMemory errors when using mvn jetty:run, see this mailing list thread.

You can change AppFuse from its "embedded mode" to full-source mode by running mvn appfuse:full-source from your project's root directory.

Bug with Ant 1.7.0
Local repositories and projects on Windows platforms are held in directories whose paths contain no spaces. To fix this issue, modify your $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml and change your localRepository to something like the following:
Development Environment
See development environment for detailed instructions on how to setup your computer to develop AppFuse-based applications.
Changing database settings
To change your MySQL database settings, simply change the <jdbc.*> properties at the bottom of your pom.xml. See Database Profiles to use a database other than MySQL

set MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Xms512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
posted @ 2008-09-03 18:07 javaGrowing 阅读(474) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

原因:   url中有些字符被转义,比如空格被编码成加号,于是传的参数明明是加号,获取的值却成了空格。如何解决呢?如果是通过url传递参数,应该对其进行必要的编码。
         在javascript中加入   function URLencode(sStr)
    return escape(sStr).replace(/\+/g, '%2B').replace(/\"/g,'%22').replace(/\'/g, '%27').replace(/\//g,'%2F');
对字符串进行处理.如:var str=URLencode("abc+")
posted @ 2007-12-19 09:02 javaGrowing 阅读(11314) | 评论 (5)编辑 收藏

The following processes including SD,MM,PP,FI,CO .

SD Relevant Steps:
1.Check if all delivery in due list have been processedVL06G (Could set background jobs to automatically generate the billing due list for posting)
2.Check if all picking in due list have been processedVL06P
3.Check if all goods issue in due list have been processedVL04
4.Check if all billed AR has been release to accountingVFX3

PP Relevant Steps:
1.Check if all back flash error has been solved (COGI Check every day this kind of problem and solved on time)
2.Check if all production orders that will not be followed have been finally  confirmed or technically closed. Do final confirmation even small quantity  variance exist but we consider this order has finished
3.Do technical close at month end for the orders will not be followed in the future
4.Confirmation. Do not confirm any assembly scrap when do production order conf.

MM Relevant Steps
1.Check if all goods movement has been booked in SAP
2.GR/IR clearing accounts maintenance if needed
3.Open the MM period for movement posting when new period starts MMPV

FI Relevant Steps
1.Book all accounting entries for:
- Accrued expense
- Do recurring entry (prepayment, accrued expense, amortization)
- Process G/L, vendor, customer balance & open items
- Cost allocations by FI
2.AM Fixed asset depreciation run and period postingAFAB
3.AM Periodic posting ASKB
4.G/L,AR,AP balance check & Open item clearing
5.Foreign currency revaluation for bank/cash & AR AP open items
Bank/cash revaluation: F.06
AR AP open items: F.05
6.GR/IR clearing account regrouping process F.19
7.Automatic clearing for G/L accounts, vendor and customer F.13

CO Relevant Steps
1.Release standard cost estimate
CK24Only when there are costing run to be released.
2.Cost reallocation according to activity
Distribution: CKV5
Assessment: KSU5
3.Cost splitting among activity KSS2
4.Actual activity price calculation KSII
5.Production order revaluation with actual activity price CON2
6.WIP calculationfor the production orders KKAO
7.Variance calculation for the production orders KKS1
8.Production / Costing orders settlement CO88/KO88
9.Material ledger closing > MMPV first
a.Create costing runCKRU00
b.Allow settlementCKMF_RUN
c.Allow closing entriesCKMG_RUN
d.Material selectionCKMB_RUN
e.Determine costing sequenceCKMC_RUN
f.Settle single levelCKMH_RUN
g.Settle multi levelCKMM_RUN
h.Post closingCKMI
posted @ 2007-12-18 16:03 javaGrowing 阅读(899) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏





 function InsertSort(arr) { //插入排序->直接插入法排序
  var st = new Date();
var temp, j;
for(var i=1; i<arr.length; i++) {
if((arr[i]) < (arr[i-1])) {
= arr[i];
= i-1;
do {
+1= arr[j];
while (j>-1 && (temp) < (arr[j]));
+1= temp;
= (new Date() - st) + ' ms';
return arr;




function ShellSort(arr) { //插入排序->希儿排序
  var st = new Date();
var increment = arr.length;
do {
= (increment/3|0+ 1;
= ShellPass(arr, increment);
while (increment > 1)

= (new Date() - st) + ' ms';
return arr;
function ShellPass(arr, d) { //希儿排序分段执行函数
  var temp, j;
for(var i=d; i<arr.length; i++) {
if((arr[i]) < (arr[i-d])) {
= arr[i]; j = i-d;
do {
+d] = arr[j];
= j-d;
while (j>-1 && (temp) < (arr[j]));
+d] = temp;
return arr;

    将被排序的记录数组R[1..n]垂直排列,每个记录R[i]看作是重量为R[i].key的气泡。根据轻气泡不能在重气泡之下的原则,从下往上扫描数组 R:凡扫描到违反本原则的轻气泡,就使其向上"飘浮"。如此反复进行,直到最后任何两个气泡都是轻者在上,重者在下为止。


function BubbleSort(arr) { //交换排序->冒泡排序
  var st = new Date();
var temp;
var exchange;
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
= false;
for(var j=arr.length-2; j>=i; j--) {
if((arr[j+1]) < (arr[j])) {
= arr[j+1];
+1= arr[j];
= temp;
= true;
if(!exchange) break;
= (new Date() - st) + ' ms';
return arr;

    在R[low..high]中任选一个记录作为基准(Pivot),以此基准将当前无序区划分为左、右两个较小的子区间R[low..pivotpos- 1)和R[pivotpos+1..high],并使左边子区间中所有记录的关键字均小于等于基准记录(不妨记为pivot)的关键字 pivot.key,右边的子区间中所有记录的关键字均大于等于pivot.key,而基准记录pivot则位于正确的位置(pivotpos)上,它无 须参加后续的排序。


function QuickSort(arr) { //交换排序->快速排序
  if (arguments.length>1) {
var low = arguments[1];
var high = arguments[2];
else {
var low = 0;
var high = arr.length-1;
if(low < high){
// function Partition
   var i = low;
var j = high;
var pivot = arr[i];
while(i<j) {
while(i<&& arr[j]>=pivot)
++= arr[j];
while(i<&& arr[i]<=pivot)
--= arr[i];
   arr[i] = pivot;
// end function
   var pivotpos = i; //Partition(arr,low,high);
   QuickSort(arr, low, pivotpos-1);
   QuickSort(arr, pivotpos
+1, high);
return arr;

1..i-1]和R[i..n](1≤i≤n-1)。该趟排序从当前无序区中选出关键字最小的记录R [k],将它与无序区的第1个记录R[i]交换,使R[1..i]和R[i+1..n]分别变为记录个数增加1个的新有序区和记录个数减少1个的新无序区。

function SelectSort(arr) { //选择排序->直接选择排序
  var st = new Date();
var temp;
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
var k = i;
for(var j=i+1; j<arr.length; j++) {
if((arr[j]) < (arr[k]))
= j;
if (k != i){
= arr[i];
= arr[k];
= temp;
= (new Date() - st) + ' ms';
return arr;

posted @ 2007-07-23 16:23 javaGrowing 阅读(496) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Dom + Javascript 在本机浏览器中对的表格数据进行排序

1- 响应时间延迟,每次排序都要向服务器端发送请求,等待结果返回,同时增加网络负载。
2- 编程复杂,可维护性差,而且客户端和服务器端代码耦合度很高,客户端和服务器端都要处理排序涉及的列名、排序方式,如果有分页和查询条件,都需要在客户端页面中保留,排序请求时重新传递到服务器端,当参数数量很多时极易出错。
3- 重用度很低,针对不同表格,很难抽象出一个公共程序来共用,需要逐个编写代码实现,增加工作量。
1 - 获得表格中要排序的数据,将其放入一个2维数组中。
2 - 对2维数组排序。
3 - 用排序后的数据重新更新表格。
利用浏览器支持的DOM(Document Object Model)和JavaScript即可实现上述目标。
 <table id="st" >
在javascript中,用var objTable = document.getElementById("st")就可得到表格对象,该对象在DOM中定义为一个Element。
然 后用 var objRows = objTable.getElementsByTagName("tr")得到该表格中全部的行对象,ObjRows.length返回该表格行数; var rowi = objRows[i].getElementsByTagName("td")得到第i行的全部<td>节点,i从0开始计数, rowi.item(j)则可得到第i行,第j列的节点,该节点的innerHTML为该节点<td></td>之间的内容。
var rows = new Array(R);  //R为行数
for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++){
    rows[i] = new Array(C);    //C为列数
function compareCol(a,b){
    if (a[j] < b[j])
        return -1;
    if (a[j] > b[j])
        return 1;
   return 0;
用rows.sort (compareCol)就可实现根据j列值的大小对行进行排序。根据javascript文档,字符串比较大小是按照其Unicode编码的大小来比 较,对英文排序没有问题,对中文排序时就不是按通常的拼音排序,那需要javascript提供本地化支持,目前没有发现javascript此功能。该 功能在java中可用java.text.Collator实现。
 以上介绍了在本地对浏览器中的数据进行排序的主要思想, 为方便使用,将这些功能进行了封装,以javascript函数的提供,存放在sorttable.js文件中,在需要的页面中用<script type=text/javascript src='sorttable.js'></script>引入。
函数1 function sortTable(tableId,sortCol,compareType)
tableId    为<table id=''>中id的值,在同一个页面中要唯一。
sortCol    排序时用来比较大小的数据所在的列,从1开始计数。
compareType 排序时比较大小的方式,s-按字符串比较大小,n-按数字比较大小。
 函数2 function sortTableInRange(tableId,sortCol,compareType,startRow,endRow,startCol,endCol)
        tableId    为<table id=''>中id的值,在同一个页面中要唯一。
        sortCol    排序时用来比较大小的数据所在的列,从1开始计数。
        compareType 排序时比较大小的方式,s-按字符串比较大小,n-按数字比较大小。
        startRow,endRow 要排序区域开始和结束行号,从1开始计数。例如对第2行到第7行排序,startRow=2,endRow=7
        startCol,endCol  要排序区域开始和结束列号,从1开始计数。
1- 中文不能按拼音排序。
本函数已在IE6.0 ,FireFox1.01中运行通过。源代码和例子代码见后。
Danny Goodman with Michael Morrison   JavaScript Bible 5th  ,John Wiley and Sons  2004
David Flanagan  JavaScript The Definitive Guide 4th ,  O'Reilly  2001

 1 //=========================================================
 2  //
 3  //  在本机对浏览器页面表格中的数据行进行排序的javascript函数
 4  // 
 5  //  author William  QQ: 22967225
 6 //  create date 2005-12-2
 7  //  version 1.0
 8  //=========================================================
10  //column index for sort
11  var indexCol;
12  //比较函数,用于Array.sort()排序时比较用。
13  //本函数比较数组元素array1[indexCol]和元素array2[indexCol]Unicode值的大小
14  function arrayCompare(array1,array2){
15   //alert(array1.length+"--"+array1[indexCol]);
16   if (array1[indexCol] < array2[indexCol])
17    return -1;
18   if (array1[indexCol] > array2[indexCol])
19    return 1;
21   return 0;
23  }
24  //比较数组元素array1[indexCol]和元素array2[indexCol]的数值大小
25  function arrayCompareNumber(array1,array2){
27   if (parseInt(array1[indexCol]) < parseInt(array2[indexCol]))
28    return -1;
29   if (parseInt(array1[indexCol]) > parseInt(array2[indexCol]))
30    return 1;
32   return 0;
33  }
34  //与arrayCompare相反方式比较大小,用于倒序使用
35  function arrayCompareRev(array1,array2){
37   if (array1[indexCol] < array2[indexCol])
38    return 1;
39   if (array1[indexCol] > array2[indexCol])
40    return -1;
42   return 0;
44  }
45  //与arrayCompareNumber相反方式比较大小,用于倒序使用
46  function arrayCompareNumberRev(array1,array2){
47   if (parseInt(array1[indexCol]) < parseInt(array2[indexCol]))
48    return 1;
49   if (parseInt(array1[indexCol]) > parseInt(array2[indexCol]))
50    return -1;
52   return 0;
53  }
55  //define a 2-dimension array
56  function BiArray(rows,cols){
58   //simulate multidimension array
59   this.rows = rows;
60   this.cols = cols;
62   //construct array
63   var lines = new Array(rows);
64   for(var i = 0;i < lines.length; i++){
65    lines[i] = new Array(cols);
66   }

posted @ 2007-07-23 16:20 javaGrowing 阅读(436) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏