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The JCo utility cookbook

25 Aug 2005

The following utilities represent some useful tips and techniques for working with RFC/BAPI interfaces when developing with SAP's Java Connector, JCo. These truly are development utilities in the sense that their intent is to provide generic support for almost any programming effort that utilizes JCo to interface with SAP.

Although each one is fully functional "out of the box", I fully expect that you, as the developer, will tailor each to your own individual needs. In actuality, these tools are the ones that I am always searching for through my own development library every time I start a new JCo/SAP project. This checklist is meant to be an easy-to-use reference whenever you need one of these functions and can't quite remember which project/CD/source control system that utility is stored in.


Part 1: Writing an RFC structure to XML

25 Aug 2005

This utility takes any RFC/BAPI name as input and automatically generates an XML representation of the various parameters/structures/tables that make up the external interface to this function. This tool is very useful for generating a structured view of the RFC/BAPI that can readily be viewed in XML-capable browsers like Internet Explorer.

For example, viewing an XML document in Internet Explorer displays the nested interface structures that can be used as a drilldown to determine specific table, structure and field names. I have found this utility especially useful when, during the course of JCo development, I need to look up a specific field name and don't want to go through the hassle of logging onto SAP to do so.

This utility can also be used to generate XML structures that can be imported into other XML-based mapping tools. You can use this structure to pass data as an XML document to your JCo application. Of course, your JCo application is still responsible for parsing the XML and making the appropriate JCo calls.

import * ;


public   class  Rfc2Xml 

static   final  String[][] sapParams  =  
" client " " 000 "  } " user " " myUsername "  } ,

" passwd " " myPassword "  } " lang " " en "  } " ashost " " mySapHost "  } " sysnr " " 00 "  }  }

static   final  String filePath  =   " c:/dev/interface "

static   final  String interfaceName  =   " RFC_SYSTEM_INFO "


public   static   void  main(String[] args) 


            JCo.Client connection 

            IRepository repository 
=   new  JCo.Repository( " saprep "
, connection);

            JCo.Function function 



+   " .html "

+   " .xml "

" Output written to  "   +  filePath  +   " .html "

" Output written to  "   +  filePath  +   " .xml "

  catch  (Exception ex)  {





Part 2: Generating metadata for an RFC structure

25 Aug 2005

Metadata, what the heck do you mean by metadata? In this context, metadata simply refers to the structural definition of a specific RFC. This includes the parameters, structures, and tables required to call the RFC as well as the fields included within each.

Often, I find it useful to be able to automatically generate an object-based structure for an RFC interface. This means that, unlike an XML or plain text view, the object structure of the RFC can easily be used to create other formats or views of the structure. By modifying this utility you could (for example) output a Java bean interface, an MQ message format, or even an XML document type definition for any RFC/BAPI interface in SAP. In order to keep things simple, the included source code generates and displays a plain text view of any RFC you care to specify.

Note that the output formatting in the formatRfc() method is pretty clumsy and would normally be replaced with something more elegant. The intent was to create human-readable output of the RFC interface in a plaintext file.



import *


public   class  RetrieveRFC 

static   final  String[][] sapParams  =  
{ " client " " 000 " } { " user " " myUsername " }

{ " passwd " " myPassword " } { " lang " " en " } { " ashost " " mySapHost " } { " sysnr " " 00 " } }

static   final  String interfaceName  =   " RFC_SYSTEM_INFO "

static   final  String filePath  =   " c:/dev/interface.rfc "

public   static   void  main(String[] args) 


   JCo.Client connection 


   IRepository repository 
=   new  JCo.Repository( " SAPRep "
, connection); 

   JCo.Function interfaceFunction 




   JCo.Function structFunction 


   JCo.Table interfaceTab 
=  interfaceFunction.getTableParameterList().getTable( " PARAMS "

   JCo.Table structTab; 

      FileWriter out 
=   new  FileWriter(filePath,  false

" Type "   +   " /t/t/t "

" Name "   +   " /t/t/t/t/t "

" Description "   +   " /t/t/t/t "

" /n "

while  (interfaceTab.nextRow()) 



=  structFunction.getTableParameterList().getTable( " FIELDS "

  formatRFC(interfaceTab, structTab, out); 



  catch  (Exception ex)  {ex.printStackTrace();}  

" Output written to  "   +


private   static   void  formatRFC(JCo.Table interfaceTab, JCo.Table structTab, FileWriter out) 


if  ( " I " .equals((String)interfaceTab.getValue( " PARAMCLASS " ))) 

" Parameter "   +   " /t/t "   +


if  (((String)interfaceTab.getValue( " PARAMETER " )).length()  <   18

" /t/t/t "


" /t/t "

" PARAMTEXT " +   " /t/t/t "

" /n "


if  ( " T " .equals((String)interfaceTab.getValue( " PARAMCLASS " ))  ||

" E " .equals((String)interfaceTab.getValue( " PARAMCLASS " ))) 

if  ( " T " .equals((String)interfaceTab.getValue( " PARAMCLASS "

" Table/t/t/t "   +  (String)interfaceTab.getValue( " PARAMETER "


" Structure/t/t "   +  (String)interfaceTab.getValue( " PARAMETER "

if  (((String)interfaceTab.getValue( " PARAMETER " )).length()  <   18

" /t/t/t "


" /t/t "

" PARAMTEXT " +   " /n "

while  (structTab.nextRow()) 

" Field/t/t/t "   +  (String) structTab.getValue( " FIELDNAME " +   " /n "



" /n "

  catch  (Exception ex)  {ex.printStackTrace();}  




The key to this utility is the use of two specific RFCs that allow the application to retrieve both function module and structure definitions. The first step is to pass the name of the RFC/BAPI to RFC_GET_FUNCTION_INTERFACE. This retrieves a list of all parameters, structures, and tables used for this interface. The next step is to call RFC_GET_STRUCTURE_DEFINITION for each table and structure in the RFC/BAPI. This will return a list of the fields and proper fieldnames that comprise a given structure or table. Once the structure definitions have been retrieved, the application then writes them out in the specified (in this case, plain text) format.

Part 3: Load testing SAP with JCo

25 Aug 2005

This utility provides a very simple load testing application. Load testing SAP using RFC connections gives you a good idea of how SAP would perform under a specific load by your application. The code itself is a multi-threaded utility that allows you to specify the number of threads (connections) that you want to test SAP with. After creation, each thread creates a connection to SAP then enters an infinite loop, with each loop executing a single RFC call to SAP.


import *

public   class  SAPLoadTest  extends  Thread 

static   final  String[][] sapParams  =  
" client " " 000 "  }

" user " " myUsername "  } " passwd " " myPassword "  } " lang " " en "  }

" ashost " " mySapHost "  } " sysnr " " 00 "  }  }

static   final   int  maxConnections  =   100 // Number of threads 

static   int  count  =   0

static   int  maxThread  =   0

 JCo.Function function; 


public  SAPLoadTest() 

super ( ""   +   ++



public   void  run() 

        JCo.Client threadConn 
=   null




  catch  (Exception pEx) 



for  ( int  i  =   0 true ; i ++



if  (maxThread  <   new  Integer(getName()).intValue()) 

=   new



  catch  (Exception ex) 





public   static   void  main(String[] args) 

        JCo.Client connection 


        IRepository repository 
=   new  JCo.Repository( " SAPRep "
, connection); 

        IFunctionTemplate functionTempl 




for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  maxConnections; i ++






Bear in mind, any create/update RFC/BAPI will continue to modify the system until the application is manually terminated.

Part 4: Creating a serialized RFC interface

25 Aug 2005

Throughout the course of a development effort there are always times in which I want to test my JCo application but do not have live (online) access to an SAP system. I may be working from home, on a different customer site, or just experiencing a planned SAP outage, but not having SAP to run JCo makes the application pretty useless.

The quickest way to remedy this is to build the ability to use serialized RFC interfaces into your application. In Java, you can create serialized Java objects, whereby the full state of the object is written to the filesystem and can be re-read and re-used whenever necessary. In this case, I create and save a serialized RFC from a live SAP system, then reuse the serialized interface whenever I need to test the application.

The included application demonstrates how to create the serialized interface, then disconnect from SAP and use the serialized JCo function object as if it was STILL connected to an online SAP system.


import *  ; 

import *


public   class  SerializeRFC 

static   final  String[][] sapParams  =  
{ " client " " 000 " } { " user " " myUsername " }

{ " passwd " " myPassword " } { " lang " " EN " } { " ashost " " mySapHost " } { " sysnr " " 00 " } }

static   final  String filePath  =   " c:/dev/JCofunction.ser "

static   final  String interfaceName  =   " RFC_SYSTEM_INFO "

public   static   void  getInterface() 

  File fileOut 
=   new


" Serializing online RFC function.. "

   JCo.Client connection 

   IRepository repository 
=   new  JCo.Repository( " saprep "
, connection); 

   JCo.Function function 



   ObjectOutputStream functionOut 
=   new  ObjectOutputStream( new



  catch  (Exception ex) 




private   static  JCo.Function retrieveInterface() 

// Retrieve serialized RFC interface 

  ObjectInputStream functionIn 
=   null

  JCo.Function function 
=   null


   File fileIn 
=   new

" Retrieving offline RFC function "

=   new  ObjectInputStream( new

 (JCo.Function) functionIn.readObject(); 

  catch  (Exception ex)





public   static   void  executeTestCase() 

// Fake test case 

  JCo.Function function 
=  retrieveInterface(); 

" Executing test case for RFC System application "

  JCo.Structure expStruct 
=  function.getExportParameterList().getStructure( " RFCSI_EXPORT "

if  (expStruct.getValue( " RFCHOST " ).equals( " mySapHost "

" Test successful "


" Test failed "


public   static   void  main(String[] args) 






Conclusion and more resources

25 Aug 2005

Ultimately, the message is: "Please plagiarize this code!" Hopefully, it will be a good reference for you any time you need to kick-start a JCo/SAP development effort. These simple utilities could form the basis of your development toolkit or can be used to supplement an existing toolkit. Over time, you will likely discover your own useful JCo tools and techniques and add these to your development toolkit. Feel free to e-mail me with any useful modifications or new JCo utilities. I am always looking for new recipes to add to my own JCo cookbook!

posted on 2006-03-22 10:49 javaGrowing 阅读(924) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: sap

