
how to deal with the Frame when using sitemesh

  1. install the sitemesh described in the above article.
  2. To be able to specify which mappers will be applied to a request, create the file [web-app]/WEB-INF/sitemesh.xml that contains the following:

        <property name="decorators-file" value="/WEB-INF/decorators.xml" />
        <excludes file="${decorators-file}" />
            <parser content-type="text/html"
                class="com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.parser.FastPageParser" />
            <parser content-type="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1"
                class="com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.parser.FastPageParser" />
            <mapper class="com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.mapper.ConfigDecoratorMapper">
                <param name="config" value="${decorators-file}" />

    in this example, the only mapper that will be applied is the ConfigDecoratorMapper, and that will only be applied to responses of type text/html or text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1. Responses of any other content type (eg image/gif) will be ignored by Sitemesh. Additionally, any files that match a pattern specified in the excludes file (in this case '/WEB-INF/decorators.xml') will not be touched by Sitemesh.

  3. The excludes file points to an XML file that contains an <excludes /> block similar to the following: add the following code in your decorators.xml

    <decorators defaultdir="/decorators">
     <decorator name="main" page="main.jsp">

posted on 2006-04-13 23:46 junhong 阅读(1080) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

