Inside Solr (1) - Solr Cache
摘要: This article is to explain how solr cache works
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2008-11-11 15:05 Justin Chen 阅读(1716) |
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Create Restful Web Service With CXF 2.1.X/CXF 2.2, Part 1: Create a service in Tomcat
摘要: The first article of a series of implementing Restful web service with CXF. This one focus on a very simple service and how to config it in Tomcat container.
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2008-11-05 18:24 Justin Chen 阅读(3504) |
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Creating Restful Web Service instead of SOAP web service
摘要: This message gives us a brief introduction on Restful web service (All of these information comes from internet and i just re-organized them) and some thoughts on how can we apply this new architecture pattern into our common service services.
posted @
2008-11-05 10:43 Justin Chen 阅读(2095) |
评论 (3) 编辑