摘要: 本文讨论了实际工作中单元测试实践和测试驱动开发的感受和困惑,并试图通过研究业界实践来回答如下问题:为什么要进行单元测试,对谁进行单元测试,怎么进行单元测试。
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2010-07-13 17:34 Justin Chen 阅读(2889) |
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摘要: Java Memory Management is one of the most important Java Core Techniques. It is worth for every developer to spend some time to learn how it works. It is also a very interesting topic. I try to provide an overview on Java Memory Management, so, some detailed are omitted in the slides, please see detailed by the Reference Links in the last page.
posted @
2009-03-26 09:47 Justin Chen 阅读(4690) |
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