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The root element of the WebLogic application deployment descriptor.
The WebLogic application deployment descriptor is named
weblogic-application.xml and must be located inside the META-INF
directory of an ear file.
<!ELEMENT weblogic-application (

The ejb element contains information that is specific to the EJB
modules that are part of a WebLogic application.  Currently, one can
use the ejb element to specify one or more application level caches
that can be used by the application's entity beans.

Used in: weblogic-application
<!ELEMENT ejb (entity-cache*, start-mdbs-with-application?)>

The entity-cache element is used to define a named application level
cache that will be used to cache entity EJB instances at runtime.
Individual entity beans refer to the application level cache that they
want to use using the cache's name.  There is no restriction on the
number of different entity beans that may reference an individual

Application level caching is used by default whenever an entity bean
doesn't specify its own cache in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor.
Two default caches with names, 'ExclusiveCache' and 'MultiVersionCache'
are used for this purpose.  An application may explicitly define these
default caches if it wants to specify non-default values for
their settings.  Note, however, that the caching-strategy cannot be
changed for the default caches.

By default, a cache uses max-beans-in-cache with a value of 1000 to
specify its maximum size.

Used in: ejb

<!ELEMENT entity-cache (   
    (max-beans-in-cache | max-cache-size)?,

The caching-strategy element specifies the general strategy that the
EJB container uses to manage entity bean instances in a particular
application level cache.  A cache buffers entity bean instances in
memory and associates them with their primary key value.

The caching-strategy element can have one of the following values:

  - Exclusive: An 'Exclusive' cache caches a single bean instance in
               memory for each primary key value.  This unique
               instance is typically locked using the EJB container's
               exclusive locking when it is in use, so that only one
               transaction can use the instance at a time.

  - MultiVersion: A 'MultiVersion' cache caches multiple bean
                  instances in memory for a given primary key value.
                  Each instance can be used by a different transaction

Used in: entity-cache

Default value: MultiVersion

<!ELEMENT caching-strategy (#PCDATA)>

The entity-cache-name element specifies a unique name for an entity
bean cache.  The name must be unique within an ear file and may not
be the empty string.

Used in: entity-cache

<!ELEMENT entity-cache-name (#PCDATA)>

Maximum number of entity beans that are allowed in the cache.  If the
limit is reached, beans may be passivated. This mechanism does not take into
account the actual ammount of memory that different entity beans require.

Used in: entity-cache

Default value: 1000
<!ELEMENT max-beans-in-cache (#PCDATA)>

The max-cache-size element is used to specify a limit on the size of
an entity cache in terms of memory size, expressed either in terms of
bytes or megabytes.  A bean provider should provide an estimate of the
average size of a bean in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor if the
bean uses a cache that specifies its maximum size using the
max-cache-size element.  By default, a bean is assumed to have an
average size of 100 bytes.

Used in: entity-cache
<!ELEMENT max-cache-size (bytes|megabytes)>

The bytes element is used to specify the maximum size of an
application level entity cache in bytes. 

Used in: max-cache-size

<!ELEMENT bytes (#PCDATA)>

The megabytes element is used to specify the maximum size of an entity
bean cache in megabytes.

Used in: max-cache-size
<!ELEMENT megabytes (#PCDATA)>

xml element contains information about parsers, and entity mappings
for xml processing that is specific to this application.
<!ELEMENT xml (

  The parser-factory element is used to configure factory classes
  for both SAX and DOM style parsing and for XSLT transformations
  for the enterprise application


<!ELEMENT parser-factory (

This allows user to configure ejb container to start mdbs with
application.  If set to "true", container starts mdbs as part of
application.  If set to "false" container keeps mdbs in a queue and
server will start them as soon as it started listening on ports.


<!ELEMENT start-mdbs-with-application (#PCDATA)>

This element allows the user to set the SAXParser Factory for the xml
parsing required in this application only.  This element determines
what factory to be used for SAX style parsing.  If this element is not
specified then, the one configured in the Server XMLRegistry will take
into effect.

Default value: Server XML Registry setting.
<!ELEMENT saxparser-factory (#PCDATA)>

This element allows the user to set the Document Builder Factory for
the xml parsing required in this application only.  This element
determines what factory to be used for DOM style parsing.  If this
element is not specified then, the one configured in the Server
XMLRegistry will take into effect.

Default value: Server XML Registry setting.
<!ELEMENT document-builder-factory (#PCDATA)>

This element allows the user to set the Transformer Engine for the
style sheet processing required in this application only.  If this
element is not specified then, the one configured in the Server
XMLRegistry will take into effect.

Default value: Server XML Registry setting.
<!ELEMENT transformer-factory (#PCDATA)>

This element is used to specify entity mapping.  This mapping
determines alternative entityuri for given public / system id.
Default place to look for these entityuri is "lib/xml/registry"
<!ELEMENT entity-mapping (

This element specifies the name for this entity mapping.
<!ELEMENT entity-mapping-name (#PCDATA)>

This element specifies the public id of the mapped entity.
<!ELEMENT public-id (#PCDATA)>

This element specifies the system id of the mapped entity.
<!ELEMENT system-id (#PCDATA)>

This element specifies the entityuri for the mapped entity.
<!ELEMENT entity-uri (#PCDATA)>

This element specifies the  when-to-cache for the mapped entity.
<!ELEMENT when-to-cache (#PCDATA)>

This element specifies cache time out interval  for the mapped entity.
<!ELEMENT cache-timeout-interval (#PCDATA)>

  The jdbc-connection-pool element is the root element for an
  application scoped JDBC pool declaration.
<!ELEMENT jdbc-connection-pool (

Defines initialization parameters for a connection factory which is
used to construct connection pools.
<!ELEMENT connection-factory (factory-name?, connection-properties?)>

The name of a JDBCDataSourceFactoryMBean in config.xml
<!ELEMENT factory-name (#PCDATA)>

The connection params define overrides for default connection factory
<!ELEMENT connection-properties (

  The connection-params element is used to set parameters which will be
  passed to the driver when making a connection.


<!ELEMENT connection-params (parameter*)>
<!ELEMENT parameter (description?, param-name, param-value)>

user-name is an optional element which is used to override UserName in
the JDBCDataSourceFactoryMBean.
<!ELEMENT user-name (#PCDATA)>

password is an optional element which is used to override Password in
the JDBCDataSourceFactoryMBean.
<!ELEMENT password (#PCDATA)>

url is an optional element which is used to override URL in the

driver-class-name is an optional element which is used to override
DriverName in the JDBCDataSourceFactoryMBean
<!ELEMENT driver-class-name (#PCDATA)>

The pool-params element defines parameters that affect the behavior of
the pool
<!ELEMENT pool-params (

the driver params are used to set behavior on weblogic drivers
<!ELEMENT driver-params (

The size-params element defines parameters that affect the number of
connections in the pool
<!ELEMENT size-params (

<!-- A JNDI name in the application specific JNDI tree -->
<!ELEMENT data-source-name (#PCDATA)>

<!-- params for XA data sources -->
<!ELEMENT xa-params (

<!-- These are all translated from JDBCConnectionPoolMBean -->


  Sets the Debug Level for XA Drivers

  Default value: 0

  Used in: xa-params


  Since: WLS 7.0

<!ELEMENT debug-level (#PCDATA)>


  Determines whether the XA connection pool associates the same XA
  connection with the distributed transaction until the transaction
  completes.  This property applies to XA connection pools only, and
  is ignored for non-XA driver.  Its intention is to workaround
  specific problems with third party vendor's XA driver.

  Default value: false
  Used in: xa-params
  Since: WLS 7.0
<!ELEMENT keep-conn-until-tx-complete-enabled (#PCDATA)>


  Determines whether XAResource.end() will be called only once for
  each pending XAResource.start().  e.g. the XA driver will not be
  called XAResource.end(TMSUSPEND), XAResource.end(TMSUCCESS)

  This property applies to XA connection pools only, and is ignored
  for non-XA driver.  Its intention is to workaround specific
  problems with third party vendor's XA driver.

  Default value: false
  Used in: xa-params

  Since: WLS 7.0

<!ELEMENT end-only-once-enabled (#PCDATA)>


  Declares whether JTA TM should call recover on the resource once
  This property applies to XA connection pools only, and is ignored
  for non-XA driver.  Its intention is to workaround specific problems
  with third party vendor's XA driver.

  Default value: false
  Used in: xa-params

  Since: WLS 7.0

<!ELEMENT recover-only-once-enabled (#PCDATA)>


  Defines whether the XA driver requires a distributed transaction
  context when closing various JDBC objects, e.g. result sets,
  statements, connections etc.  If it is specified to true, SQL
  exceptions that are thrown while closing the JDBC objects in no
  transaction context will be swallowed.  This property applies to XA
  connection pools only, and is ignored for non-XA driver.  Its
  intention is to workaround specific problems with third party
  vendor's XA driver.

  Default value: false
  Used in: xa-params
  Since: WLS 7.0

<!ELEMENT tx-context-on-close-needed (#PCDATA)>


  Defines whether a dedicated XA connection is used for
  commit/rollback processing of a particular distributed transaction.
  This property applies to XA connection pools only, and is ignored
  for non-XA driver.  Its intention is to workaround specific
  problems with third party vendor's XA driver.

  Default value: false
  Used in: xa-params
  Since: WLS 7.0

<!ELEMENT new-conn-for-commit-enabled (#PCDATA)>

  DEPRECATED: The prepared-statement-cache-size element is DEPRECATED.
  Use the cache-size tag in driver-params/prepared-statement instead.
  For example:

  The maximum number of prepared statements cached by this particular
  XA connection pool.  If the value is 0, caching is turned off.

  This property applies to XA connection pools only, and is ignored
  for non-XA driver. 

  Default value: 0
  Used in: xa-params

  Since: WLS 7.0

<!ELEMENT prepared-statement-cache-size (#PCDATA)>

  Default value:
  Used in: xa-params
  Since: WLS 7.0

<!ELEMENT keep-logical-conn-open-on-release (#PCDATA)>

  Default value:
  Used in: xa-params
  Since: WLS 7.0

<!ELEMENT local-transaction-supported (#PCDATA)>

  Default value:
  Used in: xa-params
  Since: WLS 7.0

<!ELEMENT resource-health-monitoring-enabled (#PCDATA)>

  Default value:
  Used in: xa-params
  Since: WLS 8.1

<!ELEMENT xa-set-transaction-timeout (#PCDATA)>

  When the xa-set-transaction-timeout value is set to true,
  the TM will invoke setTransactionTimeout on the resource before
  calling XAResource.start.  The TM will pass the global transaction
  timeout value.  If this attribute is set to a value greater than 0,
  then this value will be used in place of the global transaction timeout.

  Default value: 0
  Used in: xa-params
  Since: WLS 8.1

<!ELEMENT xa-transaction-timeout (#PCDATA)>

  When the rollback-localtx-upon-connclose element is true,
  WLS connection pool will call rollback() on the connection
  before putting it back in the pool.

  Default value: false
  Used in: xa-params
  Since: WLS 8.1

<!ELEMENT rollback-localtx-upon-connclose (#PCDATA)>

  Default value:
  Used in: driver-params
  Since: WLS 7.0

<!ELEMENT statement (profiling-enabled?)>

  Default value:
  Used in: driver-params
  Since: WLS 7.0

<!ELEMENT prepared-statement (

<!-- These are all translated from JDBCConnectionPoolMBean -->

   Controls row prefetching between a client and WebLogic
   Server for each ResultSet.  When an external client accesses
   a database using JDBC through Weblogic Server, row prefetching improves
   performance by fetching multiple rows from the server to the
   client in one server access.  WebLogic Server will ignore
   this setting and not use row prefetching when the client and
   WebLogic Server are in the same JVM.
<!ELEMENT row-prefetch-enabled (#PCDATA)>

   The number of result set rows to prefetch for a client. The optimal value
   depends on the particulars of the query.  In general, increasing
   this number will increase performance, until a particular value
   is reached.  At that point further increases do not result in any
   significant performance increase.  Very rarely will increased
   performance result from exceeding 100 rows.  The default value
   should be reasonable for most situations.
   The default for this setting is 48
   The range for this setting is 2 to 65536
<!ELEMENT row-prefetch-size (#PCDATA)>

  Data chunk size for steaming datatypes.  Streaming datatypes (for
  example resulting from a call to <code>getBinaryStream()</code>)
  will be pulled in StreamChunkSize sized chunks from WebLogic
  Server to the client as needed.
<!ELEMENT stream-chunk-size (#PCDATA)>

  Defines a login delay for connection requests. This is used to
  prevent rapid requests for JDBC connections from overwhelming
  the DBMS server.
<!ELEMENT login-delay-seconds (#PCDATA)>

  Defines how long to trust an idle pool connection without retesting it.
<!ELEMENT secs-to-trust-an-idle-pool-con (#PCDATA)>

  If set to true, the system will print exceptions to the log file
  when code using a connection pool fails to return the connection
  to the pool before dereferencing it.
<!ELEMENT leak-profiling-enabled (#PCDATA)>

  This is an internal setting
<!ELEMENT jdbcxa-debug-level (#PCDATA)>

  If set to true, connection will be removed from pool if application
  asks for the underlying vendor connection object.
<!ELEMENT remove-infected-connections-enabled (#PCDATA)>

The connection-check-params define whether, when and how connections
in a pool will be checked to make sure they are still alive.
<!ELEMENT connection-check-params (

<!-- table-name defines a table in the schema that can be queried -->
<!ELEMENT table-name (#PCDATA)>

<!-- init-sql defines a sql query that will run when a connection
is created  -->
<!ELEMENT init-sql (#PCDATA)>

If on-reserve is "true", then the connection will be tested each time
before its handed out to a user.
<!ELEMENT check-on-reserve-enabled (#PCDATA)>

If on-release is "true", then the connection will be tested each time
a user returns a connection to the pool.
<!ELEMENT check-on-release-enabled (#PCDATA)>

If on-create is "true", then the connection will be tested when it is
<!ELEMENT check-on-create-enabled (#PCDATA)>

Number of seconds after which the call to reserve a connection from the
pool will timeout.
<!ELEMENT connection-reserve-timeout-seconds (#PCDATA)>

The frequency of retry attempts by the pool to establish connections
to the database.
<!ELEMENT connection-creation-retry-frequency-seconds (#PCDATA)>

# seconds of inactivity after which reserved connections will forcibly
be released back into the pool.
<!ELEMENT inactive-connection-timeout-seconds (#PCDATA)>

The number of seconds between database connection tests. After every
test-frequency-seconds interval, unused database connections are tested
using table-name. Connections that do not pass the test will be closed
and reopened to re-establish a valid physical database connection. If
table-name is not set, the test will not be performed.
<!ELEMENT test-frequency-seconds (#PCDATA)>

If refresh-minutes is defined then a trigger will be fired
periodically (based on the number of minutes specified). This trigger
will check each connection in the pool to make sure it is still valid.
<!ELEMENT refresh-minutes (#PCDATA)>

  An integer value representing the initial size of the pool
<!ELEMENT initial-capacity (#PCDATA)>

  An integer value representing the maximum size of the pool
<!ELEMENT max-capacity (#PCDATA)>

  An integer value representing the number of connections that
  will be added to a pool when a request is made to a pool
  that has no available connections.
<!ELEMENT capacity-increment (#PCDATA)>
  This can be set to true|false. If set to true, then
  the pool having more than the initial capacity of
  connections will shrink back towards the initial size
  when connections become unused.
<!ELEMENT shrinking-enabled (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT shrink-period-minutes (#PCDATA)>
  Number of seconds to wait before shrinking a
  connection pool that has incrementally increased to meet demand.
<!ELEMENT shrink-frequency-seconds (#PCDATA)>
  defines the maximum number of threads that will wait for a connection
  before an exception is thrown to the requestor.
<!ELEMENT highest-num-waiters (#PCDATA)>
  defines the maximum number of connections being refreshed
<!ELEMENT highest-num-unavailable (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT profiling-enabled (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT cache-profiling-threshold (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT cache-size (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT cache-type (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT parameter-logging-enabled (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT max-parameter-length (#PCDATA)>

  DEPRECATED: The acl-name is deprecated
<!ELEMENT acl-name (#PCDATA)>

This element specifies security information for the application
<!ELEMENT security (realm-name?, security-role-assignment*)>

This element names a security realm that will be used by the
application. If no specified, then the system default realm will be
<!ELEMENT realm-name (#PCDATA)>

The security-role-assigment declares a mapping between an application wide
security role and one or more principals in the WebLogic server.


Used in: security
<!ELEMENT security-role-assignment (role-name, principal-name+)>

The role-name element contains the name of a security role.

Used in: security-role-assignment
<!ELEMENT role-name (#PCDATA)>

The principal-name element contains the name of a principal.

Used in: security-role-assignment
<!ELEMENT principal-name (#PCDATA)>

  The application-param element is used to specify untyped parameters that affect
  the behavior of container instances related to the application. Currently, the
  following parameters are supported:

  The following parameters in weblogic-application.xml can determine
  the default encoding to be used for both request and response.

  webapp.encoding.default - can be set to a string representing an
      encoding supported by the JDK. If set, this will define the
      default encoding used to process servlet requests and responses.
      This setting is ignored if webapp.encoding.usevmdefault is set
      to true. This value is also overridden for requests streams
      by the input-charset element of weblogic.xml and for response
      streams by the contentType header of the request.

  webapp.encoding.usevmdefault - can be set to true or false. If true,
      the system property file.encoding will be used to define the
      default encoding.

  The following parameter is used to affect the behavior of web applications
  that are contained in this application.

  webapp.getrealpath.accept_context_path - this is a compatibility
      switch which may be set to true or false. If set to true,
      then the context path of web applications is allowed in
      calls to the servlet api getRealPath.




<!ELEMENT application-param (description?, param-name, param-value)>

  A classloader-structure element allows you to define the organization
  of classloaders for this application. The declaration represents a
  tree structure which represents the classloader hierarchy and associates
  specific modules with particular nodes. A module's classes will be
  loaded by the classloader that its associated with in this structure.


In this example, the classloader structure would look like the following

    |root classloader    |
    | ejb1 classes and   |
    | ejb2 classes       |
    |                    |
    |child classloader   |
    | ejb3 classes       |
    |                    |
This allows for arbitrary nestings, however, for this version the depth
is restricted to three levels.


<!ELEMENT classloader-structure (module-ref*, classloader-structure*)>
<!ELEMENT module-ref (module-uri)>
<!ELEMENT module-uri (#PCDATA)>

  The listener element is used to register user defined application lifecycle
  listeners. These are classes that extend the abstract base class
  weblogic.application.ApplicationLifecycleListener. The listener-class
  element is the name of the users implementation of ApplicationLifecycleListener.
  The listener-uri is a jar file within the ear which contains the implementation.
  If the listener-uri is not specified, then its assumed that the class is
  visible to the application.


<!ELEMENT listener (listener-class, listener-uri?)>
<!ELEMENT listener-class (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT listener-uri (#PCDATA)>

  The startup element is used to register user defined startup classes.
  The startup-class element is used to define the name of the class
  intended to be run when the application is being deployed. The
  startup-uri element is used to define a jar file within the ear which
  contains the startup-class. If startup-uri is not defined, then
  its assumed that the class is visible to the application.


<!ELEMENT startup (startup-class, startup-uri?)>
<!ELEMENT startup-class (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT startup-uri (#PCDATA)>

  The shutdown element is used to register user defined shutdown classes.
  The shutdown-class element is used to define the name of the class
  intended to be run when the application is being undeployed. The
  shutdown-uri element is used to define a jar file within the ear which
  contains the shutdown-class. If shutdown-uri is not defined, then
  its assumed that the class is visible to the application.


<!ELEMENT shutdown (shutdown-class, shutdown-uri?)>
<!ELEMENT shutdown-class (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT shutdown-uri (#PCDATA)>

  The param-name is the name of a parameter that is passed to one
  of the application components.

  Used in: connection-params/parameter and application-param
<!ELEMENT param-name (#PCDATA)>

  The param-name is the value of a parameter that is passed to one
  of the application components.

  Used in: connection-params/parameter and application-param
<!ELEMENT param-value (#PCDATA)>

  The param-name is the description of a parameter that is passed to one
  of the application components.

  Used in: connection-params/parameter and application-param
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>


posted on 2005-05-19 10:49 笨笨 阅读(2701) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: J2EEALL

