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2018-11-18 16:56 Seraphi 阅读(153) |
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今天换了Macbook pro来写毕业论文,发现有一大堆中文相关的问题导致编译错误。经过一晚上的研究,终于解决。主要有以下要点:
1. 由于MacTex对CTex的支持并不如TexLive那么好,在用pkuthss 1.7.3模板写论文的时候,首先需要对pkuthss.cls文件进行修改:
需要将原来的\LoadClass[hyperref, cs4size, fntef, fancyhdr]{ctexbook}[2011/03/11]一行改为如下形式:
\LoadClass[fontset = windowsold,cs4size,UTF8,fancyhdr,hyperref,fntef,openany]{ctexbook}[2011/03/11]
2.在进行上述改动后,发现还是不行。提示simhei.ttf, simsong.ttc, simfang.ttf找不到。这个时候,需要将上述三种字体超链接到tex的目录下。
(2)将SimHei SimSong Fangsong三种字体超链接到上述目录。这三种字体可以在/Library/Fonts/Microsoft中找到,注意的是放到tex下时,文件名需要小写,黑体和仿宋后缀名为.ttf,宋体为.ttc
(3)sudo texhash
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2017-02-28 22:13 Seraphi 阅读(521) |
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I have successfully run your code after doing the following two steps:
Download GLPK from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/winglpk/files/latest/download (as mentioned by oyvind)
- Unzip it into (for example) :
Add GLPK binaries to your system path before running python C:\>set PATH=%PATH%;C:\glpk_is_here\glpk-4.55\w64
Using the same cmd window from (3), use python/ipython to run your code:
C:\>ipython your_code.py
See the results Out[4]: 2.0
Good luck.
posted @
2016-05-27 14:25 Seraphi 阅读(664) |
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