Posted on 2007-04-27 08:54
lixw 阅读(259)
评论(0) 编辑 收藏 所属分类:
1. 启动数据库
2. 停止数据库
3. 连接数据库
db2 connect to o_yd user db2 using pwd
4. 读数据库管理程序配置
db2 get dbm cfg
5. 写数据库管理程序配置
db2 update dbm cfg using 参数名 参数值
6. 读数据库的配置
db2 connect to o_yd user db2 using pwd
db2 get db cfg for o_yd
7. 写数据库的配置
db2 connect to o_yd user db2 using pwd
db2 update db cfg for o_yd using 参数名 参数值
8. 关闭所有应用连接
db2 force application all
db2 force application ID1,ID2,,,Idn MODE ASYNC
(db2 list application for db o_yd show detail)
9. 备份数据库
db2 force application all
db2 backup db o_yd to d:
(db2 initialize tape on \\.\tape0)
(db2 rewind tape on \\.\tape0)
db2 backup db o_yd to \\.\tape0
10. 恢复数据库
db2 restore db o_yd from d: to d:
db2 restore db o_yd from \\.\tape0 to d:
11. 绑定存储过程
db2 connect to o_yd user db2 using pwd
db2 bind c:\dfplus.bnd
12. 整理表
db2 connect to o_yd user db2 using pwd
db2 reorg table ydd
db2 runstats on table ydd with distribution and indexes all
13. 导出表数据
db2 export to c:\sw.txt of del select * from dftz
db2 export to c:\sw.ixf of ixf select * from dftz
14. 导入表数据
db2 import from c:\sw.txt of del insert into ylbx.czyxx
db2 import to c:\sw.txt of del commitcount 5000 messages c:\dftz.msg insert into dftz
db2 import to c:\dftz.ixf of ixf commitcount 5000 messages c:\dftz.msg insert into dftz
db2 import to c:\dftz.ixf of ixf commitcount 5000 insert into dftz
db2 import to c:\dftz.ixf of ixf commitcount 5000 insert_update into dftz
db2 import to c:\dftz.ixf of ixf commitcount 5000 replace into dftz
db2 import to c:\dftz.ixf of ixf commitcount 5000 create into dftz (仅IXF)
db2 import to c:\dftz.ixf of ixf commitcount 5000 replace_create into dftz (仅IXF)
15. 执行一个批处理文件
db2 –tf 批处理文件名
(文件中每一条命令用 ;结束)
16. 自动生成批处理文件
select 'runstats on table DB2.' || tabname || ' with distribution and detailed indexes all;' from syscat.tables where tabschema='DB2' and type='T';
db2 –tf temp.sql>runstats.sql
17. 自动生成建表(视图)语句
db2 connect to o_yd user db2 using pwd
db2look –d o_yd –u db2 –e –p –c c:\o_yd.txt
db2look -d lys -e -a -x -i db2admin -o c:\aa.txt
18. 其他命令
grant dbadm on database to user bb
19. select * from czyxx fetch first 1 rows only
20. db2look –d lys –u db2admin –w –asd –a –e –o c:\mytable.txt