advanced subquery

1 subquery: is a select statement embedded in other sql statement.
  .the subquery execute (inner query) once before the main query
  .the result of the subquery is used by the main query.
2 pairwise comarison subquery
 select * from employee
 where (manager_id,department_id) in
          (select manager_id,department_id
           from employees
           where employee_id in (178,174))
 and employee_id not in (178,174);
 nonpairwise comparison subquery
 select employee_id,manager_id,department_id
 from employee
 where manager_id in
                  (select manager_id
                   from employees
                   where employee id in (174,141))
 and department_id in
                   (select department_id
                    from employees
                    where employee_id in (174,141))
 and employ_id not in (174,141);
3 using a subquery in the from clause
  select a.last_name,a,salary,b.slaavg
  from employees a ,(select department_id,
                      avg(salary) salavg
                      from   employees
                      group by department_id) b
   where a.department_id=b.department_id
   and a.salary>b.salavg;
4 scalar subquery expressions
  . a scalar subquery expression is a subquery that return exactly on column value from one row
  . in oracle8i scalar subqueries can be used in condition and expression part and all clause.
 1) sclaar subqueries in casse expression
   select employee_id ,last_name,
    when department_id=
          (select department_id from departments
          where location_id=1800)
    then 'canada'
    else 'usa'
   end) location
 from employees
   2)scalar subqueries in order by clasue
   select employee_id,last_name
   from employees e
   order by (select department_name
             from departments d
             where e.department_id=d.department);
4 correlated subqueries
   the wubquery references a column form a table in the parment query
   select column1,solumn2....
   from table1 outer
   where column1 operator
                         (select column1,column2
                          from table2
                          where expr1=out.expr2);
  e.g 1
   select last_name,salary,department_id
   from employees outer
   where salary>
               (select avg(salary)
                from employees
                where department_id=
   e.g 2
    display details of those employees who have switched jobs at lease twice
    select e.employee_id,last_name,e.job_id
    from employees e
    where 2<=(select count(*)
              from job_history
              where employee_id=e.employee_id);
6 using the exists operator
  . the exists operator tests for existencee of rows in the results set of the subquery
  . if a subquery row value id found:
     the search does not continue in the inner query
     the condition is flagged true
  .if a subquery row value is not fount
     the condition is flagged fasle
     the search continues in the inner query
    find employees who have at least one person reporting to them
    select employee_id,last_name,job_id,department_id
    from employees outer
    where exists (select count(*)
                 from employees
                 where manager_id=outer.employee_id);
  not exist.
7 corelated update
    use a correlated subquery to update rows in on table based on rows from another table
    --denormalize the employees table by adding a column to store the department name
    alter table employees
    add(department_name varchar2(14));
   --populate the table by using a correlated update
    update employees e
    set department_name=
                       (select department_name
                        from departments d
                        where e.departmentid=d.department);
8 correlated delete
    delete test1 t1
    where ster_id in(select ster_id form sales t2 where t.ster_id=t2.ster_id); 
9 using the with clause ,you can use the same query block in a a select statement when it cocurs more than once within a complex query
  the with clause retrieves the results of a query block and stores it in the user's the user's templary tablespace
  the with clause improves performance.
   dept_costs as(
    select d.department_name,sum(e.salary) as dept_total
    from employee e,departments d
    where e,department_id=d.department_id
    group by d.department_name),
   avg_cost as(
     select sum(dept_total)/count(*) as dept_avg
     from dept_cost)
  select *
  from dept_costs
  where dept_total>(select dept_avg
                    from afb_cost)
  order by department_name;

posted on 2006-10-11 14:43 康文 阅读(254) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 数据库












