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Module Configuration

Reference data

For existing clients in the system, an extra step to install the reference data of the module is required. Logged in as client admin, go to: General Setup > Enterprise > Enterprise module management. Select organization '*' and check the module Human Capital Management. Click on 'OK'. This will install the roles needed by the module.

This step is not necessary for new clients, as this reference data will be install at Initial Client Setup phase (performed by the System Administrator).

Background Process Activation

The module provides a background process that updates current data. It is highly recommended to run it on a daily basis. Openbravo provides a mean to schedule processes.As for that, logged as Client Admin, go to General Setup > Process Scheduling > Process Request and select the line where the 'Human Capital Management' process is selected. This record provides the recommended configuration, which makes the process run on a daily basis at 00:00. To keep the recommended configuration, without doing any change, click on the schedule process button. Make sure a green success message is displayed.

In General Setup > Process Scheduling > Process Monitor every process execution can be monitored.

Assign roles to users

Logged in as client admin, users can be created navigating to General Setup || Security || User . In the user roles tab, roles can be assigned to this users. Later on, once the employees are inserted in the system, each employee can be associated to a user. This way, the employee can access the system with his/her own user and see their personal information.

Example: Creation of a user for an employee called Peter:

  • Go to General Setup > Security > User
  • Fill mandatory fields and set a password.
  • Select Peter as business partner. Notice that this step can only be done after the employees are inserted in the system (explained below)
  • Go to User Roles and enter a new record for Employee role.
  • Now Peter can log in in the application with the username and password provided. He will only have access to his own information in the employee self service tab.

Example: Creation of a user for a manager called Mary:

  • Go to General Setup > Security > User
  • Fill mandatory fields and set a password.
  • Select Mary as business partner. Notice that this step can only be done after the employees are inserted in the system (explained below)
  • Go to User Roles and enter a new record for Manager role.
  • Now Mary can log in in the application with the username and password provided. She will have access to her own information in the employee self service tab. She will also have access to the window employee (manager view) where the information of the employees reporting to her can be seen. Notice that Mary has to be the current manager of at least one team. she will see the information of the employees associated to those teams.

posted on 2011-01-02 13:59 Ke 阅读(360) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Openbravo

