When you register the module, fill in the fields as follows:
- 从Module Type列表,选Module.
- 在Name字段,输入Java package name of the translation, using the correct naming convention.
- Complete the Description and Help fields, using the language that you are translating into.
- Select the Is translation module option.
- Clear the Has reference data, Translation required and Has chart of accounts options.
- Select the In development option. Remember that you cannot work on a module unless the In development option is selected.
- From the Module language menu, select the translation language. For example if you are translating into Czech, select Czech from the list.
- On the Dependencies tab, specify the module you are
translating as the dependent module. For example if you are translating
the Core module, select Core as the dependent module.
When you click Register Module you will be asked to supply your username and password for the Openbravo Forge
When you have registered the module, the next stage is to export the database to create the necessary module folders.
- 执行下列命令:
ant export.database
- Exporting the database creates a new subfolder within the Modules folder. The new folder has the same name as the java package of the translation module, for example modules/org.openbravo.translation.es_ES.
- Within the Modules folder, manually create a subfolder called referencedata. You must use this exact name, note that it is all lower case and has no spaces.
- Within the referencedata folder, create another subfolder called translation.
- Within the 'translation folder create another folder for
the translation, using the xx_YY language / country code naming
convention. For example en_US for US English.
- Place the translated .xml files within the folder for its respective language.
You can now translate the .xml files using your preferred editor.
When you have finished translating, copy them into the translation
subfolder you have already created.
To package the module, 执行下列命令 ant package.module -Dmodule=modulename, where modulename is the Java package name of the module.
posted on 2011-02-20 14:19
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