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        IBAN码:也就是The International Bank Account Number,国际银行帐户号码,由欧洲银行标准委员会按照其标准制定的一个银行帐户号码。

(2)解决导出CSV文件中文乱码(CSV Text Encoding=GBK)

Configuring export parameters in your Openbravo environment

You can change the decimal separator, the field separator, and the encoding of the file you get when you use the Export to Spreadsheet functionality in Openbravo if you need them to be different from the default values.

This is done via preferences. After logging in to Openbravo, go to the Preference window and do the following:

  • If you want to change the decimal separator: create a new record. Select the "CSV Decimal Separator" in the "Property" field. In the "value" field, type your selected decimal separator (for example, the comma character (,), or the decimal point (.)). Save the record.
  • If you want to change the field separator: create a new record. Select the "CSV Field Separator" in the "Property" field. In the "value" field, type your selected field separator. Save the record.
  • If you want to change the file encoding: create a new record. Select the "CSV Text Encoding" field in the "Property" field. In the "value" field, type the selected file encoding (for example, UTF-8 should work in most non-Windows non-Excel environments). Save the record.

After creating the preference (or preferences), log out of the application. Log in again, and try the Export to Spreadsheet functionality, to see the results.

(3) Create Shipment from orders 提示库存不足

检查Order所在的Org,其Warehouse Tab没有配置相应的Warehouse


(4)Quotation无法转换成Sale Order

Document Type中的Quotation项目必须指定Document Type For Order

the "Quotation" document type requires a sales order document type (i.e. Standard Order) to be defined as "Document Type for Order" to allow the conversion of a sales quotation into a sales order.

(5)There are three ways of accounting in Openbravo:

  • To manually post each document by using the process button "Post".
    The process button "Post" can be found in the window used to create a given document. For instance a purchase invoice is created and therefore could be posted in the Purchase Invoice window.
    • This button is shown for accounting users if the Attribute "ShowAcct" is visible for them. This configuration is enabled through a Preference.
  • To manually post all the documents/transactions related to a given database table for instance the table "Invoices", by using the process GL posting by DB Tables
  • or to automatically post accounting transactions of any type by scheduling the "Accounting Server Process" in the Process Request window. 

 (6) Payment Status

To better understand the configuration of the payment method, it is also necessary to understand the payment status related to the process steps.

During the whole Payment Cycle, the payment is defined by one status so the user knows the last step of the process that took place and the following step that should take place.

In the following explanation and diagram below, the different Payment Statuses are explained.

  • Awaiting Payment: This status appears when a Receipt/Payment has been created in either the Payment In window or in the Payment Out window, but it has no details of what it is going to be received or paid.
  • Awaiting Execution: This status appears when the Receipt/Payment has been created and processed and there is an automated execution process to be executed.
    This is an optional status which will be skipped if:
    • the Payment Method is Manual
    • or if the Payment Method is Automatic and it is not set as "Deferred".
  • Payment Received/Made: This status appears when the Receipt/Payment has been completed and processed.
  • Deposited/Withdrawn not Cleared: This status appears when the Receipt/Payment has been added to the Financial Account screen, therefore the corresponding Deposit/Withdrawal transaction has been created in the Financial Account.
  • Payment Cleared: This status appears when the Deposit/Witdrawal reconciliation has been executed. 

posted on 2012-11-09 10:09 Ke 阅读(476) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Openbravo

