How to create a Table
The new table must include the
Updated and
UpdatedBy fields that are
mandatory and required for security and auditory purposes of the application.
Each table must have at least one column marked as an identifier. The actual values of identifier columns later get concatenated to be shown to the user as a representation of a particular record (see the link to the Sales Order within the Sales Invoice window). These identifiers will also be used to construct dropdown lists of records of that particular table. By default all columns with column name
Name are set as an identifier. In case there is no column with this
Name, no identifier is set and needs to be done so manually or compilation will fail.
NOTE: The columns that are named line or seqNo are used to contain the sequence number of a record (i.e. the number of a line in an invoice). They take a default value like: @SQL=SELECT COALESCE(MAX(ColumnName),0)+10 AS DefaultValue FROM TableName WHERE xxParentColumn=@xxParentColumn@
The WHERE part of this clause needs to be replaced with the required values. The code that should appear here is the name of the column which links with the id of the parent one. For example, each record of the C_InvoiceLine belongs to a particular C_Invoice record and they are all sequenced. C_Invoice is the parent table for the lines saved in C_InvoiceLine. This table has a column named line and the default value that it takes is:
How to add Columns to a Table
These changes can be done in two different locations:
- Add columns to the original module (dbprefix HT)
- Create a second module (dbprefix HT2) which adds the columns to the first module
The first option can be chosen if the original module author wants to
add more columns to his/her module. The second option is possible for
anyone as the columns are added by a new module to the existing one
which is not changed directly.
The main difference between these two methods is the names which
need to be chosen for the columns to comply with the modularity naming
- Adding column to same module: Any valid column name can be picked
- Via second module: New column name must comply to the pattern EM_<DBPREFIX>_ where <DBPREFIX> must be the dbprefix if the new module contaning the column to be added. In this example: EM_HT2_
How to add a Constraint
In the Application Dictionary || Message window create a new record using the following details:
- Module Openbravo Howtos 2 as this is the module containing the constraint also.
- Search key: The search key must be exactly the same as the constraint's one, in this case em_ht2_ht_salary_dates_chk as this is the link between the constraint and the message.
- Message type: Depending on the type the UI for the message box will be different (green for success, yellow for warning...), in our case we want a red error message box, so we select Error.
- Message text: It is the user friendly message that will be displayed inside the message box. So let's enter: The Valid To date may not be before the Valid From date.
Creating a new instance of a Business Object
A business object may never be created using the Java new operator. All business objects should be created using the OBProvider factory class: // create the object through the factory final Category bpg = OBProvider.getInstance().get(Category.class);
Hibernate will detect that a business object is new when:
- the id of the business object is not set
- when the flag newOBObject is set to true explicitly
So if you want to create a new business object with a specific id (by calling setId(...)) then you explicitly need to call businessObject.setNewOBObject(true). Otherwise, Hibernate will throw an exception ('count of batch update operation....').
posted on 2013-05-03 09:23
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