这个包的说明是:Support for styling values as Strings, with ToStringCreator as central class.
int[] integers = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
String str = new ToStringCreator(integers).toString();
assertEquals("[@" + ObjectUtils.getIdentityHexString(integers) + " array<Integer>[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]]", str);
int [] a={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
System.out.println(new ToStringCreator(a).toString());
[@18558d2 array<Integer>[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]

public interface ToStringStyler {
* Style a <code>toString()</code>'ed object before its fields are styled.
* @param buffer the buffer to print to
* @param obj the object to style
void styleStart(StringBuffer buffer, Object obj);
* Style a <code>toString()</code>'ed object after it's fields are styled.
* @param buffer the buffer to print to
* @param obj the object to style
void styleEnd(StringBuffer buffer, Object obj);
* Style a field value as a string.
* @param buffer the buffer to print to
* @param fieldName the he name of the field
* @param value the field value
void styleField(StringBuffer buffer, String fieldName, Object value);
* Style the given value.
* @param buffer the buffer to print to
* @param value the field value
void styleValue(StringBuffer buffer, Object value);
* Style the field separator.
* @param buffer buffer to print to
void styleFieldSeparator(StringBuffer buffer);
这是典型的Template Method模式,而两个接口ToStringStyler、ValueStyler和它们的相应实现DefaultToStringStyler、DefaultValueStyler又是策略模式(Strategy)的应用体现。ValueStyler和DefaultValueStyler之间不仅仅是策略模式,同时也是visitor模式,请看DefaultValueStyler中一系列重载的visit方法,这些visit方法访问不同类型Value的内部结构并构造pretty格式的String返回,提供给ToStringStyler使用。
public ToStringCreator(Object obj, ToStringStyler styler) {
Assert.notNull(obj, "The object to be styled is required");
this.object = obj;
this.styler = (styler != null ? styler : DEFAULT_TO_STRING_STYLER);
//开始 this.styler.styleStart(this.buffer, this.object);
public ToStringCreator append(String fieldName, byte value) {
return append(fieldName, new Byte(value));

public String toString() {
//结束,并返回优美格式的String this.styler.styleEnd(this.buffer, this.object);
return this.buffer.toString();