Bindows Mozilla Support

Posted on 2006-10-14 16:21 killvin 阅读(199) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏
Version 1.01 on Bindows enhanced its Mozilla support considerably. At this point, the level of support is such that many complicated applications are available to Mozilla users. For example: now these can use our forum and the registration application.
We are dedicated to make Bindows work at least as well with Mozilla 1.4+ as it does with Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1. The Mozilla support is now integral part of Bindows and we will continue to develop, maintain and support it.
However, some issues are not solved yet and this document details them.

Known Issues
Web Services

We do not yet have a working SOAP web service client working with Mozilla. Mozilla has a built in web service client but it does not yet work with all the major web services platforms. We anticipate this to be resolve in a near future version of Bindows.

Graphs, Charts and Gauges
Graphs, charts and gauges are not supported. For the Bindows charts and gauges we rely on VML to do the drawing. Mozilla does not yet have a way to draw vector graphics at the client side without using a plugin. We consider several alternatives here but there is no time frame for a solution yet.

The caret is sometimes not shown in a focused textfield. This is a Mozilla bug and unless this is fixed in Mozilla this issue will remain.
Preferred size is not working consistently. Please report the cases where you are experiencing issues with the preferred size and we will see what can be done in those specific cases.
Icons in menu items works inconsistently between Mozilla versions. This is due to differences in the Mozilla toolkits used by different browsers.
Menu labels do not accept HTML. If you use HTML, the markup will be stripped.
The rendering of the group box is incorrect.
Labels with text align center and icon position set to top or bottom are a bit jumpy, ie. the icon move around depending on the state.
Dragging elements sometimes inconsistent. If an image is dragged an OS level drag and drop is initiated. Also, for some components a dragging will not work when the mouse leaves the browser window or enters a frame.
The upper border for the tab pages are not correctly drawn in Mozilla Firefox using Windows Classic. This is a Mozilla bug.
BiKeyboardEvent keyCode is sometimes incorrect in a keypress event (for special keys). The reason for this bug is that Internet Explorer and Mozilla are handling keyboard events differently.
Resize events are not fired on all BiComponents.
Focus and blur events are inconsistent when using BiRichEdit.