
look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master.

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  213 随笔 :: 0 文章 :: 285 评论 :: 0 Trackbacks
  • Design Principles from Design Patterns #
    ....about two design principles: program to an interface, not an implementation, and favor object composition over class inheritance.
  • RSS、Tag、Wiki:令互联网跳动的技术力量 #
  • NextGen Macromedia Flash Tool 'Zorn' to Run on Eclipse #
    Macromedia's announcement that their next generation enterprise Flash development tool, code-named Zorn, will be built on top of Eclipse, is a watershed moment both for Macromedia and for the open source movement.
  • If Apple goes Intel, it's not news, but prepare for boos #
    If Apple announces an x86 shift, Apple falls from a first tier volume RISC player (really, a market it has to itself) to a second tier PC player.
  • Mac on Intel #
    Dan Gillmore on Apple/Intel
  • My reaction to Apple / Intel announcement #
    ....from an end-user perspective, it's as if Coca-Cola changed its sugar supplier as far as I'm concerned.......
  • Sun's R&D spectrum #
    Mention Sun Microsystems to someone, and it's likely to evoke images of high-powered workstations, dot-com servers, and Java. But a peek inside Sun Microsystems Laboratories reveals a much broader array of emerging technologies and hints at a new Sun rising.
  • Apple to ditch IBM, switch to Intel chips #
    Steve Jobs已经宣布了。
  • Is JSF ready to take on ASP.NET? #
    Is JSF ready to take on ASP.Net?
  • Apple and Eclipse #
    Whether it was foresight, or just blind luck, Eclipse and Java are positioned to ease the transition for Mac developers and unify (finally!) client development for all major platforms. And with Eclipse, this is a no-compromise proposition. You can have native look-n-feel and integration on all your platforms.
  • 王建硕: 今天是我写blog的第999天 #
  • Google的野心与信息技术的未来 [续] #
  • Google的野心与信息技术的未来 #
    Google,作为目前倍受追捧的互联网新宠,一直以来都有着不小的“野心”,其中最主要的一个就是 – “组织全世界的信息”。那么,它这个宏伟的目标能实现么?又要怎么才能实现呢?这会对这个世界产生什么样的影响呢?
    • 365Key-天天网摘自动生成

      posted on 2005-06-08 08:55 kukooBlog 阅读(709) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Others

