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  213 随笔 :: 0 文章 :: 285 评论 :: 0 Trackbacks
  • EMF goes RCP #
    This article explains how you can use EMF to generate RCP applications.

  • 校园Blog的创业故事 #

  • The GNU Compiler for Java comes of age #
    The GNU Compiler for Java (GCJ), a free software implementation of Java, has been in development for seven years, but with the Free Software Foundation's recent call for volunteers, the project is suddenly receiving more attention than ever before.

  • Migration to Sun Java Studio Enterprise 7 and Sun Java System Application Server 7.1 #
    This article describes the process of migrating Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application code into the Java Studio Enterprise development environment by means of Migration Tool in Application Server and the import enterprise application archive (EAR) capability within Java Studio Enterprise.

  • Eclipse的彩蛋资源 (tips) #

  • Tuning Your Stress Test Harness #
    Have you ever had to stress test an application only to discover that you couldn’t make sense of the results? Maybe the problem isn’t in the application. Maybe the problem was all in the way that you configured your stress test harness.

  • Firefox keeps chipping away at IE's share #
    The Mozilla Foundation's Firefox managed to slightly increase its usage share in the Web browser market in May, as it continues to compete against the market's Goliath: Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE).

  • alphaWorks : IBM Intelligent Test Case Handler #
    This technology is an Eclipse plug-in for generation and manipulation of test input data or configurations. It can be used to minimize the amount of testing while maintaining complete coverage of interacting variables.

  • Ballmer tells of 'New World of Work' #
    At the Microsoft (Profile, Products, Articles) TechEd 2005 conference last week Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer touted the company’s vision of a “New World of Work” for information workers, with a focus on information access, business processes, and collaboration.

  • AJAX With J2EE #
    Anyone who has used Flickr, GMail, Google Suggest, or Google Maps will realize that a new breed of dynamic web applications is emerging. The term Asynchronous JavaScript Technology and XML (AJAX) has emerged recently to describe this interaction model.

    • 365Key-天天网摘自动生成

      posted on 2005-06-13 08:55 kukooBlog 阅读(740) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Others

