
look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master.

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  213 随笔 :: 0 文章 :: 285 评论 :: 0 Trackbacks
  • BEA and Lightweight Java #
    dev2dev interviewed Jim by email to get his thoughts on lightweight Java, application frameworks and persistence frameworks, and their relationship to enterprise computing on application servers.

  • 扩展 Eclipse 辅助和规范开发流程 #
    本如果市场上的开发工具不能满足您的需要,而自己开发 IDE 又不太现实,那本文就是您所需要的,它介绍了如何扩展 eclipse JDT 来辅助规范你的项目开发流程和帮助约束你的代码规范。

  • Annotations with ASM #
    Are you tired of building and maintaining toString() methods for all your data classes? In this edition of Classworking toolkit, consultant Dennis Sosnoski shows how you can automate the process using J2SE 5.0 annotations and the ASM bytecode manipulation framework.

  • 365Key-天天网摘自动生成

    posted on 2005-06-23 22:22 kukooBlog 阅读(559) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Others

