When you see this title, DO NOT assume I would change to NetBeans. I have used Eclipse for 5 years (from its beginning WSAD 4.0). I have no plan to move to NetBeans at moment.
Supported by Eclipse Foundation, Planet Eclipse was launched in March. So far, there're about 27 blog entries are aggregated by the planet. If you would like your blog aggregated by the Planet Eclipse, you may contact the Eclipse WebMaster.
Then last week, supported by Sun Micro System, Planet NetBeans was launched. So far, there're about 23 blog entries are aggrgated. You may contact to the Sun marketing department to get your blog listed there.
Both planets are powered by PlanetPlanet, and the first page layout looks very similar. Both are blogs aggregator, just one for Eclipse and the other is for NetBeans. I just feel that looks like the "battle" between NetBeans and Eclipse will never be ceased. And I am wondering if there is someone could list his blog at both "planets". That guy must be "batman" (Eclipse in the daytime, and NetBeans in the evening), just kidding......
Planet Eclipse
Planet NetBeans