
look to the master, follow the master, walk with the master, see through the master, become the master.

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  213 随笔 :: 0 文章 :: 285 评论 :: 0 Trackbacks
  • Internet Explorer 7 leaks #
    The killing feature of IE7 that was largely discussed is the RSS implementation.

  • RSS in Longhorn #
    Learn about the new support for RSS in the Longhorn Platform and how Windows Platform Services make it easy to incorporate RSS functionality into your applications.

  • An interview with Linus Torvalds #
    here's an interview I did with Linus Torvalds earlier this year. In it, Linus talks about the future of proprietary software models, Microsoft, and, of course, open source software.

  • WEB2.0赐予中国互联网什么力量 #

  • 365Key-天天网摘自动生成

    posted on 2005-06-26 14:59 kukooBlog 阅读(468) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Others

