- Decouple the progression of game time from user input and processor speed.
- batch mode programs — once the work was done, the program stopped.
Interview with a CPU
Event loops
A world out of time
- The common terms for one crank of the game loop are “tick” and “frame”.
- this loop isn’t blocking on fast does it spin?
- we measure how quickly the game loop cycles in terms of real time, we get the game’s “frames per second”
two factors determine the frame rate
- how much work it has to do each frame. Complex physics, a bunch of game objects, and lots of graphic detail
- the speed of the underlying platform
Seconds per second
- In early video games, that second factor was fixed.
- Older games were carefully coded to do just enough work each frame so that the game ran at the speed the developers wanted. But if you tried to play that same game on a faster or slower machine, then the game itself would speed up or slow down
- this is why old PCs used to have “turbo” buttons. New PCs were faster and couldn’t play old games because the games would run too fast. Turning the turbo button off would slow the machine down and make old games playable.
- our games must intelligently adapt to a variety of devices
- it runs the game at a consistent speed despite differences in the underlying hardware.
The Pattern
- A game loop runs continuously during gameplay
- Each turn of the loop, it processes user input without blocking, updates the game state, and renders the game
- It tracks the passage of time to control the rate of gameplay
When to Use It
- If you’re using a game engine, you won’t write it yourself, but it’s still there
- With libraries, you own the main game loop and call into the library. An engine owns the loop and calls into your code.
- Animation and music keep running even when the game is “waiting” for you to take your turn.
- Take care with this code, and be mindful of its efficiency
Keep in Mind
- a program spends 90% of its time in 10% of the code
- Your game loop will be firmly in that 10%
You may need to coordinate with the platform’s event loop
- If you’re building your game on top of an OS or platform that has a graphic UI and an event loop built in, then you have two application loops in play. They’ll need to play nice together.
- if you’re writing a game against the venerable Windows API, your main() can just have a game loop. Inside, you can call PeekMessage() to handle and dispatch events from the OS. Unlike GetMessage(), PeekMessage() doesn’t block waiting for user input, so your game loop will keep cranking.
- If you’re targeting a web browser, the event loop is deeply built into browser’s execution model. You’ll call something like requestAnimationFrame() and it will call back into your code to keep the game running.
Sample Code
- the code for a game loop is actually pretty straightforward.
- The game loop drives AI, rendering, and other game systems, but those aren’t the point of the pattern itself
Run, run as fast as you can
Take a little nap
One small step, one giant step
Play catch up
- One part of the engine that usually isn’t affected by a variable time step is rendering. Since the rendering engine captures an instant in time, it doesn’t care how much time advanced since the last one.
- This is more or less true. Things like motion blur can be affected by time step, but if they’re a bit off, the player doesn’t usually notice.
We’ll update the game using a fixed time step because that makes everything simpler and more stable for physics and AI.
- But we’ll allow flexibility in when we render in order to free up some processor time.
A certain amount of real time has elapsed since the last turn of the game loop.
- This is how much game time we need to simulate for the game’s “now” to catch up with the player’s.
- We do that using a series of fixed time steps.
double previous = getCurrentTime();
double lag = 0.0;
while (true)
double current = getCurrentTime();
double elapsed = current - previous;
previous = current;
lag += elapsed;
while (lag >= MS_PER_UPDATE)
- At the beginning of each frame, we update lag based on how much real time passed.
- This measures how far the game’s clock is behind compared to the real world.
- We then have an inner loop to update the game, one fixed step at a time, until it’s caught up.
MS_PER_UPDATE is just the granularity we use to update the game.
- The shorter this step is, the more processing time it takes to catch up to real time.
- The longer it is, the choppier the gameplay is.
- But be careful not to make it too short. You need to make sure the time step is greater than the time it takes to process an update(), even on the slowest hardware. Otherwise, your game simply can’t catch up
we’ve yanked rendering out of the update loop.
- That frees up a bunch of CPU time
- The end result is the game simulates at a constant rate using safe fixed time steps across a range of hardware.
It’s just that the player’s visible window into the game gets choppier on a slower machine.
- you can safeguard this by having the inner update loop bail after a maximum number of iterations. The game will slow down then, but that’s better than locking up completely.
- 渲染通常不受变长时间步长的影响,因为渲染并不关心自从上一个时间到现在驱动了多长时间。所以我们可以使用固定的时间步长来更新游戏,因为这样使得物理和AI更简单稳定。而我们渲染时,可以更灵活用来释放一些处理器时间(从后面章节的更新和渲染的时间轴来看,渲染的频率比更新的频率要低,则间接释放了一些处理器时间;It updates with a fixed time step, but it can drop rendering frames(可丢弃渲染帧) if it needs to to catch up to the player's clock.)
- 在每帧开始,我们根据真实时间过去了多少来更新lag,它描述了游戏的时钟与现实世界落后多少。然后在内循环,更新游戏,固定步长,直到赶上
- MS_PER_\UPDATE只是我们用来更新游戏的粒度(步长).这一步长约小,则赶上需要的处理时间越多(while循环次数越多).这一步越长,则越起伏(长时间不更新).这个值要确保大于处理update的时间
Stuck in the middle
- We update the game at a fixed time step, but we render at arbitrary points in time.
- from the user’s perspective, the game will often display at a point in time between two updates.
- imagine a bullet is flying across the screen. On the first update, it’s on the left side. The second update moves it to the right side. The game is rendered at a point in time between those two updates, so the user expects to see that bullet in the center of the screen. With our current implementation, it will still be on the left side.
When we go to render, we’ll pass that in:
- render(lag / MS_PER_UPDATE);
- We divide by MS_\PER_UPDATE here to normalize the value. The value passed to render() will vary from 0 (right at the previous frame) to just under 1.0 (right at the next frame), regardless of the update time step. This way, the renderer doesn’t have to worry about the frame rate. It just deals in values from 0 to 1.
- The renderer knows each game object and its current velocity. Say that bullet is 20 pixels from the left side of the screen and is moving right 400 pixels per frame. If we are halfway between frames, then we’ll end up passing 0.5 to render(). So it draws the bullet half a frame ahead, at 220 pixels.
- Of course, it may turn out that that extrapolation is wrong. When we calculate the next frame, we may discover the bullet hit an obstacle or slowed down or something.
- We rendered its position interpolated between where it was on the last frame and where we think it will be on the next frame. But we don’t know that until we’ve actually done the full update with physics and AI.
- So the extrapolation is a bit of a guess and sometimes ends up wrong. Fortunately, though, those kinds of corrections usually aren’t noticeable. At least, they’re less noticeable than the stuttering you get if you don’t extrapolate at all.
- 我们用固定的时间步长更新游戏,但在任意点渲染,从用户的角度看,游戏通常会在两次更新之间的时间点显示
- 想象一个子弹飞过屏幕。在第一次更新时,它在左侧。第二个更新将其移动到右侧。游戏在这两个更新之间的时间点呈现,因此用户期望在屏幕的中心看到子弹。在我们当前的实现中,它仍然在左侧
- 但实际上从实现中可以看到,当lag小于更新步长的时候,会跳出更新循环,我们可以直接传递:render(lag / MSPERUPDATE);这个值是在0-1之间。如在之前的例子中,子弹在屏幕左侧20像素处,然后正每帧400像素向有移动,然后传入0.5(两次更新中间),则绘20 + 400 * 0.5 = 220像素,平稳运动
- 但有些时候,这个推论是错误的,因为计算下一帧时,子弹可能碰到了障碍物或者减速等,所以需要直到完成了物理和AI的完成更新后才知道。但是幸运的时候,这些修正通常不明显,至少比不修正前的运动锯齿好
Design Decisions
Do you own the game loop, or does the platform?
- It’s simple
- It plays nice with the platform
- You lose control over timing
- You don’t have to write it
- You don’t get to write it
- Total control.
- You have to interface with the platform.
- 一个游戏运行的再漂亮,但是30分钟后手机发烫,体验很糟糕
- 尽可能少用cpu,sleep
- 游戏体验好,但是如果玩家在笔记本上,他们的膝盖会很温暖
- 将设置帧速率的上限(通常为30或60 FPS)。如果游戏循环在该时间段之前完成处理,则其将仅休眠
- non-blocking user input
adapting to the passage of time
Fixed time step with no synchronization(即第一个样例)
Fixed time step with synchronization(sleep样例)
- 还是很简单
- 对电量友好,尤其是对于移动游戏.通过简单地睡眠几毫秒,而不是试图在每个tick中做更多的处理
- 游戏不会太快
- 游戏可能会很慢,因为如果一帧中更新和渲染需要时间过长,则播放速度会下降.(因为没有将更新与渲染分离)
Variable time step(可变时间步长)
- 大多数游戏开发人员反对,因为这不是一个好主意
- It adapts to playing both too slowly and too fast
- It makes gameplay non-deterministic and unstable. 这是真正的问题,尤其是物理和网络会更加困难在这种可变步长的情况下
Fixed update time step, variable rendering(最后一个样例)
- It adapts to playing both too slowly and too fast
- It’s more complex
posted on 2017-02-27 22:07
landon 阅读(1727)
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