1.class A,class B
2.class A实现接口operate
3.class B拥有一个参数为operate接口类型的函数test(operate o)
4.class A运行时调用class B中test函数,以自身传入参数
5.class B已取得A,就可以随时回调A所实现的operate接口中的方法
public interface InterestingEvent
// This is just a regular method so it can return something or
// take arguments if you like.
public void interestingEvent ();
public class EventNotifier
private InterestingEvent ie;
private boolean somethingHappened;
public EventNotifier (InterestingEvent event)
// Save the event object for later use.
ie = event;
// Nothing to report yet.
somethingHappened = false;
public void doWork ()
// Check the predicate, which is set elsewhere.
if (somethingHappened)
// Signal the even by invoking the interface's method.
ie.interestingEvent ();
public class CallMe implements InterestingEvent
private EventNotifier en;
public CallMe ()
// Create the event notifier and pass ourself to it.
en = new EventNotifier (this);
// Define the actual handler for the event.
public void interestingEvent ()
// Wow! Something really interesting must have occurred!
// Do something
posted on 2009-01-20 08:51
lanxin1020 阅读(213)
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