Posted on 2007-04-27 02:20
leekiang 阅读(369)
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select *
from prline t
where linetype not in ('EXTERNAL')--generally is 'ITEM'
and ponum is null
and rfqnum is null
and contractnum is null
and prnum in
(select prnum from pr where (status not in ('CLOSE', 'CAN')))
maxvartype table contains the information of all the maxvartype ,includes varname,vartype,
defaultsvalue,description(cn). vartype is one of site,system and org
the desc of var "PRAPPROVAL" in app is "将采购申请转换为采购单或合同时需要批准?"
but in maxvartype table is "需要批准以将采购申请转换为采购单"
<dialog id="po" label="采购单选项" relationship="MAXVARINPUT4">
parent: ORGANIZATION child:MAXVARINPUT orgid=:orgid
MAXVARINPUT,,用于 maxvar 设置对话的非固定表。