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RailsConf 宣布RubyFX Script 项目

Posted on 2007-05-19 13:28 网路冷眼@BlogJava 阅读(1112) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: IT NewsRuby & Rails


RubyFX Script Announced at RailsConf

Category: Java, Ruby, Tech

It has been a great couple of weeks for FX script lovers. First we have JavaFX Script at JavaOne, and then we have the new RubyFX Script announcement at RailsConf.

What is RubyFX Script?

Think of a declarative Ruby that will let you build rich UIs on top of Swing or Tk.


title_tracks = select :indexof => track + 1,  :from => album, :in => albums, track in album.tracks where track >< album.title
def factors(n)
select :from => i, :in => [1..n/2], :where => n % i >< 0;
x = %w{1 2 3}
insert :number => 10, :as => :first, :into => x; // yields [10,1,2,3]
insert :number => 6 :after x[. >< 2]; // yields [10,1,2,6,3]


This is just an alpha version. There is talk that the new version will add in python-like whitespace characteristics.

Congrats! :)


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