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1.4 Introducing BPMN 2.0 from a developers viewpoint(从开发者的角度介绍BPMN 2.0

To become familiar with the important constructs of BPMN, we’ll build up the detail level of modeling similar to the categorization of WfMC and Bruce Silver. First, we start with a high-level model example and then we dive into a more detailed process. Level 3 of the Bruce Silver categorization will be discussed in section 1.5, when we will implement our first process with the Activiti process engine.

为了熟悉BPMN重要的构件,我们将构件和WfMC和Bruce Silver分类相似的详细的建模层次。首先,我们以一个高层建模示例开始,而后我们专研一个更详细的流程。Bruce Silver分类的层次将在节1.5讨论,然后我们将用Activiti流程引擎实现第一个流程。

1.4.1 High-level modeling with BPMN 2.0 (采用BPMN 2.0进行高级建模)

In section 1.1 we looked at a sample book order business process. In figure 1.1 the book order process was modeled without a real model notation. With the simple or level 1 palette in mind, we’ll take another look at the book order process and convert it into a real BPMN 2.0 business process model.

节1.1,我们讨论了一个订书业务流程的示例。在图1.1中,订书流程的建模没有采用实际的模型符号。采用简单的或者级别1调色板,我们将用另外的方式讨论订书流程,并将它转换成BPMN 2.0的业务流程模型。

This means that we have to add a more formal notation to describe the book order process. So in the BPMN 2.0 book order process we’ll use start and end events, parallel gateways, pools and tasks. Figure 1.7 shows the book order process modeled with a simple subset of the BPMN 2.0 palette.

这意味着我们不得不增加正式符号描述订书流程。所以,在BPMN 2.0订书流程,我们将使用开始和结束事件,并行网关,泳池和任务。图1.7展示了采用一个BPMN2.0调色板子集建模的订书流程。


Figure 1.7 A high level BPMN 2.0 model describing the book order process with a simple subset of the BPMN 2.0 construct palette.

图 1.7 采用BPMN 2.0 构件调色板简单子集描述订书流程的高级BPMN 2.0模型


Before discussing the process in more detail let’s first look at the individual BPMN 2.0 constructs in table 1.1.

在详细讨论流程之前,让我们首先看看表1.1中的单个BPMN 2.0构件 


Table 1.1 Overview of the BPMN 2.0 constructs used in figure 1.7.

表1.1 在图1.7中使用的BPMN 2.0构件的概貌

BPMN 2.0 icon

BPMN 2.0 name



Start event


A start event is the trigger to start a new process instance.



End event


An end event is the last step before the process instance is completed. The end event has a thicker circle border line than the start event.





A pool represents the container for the activities of a process. Best practice is to use the process name for the pool name.





A lane represents a role within a process model. In most cases this is a organizational unit or a role definition.





A task is a piece of work that has to be executed as part of the process definition. A task can be an automated activity or a manual activity.



Parallel gateway


A parallel gateway is used to indicate that activities can be executed simultaneously or that all incoming activities must be completed before the process progresses to the next activity.



Exclusive gateway


An exclusive gateway is used for conditional logic. Based on a condition only one of the outgoing sequence flows will be followed.



Message flow


A message flow is used to send a signal or message from one pool to another. It may not be used to connect activities within one pool.



Sequence flow


A sequence flow connects activities, gateways and events to each other within one pool. It therefore represents the orchestration of the process definition.



Now we know the meaning of the individual BPMN 2.0 constructs let’s walk through the full process model. One of the eye-catching differences between the model we’ve drawn in section 1 and figure 1.7 is the use of pools and lanes. In figure 1.7 there are three pools: Customer, Book store and Publisher. The pools describe the different roles that perform activities in the business process. In the book store pool there are two lanes that characterize the different organizational units within the book store. Because in this example the bookstore is a small company, there’s only a sales and an inventory organizational unit.

既然我们知道单个BPMN 2.0构件的意义,让我们遍历全部的流程模型。在我们于图1.7中所绘的模型使用了泳池和泳道。图1.7有三个泳池:客户,书籍和出版商。泳池是业务流程中执行活动的不同角色。在书店泳池里有两个泳道,对书店里不同的两个组织单元进行特性化。因为本示例中,书店是一个小公司,所以只有销售和库房两个组织单元。

In this business process model we focus on the book store, but we could also include the process activities that are necessary for the publisher to complete the order process. The process is started with a order request by a customer, which is pictured here as a message flow (the dashed line) initiating a start event (a circle).


When the process is started two tasks should be completed, which are the process payment and the check stock tasks. These tasks can be executed in parallel and therefore a parallel gateway is modeled after the start event. After the stock is checked an exclusive gateway is used for the conditional logic of the book being in stock or not. When the book is not in stock it’s ordered from the publisher by an additional task.


When the book is in stock, either because it was already or by an extra order via the publisher, the book is ready for shipment. But before the book will be shipped we must be sure that the payment has been successfully completed. So a parallel gateway is used to join the tasks, meaning that the process will go further before these tasks have been completed.


After the parallel gateway two additional tasks are executed that ship the book to the customer and inform the customer about the arrival date before the process is completed by an end event. As you see the high level model doesn’t contain stuff like error handling or the definition of the type of a task. That’s what we will add in the next section.



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