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汉字与 unicode 编码相互转化(转)

汉字与 unicode 编码相互转化

(2006年7月17日  11:07:58 )

一、             概述:

       如果项目采用了 GBK 的编码,那么汉字转化就不是问题了。但是如果采用了 utf-8 的编码,汉字的处理就相对比较麻烦一些。

二、             功能实现:




 1      //  转为unicode
 2      public   static   void  writeUnicode( final  DataOutputStream out,
 3              final  String value)  {
 4          try   {
 5              final  String unicode  =  gbEncoding(value);
 6              final   byte [] data  =  unicode.getBytes();
 7              final   int  dataLength  =  data.length;
 9             System.out.println( " Data Length is:  "   +  dataLength);
10             System.out.println( " Data is:  "   +  value);
11             out.writeInt(dataLength);  //  先写出字符串的长度
12             out.write(data,  0 , dataLength);  //  然后写出转化后的字符串
13         }
  catch  (IOException e)  {
15         }

16     }

18      public   static  String gbEncoding( final  String gbString)  {
19          char [] utfBytes  =  gbString.toCharArray();
20         String unicodeBytes  =   "" ;
21          for  ( int  byteIndex  =   0 ; byteIndex  <  utfBytes.length; byteIndex ++ {
22             String hexB  =  Integer.toHexString(utfBytes[byteIndex]);
23              if  (hexB.length()  <=   2 {
24                 hexB  =   " 00 "   +  hexB;
25             }

26             unicodeBytes  =  unicodeBytes  +   " \\u "   +  hexB;
27         }

28          //  System.out.println("unicodeBytes is: " + unicodeBytes);
29          return  unicodeBytes;
30     }

32      /**
33      * This method will decode the String to a recognized String in ui.
34      * 功能:将unicod码转为需要的格式(utf-8)
35      *  @author  javajohn
36      *  @param  dataStr
37      *  @return
38       */

39      public   static  StringBuffer decodeUnicode( final  String dataStr)  {
40          final  StringBuffer buffer  =   new  StringBuffer();
41         String tempStr  =   "" ;
42         String operStr  =  dataStr;
43          if (operStr  !=   null   &&  operStr.indexOf( " \\u " ==   - 1 return  buffer.append(operStr); //
44          if (operStr  !=   null   &&   ! operStr.equals( "" &&   ! operStr.startsWith( " \\u " )) { //
45             tempStr  =  operStr.substring( 0 ,operStr.indexOf( " \\u " )); // 
46            operStr = operStr.substring(operStr.indexOf("\\u"),operStr.length());//operStr字符一定是以unicode编码字符打头的字符串
47        }

48         buffer.append(tempStr);
49          while  (operStr  !=   null   &&   ! operStr.equals( "" &&  operStr.startsWith( " \\u " )) { // 循环处理,处理对象一定是以unicode编码字符打头的字符串
50             tempStr  =  operStr.substring( 0 , 6 );
51             operStr  =  operStr.substring( 6 ,operStr.length());
52             String charStr  =   "" ;
53             charStr  =  tempStr.substring( 2 , tempStr.length());
54              char  letter  =  ( char ) Integer.parseInt(charStr,  16 );  //  16进制parse整形字符串。
55             buffer.append( new  Character(letter).toString());
56              if (operStr.indexOf( " \\u " ==   - 1 ) { // 
57                buffer.append(operStr);
58            }
else { // 处理operStr使其打头字符为unicode字符
59                 tempStr  =  operStr.substring( 0 ,operStr.indexOf( " \\u " ));
60                 operStr  =  operStr.substring(operStr.indexOf( " \\u " ),operStr.length());
61                 buffer.append(tempStr);
62             }

63         }

64          return  buffer;
65     }

一、             结尾:

posted on 2006-07-17 11:07 javajohn 阅读(673) 评论(1)  编辑 收藏收藏至365Key 所属分类: 我的记忆

# re: 汉字(中文)还是unicode
2006-07-18 17:11 | 小猪
2、在我的测试程序中,“我 ”也只占用一个代码单元。即代码点数等于代码单元数。
Q: I have heard that UTF-8 does not support some Japanese characters. Is this correct?

A: There is a lot of misinformation floating around about the support of Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) characters. The Unicode Standard supports all of the CJK characters from JIS X 0208, JIS X 0212, JIS X 0221, or JIS X 0213, for example, and many more. This is true no matter which encoding form of Unicode is used: UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32.

Unicode supports over 70,000 CJK characters right now, and work is underway to encode further additions. The International Standard ISO/IEC 10646 and the Unicode Standard are completely synchronized in repertoire and content. And that means that Unicode has the same repertoire as GB 18030, since that also is synchronized with ISO 10646 — although with a different ordering and byte format.
无论是那个编码方式(UTF-8, UTF-16, or UTF-32)都可以对中文全面支持?

public class test0 {
public static void main(String[] args)
{String a="我 ";
int cuCount=a.length();
System.out.println("the number of code units required for string \"test\" in the UTF-16 encoding is "+cuCount);
int cpCount=a.codePointCount(0, a.length());
System.out.println("the number of code points is "+cpCount);
System.out.println("the end of string \"我 \" is "+a.charAt(a.length()-1));



the number of code units required for string "test" in the UTF-16 encoding is 2
the number of code points is 2
the end of string "我 " is [空格]

在eclipse里面找到了set encoding选项,在里面可以设置编码方式。  

posted on 2006-07-21 01:46 liaojiyong 阅读(4339) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java

