.facility DM_DIRECTORY
; These are errors encountered during parsing format strings
.severity TRACE
.severity WARNING
.severity ERROR
MEMORY_EXHAUSTED I "Memory exhausted allocating %d bytes"
BROWSE_INSUFF_PRIVS "Must be have Administrator privilege."
; CAUSE: The caller must have Administrator privilege to perform this operation.
; ACTION: Functionality is for use by a user of the Administration Tools.
BROWSE_INSUFF_FS_PRIVS S "The current user does not sufficient privilege to access this directory: (%si)"
; CAUSE: The operating system user does not have enough privilege to access
; the specified directory.
; ACTION: Change the permissions on the current directory.
BROWSE_CANT_RETRIEVE_DIRECTORY S "Failed to retrieve directory listing '%s'"
; CAUSE: Failed to retrieve the directory requested.
; Possible cause is insufficient permissions on directory.
; ACTION: Change permissions to allow directory listing.
BROWSE_NOT_DIRECTORY S "The path provided (%s) is not a directory."
; CAUSE: The directory path provided is not a directory.
; ACTION: Provide a directory path.
BROWSE_NO_DIRECTORY_SUPPLIED "Must provide a directory with argument DIRECTORY.";
; CAUSE: There was no DIRECTORY argument supplied to the method.
; ACTION: Provide a directory.