; $Id: dmcrypto.e,v 5.24 2003/06/17 19:36:24 ganeshv Exp $
; Crypto module errors
.facility DM_CRYPTO
.severity FATAL
KEYSTORE_LOCATION "Failed to find key store location. Internal error - %d".
; CAUSE: Key store location could not be found. Check if key store exists at key store location.
; PARAMETERS: I - Internal error.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
KEYSTORE_INIT SI "Failed to initialize keystore at %s. Internal error - %d""
; CAUSE: Failed to initialize key store. Check if key store exists at specified location.
; PARAMETERS: S - Key store location
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative. Check if the key store files are present.
.severity WARNING
SCAN_DIR_NO_MORE_FILES S "No more files were found while scanning directory - %s"
; CAUSE: All files in the directory have been scanned.
; PARAMETERS: - S - Name of directory that is being scanned
; ACTION: None
DATA_ALREADY_ENCRYPTED "Encrypted data cannot be encrypted again."
; CAUSE: Encrypted data is being encrypted again.
; ACTION: Do not attempt to encrypt already encrypted data.
KEYSTORE_ALREADY_INITIALIZED S "Key store has already been initialized. Key store location - %s".
; CAUSE: A key store has already been initialized.
; PARAMETERS: - S - Key store location
; ACTION: None.
.severity ERROR
KEYSTORE_ALREADY_INITIALIZED_WITH_DIFFERENT_LOCATION S "Key store at location %s has already been initialized.".
; CAUSE: A key store has already been initialized.
; PARAMETERS: Key store location
; ACTION: None.
NULL_LOCATION "NULL AEK file name encountered ".
; CAUSE: A NULL AEK file name was passed to a method expecting a valid one.
; ACTION: Make sure you pass a valid AEK file name.
NO_MORE_MEMORY "Not enough memory to allocate object."
; CAUSE: System running out of memory.
; ACTION: Make sure that the system has enough memory and restart process.
TRUSTED_CONTENT_SERVICES_NOT_ENABLED "Trusted content services must be enabled to perform the operation."
; CAUSE: License for Trusted Content Services is not available.
; ACTION: Make sure that you have the licnse for Trusted Content Services.
NULL_DATA "NULL data passed to a function performing cryptographic operation."
; CAUSE: A NULL or zero length buffer was passed to be decrypted or decrypted.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
SP_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID "Invalid encrypted data."
; CAUSE: Data decrypted by system password is invalid.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
OLD_AND_NEW_PASSWORD_NULL "Both old and new password cannot be passed as NULL."
; CAUSE: The change password functionality encountered a NULL old and new password.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative. Check if the key store files are present.
INVALID_KEY_TYPE "An invalid key type was specified."
; CAUSE: An invalid key type was specified. Valid ones are PUBLIC and PRIVATE.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_ARGUMENT "Invalid arguments. Check Usage"
; CAUSE: Invalid arguments were passed to this utility. Check Usage.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
DIRECTORY_READ_ERROR S "Could not read directory - %s"
; CAUSE: Either the key store directory is not present, or permission not available to remove directory.
; PARAMETERS: - S - Name of directory that is being scanned
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
DIRECTORY_REMOVAL_FAILED "Could not remove key store directory."
; CAUSE: Either the directory is not present, or permission not available to read directory.
; ACTION: Make sure the directory exists, and if so it has read permission.
DIRECTORY_CREATION_FAILED "Could not create key store directory."
; CAUSE: Either the key store directory is already present, or permission not available to remove directory.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
DIRECTORY_CHANGE_PERMISSION_FAILED "Failed to change key store directory permission to 0755."
; CAUSE: Either the key store directory is not present, or permission not available to remove directory.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_KEY_FILE_LOCATION "NULL key file location encountered."
; CAUSE: The operation needs a valid key file location.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
KEY_STORE_ALREADY_EXISTS "A key store already exists."
; CAUSE: Attempt was made to create a key store where one already exists.
; ACTION: Check if the key store files are already present.
PASSWORDS_DO_NOT_MATCH "Passwords do not match."
; CAUSE: Passwords entered do not match.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
BOOT_PROCESS_CREATION_FAILED "Could not create boot process."
; CAUSE: Could not create boot process. Check user permission.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_FILE_NAME "A valid file name must be passed."
; CAUSE: Pass a NULL or valid file name.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
FILE_OPEN_FOR_READ_FAILED S "The file %s could not opened for read."
; CAUSE: Either the file is not present, or the permissions on the file is not set for READ.
; PARAMETERS: - S - File name
; ACTION: Make sure that the file is present, and the permissions on the file is set for READ.
FILE_OPEN_FOR_WRITE_FAILED S "The file %s could not opened for write."
; CAUSE: Either the file is not present, or the permissions on the file is not set for WRITE.
; PARAMETERS: - S - File name
; ACTION: Make sure that the file is present, and the permissions on the file is set for WRITE.
FILE_RENAME_FAILED SS "The file %s could not be renamed to %s."
; CAUSE: Either the file is not present, or the directory does not have WRITE permission.
; PARAMETERS: Source File name
; Destination File name
; ACTION: Ensure that the file is present, and set the correct permissions on the directory.
NO_PASSWORD_PRESENT_IN_FILE_TO_ENCRYPT S "A password was not found in file %s to encrypt."
; CAUSE: The file is probably empty.
; PARAMETERS: - S - File name
; ACTION: Check that the file is present, and if so it is not empty and a valid password is present in the file.
ENCRYPTION_ALREADY_FINALIZED "Encryption has already been finalized."
; CAUSE: Internal error.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
DECRYPTION_ALREADY_FINALIZED "Decryption has already been finalized."
; CAUSE: Internal error.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
BUFFER_SIZE_EXCEEDS_MAX_SHM_SIZE "Buffer size exceeds maximum allowable shared memory segment size."
; CAUSE: Buffer size exceeds maximum allowable shared memory segment size.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
SHM_ACCESS_DENIED "Access to a shared memory segment is denied."
; CAUSE: You probably do not have permission to acces the shared memory segment.
; ACTION: Make sure that you have the right permission to access the shared memory segment.
SHM_CREATE_FAILED "Creation of a shared memory segment failed."
; CAUSE: Creation of a shared memory segment failed.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
SHM_REMOVE_FAILED "Removal of a shared memory segment failed."
; CAUSE: Removal of a shared memory segment failed.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
SHM_WRITE_FAILED "Write to a shared memory segment failed."
; CAUSE: Write to a shared memory segment failed.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
SHM_ATTACH_FAILED "Attaching to a shared memory segment failed."
; CAUSE: Attaching to a shared memory segment failed.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
SHM_READ_FAILED "Read from a shared memory segment failed."
; CAUSE: Read from a shared memory segment failed.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
SHM_DOES_NOT_EXIST "The shared memory segment keyed by a specific ID does not exists.
; CAUSE: The shared memory segment was probably not created in the first place.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_BUFFER_DURING_CONTENT_DECRYPTION "NULL buffer was encountered during content decryption."
; CAUSE: NULL buffer was encountered during content decryption. Internal error.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
CONTENT_DECRYPTION_FAILED I "Content decryption failed. Internal error - %d"
; CAUSE: Content decryption failed.
; PARAMETERS: - I - Internal error.
; ACTION: Report this message and internal error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
CONTENT_ENCRYPTION_FAILED I "Content encryption failed. Internal error - %d"
; CAUSE: Content encryption failed.
; PARAMETERS: - I - Internal error.
; ACTION: Report this message and internal error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_BUFFER_RECEIVED_FROM_SOURCE "NULL buffer received from underlying source."
; CAUSE: NULL buffer received from underlying source. Internal error.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NO_PASSWORD_ENTERED "No password was entered."
; CAUSE: No password was entered.
; ACTION: Enter a password when prompted.
STORAGE_AREA_CANNOT_BE_ENCRYPTED_STORAGE_TYPE "Only file stores can be encrypted."
; CAUSE: The crypto_mode attribute was non-zero during creation of a storage area that is not a file store.
; ACTION: Make sure that the crypto_mode attribute is not set for the storage area.
LOCATION_NOT_FOUND "Location not found to open/create key store. Make sure that you have passed in a valid location or the docbase name or specify environment variable DM_CRYPTO_HOME."
; CAUSE: Either a location or docbase name or EM_CRYPTO_HOME environment variable must be specified to open/create a key store.
; ACTION: Either pass the location or the docbase name or specify environment variable DM_CRYPTO_HOME while creating/opening the key store.
DOCBASE_NAME_MISSING "Docbase name missing while trying to open/create a key store."
; CAUSE: Docbase name missing while trying to open/create a key store
; ACTION: Pass a valid docbase name while opening/creating a content server key store.
DOCUMENTUM_ENV_MISSING "Environment variable DOCUMENTUM is not available."
; CAUSE: The environment variable DOCUMENTUM is not available to open/create a key store.
; ACTION: Set the environment variable DOCUMENTUM to point to the key store location.
INVALID_PASSWORD_FOR_DECRYPTION "The password to be decrypted is invalid."
; CAUSE: Either the string was not encrypted or was not encrypted using the encryptpass method or does not have the DM_ENCR_PASS= prefix.
; ACTION: Make sure that the string was encrypted using the encryptpass method, and if so has the DM_ENCR_PASS= prefix.
INVALID_TEXT_FOR_DECRYPTION "The string to be decrypted is invalid."
; CAUSE: Either the string was not encrypted or was not encrypted using the encrypttext method or does not have the DM_ENCR_TEXT= prefix.
; ACTION: Make sure that the string was encrypted using the encrypttext method, and if so has the DM_ENCR_TEXT= prefix.
NULL_PASSWORD "A NULL password was passed to function expecting a valid one."
; CAUSE: A NULL password was passed to function expecting a valid one.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_TEXT "A NULL string was passed to function expecting a valid one."
; CAUSE: A NULL string was passed to function expecting a valid one.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
PASSWORD_DECRYPTION_FAILED SI "Decryption of password present in file %s failed, status - %d"
; CAUSE: The private key used to decrypt the password is wrong or is not present.
; PARAMETERS: - S - File name where password is present
; - I - Low level error code
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_FEDERATION_PASSWORD_FILE S "An invalid federation.cnt file was found for docbase %s"
; CAUSE: An invalid federation.cnt file was found for docbase %s.
; PARAMETERS: - S - Docbase name
; ACTION: Make sure that the docbase contains a valid federation.cnt file.
MAKE_SOURCE_FAILED SS "A failure occurred while performing an operation on file '%s' belonging to storage area '%s'"
; CAUSE: Either the file is not a valid one, or the storage area is invalid.
; PARAMETERS: - S - File name
; - S - Storage area name
; ACTION: Make sure that the file and storage area are valid.
CANT_WRITE SS "Unable to write to file: (%s). Operating System Error: (%s)"
; CAUSE: Cannot write to the conversion file indicated.
; PARAMETERS: - S - File name
; - S - Storage area name
; ACTION: Make sure that the directory exists and has write permission.
INVALID_HEX_NUMBER "An invalid hex number was passed to a function."
; CAUSE: An invalid hex number was passed to a function.
; ACTION: Report this message to your Documentum site representative.
DMCL_INIT_FAILED "Failed to initialize DMCL"
; CAUSE: The Documentum Client Library could not be initialized.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
CONNECT_FAILED "Failed to connect to server"
; CAUSE: Failed to connect to server.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NO_LOCAL_CONTENT_REPL_JOB "Failed to find local dm_ContentReplication job"
; CAUSE: The dm_ContentReplication job for the local server does not exist.
; ACTION: You must probably run the utility toolset.ebs on the local server.
REMOTE_SERVERS_FAILED "Failed to retrieve list of remote servers"
; CAUSE: The list .
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NO_LOCAL_COMPONENT_STORE "No local component store for server"
; CAUSE: A server in the distributed configuration does not have any local component store.
; ACTION: Refer to the documentation for how to setup a single distributed docbase.
INITCRYPTODB_FAILED "Failed to initialize crypto database"
; CAUSE: The crypto database could not be initialized.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
CREATE_CONTENTREPL_FILE_FAILED "Failed to create content replication file"
; CAUSE: The content replication file ContentRepl.cnt could not be created.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
ENCRYPTPASS_FAILED "Failed to encrypt password"
; CAUSE: The password could not be encrypted.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
ENCRYPTTEXT_FAILED "Failed to encrypt string"
; CAUSE: The string could not be encrypted.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
DECRYPTPASS_FAILED "Failed to decrypt password"
; CAUSE: The password could not be decrypted.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
DECRYPTTEXT_FAILED "Failed to decrypt string"
; CAUSE: The string could not be decrypted.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
KEYSTORE_NOT_INITIALIZED "A key store has not been initialized yet."
; CAUSE: An operation is being attempted on a key store before initializing the key store.
; ACTION: Make sure that the key store has been initializd before attempting to perform an operation using the key store.
UPDATE_CONTENT_REPL_JOB_FAILED "Failed to update local dm_ContentReplication job"
; CAUSE: The dm_ContentReplication job for the local server could not be updated.
; ACTION: See trace file for more information.
CIPHER_ALREADY_INITIALIZED "A cipher has already been initialized"
; CAUSE: A cipher that has already been initialized is being initialized again.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
PARAMS_ALREADY_INITIALIZED "Crypto parameters have already been initialized"
; CAUSE: Crypto parameters that have been initialized are being initialized again.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_PARAMS_OBJECT "During a parameter object initialization, a NULL parameter object was found"
; CAUSE: A NULL parameter object was found during initialization.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
PBE_STREAM_ALREADY_INITIALIZED "Password Based Encryption stream has already been initialized"
; CAUSE: Password Based Encryption parameters that have been initialized are being initialized again.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_CIPHER_OBJECT "Null cipher object encountered while performing a cryptographic operation"
; CAUSE: A NULL cipher object was found during initialization.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_ALGORITHM_OBJECT "Null algorithm object encountered while performing a cryptographic operation"
; CAUSE: A NULL algorithm object was found during initialization.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_OBJECT_TO_ENCRYPT_TEXT "NULL crypto objects were encountered while encrypting text"
; CAUSE: NULL crypto objects were encountered while encrypting text.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_CIPHER_MODE "Invalid cipher object was encountered while performing a cryptographic operation"
; CAUSE: An invalid cipher object was found while performing a cryptographic operation.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NOT_INITIALIZED "A cryptographic object has not been initialized yet."
; CAUSE: A cryptographic object has not been initialized yet..
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
ALREADY_INITIALIZED "A Crypto object has already been initialized"
; CAUSE: A Crypto object that has initialized is being initialized again.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
DM_AEKSTORE_INSTANCE_EXISTS "The Documentum AEK store object already exists"
; CAUSE: An instance of the documentum AEK store object already exists. An attempt is made to create another one.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
DM_SYSPASSSTORE_INSTANCE_EXISTS "The Documentum system password store object already exists"
; CAUSE: An instance of the documentum password store object already exists. An attempt is made to create another one.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_AEK_IN_AEKSTORE_DM "Invalid AEK present in the Documentum AEK store."
; CAUSE: An invalid AEK was found in the Documentum AEK store.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_PASSPHRASE_IN_STORE "Invalid passphrase is present in the store."
; CAUSE: An invalid passphrase was found in the Documentum passphrase store.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_KEY_FOR_SHM "Invalid key for shared memory segment"
; CAUSE: A NUL or empty key has been specified as the key for a shared memory segment.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_AEK_IN_AEKSTORE_SHM "Invalid AEK in the Documentum AEK shared memory segment."
; CAUSE: An invalid AEK was found in the Documentum AEK shared memory segment.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_KEY_DATA "NULL key data found during key generation process"
; CAUSE: NULL key data was specified during key generation process.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_PREFIX "NULL prefix passed."
; CAUSE: NULL prefix was passed to a function expecting a valid one.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
; CAUSE: NULL AEK was passed to a function expecting a valid one.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_DBK "NULL Docbase Key (DBK) passed."
; CAUSE: NULL DBK passed to a function expecting a valid one.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_FSK "NULL Filestore KEY (FSK) passed."
; CAUSE: NULL FSK was passed to a function expecting a valid one.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_FEK "NULL File Encryption Key (FEK) passed."
; CAUSE: NULL FEK was passed to a function expecting a valid one.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_CODING_OBJECT "NULL encoding object found"
; CAUSE: NULL encoding object was passed to a function expecting a valid one.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
CORRUPT_AEK_OR_PASSPHRASE_MISMATCH "AEK could not be read from the file"
; CAUSE: Either the AEK is corrupt or the AEK was not encrypted using the given password.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_OBJECT_FROM_SERIALIZED_DATA "The serialized data could not be converted into a valid object"
; CAUSE: The serialized data does not correspond to the object being formed or is corrupted..
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_KEY_FOR_STORE "Invalid cyrptographic key associated with the storage area"
; CAUSE: The cryptographic key does not belong to the storage area.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
ILL_FORMED "An object is not completely formed."
; CAUSE: An object has not been completely formed.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
STRING_NOT_ENCRYPTED_USING_THIS_METHOD "The string was not encrypted using the complementary method with which it is being decrypted"
; CAUSE: A string encrypted using a method is not being decrypted using its complementary decryption method.
; ACTION: Please use the correct correct method to decrypt the string .
PASSWORD_NOT_ENCRYPTED_USING_THIS_METHOD "The password was not encrypted using the complementary method with which it is being decrypted"
; CAUSE: A password encrypted using a method is not being decrypted using its complementary decryption method.
; ACTION: Please use the correct correct method to decrypt the string .
NULL_GLOBAL_CONTEXT_OBJECT S "NULL global context object found."
; CAUSE: The global context object has not been initialized yet.
; PARAMETERS: S - Storage Area Name
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
CANT_FETCH_CRYPTO_OBJECTS SI "The Filestore Key associated with the storage area %s could not be retrieved. Internal error - %d."
; CAUSE: Retrieval of the fhe Filestore Key associated with the storage area failed.
; PARAMETERS: S - Storage Area Name
; I - Low level error
; ACTION: Report this message and internal error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
CANT_CREATE_CRYPTO_OBJECTS SI "File store key creation for storage area %s failed. Internal error - %d."
; CAUSE: Creation of a file store key for a storage area failed.
; PARAMETERS: S - Storage Area Name
; I - Low level error
; ACTION: Report this message and internal error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
PASSPHRASE_DOES_NOT_MATCH "Entered passphrase does not match the one in the shared memory segment."
; CAUSE: The passphrase given does not match the one stored in the shared mmeory segment.
; ACTION: Make sure that you have supplied the correct passphrase.
CREATE_EVENT_FAILED "Creation of an event object on windows failed"
; CAUSE: Either the resource are not available, or the event name is being used some other resource already.
; ACTION: Report this message and internal error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_DIGEST_LENGTH "Length of data to be digested is not valid."
; CAUSE: Either the algorithm used for message digestion is incorrect or the digest object has not been initialized.
; ACTION: Report this message and internal error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
MISMATCHED_DIGEST_ALGORITHM "Digest algorithm does not match."
; CAUSE: Algorithm used while signing data is different from the one used during verification.
; ACTION: Report this message and internal error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
DEFAULT_PASSPHRASE_CREATION_FAILED "Creation of default passphrase failed"
; CAUSE: This is an internal error and must be reported to your Documentum site representative.
; ACTION: Report this message and internal error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
PASSWORD_LENGTH_IN_FILE_EXCEEDS_MAX_SIZE "Password length in file exceeds maximum allowed size of 128 bytes."
; CAUSE: Length password present in the first line of a file exceeds 128 bytes.
; ACTION: Make sure that the length of password does not exceed 128 bytes.
MULTIPLE_LINES_IN_PASSWORD_FILE "The password in file cannot be encrypted. Only single line password files can be encrypted using this utility."
; CAUSE: The file contains multiple line. Only single line password files can be encrypted using this utility.
; ACTION: Make sure that file does not contain multiple lines. Size of password cannot exceed 128 bytes.
INVALID_SIGNATURE_DATA "The signature data could not be converted into a valid object"
; CAUSE: The signature data does not correspond to the valid object or is corrupted..
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
NULL_ORGANIZATION "A null pointer to an organization string was passed to a function performing cryptographic operation."
; CAUSE: A null pointer was passed to a function performing cryptographic operation.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
NULL_ORGANIZATION_UNIT "A null pointer to an organization unit string was passed to a function performing cryptographic operation."
; CAUSE: A null pointer was passed to a function performing cryptographic operation.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
START_VALIDITY_GREATER_THAN_END_VALIDITY "The start validity date is after the end validity date for a public key certificate."
; CAUSE: Invalid start and end validity dates were passed to a function performing cryptographic operation.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
CERT_FIELDS_NOT_NULL_DURING_CERT_CREATION "The public key certificate fields were found to be non null when expected to be null."
; CAUSE: An operation sequencing error occurred while function performing cryptographic operation.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
CERTIFICATE_OBJECT_NULL "A null pointer to a public key certificate object was found in a function performing cryptographic operation."
; CAUSE: A null pointer was found in a function performing cryptographic operation.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
KEY_PAIR_NOT_NULL_DURING_CERT_CREATION "A key pair was found to be non null when expected to be null."
; CAUSE: An operation sequencing error occurred while function performing cryptographic operation.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
HASH_KEY_INVALID "A hash key was found to be null or invalid."
; CAUSE: A hash operation that requires a key found the key to be null or invalid.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
INVALID_OPERATION "This is not a valid operation for this cipher type"
; CAUSE: An operation was attempted that is invalid for this cipher type.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
CERT_PRIVATE_KEY_COUNT_MISMATCH "The number of certificates and private keys do not match"
; CAUSE: When inserting private keys and certs into a store the number of each does not match.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
NULL_SERIAL_NUMBER "A null serial number was detected when creating a certificate"
; CAUSE: When checking the input to certificate creation a null serial number was detected.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
NULL_CN "A null common name was detected when creating a certificate"
; CAUSE: When checking the input to certificate creation a null common name was detected.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
NULL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD "A null keystore password was passed when creating a key store"
; CAUSE: When checking the input to key store creation a null password was detected.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
NULL_KEYSTORE_NAME "A null key store name was passed when creating a key store"
; CAUSE: When checking the input to key store creation a null name was detected.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
PASSWORD_MISMATCH "There was a mismatch with the current key store password"
; CAUSE: When verifying the key store password a mismatch was detected.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
TEMPORARY_FILE_DELETE_FAILED "A temporary file cound not be deleted"
; CAUSE: Possibly the file is in use or the permissions do not allow it to be deleted.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
LIST_COUNT_MISMATCH "The number of certificates in a list does not match the number of entries in the list"
; CAUSE: The list of certificates is invalid.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
INSERT_CERT_IN_LIST_FAILED "The number of certificates/keys in a list does not match the number inserted into a key store"
; CAUSE: The list of certificates or the key store is invalid.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
DELETE_CERT_IN_LIST_FAILED "The number of certificates/keys in a list does not match the number deleted from a key store"
; CAUSE: The list of certificates or the key store is invalid.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
DUPLICATE_CERTS "Multiple certificates present for same serial number."
; CAUSE: Multiple certificates present for same serial number. This is an internal error.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
FETCH_CERT_FAILED "Error while fetching a certificate."
; CAUSE: A certificate fetch failed. Maybe the certificate was deleted.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
NOT_ALL_OBJECTS_DELETED "Not all objects deleted based on input."
; CAUSE: Not all expected objects deleted from key store.
; ACTION: Report this message and error number to your Documentum site
; representative.
OBJECT_NOT_FOUND "Expected cryptographic object not found in key store."
; CAUSE: Internal error or object deleted from key store.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_KEY_LIST "A NULL key list was passed while deleting private keys from key store."
; CAUSE: A NULL key list was passed while deleting private keys from key store. Internal error.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
NULL_CERT_FIELD "A NULL certificate fields object was detected"
; CAUSE: A certificate object is in an uninitialized state.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_CERTIFICATE "An invalid certificate was detected"
; CAUSE: The certificate has an invalid field or failed an integrity check.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_KEYPAIR "A NULL "An invalid asymmetric key pair was detected"
; CAUSE: An encrypt, decrypt, or signature test of the key pair has failed.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INVALID_PRIVATE_KEY "An invalid private key of an asymmetric key pair was detected"
; CAUSE: The private key failed an integrity check based on the key identifier.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
KEY_IDENTIFIER_MISMATCH "The key identifier associated with a cryptographic key is incorrect"
; CAUSE: There is an inconsistency in the database used to store cryptographic keys.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
KEYSTORE_PUT_ERROR "An error was encountered when writing to the database used to store cryptographic keys"
; CAUSE: The database table does not exist, the folder for keys does not exist, or security does not allow write access.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
NO_SYSTEM_CRYPTO_KEYS_FOLDER "The /System/Cryptographic/Keys folder does not exist"
; CAUSE: The /System/Cryptographic/Keys should exist but does not
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.