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; Common Content Facility errors
.facility DM_CCONTENT
; These are the errors encountered during Common Content Area processing.

AUTO_PURGE  S    "Local Content Area (%s) was purged automatically as the Diskfull Warning threshold was exceeded during a getfile request."
; When the LOCAL_PURGE_ON_DISKFULL option is set then purging occurs
; automatically whenever the diskfull percentage rises above the warning
; limit.
.severity WARNING

CLEANUP_ERROR  S    "During session exit errors were encountered cleaning up the session content directory (%s).  These files will be automatically cleaned up the next time you connect."
; When using the Local or Common area, cleanup of fetched content files is
; performed automatically when the session exits.  This message is given if
; an error is encountered during cleanup processing.  It is a warning only,
; indicating that cleanup may not have been complete.
;CAUSE:  Possibly the content area directory has been removed or is no longer
;        accessible.  Previous error messages may give more information.
;ACTION: If warning occurs frequently, see your sysadmin.

PURGE_CONTENTS  SS   "Error occurred during purge operation on temporary content area (%s).  Not all files could be removed.  Operating System error was (%s)."
;CAUSE:  Possibly the content area directory has been removed or is no longer
;        accessible.  Previous error messages may give more information.
;ACTION: If warning occurs frequently, see your sysadmin.

DISKFULL_WARN  SLII "Diskfull warning; threshold exceeded in content area %s.  Free Bytes Remaining: %dK. Current Disk Usage: %d percent. Diskfull Limit: %d percent."
;CAUSE:  The disk pointed to by the Local Content Area has exceeded the
;        Diskfull warning threshold established for the session.
;ACTION: If diskspace is not made available (purging the content area is
;        recommended) then the device may eventually run out of space.

APICONFIG_PATH  S    "The configuration setting for the local_path in the dmcl.ini file specifies a directory (%s) that does not exist or cannot be accessed. Overriding this setting with its default local area."
;CAUSE:  The client configuration specified a Local location definition that
;        was not accessible by the client.  Possibly the disk it is defined
;        to is not mounted or does not exist.  Possibly permissions on the
;        device prevent its use.
;ACTION: Check the Local Path setting for correctness.

APICONFIG_VALUE   S   "The Client configuration setting for %s in the dmcl.ini file specifies an invalid value. Overriding this setting with its default value."
;CAUSE:  The client configuration specified a Local Area option value that
;        was not valid.
;ACTION: Check the dmcl.ini settings for correctness.

.severity ERROR

CREATE_DIRECTORY SS   "Creation of file system directory (%s) for session content area failed.  Operating System error was (%s)."
; One of the subdirectories of the Session Temporary Content Area (Local or
; Common) could not be created in initialization for a Getfile request.  The
; Getfile request will fail.
;CAUSE:  Possibly the parent directory does not exist or is not accessible.
;        Possibly the permissions on the parent directory prevent creation.
;        Operating System error should give further details.
;ACTION: See your sysadmin.

LOCK_FILECREATE  SS   "Error creating file (%s) in order to lock the Session Temporary Content Directory for use on the first Getfile request. Operating System error was (%s)."
; When using the Client Local area, the client API library places a lock on
; the Local Area content directory to prevent cleanup processing from deleting
; its content files.  The lock is taken on the first access to the content area
; (the 1st nameless getfile request).  This error indicates that the .lock file
; used for this procedure could not be taken preventing initialization of the
; Local area.  The Getfile request will fail.
;CAUSE:  Possibly the parent directory does not exist or is not accessible.
;        Possibly the permissions on the parent directory prevent creation.
;        Operating System error should give further details.
;ACTION: See your sysadmin.

LOCK_REQUEST  SIS "Error requesting file lock on filename (%s) in order to lock the Session Temporary Content Directory for use on the first Getfile request. Lock_wait %i. Operating System error was (%s)."
; When using the Client Local area, the client API library places a lock on
; the Local Area content directory to prevent cleanup processing from deleting
; its content files.  The lock is taken on the first access to the content area
; (the 1st nameless getfile request).  This error indicates that a file lock
; could not be acquired on the .lock file used for this procedure preventing
; initialization of the Local area.  The Getfile request will fail.
;CAUSE:  Possibly the operating system is out of file or lock resources.
;        Possibly permissions prevent the opening of the .lock file or
;            the taking of locks resources.
;        Operating System error should give further details.
;ACTION: See your sysadmin.

LOCK_RELEASE  SS   "Error releasing file lock on filename (%s) in order to unlock the Session Temporary Content Directory at session exit. Operating System error was (%s)."
; When using the Client Local area, the client API library places a lock on
; the Local Area content directory to prevent cleanup processing from deleting
; its content files.  The lock is released at session exit to allow cleanup
; handling to become available.  This error indicates that the file lock
; which should have been acquired on the .lock file during use of the Local
; Area could not be released.
; Session end processing will proceed normally in the hopes that the error
; will not cause any later problems.  If the error is an indication that
; the lock is not actually held then no damage is done.  If the lock is held
; but not released, then it will be released anyway if the client process
; is terminated.  Otherwise cleanup for orphaned clients will not be done
; automatically until this client process terminates.
;CAUSE:  Possibly the file lock was never actually acquired.
;        Operating System error should give further details.
;ACTION: See your sysadmin and check for any previously reported errors.

CHECK_DISKSPACE  SS   "Error attempting to check for available disk space in the Session Temporary Content Area during a Getfile operation. Space check on directory (%s) failed with Operating System error (%s)."
; When using the Client Local area, the client API library checks for available
; disk space before fetching content files onto the local disk.  This error
; indicates a failure checking disk space.  This will cause the Getfile request
; to fail.
;CAUSE:  Possibly the content area directory has been removed or is no longer
;        accessible.  The Operating System error should give further details.
;ACTION: See your sysadmin.

REMOVE_DIRECTORY SS  "Error destroying a directory or its contents.  Error occurred on remove of directory (%s) with Operating System error (%s)."
;CAUSE:  Possibly the directory does not exist or is not accessible.
;        Possibly the permissions on the parent directory, a subdirectory or
;          a file within prevent deletion.
;        Operating System error should give further details.
;ACTION: See your sysadmin.

REMOVE_FILE      SS  "Error destroying a file.  Error occurred on remove of file (%s) with Operating System error (%s)."
;CAUSE:  Possibly the directory does not exist or is not accessible.
;        Possibly permissions on the file or parent directory prevent deletion.
;        Operating System error should give further details.
;ACTION: See your sysadmin.

READ_DIRECTORY   SS  "Error reading directory contents of directory (%s).  Operating System error (%s)."
;CAUSE:  Possibly the directory does not exist or is not accessible.
;        Possibly permissions on the directory prevent reading.
;        Operating System error should give further details.
;ACTION: See your sysadmin.

DISKFULL_LIMIT  SSLII "Insufficient disk space exists to create a file of size %s bytes in directory %s.  Free Bytes Remaining: %dK. Current Disk Usage: %d percent. Diskfull Limit: %d percent."
;CAUSE:  The disk pointed to by the Local Content Area has exceeded the
;        Diskfull limit threshold established for the session.
;ACTION: New diskspace must be made available. Purging the content area is
;        recommended.

DIRECTORY_ACCESS SS  "Cannot use the Local Content Area due to the inability to access the session content directory (%s). The Operating System error was (%s)."
;CAUSE:  The Local area directory was found to not exist or not be accessible.
;        Possibly the client working directory cannot be accessed.
;        Possibly the Local Location has been set to an non-existent directory.
;        Possibly it was removed out from under the client session.
;ACTION: Make sure the Local Location is defined to an accessible directory.

NO_LOCAL_AREA        "The Local Content Area could not be initialized due to the inability to lookup a default Working Directory to use for Getfile requests."
;CAUSE:  The client specified to use the default local area; however the
;        dmcl is unable to get a Working Directory value from the operating
;        system.
;ACTION: The client should either specify a local content area explicitly or
;        use the server common area for nameless getfile requests.

LOCAL_AREA_NOTFOUND SSS "The Client configuration setting for the Local Location specifies a directory (%s) that does not exist or cannot be accessed. Using the Default Local Content Area (%s). The Operating System error was (%s)."
;CAUSE:  The client configuration specified a Local location definition that
;        was not accessible by the client.  Possibly the disk it is defined
;        to is not mounted or does not exist.  Possibly permissions on the
;        device prevent its use.
;ACTION: Check the Local Location setting for correctness.

LOCAL_AREA_DEFAULT SS "The default Local Location for this client (%s) does not exist or cannot be accessed.  This prevents fetching document contents. The Operating System error was (%s)."
;CAUSE:  The default Local Location could not be accessed.
;        Possibly permissions on the local working directory prevent its use.
;ACTION: Check the working directory permissions and if needed redefine the
;        Local area to an accessible device.

BAD_CONFIG_VALUE SLI "The setting for the configuration parameter (%s) is not a legal value: %d.  Using default value of %d."
;CAUSE:  The value is out of range.
;ACTION: Set the value to a legal value.

NO_COMMON      "A Nameless Getfile request was made to a server which does not have Common Area access.  The Client should be configured to use its Local Content Area."
;CAUSE:  A client session executed a nameless getfile request against a server
;        which does not allow Common Area access.  It should be the case that
;        the client session would have seen this and always done content
;        tunneling into the client local area.  Obviously something broke.
;ACTION: Set up the client to use the local area (set USE_LOCAL = True).

PERMS1 S  "The Local Content Area cannot be initialized because the session does not have permission to make updates in the Root Local Area (%s). The Local Area root and its immediate subdirectories should allow public write access."
PERMS2    "If the local root is shared by multiple users then in some cases the user environment can prevent the Local Area from being created with proper permissions (the user may use a umask which disallows creating public files)."
PERMS3 S  "The Local Content Area root (%s) and its docbase and hostname subdirectories should be made publicly updatable as well as the 'dir.lck' files inside."
;CAUSE:  The Local Content Area could not be initialized because the current
;        session did not have permission to either create a subdirectory in
;        in the local area or to acquire a lock on an existing directory.
;  The objects in the local area are normally created to be publicly
;        accessible but it is possible for the user to run with a network
;        filesystem "umask" which overrides our attempt to make file files
;        public.  When this occurs then the user which creates the local area
;        (it is created automatically on first access) will be the only one
;        with permission to use it.  This is only a problem if the same local
;        area root is shared by multiple users.
;ACTION: A system admin should modify the permissions of the local area root
;        directory along with its docbase and hostname subdirectories and any
;        "dir.lck" files therein.  Once this is done the local area should
;        remain accessible by all users.

LCOPY_NONFS     "The use_local_on_copy option requires that the client be nfs enabled.  Since the nfs_enabled option for this client is not set to TRUE the local area protocols must default to use_local_always."
;CAUSE:  The use_local_on_copy option specifies that the local area should be
;  used only when a file copy is required on getfile requests.  If the
;  file can be fetched by just returning a link or a direct filename
;  pointer then the option specifies that nfs filenames be returned.
;  This option requires that NFS access be enabled.
;ACTION: If the client has nfs access to the server common area then set the
;  nfs_enabled option to TRUE for this client.  Otherwise turn off the
;  use_local_on_copy option.

LCOPY_AMBIGUOUS "Both the use_local_always and use_local_on_copy options were enabled for this client. These flags are mutually exclusive.  Use_local_on_copy cannot be specified unless use_local_always is unset."
;CAUSE:  The use_local_on_copy option specifies that the local area should be
;  used only when a file copy is required on getfile requests.  If the
;  file can be fetched by just returning a link or a direct filename
;  pointer then the option specifies that nfs filenames be returned.
;  This option requires that NFS access be enabled.
;ACTION: If the client has nfs access to the server common area then set the
;  nfs_enabled option to TRUE for this client.  Otherwise turn off the
;  use_local_on_copy option.

NO_UNIQUE SIS     "Unable to generate a unique file name.  While creating a file for the sysobject %s with hint %d the maximum number of collisions was exceeded. The file name generated was %s"
;CAUSE:  A client session executed a nameless getfile request against a sysobject on
;        a content can not find a unique file name on the content area.
;        The client session probably has retrieved the same content object many times.
;ACTION: Re-connect the session and try again.

CHECK_LONG  SS   "Error accessing directory %s.  While determining file system support for long file names the following Operating System error occurred: %s."
; When using the Client Local area, the client API library checks to see if
; the underlying file system supports long file name before fetching content files onto the local disk.  This error
; indicates a failure checking long file name.  This will cause the Getfile request
; to fail.
;CAUSE:  Possibly the content area directory has been removed or is no longer
;        accessible.  The Operating System error should give further details.
;ACTION: See your sysadmin.

PATH_TOO_LONG  SI   "Cannot create file in directory %s as the resulting path/filename would exceed the system limitation of %d bytes."
;CAUSE:  The path to the content area is too long, preventing the system from
;        being able to create a short enough filename such that the combination
;        of the path/filename fits within the system limits of a legal pathname.
;        The content area path must allow room for at least 11- byte filenames.
;ACTION: Set or change the local_path field in the dmcl.ini to use a new
;        content area with a shorter directory path.

.severity  FATAL


posted on 2009-11-16 12:13 liaojiyong 阅读(549) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

