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;       Audit Trail errors
;**     Documentum DocuServer
;**     Confidential Property of Documentum, Inc.
;**     (c) Copyright Documentum, Inc., 1991-2000
;**     All rights reserved.
.facility       DM_AUDITTRAIL
; These are the error messages returned by the audit trail facility.
; The convention followed for determining the severity of an error message
; is as follows:
;       An error which occurs because of something the user did is of severity,
;       ERROR.
;       An error which the user really has no control over (a schema table couldn't be
;       opened, a rollback operation failed leaving the database inconsistent, ...) is
;       classified as severity, FATAL.
.severity TRACE
.severity       INFORMATION
.severity       WARNING
EXCEED_ROW_SIZE "The attribute_list_old property is created with a short lengh because the ability to audit old property values is not enabled due to a database page size limitation."
; CAUSE: The max row size (page size) is less than 8K; consequently, the attribute_list_old property is created with a short length (1 char).
; ACTION: Use a max row size (page size) of at least 8K.
.severity       ERROR
CANT_MODIFY D "You can not modify any existing AuditTrail object %s."
; CAUSE: The AuditTrail object has been previously saved.  It cannot be saved again by anyone.
; ACTION: Do not attempt to modify an AuditTrail object.  Only one save action is allowed on it.
CANT_FETCH      D "Cannot fetch - Invalid object ID %s."
; CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
; ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
;       to the Documentum server could not be established.
AUDIT_NO_EVENT   "No Event Specified for audit."
; CAUSE: The user forgot to specify an event for audit
; ACTION: Specify a valid event name
AUDIT_INVALID_EVENT S      "Event %s is not a valid system event."
; CAUSE: The user specified an invalid event name for audit
; ACTION: Specify a valid event name
AUDIT_ALREADY_AUDITED SS   "Event %s on object %s is already being audited."
; CAUSE: The object already has the requested event audited
; ACTION: No need to audit the event twice
UNAUDIT_NO_EVENT         "No Event Specified for unaudit."
; CAUSE: The user forgot to specify an event for unaudit
; ACTION: Specify a valid event name
UNAUDIT_INVALID_EVENT S    "Event %s is not a valid system event."
; CAUSE: The user specified an invalid event name for unaudit
; ACTION: Specify a valid event name
DBERROR         SSSS "AuditTrail was unable to perform '%s' on %s for event %s.\nDatabase error:\n%s"
;CAUSE: AuditTrail was attempting a database operation which failed.
;ACTION: Ensure that all is well with the underlying database tables.
;        Check the dmi_registry_s table.
CANT_AUDIT SS "Could not audit the specified %s event for %s document/object."
;CAUSE: The specified event could not be audited. Most likely
;       bad event name specified or object doesn't exist in docbase.
;ACTION: Check the event name and try again.
CANT_UNAUDIT SS "Could not unaudit the specified %s event for %s document/object."
;CAUSE: The specified event could not be unaudited. Most likely
;       bad event name specified.
;ACTION: Check the event name and try again.
AUDIT_NEED_AT_LEAST_SYSADMIN SS "The current user (%s) needs to have at least sysadmin privileges to audit the %s event."
;CAUSE: Must have at least SysAdmin privileges to audit an event
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.
UNAUDIT_NEED_TO_BE_SUPERUSER SS "The current user (%s) needs to have superuser privileges to unaudit the %s event."
;CAUSE: Must have Superuser privileges to unaudit an event
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.
NOT_AUDITED SS "Event %s is not audited for object %s."
;CAUSE: Specified event is not audited
;ACTION: Check to see if either the event or the sysobj ID is invalid.
CANT_FIND_OBJ SS "Could not find the object, name or event '%s' for id %s."
;CAUSE: The object identified by the id could not be found for that event.
;ACTION: Check the id to make sure that it is a valid sysobject.
NO_AUTH_DESTROY S "The current user (%s) must have 'purge audit' privilege to destroy an audit trail."
;CAUSE: User does not have the right privleges to destroy an audit trail object.
;ACTION: Destroy the object as a user with the 'purge audit' privilege.
INCREASE_LENGTH SII "Failed to increase the size of %s from %d to %d."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
AUDIT_NEED_CONFIG_AUDIT SS "The current user (%s) needs to have 'config audit' privilege to audit the %s event."
;CAUSE: Must have 'config audit' privilege to audit an event
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.
UNAUDIT_NEED_CONFIG_AUDIT SS "The current user (%s) needs to have 'config audit' privilege to unaudit the %s event."
;CAUSE: Must have 'config audit' privileges to unaudit an event
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.
AUDIT_ALL_NOT_ALLOW_EXTRA S "You are not allowed to specify extra values, for example, '%s', when auditing all events."
; CAUSE: When auditing all events (i.e., event_name is 'all'), it is not allowed to specify any values after
;        the audit_subtypes parameter.
; ACTION: Specify a valid event name
AUDIT_DEFAULT_NOT_ALLOWED S "The keyword 'default' for policy is only allowed when the event name is (%s)."
; CAUSE: You can use the keyword 'default' to specify the default policy associated with the type for auditing event.
;        However, it is only allowed when the event name is dm_attach.
; ACTION: Either specify a valid event name or a valid policy id.
NO_DEFAULT_POLICY SS "%s failed because the type (%s) does not have a default policy."
;CAUSE:  You tried to use 'default' to specify a policy for auditing. But, the relevant type doesn't have a default policy.
;ACTION: You can user DQL 'ALTER TYPE' statement to associate a default policy to a type.
NO_BROWSE_ACCESS SD "The user (%s) does not have browse access to the audittrail record with ID '%s'."
;CAUSE:You do not have browse access to this audittrail record.
;      Superusers and users with VIEW AUDIT privilege can view any audit trail record.
;      Other users need to be either the owner or with at least BROWSE permit in order to acces the record.
;ACTION:See your System Administrator or the owner of the sysobject.
EVENT_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED SS "Event %s is not allowed in %s."
; CAUSE: The user specified an invalid event name for audit or unaudit.
;        It is very likely the specified event name is either 'dm_audit' or 'dm_unaudit'
;        since we don't allow user to audit/unaudit them because they are always audited.
; ACTION: Specify other event name.
OUT_OF_RANGE ISII "The index (%d) of the attribute %s should be between %d and %d."
; PARAMETERS: I - the specified index
;             S - attribute name
;             I - the lower bound
;             I - the upper bound
; CAUSE: The attribue value is out of range.
; ACTION: Set the attribute to a value as suggested and retry the operation.
CURSOR_FAIL SS "The following query %s generated the following database %s error"
; CAUSE: Used for internal purpose.
; ACTION: Report to your sys admin.
AUDIT_OBJ_NOT_ALLOW_EXTRA SSSS "When auditing an object, no values can be provided for the following arguments: audit_subtypes (%s), controlling_app (%s), policy_id (%s), and state_name (%s)
; CAUSE: When auditing an object, it is not allowed to specify any values for audit_subtypes, controlling_app,
;        policy_id, and state_name parameters.
; ACTION: Remove the invalid values from the audit api.
AUDIT_DOCBASE_WIDE_NOT_ALLOW_EXTRA S "You are not allowed to specify extra values, '%s', when docbase-wide event is audited."
; CAUSE: When auditing docbase-isDocbasewide events (i.e., object_id is NULL), it is not allowed to specify any values after
;        the event_name.
; ACTION: Remove the extra parameter after event_name
AUDIT_ATTR_NOT_EXISTS SSS "You try to audit event (%s) with an non-existent attribute (%s) in the list (%s)."
; CAUSE: When auditing an object, all attributes specified in the list must be present in the type.
; ACTION: Remove the invalid values from the attribute list.
AUDIT_GROUP_NOT_ALLOW_EXTRA SSSS "No value is allowed to specify in controlling_app (%s), policy_id (%s), and state_name (%s) for event (%s)."
; CAUSE: When auditing certain events, it is not allowed to specify any values for controlling_app,
;        policy_id, and state_name parameters.
; ACTION: Remove the invalid values from the audit api.
AUDIT_NOT_ALLOW_STATE_NAME S "It is not allowed to specify state_name (%s) if lifecycle id is not specified."
; CAUSE: It is allowed to specify policy state name only if a policy id is specifed.
; ACTION: Either specify a policy id or remove policy state name.
INVALID_POLICY_ID D "Lifecycle with ID '%s' does not exist."
; CAUSE: The policy id is invalid.
; ACTION: Check the specified policy id. Make sure it is pointing to a valid policy object.
INVALID_STATE_NAME SD "There is no state named '%s' in lifecycle with ID '%s'."
; CAUSE: The state name is invalid.
; ACTION: Make sure that the state name exists in the specified lifecycle.
EVENT_NOT_AUDITABLE_FOR_TYPE SS "The event '%s' is not auditable for the type '%s'."
; CAUSE: The event is not auditable for this type.
; ACTION: Specify a valid event for this type.
; PARAMETERS: S - user specified audit event name
;             S - user specified type name
MISSING_ARG SS "The method '%s' is missing argument for '%s'."
; CAUSE: Argument is missing for the method.
; ACTION: Make sure that all required arguments are correctly specified.
; PARAMETERS: S - name of the method.
;             S - name of the missing argument.
INVALID_ARG SSS "The method '%s' has invalid value (%s) for argument '%s'."
; CAUSE: Argument has invalid value.
; ACTION: Make sure that all required arguments are correctly specified.
; PARAMETERS: S - name of the method.
;             S - value of the arguemnt.
;             S - name of the argument.
OBJ_NO_SIGNATURE DS "The Object (%s) has not been digitally signed. No audit record is generated for the event '%s'."
; CAUSE: Object has to be digitally signed before an audit record can be
;        generated for this event.
; ACTION: Make sure that the object is digitally signed.
; PARAMETERS: D - Object ID.
;             S - name of the event.
INSUFFICIENT_PRIV SSS "The user (%s) needs '%s' privilege for the operation '%s'."
; CAUSE: User does not have the necessary privilege for the operation.
; ACTION: Make sure that user has the required privilege for the operation.
; PARAMETERS: S - User name.
;             S - Required privilege.
;             S - Operation/Method name.
SIGNATURE_TOO_LONG II "The internal gernerated audit signature is too long (%d). It cannot exceed the size of %d."
; CAUSE: An internal error caused the size to be too large.
; ACTION: Contact Documentm Tech Support.
; PARAMETERS: I - Actual string size of the audit signature.
;             I - Allowed string size.
SIGNATURE_CREATE_FAIL "Server failed to generate audit signature."
; CAUSE: An error occured while creating audit signature.
; ACTION: Contact Documentm Tech Support.
SIGNATURE_MISMATCH D "Audit record (%s) has failed the audit signature verification."
; CAUSE: The audit record has been changed.
; ACTION: Check database log on who changed the object.
; PARAMETERS: D - Audit trail object id.
NO_SIGNATURE D "Audit record (%s) has not been signed."
; CAUSE: The audit record has not been signed.
; ACTION: Make sure that the audit record is signed.
; PARAMETERS: D - Audit trail object id.
CANT_AUDIT_UNLESS_MATERIALIZED SS "Could not audit the specified %s event for %s because it is an un-materialized lightweight object."
;CAUSE: It is not allowed to register a lightweight object for auditing
;       before it is materialized
;ACTION: Materialize the lightweight object and try again.
.severity FATAL
TYPE_INIT S "Failed to initialize type %s."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
;       representative.
BAD_VSTAMP II "Type dm_audittrail has a bad vstamp %d. The current vstamp for dm_audittrail is supposed to be %d."
; CAUSE: The RDBMS table has a bad vstamp.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
TYPE_CONVERSION I "Failed to convert type dm_audittrail to version %d."
; CAUSE: For unknown reason, type conversion failed.
; ACTION: Report the problem to Documentum Support.
RPC_CALL S "Failed to run the RPC call %s."
; CAUSE: For unknown reason, the RPC call failed.
; ACTION: Report the problem to Documentum Support.


posted on 2009-11-16 12:14 liaojiyong 阅读(625) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

