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; $Id: dmapi.e,v 5.36 2003/05/13 01:42:42 vchandra Exp $
; API errors
.facility DM_API This is for client api tracing. When this flag is on the client api's will go to api.log or user specified log file.
; These are the error messages returned by the api.
.severity TRACE
FACILITY_USAGE SS "You can turn on (%s) trace facility by issueing an api command:trace,<session>,<severity_level>,apilogfile,%s. You can turn off this facility by using the same api with severity_level set to 0."
; CAUSE: Instruction to turn on trace for this facility on the server side
; ACTION; None.
FACILITY_NOT_AVAILABLE S "Current facility (%s) does not have trace"
; CAUSE: the information of the facility
; ACTION: None.
OPTION_USAGE SS "This option is currently (%s). You need system administrator's privilege to turn on -o flags.  You can turn on[/off] this option by issueing an api command: apply,<session>,NULL,SET_OPTIONS,OPTION,S,%s, VALUE,B,T[/F]"
; CAUSE: Instruction to turn on/off -o option;
; ACTION: None.
SQL_TRACE_USAGE S "SQL Trace is currently (%s). The api command to turn on[/off] SQL trace is: trace,<session>,1[/0],,SQL_TRACE"
; CAUSE: this is the instruction for session based sql trace.
; ACTION: none.
SPECIAL_FACILITY_USAGE S "You can turn on/off (%s) trace facility by issueing an api command:apply,c,NULL,MODIFY_TRACE,SYBSYSTEM,S,fulltext,VALUE,S,{all,document,verity,none} "
; CAUSE: Instruction to turn on trace for this facility on the server side
; ACTION; None.
.severity WARNING
OLDTYPE  S "Type name '%s' should no longer be used in the creation of objects."
; CAUSE: An old type has been used 'document', 'cabinet', 'folder.'
; ACTION: In the future, use dm_document, dm_cabinet, dm_folder.
CONTAINMENT_FEATURES_NOT_SUPPORTED SSSS "The docbase (%s) has version (%s) which does not support setting containment_type and containment_desc attributes in the operation (%s).  These features require a server of at least version (%s)"
; CAUSE:    You can only set containment_type and containment_desc attributes in a 4.1 or later server
; ACTION:   Use a newer server if you wish to set the containment_type and containment_desc attributes.
; PARAMETERS: docbase, old server version, api operation, minimum server version required.
NO_MATCH S "There was no match in the docbase for the qualification: %s"
; CAUSE: The qualification you provided did not match any object.
; ACTION: None required.  If you think there really should have been a match
;               reexamine your qualification, correct it, and resubmit it.
; PARAMETERS:   The qualification.
CACHE_FLUSH      "Unable to flush query cache."
; CAUSE:  Query caching is disabled for your session or docbase.  Unable to flush the cache.
; ACTION: Query caching must be enabled, either by your System Administrator setting
;         the effective_date in the Docbase Config, or through your dmcl.ini.
NO_VALUE S "There are no values in the repeating attribute %s."
; CAUSE: You have requested a value from the repeating attribute, but no
;               values have been set for this attribute.  The _count value for this
;               attribute is zero.
; ACTION: None required.  This message is informational.  In general,
;               the repeating attributes _count value should be checked before
;               values are requested.  _count tells you how many values the
;               repeating attribute contains, so that you can retrieve all of
;               them.
EXTRA_PARAMETER S "The extra parameter, %s, is only allowed for date attribute."
;CAUSE:   You have provided an extra parameter in the Set, Append,
;         Insert API for non-date attribute.
;ACTION:  Remove the extra parameter.
SERVER_NEED_RESTART S "Changes made by the apply method %s will not take effect until Content Server is restarted."
;CAUSE:   Content server needs to restart after certain APPLY method being
;   executed. Such apply method includes only DEFAULT_RETENTION_ATTR
;   for now.
;ACTION:  An Admin user needs to restart the content server.
.severity ERROR
ERROR   "General internal error: API has failed."
; CAUSE: Unknown internal problem.
; ACTION: This error is unrecoverable.  Report this error message, and any
;               other recent error messages from your session, to your Documentum
;               site representative.
BADATTRNAME S "Bad attribute name '%s' for document/object."
; CAUSE: An incorrect attribute name was supplied with the API command.
; ACTION: Use a correct attribute name. Insure that no spaces have been placed
;  between comma delimiters.
BADATTRINDX SI "Attribute name '%s' for document/object has incorrect index '%d'"
; CAUSE: Attribute name was supplied with an incorrect index.
; ACTION: Check to make sure that the index is within bounds of the current number of attributes.
BADCMD  S "Bad API command '%s'"
; CAUSE: An API command has been incorrectly formed.
; ACTION: If the parameter is <NULL>, make sure that no spaces precede your specified command
;               in the command line.  Otherwise, check to be sure that the command you have
;               specified is a valid API command.  Reformulate and retry your command.
; PARAMETERS: The command as specified, or <NULL>.
BADDATATYPE S "Bad datatype or value conversion for attribute %s."
; CAUSE: You have specified an attribute, along with a datatype or a value.
;               The datatype was not a valid docuserver datatype, or the value was
;               incompatible with the datatype of the specified attribute.
; ACTION: Correct the command as appropriate and retry.
; PARAMETERS: The name of the attribute.
BADOBJ  S "Command %s returned an invalid document/object id."
; CAUSE: Your command has returned an invalid (null) object id.
; ACTION: The command should have generated other error messages which will explain
;               the cause for this failure.  Check the rest of the message queue, and
;               follow whatever actions are suggested in the other error messages.
; PARAMETERS: The command, as specified.
BADQUERY S "No query has been run for command %s."
; CAUSE: You have specified next or close on a null query result collection.
; ACTION: You probably ran a query that failed and returned a null collection.
;               Check the error messages for your session;  they should provide an
;               explanation as to why your query failed.  Correct your query and run
;               it again.  Check to be sure you get a collection back before issuing
;               a next or close command.
; PARAMETERS: The command specified.
BADQUEUE  "No queue name has been given."
; CAUSE: You have issued a dequeue command without specifying a queue name.
; ACTION: Correct the command line to include the queue name.
BADSESS  S "Bad session specifier %s, try using current."
; CAUSE: You have incorrectly specified the session in your command line.
; ACTION: Correct the session specification and retry the command.  If you
;               do not know what the correct session specification is, you could
;               use current.
; PARAMETERS: The incorrect session as specified in your command.
BADSTAMP S "Bad queue stamp specifier for queue %s."
; CAUSE: Your command did not specify a stamp.
; ACTION: The stamp is the unique identifier for the object you wish to
;               dequeue.  It must be specified on this command. 
; PARAMETERS: The name of the queue.
EXIST  S "Document/object specified by %s does not exist."
; CAUSE: You have specified an object id for an object which does not exist.
; ACTION: Ensure that you are specifying the correct object id.  Remember that
;               you save a new object, it gets a new id.  If there are additional
;               error messages on your session, they may contain information which
;               is helpful as well.
; PARAMETERS: The object id.
NOCACHE   "Internal error, cache is missing."
; CAUSE: This is a very unlikely event.  Your internal object cache
;               has been destroyed.
; ACTION: This is not recoverable.  You must restart your session.
NODEVNAME S "No device name was given for command %s."
; CAUSE: The device name is required for this command.
; ACTION: Correct the command to specify the device name.
; PARAMETERS: The command as specified.
NOFOLDER S "Folder with the path %s does not exist."
; CAUSE: You have tried to fetch a folder that does not exist.
; ACTION: Double check the path that you specified and ensure that it is
;               correct.  The folder may have been deleted.  Also check any
;               other error messages queued on your session to see if they
;               also reference this folder.
; PARAMETERS: The path name specified in the command.
NOFOLDID  "No folder id given for a link/unlink command."
; CAUSE: The folder id is required for link and unlink.
; ACTION: Correct the command to specify a folder id.
NOID  S "No id given for command %s."
; CAUSE: An object id is required for this command.
; ACTION: Correct the command to specify an object id.
; PARAMETERS: The command as specified.
NO_FILE         S       "No file name given for command %s."
; CAUSE:         A file name is required for this command.
; ACTION:        Correct the command to specify a file name.
; PARAMETERS:    The command as specified
NOLABEL                 "No version label specified during appendcomp/insertcomp operations."
; CAUSE:        You have not specified a version label during appendcomp or
;               insertcomp operation.
; ACTION:       Specify the version label during the appendcomp or insertcomp
;               operation.
NOLAST   "Cannot use last for document/object id. Must fetch or create document/object first."
; CAUSE: You have specified 'last' in place of a document or object id, but
;               no object is active.
; ACTION: Specify the object id explicitly in your command and retry.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;NOMESSAGE       S       "No messsage specified for routing."
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;NOPRIORITY      S       "No priority specified for routing."
NOQUERY   "No query has been run. Cannot use a query collection id."
; CAUSE: You are attempting to look up an object and its typed based
;               on a query collection which has not had a query run yet.
; ACTION: Run a query first.
NOSESS   "No session is currently active."
; CAUSE: You are not connected with a session.
; ACTION: Your session may have been dropped due to inactivity.  You
;               must start up another session.
NOTYPE  S "Type name '%s' is not a valid type."
; CAUSE: The specified typename is not valid.
; ACTION: If this is a typename that you have specified explicitly on
;               a command line, ensure that the type exists, correct the
;               command and retry.
;               Otherwise, this is a type that a command requires internally,
;               and it does not exist.  This may be an internal problem.  Report
;               this error to your Documentum site representative.
; PARAMETERS: The name of the type as passed to the API.
NOTYPE2   "No type was specified."
; CAUSE: You have specified a command for which the type must be
;               specified.
; ACTION: Add the type to your command, and retry.
DEQUEUE_FAIL S "Dequeue operation on queue item %s failed"
; CAUSE: The requested dequeue failed during server execution.
; ACTION: There will be additional error messages queued on your session.
;               Those error messages will contain information on why this
;               operation failed.  Follow the suggested actions in those
;               error messages to correct this problem.
; PARAMETERS: The name of the queue.
QUERY_FAIL S "Query failed: %s"
; CAUSE: Your query failed.  Either you specified the query incorrectly
;               on the command line, or the query executed, but failed to return
;               a query results collection.  This may be a query that was run on
;               behalf of a non-query method that you have invoked.  It may be
;               that a qualification that you have provided (for the ID or RETRIEVE
;               methods, for example) was in error.
; ACTION: Examine the rest of the error messages on your session's message
;               queue.  If there are no other messages, then the query was incorrectly
;               specified on the command line.  Examine your command line and make
;               the necessary corrections.
;               If there are additional messages, they will explain what the cause
;               of the failure was, and what to do about it.
; PARAMETERS: The query.
BADFILE_FORMAT S "File format for file %s is either incorrect or missing."
; CAUSE: The file format for a method that adds a new file to a document is either
;  missing or incorrect.
; ACTION: Insure that the file format has been specified. Make sure that the file
;  format matches those listed in dm_format objects.
; PARAMETERS: The file that is being added.
NOTASKNUM                "No task number specified during router operations."
; CAUSE:        You have not specified a task number during a router
;                operation. (i.e. forward, reverse, ...)
; ACTION:       Specify the task number during this router
;               operation.
NOEVENTNAME                "No event name specified during register/unregister operations."
; CAUSE:        You have not specified an event name during event
; register/unregister operation.
; ACTION:       Specify the event name.
BADID  S "Bad ID given: %s"
; CAUSE:    You have specified an invalid id.
; ACTION: Retry with a valid id definition.
NODOCBASE  "No document base has been provided for a connection."
; CAUSE: The first argument has not been provided for a connect statement.
; ACTION: Provide a complete connect statement.
NOUSERNAME  "No user name have been provided for a connection."
; CAUSE: The second argument has not been provided for a connect statement.
; ACTION: Provide a complete connect statement.
NOOSPASSWD  "No operating system password has been provided for a connection."
; CAUSE: The third argument has not been provided for a connect statement.
; ACTION: Provide a complete connect statement.
NODBPASSWD  "No database password provided for a connection."
; CAUSE: The fourth argument has not been provided for a connect statement.
; ACTION: Provide a complete connect statement.
BADDATE  SS "You have specified an unrecognized date representation '%s' based on format '%s'"
; CAUSE: The date representation shown does not conform to the date formats
;               that Documentum recognizes, or the date is not in the valid date
;               range.  Dates prior to the year 1970 may not be specified.
; ACTION: Correct the date.
; PARAMETERS:   The incorrectly specified date.
NO_MATCH S "There was no match in the docbase for the qualification: %s"
; CAUSE: The qualification you provided did not match any object.
; ACTION: None required.  If you think there really should have been a match
;               reexamine your qualification, correct it, and resubmit it.
; PARAMETERS:   The qualification.
ONELISTMSG         "Cannot have multiple listmessage collections open simultaneously."
; CAUSE: User tried to have more than one listmessage collection opened.
; ACTION: Close the previous listmessage collection, before opening the next one.
INVALID_TYPE_FOR_METHOD SSS "Cannot perform %s method on supplied object of id (%s) since it is not of type (%s)."
;CAUSE: The specified operation not supported on this type of sysobject.
;ACTION: None.

POSITIONAL_PARAM_MISSING IS "The required positional parameter, %d, was not supplied.  Please provide a value for %s."
NO_COLLECTION  "There are no more available collection object for the current session."
;CAUSE: User has used all available collection. Current limit is 10 per session.
;ACTION: Close some unused collections.
NO_SESSION  "There are no more available sessions."
;CAUSE: User has used all available sessions. Current limit is 10 per application.
;ACTION: Close some unused sessions in your application.
EXPECT_BOOL ISS "A null or boolean value was expected for positional parameter %d.  Bad value: %s. This parameter specifies %s."
;CAUSE: The command expected to parse a boolean or no value at all.  Boolean arguments can take the form: t, T, f, F, true, false, TRUE, FALSE
OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED SS  "This %s operation cannot be performed because the server does not support the '%s' method. There is an incompatibility between your client library (DMCL) and the current Documentum server."
; CAUSE: The server to which the application is connected does not
;               support a method call used by the DMCL in the current command.
;               The application is likely connected to an older server which
;               cannot process the requested action.
; ACTION: If possible upgrade the server to resolve the problem.
; PARAMETERS: The command as specified and the unsupported METHOD call.
DESCRIBE_TABOWNER  "To execute this 'describe table' operation against the current server you must supply the table owner name in the command (ie. 'describe table owner_name.table_name')."
; CAUSE: The server to which the application is connected does not
;               support the describe table command on system tables (beginning
;               with 'dm').
;               The application is likely connected to an older server which
;               cannot process the requested action.
; ACTION: If possible upgrade the server to resolve the problem.
;               Otherwise issue the owner name along with the table name in
;               the describe command.
COMMAND_OBSOLETE  S "The API command '%s' is no longer supported."
; CAUSE: An obsolete API command has requested.
; ACTION: The application should be modified to no longer depend on the
;               obsolete command.
; PARAMETERS: The command requested.

BADSEVERITY  S "Bad severity level given: %s"
; CAUSE:    You have specified an invalid severity level.
; ACTION: Retry with a valid severity level (0 ~ 4).
NONAME "The accessor name is missing."
; CAUSE: Accessor name is missing from the cmd line.
; ACTION: Provide the accessor name.
NOPERMIT "The accessor permit is missing."
; CAUSE: Accessor permit is missing from the cmd line.
; ACTION: Provide the accessor permit.
NO_ACL_SOURCE "The ACL inheritance source is missing."
; CAUSE: The inheritance source of useacl cmd is missing.
DOWNREV_SERVER_VER SSSS "The docbase (%s) has version (%s) which does not support the operation (%s).  This operation requires a server of at least version (%s)"
; CAUSE:    You can only connect to a docbase with a higher version."
NO_CACHE_NAME "The name of the global cache to be flushed is missing."
; CAUSE:   The name of the global cache to be flushed is missing from the flushglobalcache method.
; ACTION:  Provide the cache name in the flushglobalcache method. Currently, only 'user' cache is allowed. 
WRONG_CACHE_NAME S "The global cache '%s' is not supported in 'flushglobalcache' method."
; CAUSE:   The name of the global cache to be flushed is not supported in the 'flushglobalcache' method.
; ACTION:  Currently, only 'user' cache is allowed. 
BOOLEAN_FLAG S "The value '%s' is not valid. The boolean flag is either 'T' or 'F'."
; CAUSE:   The value of the boolean flag in the command needs to be either 'T' or 'F'.
; ACTION:  Change the value of the boolean flag and try again.
NOT_SELECT "You have specified an unsupported statement type in a cachequery."
; CAUSE:  Only SELECT statements may be specified using cachequery.
; ACTION: Resubmit the DQL statement using the readquery, query, or execquery method.
;         If the statement is being run by an application, contact your Documentum
;         System Administrator about having the application corrected.
FLUSH_NO_ARG  "The flush method had a missing required cachename argument."
; CAUSE:  A flush method was invoked without the required cachename arguement.
; ACTION: Add the cachename argument (currently only querycache is supported) and
;         retry.
FLUSH_BAD_ARG S "The flush method had an unsupported cache name argument:  %s."
; CAUSE:  A flush method was invoked with a cachename argument that is not
;         supported.  Currently only querycache is supported.
; ACTION: Change the cachename argument to a supported cachename and retry.
UPDATE_BAD_ATTR S "The attribute '%s' is not updateable."
; CAUSE:  The attribute you are attempting to set is not an updateable attribute.
; ACTION: Internal and readonly attributes are not updateable. 
;         Remove the reference(s) to attribute(s) beginning with i_ or _r,  from your update
;         or create object statement. 
BAD_DIRECTION S "An improper direction (%s) was specified in a seek."
; CAUSE: Direction specification in a seek must be one of "C", "B", "E"
; PARAMETERS: The direction specification that was supplied.
; ACTION: Use a valid direction specification
NO_SERVERMAP            "No server map information from docbroker."
; CAUSE:        The docbroker is not running or the server is not running
; ACTION:       Check with your dmadmin for help
NO_UL_SUPPORT           "The server does not support NT Unified Logon."
; CAUSE:        The server is not running under NT or the old docbroker is running
; ACTION:       Make sure the server and the docbroker support NT Unified Logon
BADATTRSTATE     SS      "Attribute name '%s' for policy has incorrect value '%s'."
FACILITY_UNKNOWN S "The specified facility (%s) is not a valid trace facility."
; CAUSE:        The command specified an invalid facility name.
; ACTION:       Check command syntax - check that facility name is upper case.
; PARAMETERS: %1s - the user-specified facility name
NOSCOPE  "The required scope argument is missing."
; CAUSE:        The request failed due to an invalid docbase scope argument.
; ACTION:       Modify request to include scope value.
BADSCOPE S "Docbase scope identifier (%s) is not valid."
; CAUSE:        The request failed due to an invalid docbase scope argument.
;  The scope value is specified directly on some commands (eg
;  getconnection takes a scope argument) - and is otherwise
;  picked up from the sessionconfig's docbase_scope attribute.
; ACTION:       Change the scope value - either on the command line or in the
;  sessionconfig docbase_scope field - to be a legal scope value.
; PARAMETERS: %1s - the user-specified scope value
DOCBASE_SCOPE S "Could not connect to docbase.  Docbase %s could not be found."
; CAUSE:        The request failed due to an unknown docbase name in the
;  scope setting.  Unless the requested command has a scope
;  argument the scope is derived from the sessionconfig's
;  docbase_scope attribute.
; ACTION:       Verify that the requested docbase is available.  Check that
;  the application is using a docbroker that the requested
;  server projects to.  Try connecting to the docbase directly
;  through the connect api or login.
; PARAMETERS: %1s - the user-specified docbase name
DOCBASE_SCOPE_ID L "Could not connect to docbase.  Docbase id %d could not be found."
; CAUSE:        The request failed due to an unknown docbase name in the
;  scope setting.  Unless the requested command has a scope
;  argument the scope is derived from the sessionconfig's
;  docbase_scope attribute.
; ACTION:       Check the request to see if the scope argument is valid.  If it
;  is, verify that the requested docbase is available.  Check that
;  the application is using a docbroker that the requested
;  server projects to.  Try connecting to the docbase directly
;  through the connect api or login.
; PARAMETERS: %1s - the docbase id being searched for
ACCESS  S "Document/object specified by %s cannot be accessed."
; CAUSE: You have specified an object id for an object which cannot be accessed.
; ACTION: Ensure that you are specifying the correct object id.  Remember that
;               you save a new object, it gets a new id.  If there are additional
;               error messages on your session, they may contain information which
;               is helpful as well.
; PARAMETERS: The object id.
BAD_POSITION S "Invalid position argument (%s) to seek method"
CANT_SEEK "Can't perform a seek operation for this content"
NOPOLIID        "you need to specify a valid policy object while doing an Attach."
NO_REMOTE_POLICY L "You cannot attach to a non-local business policy object from docase id %d."
;CAUSE:         The policy object id is either a bogus one or is foreign.
MUSTBE_NEXT     "You must specify 'next' as the state name to promote to."
;CAUSE:         This is to reserve a field for Promote API to easily expand into
;               state network model.  Currently, 'next' is only aceptable state,
;               which simply means the next state of the current state.:wq
MUSTBE_BASE_PREV "You must specify 'base' or 'previous' as the state name to demote to."
;CAUSE:         This is to reserver a field for Demote API to easily expand into
;               state network model. Currently, 'base' means demoting to base
;               base state; 'previous' means demoting to the original state.
CANT_WITH_OPEN_TRAN SD "You cannot perform '%s' operation since there is an open transaction in this session '%s'."
;CAUSE:          Since attach,promote,demote,suspend,continue all inlvolve some
;                form of procedure execution in which the sysobject changes are
;                committed.  This is to prevent hanging/save failure from
;                happening.
DISTTRANS_UNSUPPORTED "It is disallowed to update through a reference or a replica while a user transaction is open."
; CAUSE:        The distributed transaction is disallowed in this release.
; ACTION:       Check if begintrans has been issued and only update through
;  a reference or a replica outside of the transaction.
MISS_ACTIVITY_NAME "Missing parameter activity name."
;CAUSE           the parameter is missing on the command line.
;ACTION          specify an activity name
MISS_ACTIVITY_DEF_ID "Missing parameter activity definition id."
;CAUSE           the parameter is missing on the command line.
;ACTION          specify an ID of an activity definition
MISS_LINK_NAME "Missing parameter link name."
;CAUSE           a parameter is missing on the command line.
;ACTION          specify a link name
MISS_SRC_ACTIVITY "Missing parameter source activity."
;CAUSE           a parameter is missing on the command line.
;ACTION          specify a source activity name
MISS_SRC_PORT "Missing parameter source port."
;CAUSE           a parameter is missing on the command line.
;ACTION          specify a source port name
MISS_DEST_ACTIVITY "Missing parameter destination activity."
;CAUSE           a parameter is missing on the command line.
;ACTION          specify a destination activity name
MISS_DEST_PORT "Missing parameter destination port."
;CAUSE           a parameter is missing on the command line.
;ACTION          specify a destination port name
CHECK_ACTIVITY "Paramter check activity is invalid."
;CAUSE           an invalid value for check activity was specified or parameter check activity should not be specified.
;ACTION          specify TRUE/FALSE or do not specify anything
METHOD_NOT_APPLICABLE SS "The method %s is not applicable to type %s."
; PARAMETERS: S - method name
;             S - type name
; CAUSE: The attempted operation is not supported by the type.
; ACTION: Use the method supported by the type instead.
ISCACHED_NO_CACHE_NAME  "A cache name must be supplied to the iscached API call."
; CAUSE: You have specified a call to the iscached API call with no cache name.
; ACTION: Supply a valid cache name, for example 'typecache'.
ISCACHED_BAD_CACHE_NAME S "%s is not a valid cache name for the iscached API call."
; CAUSE: You have specified a call to the iscached API call with an invalid cache name.
; ACTION: Supply a valid cache name, for example 'typecache'.
ISCACHED_NO_CACHE_KEY  "A cache key must be supplied to the iscached API call."
; CAUSE: You have specified a call to the iscached API call with no cache key.
;               The cache key indicates what to look for in the named cache.
; ACTION: Supply a key that is appropriate for the named cache.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the name of the cache.
FLUSH_DD_CACHE_NO_KEY  "A cache key must be supplied to the flush API call when ddcache is specified."
; CAUSE: You have specified a call to the flush API for the ddcache without specifying a cache key.
;               The cache key indicates for which type the Data Dictionary information should be flushed.
; ACTION: Supply a key that is the name of an object type.
FLUSH_DD_CACHE_BAD_KEY S "A cache key (%s) was supplied to the flush ddcache API call that is not the name of a type."
; CAUSE: The cache key you specified is not the name of a type.
; ACTION: Supply a key that is the name of an object type.
NO_USER         "Need to specifiy an user."
; CAUSE:        Need to specifiy a user as the performer.
; ACTION:       Specify an user name.
MISS_PACKAGE_NAME "Parameter, package name, is missing."
; CAUSE: Parameter, package name, was not specified.
; ACTION: Specify package name.
MISS_PACKAGE_TYPE "Parameter, package type, is missing."
; CAUSE: Parameter, package type, was not specified.
; ACTION: Specify package type.
MISS_ROUTE_ID "The parameter route case identifier is missing."
; CAUSE: The route case identifier parameter is missing."
; ACTION: Specify a route case identifier.
MISS_ROUTE_COND "The parameter route condition is missing."
; CAUSE: The route condition parameter is missing.
; ACTION: Specify a route condition.
STATE_WITH_NO_POLICY S "The state name parameter (%s) to the 'type' api cannot be supplied without a business policy object id."
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the state name that was supplied.
; CAUSE:  The business policy id was omitted or NULL.
; ACTION: Specify a valid business policy id if a state name is used.
POLICY_WITH_NO_STATE D "If a business policy id (%s) is used in the 'type' api, a valid state name must be supplied."
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the business policy object id that was supplied.
; CAUSE:  The state name was omitted.
; ACTION: Specify a valid state name for the business policy object.
CANNOT_FETCH_POLICY D "Cannot fetch a business policy with object id %s."
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the business policy object id that was supplied.
; CAUSE:  A business policy object with the supplied id could not be found.
; ACTION: Specify a valid business policy object id.
POLICY_STATE_NOT_FOUND DS "The business policy with object id %s does not have a state named %s."
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the business policy object id that was supplied.
;             The second parameter is the state name supplied.
; CAUSE:  The supplied state name could not be found in the given business policy.
; ACTION: Specify a valid state name for the business policy.
MISS_ACT_NAME "The parameter, activity name, is missing."
; CAUSE: Parameter, activity name, is required for the command.
; ACTION: Specify the activity name in the command.
MISS_INPUT_PORT_NAME "The parameter, input port name, is missing."
; CAUSE: Parameter, input port name, is required for the command.
; ACTION: Specify the input port name in the command.
BAD_TYPE DS "The object, %s, is not type, %s."
; PARAMETERS: D - object ID
;             S - type
; CAUSE: The object and type specified do not agree.
; ACTION: Check the existence of the objct or the type of the object.
SAVE_TYPE S "The internal type, %s, can not be saved."
; PARAMETERS: S - type name
; CAUSE: Internal types can't be saved.
; ACTION: create and save a non-internal type.
SCHD_POLICY_NO_STATE   "A scheduled policy event requires a state name specified."
; CAUSE:       User tries to schedule a policy event (promote, demote, suspend, resume)
;              without providing a source (or target) state name/position.
; ACTION:      Supply a source or target state name/position.
MISS_STATE_POS  "The movestate API requires both old and new positions be specified."
NOPASSWORD   "There is no password argument specified."
;CAUSE:   You have not specified the password which is required to
;         electronically sign off an object.
;ACTION:  Please specify the valid password of the user who is signing off the object.
CANT_UPDATE S "Cannot Save/Check-in object <%s> because the object is marked invalid.  This is most likely due to an error from a prior operation performed on the object."
;CAUSE: One or more operations has failed during this update.
; Consult the following error message(s) for more help.
;ACTION: Try again after fixing previous problems.
VDMPATH_SORTBY S "%s is not a valid attribute to sort by"
; CAUSE: The attribute specified in the 'sort by' parameter is not allowed.
; ACTION: Choose a different attribute by which to exclude multiple versions
; of components in the path.
MISSING_CONTAINMENT_DESC S "A containment type of %s was supplied but its corresponding containment description is missing."
; CAUSE: The containment description must be supplied if the containment type is supplied.
; ACTION: Supply the corresponding containment description.
MISSING_CONTAINMENT_TYPE S "A containment desc of %s was supplied but its corresponding containment type is missing."
; CAUSE: The containment type must be supplied if the containment description is supplied.
; ACTION: Supply the corresponding containment type.
PUBLISH_DD_MISSING_PARAMETER "When calling the publish_dd api, the 1st parameter (locale) is optional. The 2nd parameter (type_name) is optional, but must be present if the 3rd parameter (attribute) is specified."
; CAUSE: The syntax was incorrect on the publish_dd api call.
; ACTION: The api call takes 3 parameters, locale name, type name, and attribute name. All 3 are optional, but if the attribute name is present, the type name must also be present.
CANT_WITHOUT_OPEN_TRAN S "You cannot perform '%s' operation without an open transaction in this session."
; CAUSE:     The specified operation needs to be run under an open transaction.
; ACTION:    Issue a 'begintran' before running the specified operation.
NOT_IN_CACHE S "Document/object specified by %s does not exist in the cache."
; CAUSE: You have specified an object id for an object which does not exist in the cache.
;           Some API like 'lock' requires the object to reside in cache before
;           applying the operation.
; ACTION:   Fetch the object and re-try the same operation. 
; PARAMETERS: The object id.
NO_PAGE_MODIFIER_FOR_BATCH SS "The page_modifier, %s, is not allowed for %s in batch mode."
; CAUSE: The page_modifier isn't allowed when processing the operation in batch mode.
; ACTION: Either set the batch_flag to false or remove the page_modifier in the operation.
; PARAMETERS: The page_modifier and API name of the operation.
BAD_PAGE_MODIFIER S "The page_modifier, %s, is reserved for internal use."
; CAUSE: The page_modifier specified by user is reserved for internal use.
; ACTION: We have reserved 'dm_batch' in page_modifier in order to process
;           addrendition in batch mode. You have to specify a different value
;           for the page_modifier
; PARAMETERS: The page_modifier.
BAD_EXTENSION_FOR_BATCH SS "The extension of the input file, %s, is not allowed for %s in batch mode."
; CAUSE: We currently only support tar format file with extension 'tar' in batch addrendition.
; ACTION: We only support tar format file in batch addrendition. You have to specify a tarred file
;           with extension 'tar'.
; PARAMETERS: file name and name of the API.
UNKNOWN_SECURE_FLAG S "Unknown secure connect flag '%s' is specified."
; CAUSE: Unknown secure connect flag specified. Valid secure connect
;               flags are 'secure', 'native', 'try_secure_first' and
;               'try_native_first'.
; ACTION: specify a valid secure connect flag.
; PARAMETERS: Secure connect flag specified.
NO_EVENT_NAME S "No event name given for command %s."
; CAUSE: An event name is required for this command.
; ACTION: Correct the command to specify an event name.
; PARAMETERS: The command as specified.
CANNOT_FETCH_REMOTE_POLICY D "Cannot fetch a remote business policy with object id %s."
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the business policy object id that was supplied.
; CAUSE:  A business policy object with the supplied id could not be found.
; ACTION: Verify your access to the remote docbase. Specify a valid business policy object id.
CONFIGURATION SS "The value '%s' is not a valid setting for %s in the dmcl.ini initialization file."
; CAUSE:        An invalid parameter value was specified in the dmcl.ini API
;               initialization file.
; ACTION:       Read the description of the parameter in the dmclfull.ini file.
; PARAMETERS:   The parameter value and the parameter name from the dmcl.ini.
FLUSH_REGISTRY_CACHE_NO_KEY "A cache key must be supplied to the flush API call when registrycache is specified."
; CAUSE:        You have specified a call to the flush API for the registrycache
;               without specifying a cache key.
;               The cache key indicates for which type the in memory registry
;               information should be flushed.
; ACTION:       Supply a key that is the name of an object type.
DOCBASE_NOT_ALLOWED S "You cannot specify a docbase name (%s) if you use a session in authenticate API."
; PARAMETERS: S - Docbase name.
; CAUSE: If a session is specified in the authenticate API,
;        no docbase name should be used.
; ACTION: Verify your argument of authenticate API to meet this requirement.

BAD_ARGS SS "Invalid or insufficient arguments for '%s' for '%s' API"
;CAUSE: User did not specify valid values for required argument while
;       executing the specified API.
; S - argument name(s)
; S - API Name.
;ACTION: Specify value for required arguments and retry.

EXCEPTION S "An unexpected error has caused the current command to be aborted.  A detailed description of the error can be found in '%s'."
; CAUSE: An unknown error has caused a memory access violation.
;       S - pathname to error file dmcl_err_pid<pid>_<date>_<time>.txt
; ACTION: Provide this message, and the contents of the error report file,
;         and contact your Documentum site representative.
EXCEPTION_ON_SESSION SS "An unexpected error has caused the command '%s' to be aborted.  The session and all associated subconnections have been disabled.  A detailed description of the error can be found in '%s'."
; CAUSE: An unknown error has caused a memory access violation.
;       S - api command
;       S - pathname to error file dmcl_err_pid<pid>_<date>_<time>.txt
; ACTION: Provide this message, and the contents of the error report file,
;         and contact your Documentum site representative.
SESSION_DISABLED "The session was disabled on an exception, only getmessage and disconnect are allowed on a disabled session."
; CAUSE: An earlier error of type DM_API_E_EXCEPTION_ON_SESSION has been reported on this session. 
; ACTION: Use the disconnect command to end the session.
API_SHUTDOWN S "The DMCL has been disabled due to an internal error, command '%s' was not run.  The process needs to be restarted."
; CAUSE:  Earlier errors of type DM_API_E_EXCEPTION or DM_API_E_EXCEPTION_ON_SESSION have occcurred.
;       S - api command
; ACTION: In its current state, the DMCL is no longer usable.  The process will have to be restarted.
AUTH_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED S "The target server of version (%s) does not support authenticate command."
; CAUSE:  Pre-5.2 server does not support API command authenticate.
;       S - target server version string
; ACTION: Use other command such as "connect" to authenticate user.
COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED SS "Server version (%s) does not support the method (%s)."
; CAUSE:  Pre-5.3 Content Server does not support the API the method.
;       S - target server version string
;       S - command name
; ACTION: Do not use the method with pre-53 Content Server.
INVALID_TICKET_SCOPE S "Invalid login ticket scope (%s). It must be 'global', 'docbase', or 'server'."
; CAUSE:  wrong login ticket scope value is specified for getlogin.
;       S - The specified login ticket scope
; ACTION: specify a correct login ticket scope value
INVALID_TOKEN_SCOPE S "Invalid token scope (%s). It must be 'global' or 'docbase'."
; CAUSE:  wrong application token scope value is specified for gettoken.
;       S - The specified application token scope
; ACTION: specify a correct application token scope value
MISSING_PASSWORD "A password must be provided."
; CAUSE:  A password was not provided for the API method resetpassword.
; ACTION: specify a valid password
NULL_TICKET "A login ticket must be provided."
; CAUSE: Missing login ticket argument for the API method dumploginticket
; ACTION: Specify a login ticket
OUT_OF_MEMORY "There is not enough memory for creating the object."
; CAUSE: System needs more memory
; ACTION: Add more memory or reduce the system workload
DECODING_FAILED SS "Decoding %s (%s) failed."
; CAUSE: The given login ticket or applicatiob access control token is corrupted."
; PARAMETERS: the first parameter tells whether this is login ticket or token. The second
;             parameter is the login ticket or token.
; ACTION: Make sure the specified login ticket or token is valid.
INVALID_INPUT S "Input string (%s) must have prefix 'DM_TICKET=' or 'DM_TOKEN'."
; CAUSE: The input string is neither a login ticket nor an application access control token."
; PARAMETERS: the input string.
; ACTION: Specifiy a valid login ticket or application access control token.
INVALID_SINGLE_USE S "Invalid single_use parameter value (%s). It must be 'T', 't', 'F', or 'f'."
; CAUSE:  Wrong single_use parameter value is specified for getlogin.
;       S - The specified value for single_use parameter
; ACTION: Specify a correct value for single_use parameter.
INVALID_TIMEOUT S "Invalid timeout parameter value (%s). It must be a valid integer."
; CAUSE:  Wrong timeout parameter value is specified for getlogin/gettoken.
;       S - The specified value for timeout parameter
; ACTION: Specify a correct value for timeout
INVALID_MACHINE_ONLY S "Invalid machine_only parameter value (%s). It must be 'T' or 't'."
; CAUSE:  Wrong machine_only parameter value is specified for gettokn.
;       S - The specified value for machine_only parameter
; ACTION: Specify a correct value for machine_only.
NO_PERMIT_TYPE "No value for permit_type was specified."
; CAUSE: No permit_type value was specified in the API
; ACTION: Check the API syntax and ensure that a permit_type value is specified
INVALID_PERMIT_TYPE S "An unrecognized permit_type value of '%s' was specified. Please check the value and try again."
; CAUSE: An unrecognized value for permit_type was specified.
; ACTION: Check the value supplied for permit_type and retry the API statement.
UNRECOGNIZED_PARAMETER S "An unrecongized parameter with value '%s' was specified. Check the API syntax and the parameter and try again."
; CAUSE: An unrecognized parameter was encountered in the API statement.
; ACTION: Check the parameter and API syntax and try again.
INVALID_PERMIT I "An invalid accessor_permit value of '%d' was specified."
; CAUSE: An invalid accessor_permit value was specified.
; ACTION: Specify a valid accessor_permit value
NO_XPERMIT "The accessor_xpermit value was not specified."
; CAUSE: The accessor_xpermit value is missing.
; ACTION: Specify the accessor_xpermit value
NO_APPLICATION_PERMIT "The application_permit value was not specified."
; CAUSE: The application_permit value is missing.
; ACTION: Specify the application_permit value
DYNAMIC_GROUP_UPDATE  "The dynamic_groups field can be updated only by append and remove operations."
; CAUSE:  The session config field dynamic_groups is used to control the set of
;         dynamic groups that the current session is involved in.  Changing the
;         set of dynamic groups is done by removing or appending groups from
;         dynamic_groups list.  The list does not allow manipulation by other
;         operations: set, insert, truncate.
; ACTION: Use the documented operations for manipulating the dynamic_groups
;         list.
INVALID_FORCE_AUTH S "Invalid value (%s) for connect argument 'force_authenticate'. It must be 'T', 't', 'F', or 'f'."
; CAUSE:  Invalid value for connect argument 'force_authenticate'
; ACTION: Specify a valid value for connect argument 'force_authenticate'
INVALID_ARG_APPLY SSS "Invalid value (%s) for the %s argument of %s apply method."
; CAUSE:  Invalid value for an argument of an apply method.
; ACTION: Specify a valid value for the argument.
GETHOSTBYNAME_FAILED    "OS Error has occurred in gethostbyname() or gethostbname_r(). Retry could resolve the issue."
; CAUSE:  Due to some threading issues in Unix gethostbyname() or gethostbyname_r() may return NULL
; ACTION: Abort DMCL client creation. Client Application (DFC/WDK) can retry.

.severity FATAL
INTERNAL S "An unexpected internal inconsistency has caused your operation to fail (%s)."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Provide this message, and its parameter, and any other recent messages from
;               your session, and contact your Documentum site representative.
; PARAMETERS:   The parameter is an indication of where the error occurred.
BADRPCDLL IIII "You have a mismatched rpcdll.dll and dmcl.dll. rpc version: %d, rpc release: %d. Expected version: %d, expected release: %d"
; CAUSE: The rpcdll.dll and dmcl.dll libraries are incompatible and are
;  different versions of the product.
; ACTION: Verify the installation of rpcdll.dll and dmcl.dll and check
;  your path for other possible dll's
CACHE_READ "An unexpected internal error has occurred while reading query results from the query cache for your query."
; CAUSE:  The disk file containing your query results cache was unreadable for
;         some reason. 
; ACTION: Report this problem to your Documentum System Administrator.  You should
;         also flush the query cache.  The results returned so far by your query may not
;         be complete.
CACHE_OBJECT "An unexpected error has occurred while loading an object from the query cache for your query."
; CAUSE:  An object in your query cache is not a valid object.
; ACTION: Report this problem to your Documentum System Administrator.  You should
;         also flush the query cache.  The results returned so far by your query may not
;         be complete.
CACHE_CLOSE "An unexpected error has occurred while closing the query cache for your query."
; CAUSE:  This disk file containing your query results cache could not be closed for
;         some reason.
; ACTION: Report this problem to your Documentum System Administrator.  You should
;         also flush the query cache.  The results displayed by your query will be
;         complete unless other error messages have occurred.
CACHE_UNREADABLE "An unexpected internal error has occurred while reading query results from the query cache for your query."
; CAUSE:  The disk file containing your query results cache is unreadable.
; ACTION: Report this problem to your Documentum System Administrator.  You should
;         also flush the query cache. 
CACHE_MAP "An unexpected internal error has occurred while processing a cached query."
; CAUSE:  This is an internal inconsistency.
; ACTION: Contact your site Documentum System Administrator.
;         To get past this problem, try flushing the query cache and restarting
;         your session.  If that doesn't work, turn off query caching in your
;         dmcl.ini file.


posted on 2009-11-16 12:16 liaojiyong 阅读(1621) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

