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; Fulltext Index Management Facility errors
.facility DM_FT_INDEX
.severity TRACE
UPGRADE_SYSOBJECT_400_PART1_DONE "Part 1 of fulltext index sysobject upgrade succeeded"
UPGRADE_SYSOBJECT_400_PART2_DONE "Part 2 of fulltext index sysobject upgrade succeeded"
UPGRADE_SYSOBJECT_400_DONE "Fulltext index sysobject upgrade succeeded"
UPGRADE_TOPIC_400D_DONE "Fulltext index topic to tdk upgrade succeeded"
UPGRADE53_REMOVE_INDEX_IMPLEMENTATION_OBJECT SS "Removal of  dmi_tdk_index object with id %s %s"
UPGRADE53_REMOVE_COLLECTION_OBJECT SS "Removal of dmi_tdk_collect object with id %s %s"
UPGRADE53_OBSOLETE_INDEX_LOCATION S "The Verity sub-directory under the directory indicated by the file_system_path attribute of the following dm_location objects are not used for fulltext indexing: %s"
UPGRADE53_REMOVE_INDEX_OBJECT S "The dm_fulltext_index object with %s is removed successfully"
UPGRADE53_OBSOLETE_ATTRIBUTE_DROPPED S "Attribute %s dropped from dm_fulltext_index successfully."
UPGRADE53_ATTRIBUTE_ADDED S "Added attribute %s to the dm_fulltext_index type"
FTMETHOD_TIMEOUT "Timing out of %s method"

INIT_INDEX_AGENT_INVALID_FTINDEX D "dm_fulltext_index (%s) is invalid"
INIT_INDEX_AGENT_NO_FTINDEX_AGENT_FOUND S "There were no dm_ftindex_agent_config object(s) found for dm_fulltext_index object with name %s"
INIT_INDEX_AGENT_INVALID_FTINDEX_AGENT_CONFIG D "dm_ftindex_agent_config object %s is invalid."
INIT_INDEX_AGENT_STARTED D "Index Agent %s started."
INIT_INDEX_AGENT_UNABLE_TO_START D "Unable to start Index Agent %s"



.severity   INFORMATION
IN_PROGRESS SS "Cannot perform operation %s -- Fulltext index %s is currently in progress."
;CAUSE: An attempt to perform an operation while another operation is in progress on the same index.
;ACTION: Wait for the other operation to finish and try again.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the operation, the name of the index
.severity WARNING
DOCUMENTS_NOT_INDEXED II "%i documents were not indexed in this update -- their update_count attributes were set to %i"
STYLE_FILE_NOT_FOUND S "The %s was not found"
;CAUSE:  The style file specified was not one of the permitted ones.
;ACTION: Check the Documentum manual for the list of style files, and retry the command.
UPGRADE_400_TCOLL_TYPE_NOT_FOUND "The dmi_topic_collection type was not found during upgrade.  Skipping."
;CAUSE:  This may be a second invocation of this upgrade.
;ACTION: None needed.
UPGRADE_400_TCOLL_NOT_FOUND SS "The dmi_topic_collection at '%s' for object %s was not found."
;CAUSE:  This may be a second invocation of this upgrade.
;ACTION: None needed.
UPGRADE_400_TPART_TYPE_NOT_FOUND "The dmi_topic_partition type was not found during upgrade.  Skipping."
;CAUSE:  This may be a second invocation of this upgrade.
;ACTION: None needed.
NO_FULLTEXT_IMPLEMENTATION_LOADED "A fulltext library was not identified in the server config object. Please identify a valid fulltext installation in the verity_location attribute of the server config object."
;CAUSE: This error occurs if the verity_location attribute in the server config is not set.
;ACTION: Set verity_location attribute of the server config object to a valid fulltext install location. Valid fulltext installations are listed in the fulltext_install_locs attribute of the docbase config object.
FULLTEXT_IMPLEMENTATION_NOT_LOADED "A fulltext library is currently loaded. Changes made to load a new fulltext library cannot take effect until Content Server is restarted."
;CAUSE: An attempt was made to load a new fulltext library without restarting Content Server.
;ACTION: Restart Content Server after making the necessary changes.
NO_FULLTEXT_LOCS_DEFINED "No fulltext install locations are defined in the fulltext_install_locs attribute of the docbase config. This is expected on the first startup of a upgraded or new docbase. If this warning occurs on subsequent startups, follow the instructions in ACTION."
;CAUSE: The fulltext_install_locs attribute is empty when an upgraded or new Docbase is first started because the attribute is populated by the headstart.ebs script, which runs after the startup.
;ACTION: Generally no action is required if headstart.ebs runs successfully.  However, if headstart.ebs does not run successfully or the attribute remains unset, set it manually  to 'verity271' and 'verity451'.
NO_VERITY_CODEPAGE_SPECIFIED SS "The verity_default_codepage flag was not specified in the server.ini for the %s locale. The server will set %s as the codepage for all existing dm_fulltext_index objects."
;CAUSE: A verity locale was specified in the server.ini file but not a verity default codepage.
;ACTION: The server has set an appropriate codepage based on the verity locale in the server.ini. No user action is required.
VERITY_LOCATION_NOT_DEFINED "No fulltext install location was specified in the verity location. No fulltext library will be loaded when the Content Server is rebooted."
;CAUSE: The verity location was set to a blank value.
;ACTION: If it is the user's intent to not load a fulltext implementation when the Content Server is rebooted, then nothing needs to be done. Otherwise, please specify a valid fulltext install location.
FULLTEXT_LOCATION_NOT_DEFINED "No fulltext install location was specified in the fulltext location. No fulltext library will be loaded when the Content Server is rebooted."
;CAUSE: The fulltext location was set to a blank value.
;ACTION: If it is the user's intent to not load a fulltext implementation when the Content Server is rebooted, then nothing needs to be done. Otherwise, please specify a valid fulltext install location.
FULLTEXT_SERVER_METHOD_DEPRECATED S "The Fulltext subsystem related Server method %s has been deprecated."
; CAUSE: The fulltext subsystem related Server method has been deprecated.
; ACTION: The reported server method is not required for the fulltext
; subsystem architecture starting Content Server version 5.3.
FULLTEXT_IMPLEMENTATION_NOT_LOADED_AIX "A fulltext library is not loaded. Changes made to load a new fulltext library cannot take effect until Content Server is restarted."
;CAUSE: An attempt was made to load a new fulltext library without restarting Content Server. This error is AIX specific.
;ACTION: Restart Content Server.
NO_FULLTEXT_LOC_DEFINED "No fulltext install location is defined in the install_location attribute of the server config. This is expected on the first startup of an upgraded or new docbase. If this warning occurs on subsequent startups, please ensure that a location is defined correctly."
;CAUSE: The install_location attribute is empty when an upgraded or new Docbase is first started because the attribute is populated by the headstart.ebs script, which runs after the startup.
;ACTION: Generally no action is required if headstart.ebs runs successfully. After ensuring that headstart.ebs ran successfully,
;check the server config object to verify that the install_location attribute is populated with the object_name of a valid
;dm_location object.
.severity ERROR
DUPLICATE_FOR_STORE SS "Attempt to create new fulltext index with name %s duplicates an existing index on the same store (storage name is %s)"
;CAUSE:  Attempting to create a new fulltext index for a storage object that already has a fulltext index defined
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the index and the name of the storage object
DUPLICATE_NAME SS "Attempt to create new fulltext index failed -- index %s already has name %s"
;CAUSE: Attempting to create a new fulltext index with a name that is being used by another fulltext index
;ACTION: Choose a new name and retry the operation
;PARAMETERS: The id of the existing fulltext index and the name
NO_STORE SS "Attempt to create new fulltext index with name %s failed -- no store with name %s exists"
;CAUSE: Attempting to create a fulltext index for a storage object that doesn't exist
;ACTION: Correct the problem and retry the operation
;PARAMETERS: The name of the index and the name of the storage object
CANT_MODIFY S "Cannot modify existing fulltext index %s"
;CAUSE: Fulltext indices cannot be modified once created
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the fulltext index
CANT_MAKE SS "Can't make index with name %s for storage of type %s"
;CAUSE: Fulltext indices cannot be created for the storage object
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the fulltext index and the name of the storage type
CANT_BEGIN_TRANSACTION SS "Could not start transaction for %s operation on fulltext index %s"
;CAUSE: The operation required a transaction which could not be started
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: The operation name and the name of the fulltext index
CANT_COMMIT_TRANSACTION SS "Could not commit transaction for %s operation on fulltext index %s"
;CAUSE: The operation required a transaction which could not be committed
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: The operation name and the name of the fulltext index
NOT_SYS_ADMIN S "Can't perform operation %s on fulltext indices -- not sys admin"
;CAUSE: The operation could not be performed because the user had insufficient privileges
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: The operation name
NO_INDEX S "Can't perform operation %s -- fulltext index not found"
;CAUSE: The operation could not be performed because the fulltext index did not exist
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: The operation name
NO_LOCATION SS "Attempt to create new fulltext index with name %s failed -- no location with name %s exists"
;CAUSE: Attempting to create a fulltext index for a storage object that doesn't exist
;ACTION: Correct the problem and retry the operation
;PARAMETERS: The name of the index and the name of the location object
BAD_CONFIG S "Attempt to update fulltext index object failed -- invalid server config name %s"
FAR_STORE S "Attempt to update fulltext index for far storage %s"
NO_NAME "Attempt to create new fulltext index without supplying a name"
NO_FILE S "No file was specified for %s operation"
CANT_UPDATE_SHADOW S "Cannot perform index update on shadow index %s"
CLOSE_FAILED S "Attempt to close fulltext index %s failed"
INDEX_CLOSED S "Can't rollover index %s -- it's already closed"
CANT_OPEN_NON_TDK_INDEX SI "The index, %s, you tried to open is with a wrong type %d."
; CAUSE:  A non-TDK fulltext index is detected while constructing a fulltext object.
; ACTION: Make sure the i_implementation_type of the dm_fulltext_index object has a value 2 (i.e. TDK).
API_BAD_ARGS SS "The %s method failed because of bad arguments: %s"
;CAUSE:  An apply or execute method failed because incorrect arguments were supplied.
;ACTION: Check Documentum manuals for correct arguments and retry command.
;PARAMETERS: %s - the api or execute method name
;  %s - the incorrect argument supplied
CANT_SAVE_TDK_INDEX "There was a failure trying to save a fulltext index object."
;CAUSE:  Internal error.
;ACTION:  Report this error to your Documentum Site Representative.
STYLE_FILE_NOT_FOUND S "The internal copy of the %s was not found"
CANT_RENAME_FILE S "Unable to rename the %s."
;CAUSE:  Probable operating system error or filesystem or disk problem.
;ACTION: Check for OS error messages.
CANT_DESTROY_FILE S "Unable to destroy the %s."
;CAUSE:  Probable operating system error or filesystem or disk problem.
;ACTION: Check for OS error messages.
USER_STYLE_FILE_NOT_FOUND SS "The user's %s was not found at server path %s"
;CAUSE:  The path does not point to a file.
;ACTION: Check the file name and try again.
CANT_COPY_FILE SS "Couldn't copy the %s at server path %s."
;CAUSE:  Probable operating system error or filesystem or disk problem.
;ACTION: Check for OS error messages.
STYLE_BACKUP_NOT_FOUND S "Couldn't find the backup for the %s."
;CAUSE:  Probable operating system error or filesystem or disk problem.
;ACTION: Check for OS error messages.
COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND "Couldn't find the collection for the sample object specified."
;CAUSE:  Possible internal error, or bad sample object.
;ACTION: Check that this object is of an indexable type and format.
SAMPLE_OBJ_NO_GOOD S "The sample object %s specified must be unique and indexed."
; CAUSE: Sample object incorrectly specified
; ACTION: Choose a sample object that is marked for full-text and currently indexed and has a unique name
CANT_MODIFY_TDK_INDEX "There was a failure trying to modify a fulltext index object."
;CAUSE:  Internal error.
;ACTION:  Report this error to your Documentum Site Representative.
ILLEGAL_TIME_OUT I "The specified time-out interval (%d) does not make sense."
;CAUSE:  A time-out interval must be positive.
;ACTION:  Choose a positive value and retry the command.
SERVER_PATH_NOT_DIRECTORY S "The specified server_path (%s) is not a directory."
;CAUSE:  For topic trees, the server_path must be a directory,
;  as created by the Verity mk_topic utility.
;ACTION:  Create such a directory and retry the command specifying it.
SAMPLE_OBJ_NOT_FOUND S "The sample object %s was not found in the docbase."
; CAUSE:  Sample object missing or bad.
; ACTION:  Choose a sample object that is marked for full-text and currently indexed and has a unique name.
SAMPLE_OBJ_BAD_ID S "The sample object %s has a bad id."
; CAUSE:  Sample object missing or bad.
; ACTION:  Choose a sample object that is marked for full-text and currently indexed and has a unique name.
STYLE_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED S "The %s is not allowed"
;CAUSE:  The style type specified was not one of the permitted ones.
;ACTION: Check the Documentum manual for the list of styles, and retry the command.
API_ARG_MISSING SS "The %s method failed because of the argument %s was missing"
;CAUSE:  An apply or execute method failed because a required argument was not supplied.
;ACTION: Check Documentum manuals for correct arguments and retry command.
;PARAMETERS: %s - the api or execute method name
;  %s - the missing argument
UPGRADE_400_TCOLL_DESTROY_FAILED S "The dmi_topic_collection at '%s' could not be destroyed."
;CAUSE:  Permission problem or disk problem.
;ACTION: Look for the directory listed in the error message and delete it by other means.
INDEX_NAME_TOO_LONG SI "Cant create index with name %s (%d chars is max)."
;CAUSE: Tried to create an index with a name too long.
;ACTION: Retry with a shorter name.
;PARAMETERS: The name that was too long and the maximum size.
INVALID_DATE_CUTOFF "The specified cutoff date format is not valid or is later than the current time."
;CAUSE: Tried to run update_ftindex with an invalid date format or date later than the current time.
;ACTION: Retry update_ftindex with a valid date and format.
CANNOT_USE_MAX_DOCS "Cannot run update_ftindex with date_cutoff and max_docs both specified."
;CAUSE: Tried to run update_ftindex with date_cutoff and max_docs both specified.
;ACTION: Retry update_ftindex with only one out of the two specified.
NO_STORAGE SS "Cannot perform operation %s -- No storage is defined for fulltext index %s."
;CAUSE: No storage is defined for this fulltext index object.
;ACTION: Make sure that this fulltext index is associated with a storage area.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the operation and the name of the index.
NO_FULLTEXT_INDEX SS "Cannot perform operation %s -- fulltext index %s is not defined."
;CAUSE: The fulltext index object is not defined or does not exist.
;ACTION: Verify that the fulltext index does exist or create a new one to associate with the
;        storage area.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the operation and the name of the index.
RESULTS_NOT_FILTERED SS "Cannot perform operation %s -- The matching results were not filtered to the specified type on fulltext index %s."
;CAUSE: Verity failed to return the OBJTYPE of each result matching the query.
;ACTION: Verify that Verity is working properly by checking if your environment is properly set up for Verity.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the operation and the name of the index.
NO_INDEX_SPECIFIED S "Cannot perform operation %s -- No index specified to search."
;CAUSE: No index was specified to search.
;ACTION: Rerun the operation with at least one valid index specified.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the operation.
METHOD_NOT_ENABLED S "Cannot perform operation %s -- The method is not enabled for usage. Contact your superuser for information."
;CAUSE: The method is not enabled because the superuser did not set the use_estimate_search parameter to T in the server.ini file.
;ACTION: If the superuser decides to enable the method, rerun the operation.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the operation.
QUERY_EXECUTION_FAILURE SS "An error occured while trying to execute the following query: %s. Database error was %s."
; CAUSE: Query execution failed.
; ACTION: Check the error message from the database in order to determine the
;         cause of the query failure.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the query that was being executed.
;             The second parameter is the resulting error from the database.
ILLEGAL_ARG_VALUE SI "The %s argument was specified with an invalid value. Value was %d."
;CAUSE: The argument value specified is not valid for this method.
;ACTION: Rerun the method with a valid value.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the argument and the value specified.
FULLTEXT_CONFIG_NOT_LOADED S "A fulltext configuration was not found in the file_system_path defined by the fulltext install location %s object. Please check that the location object exists, that its file system_path points to a valid fulltext installation, and that the fulltext installation contains a valid dmfulltext.ini file."
;CAUSE: Loading the fulltext configuration failed and returned a bad state.
;ACTION: Make sure the dmfulltext.ini file is valid and that the fulltext install location is correctly defined. Information about the dmfulltext.ini files and the location objects is found in the Content Server Administrator's Guide.
;PARAMETERS: The fulltext install location
NO_FULLTEXT_IMPLEMENTATION_LOADED S "Could not %s the fulltext index because a fulltext library is not loaded. A library was not loaded because verity_location in the server config object is not set or the fulltext plugin failed to load."
;CAUSE: Content Server could not load the fulltext library because the verity_location attribute in the server config object is not set to a fulltext install location or the fulltext plugin failed to load.
;ACTION: Set verity_location to a valid fulltext install location and reinit or restart the Content Server.
;PARAMETERS: The fulltext index operation
NO_LOCALE_SPECIFIED "Could not create the fulltext index because a locale was not specified. A locale must be specified."
;CAUSE: Content Server requires you to identify the locale of a fulltext index when you create the index.
;ACTION: Specify a valid locale on the next attempt to create the index. Valid locales are identified in the dmfulltext.ini file, located in $DOCUMENTUM/verity/<fulltext install location name> directory.
BAD_FULLTEXT_INSTALL_LOCATION S "The %s fulltext install location is not valid or not found in the fulltext install locations identified in the docbase config object."
;CAUSE: An invalid fulltext location was specified.
;ACTION: Set the fulltext location object to point to one of the fulltext install locations defined in the docbase config object.
;PARAMETERS: The specified fulltext install location
INSTALL_LOC_NOT_VERITY_LOC SS "The %s fulltext install location specified does not match the verity_location of the server config: %s for a non-standby index. Non-standby indexes must use the verity_location of the server config."
;CAUSE:  A non-standby index must use the location defined in the verity_location of the server config. Any other value specified is not valid.
;ACTION: Specify the value in the verity_location of the server config for non-standby indexes, or do not specify a value.
;PARAMETERS: The specified install loc and the verity_location of the server config
NO_FULLTEXT_CONFIG_FOUND S "A fulltext configuration was not found for the specified %s install location. Please specify a valid fulltext install location. (Valid install locations are defined in the fulltext_install_locs attribute of the docbase config object.)"
;CAUSE: An invalid install location not recognized by this server was specified, or the install loc refers to a location that wasn't successfully loaded by the server.
;ACTION: Specify a valid install location on the next attempt;
;PARAMETERS: The specified fulltext install location.

BAD_LOCALE_SPECIFIED SS "The %s locale specified was not found in the fulltext configuration pointed by the %s fulltext install location. Please specify a valid locale. (Valid locales are identified in the dmfulltext.ini file, located $DOCUMENTUM/verity/<fulltext install location name> directory."
;CAUSE: The locale specified is not supported by the fulltext configuration used by the index you are creating.
;ACTION: Specify a locale recognized by this fulltext configuration.
;PARAMETERS: The specified locale and fulltext install location
BAD_CODEPAGE_SPECIFIED SSS "The %s codepage specified is not valid for the %s locale. Please specify codepage %s for this locale."
;CAUSE:  The codepage specified is not valid for the locale.
;ACTION: Specify a codepage that is compatible with the locale.
;PARAMETERS: The specified codepage and locale
BAD_INDEX_TYPE_SPECIFIED II "The specified index_type %d does not match the index_type of the fulltext configuration used by this index. Set the index_type to %d to match the fulltext configuration used."
;CAUSE:  The index_type specified does not match the index_type found in the fulltext configuration.
;ACTION: Either do not explicitly specify an index_type or specify an index_type that matches the fulltext configuration used.
;PARAMETERS: The specified index_type and the index_type of the fulltext configuration.
INTERNAL_DATABASE_ERROR SS "A database error occured during the following operation: %s. Database error was %s."
; CAUSE: Internal database error
; ACTION: Check the error message from the database in order to determine the
;         cause of the query failure. 
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter identifies the internal operation performed.
;             The second parameter is the resulting error from the database.
INTERNAL_LOGIC_ERROR S "An internal error occured during the following operation: %s."
; CAUSE: Internal error
; ACTION: Contact Tech Support.
; PARAMETERS: The internal operation being performed.
NOT_STANDBY SS "Operation %s requires a standby index.  Index %s is not standby"
;CAUSE:  Index named must be a standby index.
;ACTION:  Use a different index.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the operation and the name of the index.
VERITY_LOC_CHANGED SSS "Not able to %s the fulltext index. The verity_location value of the server config (%s) does not match the install location of the fulltext library currently loaded (%s) in the server."
;CAUSE:   Performing this fulltext operation is not allowed when the install location of the currently loaded fulltext library does not match the verity_location of the server config.
;ACTION:  Restart the Content Server to load the fulltext library defined by the verity_location of the server config.
;PARAMETERS: The index operation, the verity_location value, and the install location of the currently loaded fulltext implementation.
NO_FULLTEXT_CONFIG_FOR_INDEX SS "Not able to %s the fulltext index. There is no fulltext configuration loaded for this fulltext index's %s install_loc."
;CAUSE:   Performing this fulltext operation is not allowed when no fulltext configuration has been loaded corresponding to the install_loc of the fulltext index.
;ACTION:  Check the docbase config object to see if the fulltext_install_locs attribute contains the install_loc of the fulltext index. If so, reinit the server. If not, please add the install_loc into the docbase config and reinit the server.
;PARAMETERS: The index operation, the install location of the fulltext index
INVALID_OPTIMIZATION_FLAG S "The %s optimization flag is not valid."
;CAUSE:   The CLEAN_FTINDEX method aborted because an invalid flag was specified in the FLAGS argument.
;ACTION:  Make sure all optimization flags specified are valid and rerun the CLEAN_FTINDEX method. Multiple flags should be separated by hyphens.
;PARAMETERS: The invalid optimization flag

CANT_CREATE_FTINDEX_OBJECT_IN_NONSTANDBY_MODE S "Cannot create '%s' dm_fulltext_object with is_standby set to FALSE, because dm_fulltext_index object with is_standby set to FALSE already exists."
; CAUSE: This error occurs when you attempt to create a dm_fulltext_index
; object with is_standby set to FALSE, when a dm_fulltext_index object
; with is_standby set to FALSE already exists in the docbase.
; ACTION: You cannot have more than one dm_fulltext_index object in a docbase
; with is_standby set to FALSE. You can create any number of dm_fulltext_index
; object with is_standby set to TRUE.
INVALID_FULLTEXT_ENGINE_ID D "'%s' is not a valid dm_ftengine_config object id"
NO_FULLTEXT_IMPLEMENTATION_LOADED2 "A fulltext library was not identified in the server config object. Please identify a valid fulltext installation in the fulltext_location attribute of the server config object."
;CAUSE: This error occurs if the fulltext_location attribute in the server config is not set.
;ACTION: Set fulltext_location attribute of the server config object to a valid fulltext install location. Valid fulltext installations are listed in the fulltext_install_locs attribute of the docbase config object.
UNABLE_TO_FETCH_FTENGINE_CONFIG_TYPE S "Unable to fetch '%s' type"
; CAUSE: This error occurs when dm_ftengine_config type is not found in the
; docbase. This type is created when create_fulltext_objects.ebs script
; is executed by the Server Configuration program.
; ACTION: Check if the type was created successfully during server
; configuration. If not, execute the script again to get the type
; created.

UNABLE_TO_GET_ATTR_POSITION SS "Unable to find '%s' attribute in type '%s'"
; CAUSE: could not find an attribute in the specified type.
; ACTION: This is an internal error. Contact Technical Support.

UNABLE_TO_GENERATE_LOGIN_TICKET S "Unable to generate a login ticket to start Index Agent %s"
CANT_UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE SS "Attribute %s cannot be changed for dm_fulltext_index object %s"
NO_FTINDEX_AGENT_CONFIG_OBJECTS_FOUND  "There were no dm_ftindex_agent_config object(s) found for the specified arguments"
NO_FULLTEXT_PLUGIN_LOADED S "The fulltext query plugin did not initialize with the fulltext search engine '%s' specified in the server config object. Please ensure that the search engine is functioning and is configured correctly."
;CAUSE: This error occurs if the fulltext_location attribute in the server config does not refer to a valid fulltext search engine or if the search engine is incorrectly configured or not functioning.
;ACTION: Set fulltext_location attribute of the server config object to a valid fulltext install location. Verify that valid fulltext installations are listed in the fulltext_install_locs attribute of the docbase config object.  Verify that the fulltext search engine is functioning and correctly configured. 




.severity  FATAL
UPGRADE_SYSOBJECT_400_PART1_FAILED S "Fulltext index sysobject upgrade failed on the type %s."
; CAUSE: Probable RDBMS failure.
; ACTION: Examine system logs and try again.
UPGRADE_SYSOBJECT_400_PART2_FAILED "Part 2 of fulltext index sysobject upgrade failed"
; CAUSE: Probable RDBMS failure.
; ACTION: Examine system logs and try again.
UPGRADE_400_TYPE_DESTROY_FAILED S "The %s type could not be destroyed during upgrade."
;CAUSE:  Internal failure.
;ACTION: Initially, disregard this error. It may cause no problem.
;  If other problems show up, report this as well the others
;  to your Documentum Site Representative.
UPDATE_R_IS_PUBLIC_FAILED S "Fulltext index sysobject upgrade failed on the type %s when updating r_is_public field."
; CAUSE: Probable RDBMS failure.
; ACTION: Examine system logs and try again.
UPGRADE53_REMOVE_INDEX_OBJECT_FAILED S "Unable to expunge dm_fulltext_index object with id %s"
UPGRADE53_BEGIN_TRANS_FAILED "Unable to begin transaction for upgrading fulltext types"
UPGRADE53_COMMIT_TRANS_FAILED "Unable to commit the operations for fulltext upgrade"
UPGRADE53_UNABLE_TO_DROP_OBSOLETE_ATTRIBUTE S "Unable to drop attribute %s from dm_fulltext_index type"
UPGRADE53_UNABLE_TO_ADD_ATTRIBUTE S "Unable to add attribute %s to the dm_fulltext_index type"
UPGRADE53_UNABLE_TO_GET_TEMP_CONNECTION "Unable to get temporary connection to the database to perform upgrade operations"
FULLTEXT_ENGINE_INIT_ERROR S "Query Plugin failed to successfully initialize: %s"
; CAUSE: The query plugin could not initialize its communication with the
; Index Server.
; ACTION: The argument of the error message will indicate exact nature of the
; problem e.g. Index Server not reachable, mis-configured dm_ftengine_config
; object values etc.

posted on 2009-11-16 12:17 liaojiyong 阅读(882) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

