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; $Id: dmforgn.e,v 5.12 1999/06/14 09:42:47 rogert Exp $
; dmDocbaseIdMap class and foreign/replicated object errors
.facility DM_FOREIGN

.severity TRACE
FOLDERMERGE_CHECK S "Checking Folder %s as part of distributed operation."
;  Trace message during distributed replication or refresh operation.
;  Tracing the checking to determine if the specified folder should be
;  included in a replicated object.
;  %s - The folder name

; Basic object warning codes.
.severity WARNING

LOAD_NO_IDMAP "Cannot lookup object_id mapping for foreign object because the server has not initialized its object_id map cache."
;  During a non-relocate load operation a foreign object was found but could
;  not be loaded due to there being no docbaseid map cache in the server.
;CAUSE:  The server has apparently not initialized its docbaseid map cache.
;ACTION: Check for other errors in the error log.
;  Report this message and any others to your Documentum site
;  representative.

TOO_MANY_MAPS LL "Cannot add new replica objects from docbase id %d because the limit has already been reached of %d docbases participating in a replicated enterprise."
;  During a load operation an object from a foreign docbase was encountered
;  that had not previously had objects replicated to this docbase.  The object
;  could not be loaded because the hard limit of the maximum number of
;  different docbases from which data can be replicated had already been
;  reached.
;  %d - docbase id from which objects are being imported
;  %d - limit of number of docbases in a distributed setup
;CAUSE:  The docbase has exceeded the limit on the number of docbases that
;        can participate in a replicated environment.
;ACTION: Check docbase replication setup and docbase objects to see what
;        docbases have had data replicated here.  Look for extraneous data
;        which may be removed.

SOURCE_REFRESH D "After a successful refresh of a replica or reference object, could not update the source object (%s) to show the refresh completion. This may cause the source to later needlessly re-execute the refresh."
;  After a refresh, the save of the information on the source to show that the
;  refresh occurred did not work.
;  %1s - the source object
;CAUSE:  The source object could not be updated.
;ACTION: No action necessary.

MAPINCOMPLETE D "Object could not be refreshed due to a problem computing the set of related objects needed in the refresh action.  The state of object %s was unexpectedly unknown."
;  The replica refresh operation must compute the set of all related objects
;  and determine the state of those objects at the source and local sites.
;  This error is given when the algorithm fails somehow leaving an object
;  state unknown.
;  %s - The object on which the error was encountered.
;CAUSE:  A bug in the refresh map algorithm.
;ACTION: If the object being refreshed has child objects (annotations or
;        VDM children) try refreshing the sub-objects first.  Otherwise the
;        object may have to be refreshed by the batch replica refresh job.

MULTI_SOURCE DD "Not Yet Supported: Refresh operation encountered a replica object (%s) from a docbase different than the original object being refreshed (%s). This multi-docbase replica relationship must be refreshed via the Replication Job."
;  The refresh operation also refreshes related objects.  The operation does
;  not currently support refreshing related objects that are mastered in
;  another docbase.
;  %s - The object id which fell outside the base source.
;  %s - The source replica id.
;CAUSE:  Multi-source replica relationship not yet supported.
;ACTION: Try running batch-mode replication to bring over appropriate
;        related objects.

UPDATE_NOREFRESH SSD "An update to a %s object was performed successfully, but the local information could not be properly refreshed to reflect the new object state.  Local %s object %s is likely not up-to-date."
;  The save of a replica or reference object succeeded.  But the local info
;  could not be refreshed to reflect the new changes.
;  The local replica/reference was left out-of-date by the update operation.
;  This could lead to confusion by the user (the object may still appear
;  locked following a checkin) and later errors if further updates are
;  attempted on the object (updates are not allowed using an out-of-date
;  replica).
;  The user should attempt a manual refresh of the object (refresh api) to
;  bring it up-to-date.
;        %s     - replica/reference indicator
;  %s - The object id of the local object.
;        %s     - replica/reference indicator
;CAUSE:  Object could not be refreshed following update.
;ACTION: Check for previous error message which may give more detail on the
;        problem.  Re-try the refresh by using the "refresh" operation.  If
;        that still fails try enabling tracing during the refresh call.

.severity ERROR

MAP_UPDATE_PRIV S "No privilege to %s dm_docbaseid_map object.  You must have at least SYSADMIN privilege."
;PARAMS: The type of update operation (save, delete).
;CAUSE:  The user does not have privilege to update the specified type.
;        Sysadmin (or higher) privilege is required.
;ACTION: Find system admin user to make required updates.

MAP_CANT_CHANGE "Cannot change r_docbase_id or r_id_offset fields of an existing dm_docbaseid_map."
;CAUSE:  The user does not have privilege to update the specified type.
;        The docbase_id and r_id_offset fields should never be changed in
;        an existing map object as doing so will leaving existing objects
;        orphaned.
;ACTION: Verify the intended operation.  Changing docbaseid_map objects
;        incorrectly will leave the docbase corrupted.  If needed, the object
;        can be changed by dropping it and creating a new one with the intended
;        data.

MAP_COLLECTION "Error building collection of existing dm_docbaseid_map objects."
;  During server startup, the server builds a cache of the existing docbaseid
;  map objects, storing the ids of the docbases from which objects have been
;  replicated and the internal_id offsets for thoses docbases.
;  To do this, the server runs a query to build a collection of the existing
;  map objects.  This error is given when that query fails.
;CAUSE:  Collection operation failed.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages, especially those from the type
;  the type manager or database manager.
;  Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
;  representative.

MAP_CREATE "Error creating server dm_docbaseid_map cache."
;  During server startup, the server builds a cache of the existing docbaseid
;  map objects, storing the ids of the docbases from which objects have been
;  replicated and the internal_id offsets for thoses docbases.
;  This error is given when the cache creation fails.
;CAUSE:  Probably the docbaseid_map collection operation failed.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages, especially those from the type
;  the type manager or database manager.
;  Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
;  representative.
LOAD_NEW_MAP L "Error creating new dm_docbaseid_map object for docbase %d."
;  During a load operation an object from a foreign docbase was encountered
;  that had not previously had objects replicated to this docbase.  The object
;  could not be loaded due to a failure creating a new docbaseid map for
;  this docbase.
;  %d - docbase id from which objects are being imported
;CAUSE:  Save operation failed on new dm_docbaseid_map object.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages, especially those from the object
;  manager or database manager.
;  Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
;  representative.
;        If solution can't be foudn
REPLICA_UPDATE SS "Attempt to update a foreign object.  The object %s of type %s cannot be updated because it is a replica."
;  Replica objects are copies of objects from other docbases imported locally
;  for document sharing.  They are imported via non-relocate Load operations
;  as part of a replicated docbase setup.
;  Replica objects cannot be updated.  To update the document you must connect
;  directly to the master docbase and update the master copy, then replicate
;  the changes back to your local docbase.  The master docbase can be found
;  using the object id of the foreign object.
;  %s - object id of replica
;  %s - type name of replica object
;CAUSE:  Object is a replica and cannot be updated.
;ACTION: Check update statement to see if update is really desired on this
;        object and alter statement if appropriate.  If foreign object must
;        be updated, the update can be made at the master docbase.  If a
;        local-only update is necessary, consider making a local copy of
;        the object (see SAVEASNEW method).

NOT_SYSADMIN "Cannot update foreign objects without at least System Admin privilege."
;  Replica objects are normally read-only.  They cannot be set to updatable
;  without system admin privilege.
;CAUSE:  Insufficient privilege for the current command.
;ACTION: Check for replica update requirements.  In general, replicas should
;        not be directly updated as it may affect operation of replication
;        processing.

OBJECT_VSTAMP SLL "Cannot load object %s because its version stamp value (i_vstamp = %d) exceeds the maximum allowable distributed version stamp of %d."
;  Currently the system uses to the object version stamp for two purposes with
;  distributed objects.  It tracks the version stamp of the local object and
;  the version stamp of the original object from which it was replicated.
;  This imposes a version limit of 64k on each replicated object.
;  %s - the object id
;  %d - the object version stamp
;  %d - the maximum allowable version stamp
;CAUSE:  The object being loaded had a version stamp greater than 64k.
;ACTION: The object cannot be imported into this docbase unless the version
;        stamp at the master docbase is altered.  The easiest way to do this
;  may be to create a new copy of the object (saveasnew) at the master
;  docbase which will start with a new version stamp and then discard
;  the old object.

REF_IMMUTABLE S  "Attempt to modify an immutable field (%s) of a dm_reference object."
;  The update operation on a dm_reference object attempted to modify an
;  immutable field.  Some fields of the dm_reference object cannot be changed
;  once they are set at object creation time.  Refer to the Documentation on
;  distributed objects for more information on these fields.
;  %s - the modified field name
;CAUSE:  This field cannot be changed in an existing dm_reference object.
;ACTION: Do not attempt to update this field.

REF_UPDATE_PRIV S  "You do not have privilege to %s this object."
;  The update operation on a dm_reference object failed due to insufficient
;  privilege.
;  %s - the type of update operation
;CAUSE:  Insufficient privilege to perform the requested update.
;ACTION: Check for privileges on the specified object.

REF_DIRECT_DELETE   "You cannot delete this dm_reference object directly.  To properly remove a reference link delete the mirror object, which will cause the associated dm_reference object to be deleted as well."
;  The attempt to explicitly delete a dm_reference object failed.  The proper
;  way to remove a reference link is not to delete the dm_reference object but
;  to delete the associated mirror object.  This will also trigger the delete
;  of the dm_reference entry.  The mirror object can be found via the
;  dm_reference.r_mirror_object_id field.
;  This check can be bypassed with system admin privilege.
;CAUSE:  Incorrect protocol for deleting a reference object.
;ACTION: Delete the associated mirror object instead.

INDEX_CREATE SS  "Error during type initialization.  Could not create index on %s.%s."
;  The call to create a database index on the dm_reference type failed.
;  %1s - The type name (dm_reference)
;  %2s - The first column specified in the index create request
;CAUSE:  The create index command failed
;ACTION: Check for additional logged errors for more information - especially
;  for any database errors.  Check the database server logs for database
;  index creation errors.

DEREFERENCE_ERROR  D "Error referencing through object (%s)."
;  An error was encountered while dereferencing a Reference Object link.
;  On commands such as "fetch,c,@obj_id" the action is redirected to the
;  docbase/object pointed to by the local reference object 'obj_id'.  This
;  involves looking up the local reference information (in the dm_reference
;  table), connecting to the remote docbase, and determining which version
;  of the referenced object the command should apply to.
;  %1s - The object id of the local object.
;CAUSE:  The error could be caused by a number of things - most likely
;        the inability to reach the remotely referenced docbase.  Previous
;  errors in the error stream should give a better indication of the
;  specific problem.
;ACTION: Check for previous errors giving more specific information.
;  Check that the referenced docbase is reachable and available.

DMREF_LOOKUP  D "Error fetching dm_reference object for (%s)."
;  An error was encountered while looking up or fetching the dm_reference
;  entry for a reference or replica object.
;  Each reference or replica object in a docbase has a corresponding entry
;  in dm_reference.  The dm_reference record points back to the local object
;  by its r_mirror_object_id attribute.
;  The error could have occurred while querying for a dm_reference object
;  with the an r_mirror_object_id value matching the specified object id,
;  or while fetching the qualifying dm_reference.  Other errors in the
;  error stream should indicate which one and give more information on the
;  specific error.
;  Note that the non-existence of a qualifying dm_reference object will NOT
;  be treated as an error.
;  %1s - The object id of the local object.
;CAUSE:  The error could have been caused by a query error with the server
;  or by an object fetching error.
;ACTION: Check for previous errors giving more specific information.

DMREF_MISSING  D "Error: no dm_reference record found for object (%s)."
;  An error was encountered while dereferencing a Reference Object link.
;  No dm_reference entry was found for the specified object, even though the
;  object indicated it was a replica (i_is_replica = True) or a reference link
;  (i_is_reference = True).  This should never be the case.
;  Each reference or replica object in a docbase has a corresponding entry
;  in dm_reference.  The dm_reference record points back to the local object
;  by its r_mirror_object_id attribute.
;  %1s - The object id of the local object.
;CAUSE:  There could be an inconsistency in the docbase.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages and check the session log to see
;        if there was just a query error that made it look like there was no
;  corresponding dm_reference object.  Query the docbase to look for
;        a dm_reference object with an r_mirror_object_id equal to the
;  specified object id.  Verify that the object indicated by the
;  specified id is indeed a replica or reference link.
;  If the local object is indeed a reference or replica, the best
;  solution may be to delete it and recreate it.

REF_INCOMPATIBLE  SSS "The local object (%s) references an object in an incompatible docbase (%s).  This object cannot be dereferenced until the remote docbase is upgraded.  The remote docbase version is currently %s."
;  A reference or replica object points to an object in a docbase that is not
;  compatible with the local docbase.
;  The object cannot be dereferenced until the remote docbase is upgraded.
;  %1s - The object id of the local object.
;  %2s - The remote docbase name.
;  %3s - The version of the remote docbase.
;CAUSE:  Remote docbase is not compatible with the local docbase.
;ACTION: Until the remote docbase is upgraded, the local object cannot be
;  dereferenced.  To access the remote object you must go directly
;  to that docbase and fetch the referenced object explicitly.

REF_FETCH_INFO  SSS "Error fetching information for the object referenced by local object (%s).  Remote docbase is %s and remote object id is (%s)."
;  In order to dereference a local reference or replica object, the dmcl sends
;  a special ReferenceFetchInfo apply call to the server to compute the remote
;  object to which the reference points and to determine if the remote object
;  is out-of-date with the local mirror object.
;  This error indicates that the apply call has failed.
;  %1s - The object id of the local object.
;  %2s - The remote docbase name.
;  %3s - The referenced object.
;CAUSE:  The remote docbase may be inaccessible.
;ACTION: Check for previous errors giving more specific information.
;  Check that the referenced docbase is reachable and available.

REFERENCE_NONE  SSSS  "Error dereferencing the object (%s) - the referenced object was not found in docbase %s.  Remote object id was (%s) and version label requested was '%s'."
;  Referencing through a reference/replica object found no match at the remote
;  docbase.   Either the referenced object has been deleted or the user
;  requested a version label for which there is no matching version of the
;  remote object.
;  %1s - The object id of the local object.
;  %2s - The remote docbase name.
;  %3s - The referenced object.
;  %4s - The version label binding applied.
;CAUSE:  Likely either the referenced object has been deleted or the user
;    requested a version label for which there is no matching version of
;    the remote object.
;ACTION: Query the remote docbase to verify the existence/non-existence of
;  the referenced object.  If it has been deleted the user may
;  want to consider removing the reference to the object.

REPLICA_GLOBAL SSS "Attempt to locally modify a global attribute of a foreign object.  Attribute %s.%s cannot be updated on replica object %s."
;  Replica objects are copies of objects from other docbases imported locally
;  for document sharing.  They are managed internally by documentum replication
;  services.
;  Only local attributes of replica objects can be locally modified.  Global
;  attribute changes can only be made at the source object.  To update the
;  object you must connect directly to the master docbase and update the
;  master copy, then replicate the changes back to your local docbase. 
;  %1s - type name of replica object
;  %2s - name of global attribute to which change was attempted
;  %3s - object id of replica object
;CAUSE:  Object is a replica and cannot be updated.
;ACTION: Check update statement to see if update is really desired on this
;        object and alter statement if appropriate.  If foreign object must
;        be updated, the update can be made at the master docbase.  If a
;        local-only update is necessary, consider making a local copy of
;        the object (see SAVEASNEW method).

REFERENCE_GLOBAL SS "Attempt to locally modify a global attribute of a reference object.  Attribute %s cannot be updated on reference object %s."
;  Reference objects are pointers to other documents commonly on outside
;  docbases.  The global attributes of the reference object's meta-data
;  mirror the source document and cannot be changed directly.
;  Only local attributes of reference objects can be locally modified.  Global
;  attribute changes can only be made at the source document.
;  The source document can be updated through the reference indirect syntax:
; set,session,@object_id,attribute_name
; save,session,@object_id
;  %1s - name of global attribute to which change was attempted
;  %2s - object id of reference object
;CAUSE:  Object is a reference and cannot be directly updated.
;ACTION: Check update statement to see if update is really desired on this
;        object and alter statement if appropriate.  If the referenced object
;  must be updated, the update can be made by query at the master docbase
;  or by indirect api operations (@object_id syntax).

NO_DOCBASE_NAME "The reference cannot be created because no docbase name was specified.  The reference_docbase_name attribute must be set."
;  The save request of a dm_reference object failed because the required
;  attribute - reference_docbase_name - was not specified.
;CAUSE:  The required attribute - reference_docbase_name - was not specified.
;ACTION: Set the required field and resave the object.

NO_OBJECT_GIVEN "The reference cannot be created because no object to reference was specified.  Either the reference_by_id or the reference_by_name attribute must be set."
;  The save request of a dm_reference object failed because one of the required
;  attributes - reference_by_id or reference_by_name - was not specified.
;CAUSE:  One of - reference_by_id or reference_by_name - must be set.
;ACTION: Set the required field and resave the object.

AMBIGUOUS_REQUEST "The reference cannot be created because both the object to reference was specified both by name and by id.  Only one of the reference_by_id and reference_by_name fields can be set."
;  The save request of a dm_reference object failed because values were
;  specified for both of the mutually-exclusive fields: reference_by_id and
;  reference_by_name.
;CAUSE:  Values were specified for both of the mutually-exclusive fields:
;        reference_by_id and reference_by_name.
;ACTION: Choose one option and set that field only, then resave the object.

INVALID_VALUE S "The reference cannot be created because an invalid value was specified for the attribute: %s."
;  The save request of a dm_reference object failed because the value given
;  for one of the attributes was not valid for that field.
;  %1s - the name of the attribute with the invalid value.
;CAUSE:  The value given for one of the attributes was not valid.
;ACTION: Correct the specified attribute and resave the object.

EXACT_ID_NAME "The reference cannot be created because an invalid binding condition was specified.  When referencing a document by Name, VERSION_LABEL binding must be used."
;  The save request of a dm_reference object failed because the value given
;  for one of the attributes was not valid for that field.  The field was
;  the binding_condition attribute which specifies to bind by Version-label or
;  by Exact-Id.  The Exact-Id binding type can only be used when the remote
;  document is referenced by ID, not by name.
;CAUSE:  The value given for one of the attributes was not valid.
;ACTION: Correct the specified attribute and resave the object.

BAD_FOLDER_LINK SS "The reference cannot be created because '%s' is not valid for %s. You must specify an existing folder or cabinet of the local docbase, either by ID (eg. 0b0015b480001b4f) or by Name (eg. /cabinet/subfolder)."
;  The save request of a dm_reference object failed because the value given
;  for one of the attributes was not valid for that field.  The field was the
;  local_folder_link attribute - which specifies a local folder/cabinet into
;  which to link the resulting reference object.  The local_folder_link must
;  specify an existing folder or cabinet.
;  The local_folder_link can be specified by id or by name.  In the latter case
;  the full path to the folder must be specified.
;  %1s - the invalid attribute value.
;  %2s - the name of the attribute with the invalid value.
;CAUSE:  The value given for one of the attributes was not valid.
;ACTION: Correct the specified attribute and resave the object.

SERVER_VERSION SSS "Distributed Features are not accessible on docbase %s because it is of an incompatible version (server version %s).  Docbases must be at least version %s to participate in distributed operations."
;  An attempt to create a distributed relationship or to move data between
;  docbases was attempted, but could not be satisfied because one of the
;  docbases was not running at the correct server version.
;  The action cannot be performed unless the docbase is upgraded to the
;  specified version.
;  %1s - the incompatible docbase's name.
;  %2s - the server version of the above docbase.
;  %3s - the required version for distributed features.
;CAUSE:  The docbase does not support the requested operation.
;ACTION: The action cannot be performed unless the docbase is upgraded to the
;  specified version.

SERVER_SECURITY S "Distributed Features are not accessible on docbase %s because it uses an incompatible security mode.  Docbases must use ACL mode security to participate in distributed operations."
;  An attempt to create a distributed relationship or to move data between
;  docbases was attempted, but could not be satisfied because one of the
;  docbases was not using ACL mode security.
;  The action cannot be performed unless the docbase is converted to use
;  ACL mode security.
;  %1s - the incompatible docbase's name.
;CAUSE:  The docbase does not support the requested operation.
;ACTION: The action cannot be performed unless the docbase is upgraded to use
;  ACL mode security.

SOURCE_NOTFOUND SSSS "The requested source object was not found.  No object matching the %s (%s) with version label (%s) was found in docbase %s."
;  The creation of a reference object failed because the requested object could
;  not be found in the referenced docbase.
;  %1s - indicates by name or id search
;  %2s - the requested object name and path
;  %3s - the version label requested
;  %4s - the referenced docbase name
;CAUSE:  The requested object was not found.
;ACTION: Check to make sure the remote docbase is available and accessible.
;  Verify the object name specified and make sure that the full path
;        to the object is included (eg. /Cabinet/folder/subfolder/object_name).

SOURCE_CANT_FETCH DS "The requested source object was not found.  Could not fetch object (%s) from docbase %s."
;  The creation or refresh of a reference object failed because the requested
;  object could not be found in the referenced docbase.
;  %1s - the requested object id
;  %2s - the referenced docbase name
;CAUSE:  The requested object was not found.
;ACTION: Check to make sure the remote docbase is available and accessible.
;  Verify the object id specified and make sure that it exists.
;  Check for other messages that may indicate an error during the fetch
;  operation.

SOURCE_NOT_SYSOBJ D "The reference cannot be created because object '%s' is not a dm_sysobject or dm_sysobject subtype.  Only dm_sysobject based objects can be referenced."
;  The creation of a reference object failed because the requested object was
;  not legal to reference.
;  %1s - the requested object id
;CAUSE:  The requested object was not of a sysobject-based type.
;ACTION: This object cannot be referenced.

TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE SS "The reference cannot be created because the %s type from docbase %s is not compatible with the local docbase."
;  The creation of a reference object failed because the requested object was
;  of a type that could not be imported into the local docbase.
;  %1s - the requested object's type
;  %2s - the referenced docbase
;CAUSE:  The requested object's type was incompatible with the local docbase.
;ACTION: The object cannot be referenced unless the base types are made to
;  be compatible.

NEW_SYSOBJECT S "Error creating a new object of type %s during the creation of a reference link."
;  The creation of a reference object failed because of an error creating a
;  new object to hold the copy of the referenced object's meta-data.
;  %1s - the local object's type
;CAUSE:  The server could not create an object of the requested type.
;ACTION: Check for previous errors which should give more detail on the cause
;  of the problem.

REF_MIRROR_CREATE SS "Error creating reference to object %s.  Could not save the local mirror object (%s)."
;  The creation of a reference object failed because of an error creating a
;  new object to hold the copy of the referenced object's meta-data.
;  %1s - the referenced object's id.
;  %2s - the local object which could not be saved.
;CAUSE:  The server could not create the local sysobject reference.
;ACTION: Check for previous errors which should give more detail on the cause
;  of the problem.

REF_CREATE SS "Error creating reference to object %s.  Could not save the local dm_reference object (%s)."
;  The creation of a reference object failed because of an error saving the
;  local dm_reference object.
;  %1s - the reference object id.
;  %2s - the local object which could not be saved.
;CAUSE:  The server could not create the local object.
;ACTION: Check for previous errors which should give more detail on the cause
;  of the problem.

REF_MIRROR_UPDATE S "Error updating reference object %s.  Could not save the local mirror object."
;  The update of reference object information failed because of an error
;  saving the updating mirror object - which holds the copy of the referenced
;  object's meta-data.
;  %1s - the reference object id.
;CAUSE:  The server could not save the local sysobject reference.
;ACTION: Check for previous errors which should give more detail on the cause
;  of the problem.

REF_UPDATE SS "Error updating reference object %s.  Could not save the local dm_reference object (%s)."
;  The update of reference object information failed because of an error
;  saving the local dm_reference object.
;  %1s - the referenced object's id.
;  %2s - the local object which could not be saved.
;CAUSE:  The server could not save the local object.
;ACTION: Check for previous errors which should give more detail on the cause
;  of the problem.

INTERNAL_ERROR I "Internal error (%d) in Reference Object operation."
;  Similar to an assertion check, this error is generated by an unexpected
;  occurrence in Reference Object handling.
;  %1d - marker to which operation produced the error.
;CAUSE:  Internal error.
;ACTION: Check for previous errors which could give more detail on the cause
;  of the problem.  Also check the server and session logs for any
;        errors which could have led to the problem.

CURSOR_FAIL SSS "In operation %s an attempt to execute cursor failed; query was: '%s'; error from database system was: %s"
;  During an attempt to execute a database cursor, a failure occurred.  The
;  error message gives the reference operation that was being performed, the
;  query on which the failure occurred, and the database error string.
;  %1s - the referenced operation
;  %2s - the cursor query
;  %3s - the database error string
;CAUSE:  The cursor is executed and failed because of possible db errors.
;ACTION: Check for previous errors which should give more detail on the cause
;  of the problem.

REFINFO_NOT_SYSOBJ S "ReferenceFetchInfo Operation failed because caller requested acl information on a non-sysobject (%s)."
;  Server call to get replica or reference refresh information failed because
;  the caller (dmcl) requested improper information for a non-sysobject based
;  object.
;  %1s - the requested object id
;CAUSE:  The requested object was not of a sysobject-based type.
;ACTION: Report error to Document Technical Support.

REFINFO_NO_ACL S "ReferenceFetchInfo Operation could not find requested ACL information for object (%s)."
;  Server call to get replica or reference refresh information failed because
;  the server could not find the acl for the requested object.
;  %1s - the requested object id
;CAUSE:  Could not find acl for requested object.
;ACTION: Check the object identified by id to see if the ACL indicated by the
;  object's acl_name/acl_domain fields exists.  Check the session log
;  for errors which may give further information the the cause of the
;  error.

COULD_NOT_REFRESH SDSD "Unable to dynamically refresh %s object (%s) from it's source object.  The local object may not be an up-to-date copy.  Master docbase is %s. Master object is (%s)."
;  The attempt to refresh a replica or reference object from it's soure object
;  failed for some reason.  Previous error messages should give more detail
;  on why the failure occurred.
;  Local docbase operations will continue with the currently cached copy of
;  the object, which may be out-of-date.
;  This refresh could have been requested explicitly by the user or could have
;  been triggered by an update.
;  Note that if this error occurs following an update, the update will have
;  been made successfully, but the update will not be reflected in the local
;  copy.
;  %1s - indicator of replica or reference refresh
;  %2s - The object id of the local object.
;  %3s - The docbase where the master object resides.
;  %4s - The object id of the master object.
;CAUSE:  Could be a number of reasons:
;    - inability to connect to the source docbase
;    - source object no longer exists
;    - inconsistencies in reference/replica catalogs
;ACTION: Check other error messages which should give a more detailed
;  explanation of the error.  Also check the server session logs.

UPDATE_NULL_REF SS "Unable to update reference/replica (%s) to show that the object it points to does not exist.  Could not update i_null_ref_flag in object %s."
;  The attempt to update a reference object to show that the object it points
;  to does not exist anymore failed for some reason.  Previous error messages
;  should give more detail on why the failure occurred.
;  The local reference object will remain usable, but will not reflect the
;  null-reference property.
;  %1s - object id of reference/replica object
;  %2s - object id of the dm_reference catalog object
;CAUSE:  Transaction or object update error.  Other error messages should have
;  been logged giving a more precise reason for the failure.
;ACTION: Check other error messages which should give a more detailed
;  explanation of the error.  Also check the server session logs
;  for errors.

ACL_NOT_FOUND SSSS "Error processing reference object - could not find acl %s.%s in docbase %s for sysobject (%s)."
;  A create or update operation on a reference/replica failed due to the
;  inability to find the named acl object associated with a referenced object.
;  %1s - the acl domain
;  %2s - the acl name
;  %3s - the docbase where the acl should have been
;  %4s - the object id of the sysobject which points to the acl
;CAUSE:  An attempt to query for the acl by name failed.
;ACTION: Check if the ACL exists for the specified object.  If not then this
;        object is not consistent and cannot be referenced or replicated.
;        Check other error messages which should give a more detailed
;  explanation of the error.  Also check the server session logs
;  for errors.

REF_NOT_ALLOWED S "Illegal operation invoked on a reference object.  This operation (%s) should be directed to the source object rather than the reference."
;  An update operation was requested on a reference object which was not
;  appropriate for a reference.  The request (eg. checkout) needs to be
;  performed on the source object rather than the reference object.
;  This can be easily done through the dereference syntax:
; checkout,c,@ref_obj <- applies operation to source object
;  %1s - the operation type
;CAUSE:  Operation was not appropriate for a reference object.
;ACTION: Check the request to see if it is an attempt to modify the source
;  object: if so, modify the request to direct the update there; if
;  not, check that the update does not attempt to modify globally
;  managed attributes of the local reference.

NOT_IMPLEMENTED S "Distributed operation (%s) not supported."
;  Operation not yet supported.
;  %1s - the operation type
;CAUSE:  Not implemented yet.
;ACTION: none

DESTROY_REPLICA  SS "Cannot destroy the replica object (%s) because %s."
;  %s - replica object id
;  %s - reason
;CAUSE:  See reason.

DIST_REFRESH  S "Error in refresh operation for object (%s)."
;  An error occurred during a distributed object refresh.  The local replica
;  or reference link could not be updated with the current copy from the master
;  docbase.
;  The session log (at the local server) should give more information
;  on why the action failed.
;  %1s - The object id of the local object.
;CAUSE:  The local server refused the refresh request.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages and check the server session log.

NOT_DISTRIBUTED  "Distributed operation requested on an object which is neither a replica nor a reference link."
;  Distributed operations seek to refresh, update or lookup information through
;  a pointer to a remote object.  This type of operation can be done with a
;  replica or a reference object.
;  This error was caused by an attempt to execute a distributed operation on
;  a local non-distributed object.
;CAUSE:  The operation is not legal.
;ACTION: Correct the request.

REFRESH_MISMATCH  SLLSS "Refresh operation on object (%s) failed because the object fetched from the master docbase was inconsistent with the local object. Global vstamp: %d, Refresh vstamp: %d; Master id: %s, Refresh id: %s."
;  The refresh request was refused by the local server because the information
;  with which to refresh did not appear consistent.  It either came from the
;  wrong object or had a version stamp that was prior to the latest local copy.
;  %1s - The object id of the local object.
;  %2d - The Global Vstamp as recorded locally.
;  %3d - The vstamp of the refresh object.
;  %4s - The master object id as recorded locally.
;  %5s - The object id of the refresh object.
;CAUSE:  This may be caused by an inconsistency in the local copy of the object.
;ACTION: If the object cannot be refreshed on repeated attempts, delete the
;  copy and recreate the reference/replica.

REFRESH_SAVE  "The server ReferenceRefresh operation failed."
;  The refresh request failed due to an error saving the updated local object.
;CAUSE:  The failure occurred on the server request to update the local object.
;ACTION: Check other error messages which should give a more detailed
;  explanation of the error.  Since the error likely occurred on the
;        server check the local server session log.  It should give more
;        information on the error.

REFRESHACL_SAVE  "The server ReferenceRefreshAcl operation failed."
;  The refresh request failed due to an error saving the updated local object
;  security.
;CAUSE:  The failure occurred on the server request to update the local object.
;ACTION: Check other error messages which should give a more detailed
;  explanation of the error.  Since the error likely occurred on the
;        server check the local server session log.  It should give more
;        information on the error.

DIST_REFRESHACL  S "Error in refresh security operation for object (%s)."
;  An error occurred during a distributed object refresh.  The local replica
;  or reference link could not be updated with the current acl copy from the
;  master docbase.
;  The session log (at the local server) should give more information
;  on why the action failed.
;  %1s - The object id of the local object.
;CAUSE:  The local server refused the refresh request.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages and check the server session log.

REFRESH_WRONGACL  SSSSS  "Reference security refresh failed: ACL object passed by dmcl did not match the reference mirror object.  Reference id %s.  ACL object name: %s, domain: %s.  Mirror object name: %s, domain: %s."
;  The refresh request failed because the acl object passed down by the client
;  for the refresh did not match the mirror object in the local docbase.  The
;  object does not appear to be the acl object from the reference source.
;  %1s - The object id of the local object.
;  %2s - The acl name from the refresh acl argument.
;  %3s - The acl domain from the refresh acl argument.
;  %4s - The acl name in the local mirror object.
;  %5s - The acl domain in the local mirror object.
;CAUSE:  The source object's acl may be inconsistent, or an undetected failure
;        in the refresh operation made the two look inconsistent.
;ACTION: Check the source object for consistency and retry the refresh action.
;        Check the local server session log for more information.
;        information on the error.  If the object cannot be refreshed on
;        repeated attempts, delete the copy and recreate the reference/replica.

PURGE_MIRROR  SS  "Cannot purge the replica objects for the job (%s) because %s."
;  %s - replication job id
;  %s - reason
;CAUSE:  See reason.

PURGE_DANG_REF  SS  "Cannot purge the dangling reference objects for the job (%s) because %s."
;  %s - replication job id
;  %s - reason
;CAUSE:  See reason.

PURGE_REF_OBJ  S  "Cannot purge the replica objects because %s."
;  %s - reason
;CAUSE:  See reason.

CHECKPOINT_ERROR   "An error occurred attempting to commit the work completed so far during a set of reference objects operation.  Either the outstanding transaction could not be committed or a new transaction could not be started."
; During a purge replica mirror or dangling reference objects cleanup operation,
; the work performed is committed periodically to
; reduce the database resources and to allow the operation to be continued
; from where it left off should a failure occur half-way through.
; This error is given when a that commit action fails.  The failure may
; be caused by an error in the commit or the inability to start a new
; transaction following the commit.
;CAUSE:  Possibly the underlying database system ran out of some resource.
;ACTION: Review the error log for other errors.

OPEN_TRANSACTION   "The reference object operation cannot be executed while inside of a user transaction."
; A purge replica mirror or reference cleanup operation needs to start
; its own internal transaction so that it
; can control when periodic commits are done to free database resources.
; It cannot be executed while a user transaction is in progress.
;CAUSE:  The user session which requested the reference object operation
;  has a currently outstanding transaction open.
;ACTION: Complete the current transaction and retry.
SOURCE_AMBIGUOUS SS "The requested source object (%s) does not specify a unique object in docbase %s."
;  The creation of a reference object failed because the requested object name
;  matched more than one object in the source docbase.
;  %1s - the requested object name and path
;  %2s - the referenced docbase name
;CAUSE:  The requested object name was ambiguous.
;ACTION: Create the object reference by id to get the desired object.

COULD_NOT_CONNECT S "Distributed Operation failed because a connection could not be established to docbase %s."
;  An attempt to establish a connection to another docbase failed.
;  The current command could not be processed.
;  %2s - the referenced docbase name
;CAUSE:  The docbase could be unknown or unavailable at this time.  Or the
;  login attempt could have been denied.
;ACTION: Check the error log for previous errors that may indicate the exact
;  reason for the connection failure.  Attempt to login directly to the
;  desired docbase as a diagnostic step.

REF_TRAN DS "Error creating reference to object %s.  Could not %s transaction to create the local reference object."
;  The creation of a reference object failed because of an error returned
;  from the transaction system.
;  %1s - the referenced object id.
;  %2s - indicates error on transaction begin or commit.
;CAUSE:  The server could not begin/commit the transaction.
;ACTION: Check for previous errors which should give more detail on the cause
;  of the problem.  Check the RDBMS error logs for further indication.

REFRESH_TRAN DS "Error refreshing reference object %s.  Could not %s transaction to update the local reference object."
;  The refresh of a reference object failed because of an error returned
;  from the transaction system.
;  %1s - the reference object id.
;  %2s - indicates error on transaction begin or commit.
;CAUSE:  The server could not begin/commit the transaction.
;ACTION: Check for previous errors which should give more detail on the cause
;  of the problem.  Check the RDBMS error logs for further indication.

REFERENCE_TYPE S "Cannot create a reference to an object of type %s."
;  The request to create a new reference was rejected because the referenced
;  object was of a type that cannot be referenced.
;  %1s - the type of the referenced object.
;CAUSE:  The referenced type is not supported in a create reference operation.
;ACTION: Modify reference request.

REF_CLIENT_VERSION "DMCL version must be 4.0 or higher to create a distributed reference."
;  The request to create a new reference was rejected because the dmcl
;  version was not 4.0 or higher.
;CAUSE:  The DMCL is too old.
;ACTION: The user must upgrade to a new dmcl to create reference objects.

REFRESH_DEEP D "A simple refresh operation on object %s could not be done because the object had relationships which were changed and also needed refreshing. A deep refresh is required on this object."
;  The attempt to refresh a replica or reference object failed because the
;  object had relationships (usually VDM children) which were modified and
;  would need refreshing as well.
;  A refresh operation can be run in two modes:
;    - "deep" refresh:    - the object is refreshed and all objects related
;       to it are also refreshed; then all objects related
;       to those are refreshed, etc.
;    - "shallow" refresh: - an attempt is made to refresh only the specified
;       objects and not follow all its relationships.
;  If a shallow refresh is requested but the object's relationships are
;  found to have changed, then a "deep" refresh is required.
;  %1s - The object id of the local object.
;CAUSE:  The object had modified relationships.
;ACTION: Request a full refresh of the object (default in refresh api).
REFRESH_SECURITY SD "The user (%s) does not have permission to refresh object %s."
;  The attempt to refresh a replica or reference object failed because the
;  current user does not have permission to fetch all of the required data from
;  the source docbase(s).
;  %s - The current user.
;  %s - The object id of the local object.
;CAUSE:  The user did not have permission to fetch the source object.
;ACTION: Ask the docbase aministrator to refresh the object and/or check
;        the ability of the local server to access the data at the source.
DUMPMAP_ALLOC SL "The %s could not allocate a new entry for the refresh map.  Current map size is %ld."
;  The replica refresh operation involves building a relationship map of
;  all the objects related to the one being refreshed.  During the building
;  of this map we were unable to allocate a new map entry.  This likely
;  represents a memory exhaustion.
;  %s - Indicator for DMCL or Server.
;  %s - The number of entries in the map before the error occurred.
;CAUSE:  Likely running out of memory.
;ACTION: Check memory/swap limits.
ALLOC_ID ID "Could not allocate new object id for tag %d in replication of object %s."
;  During a replication action, the system attempted to pre-allocate a local
;  object id for the replica of the indicated object.  The call to create
;  the id failed.
;  %s - the tag for which the id was requested.
;  %s - the object being replicated.
;CAUSE:  Could be a server failure of some kind. Unlikely, but could indicate
;        an exhaustion of available id's for the indicated tag.
;ACTION: Check server/session log for error messages.  Test to see if you can
;        directly create a new object of the specified type.
DUMPMAP_SRV D "The source server was unable to properly determine the replication data for object %s."
;  The replica refresh operation involves building a relationship map of
;  all the objects related to the one being refreshed.  During the building
;  of this map we encountered an error that prevents the indicated object
;  from being properly replicated.
;  %s - The object on which the error was encountered.
;CAUSE:  The source data may not be consistent.
;ACTION: Check the source object for consistency.
REFRESH_NOJOB DD "Could not fetch the dm_job object which defines the replication parameters for replica %s.  Job id from dm_reference: %s."
;  The replica refresh operation must fetch the dm_job object which originally
;  caused the replication in order to obtain the replication options.  This
;  error indicates that the job object could not be fetched.
;  %s - The replica object on which the error was encountered.
;  %s - The object id of the job as obtained from the dm_reference
;CAUSE:  The replica may no longer have a valid parent job.  Or the
;        dm_reference for the replica may not indicate the proper job id.
;ACTION: Check the existence of the parent dm_job for the replication task.
OBJECT_COPY DS "Error creating copy of object %s in order to save to local server in a refresh operation. The remote object type is %s. Check that the type definitions in the local and remote docbases are consistent."
;  The replica refresh operation must take each modified/new object and copy
;  it from the domain of the source server to the local domain.  This involves
;  converting it to the local type (typically just copying the attributes over).
;  This error is triggered by a failure in this copy.
;  %s - The replica object on which the error was encountered.
;  %s - The type name of the source object.
;CAUSE:  The failure may be due to a remote type being unknown in the local
;        system or having a different incompatible type definition.
;ACTION: Check the consistencies of the named type in the two docbases.
OBJECT_REFRESH DD "Error returned from server ReplicaRefresh call on attempt to save local replica of object %s.  Local object id is %s."
;  %s - The global object id.
;  %s - The object id of the local replica.
;CAUSE:  The server refresh call failed.
;ACTION: Check the session log for the error message logged by the server
;        which should further describe the problem.
REPLICA_DELETE DD "Error returned from server DESTROY_REPLICA call to destroy local replica of object %s.  Local object id is %s."
;  %s - The global object id.
;  %s - The object id of the local replica.
;CAUSE:  The server delete call failed.
;ACTION: Check the session log for the error message logged by the server
;        which should further describe the problem.
RENDITION_DELETE DD "Error returned from server DESTROY_CONTENT call to destroy local rendition of object %s.  Local object id is %s."
;  %s - The global object id.
;  %s - The object id of the local replica.
;CAUSE:  The server destroy call failed.
;ACTION: Check the session log for the error message logged by the server
;        which should further describe the problem.
BUILDREPMAP "Error building map of related object in replica refresh operation."
;  The replica refresh operation must compute the set of all related objects
;  and determine the state of those objects at the source and local sites.
;  This error message is given when a failure is encountered during the building
;  of that map.  Previous error messages should give more detail on the
;  error.
;CAUSE:  Failure to compute related object set.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages which give more detail on problem.
MERGEREPMAP "Error building map of related object in replica refresh operation."
;  The replica refresh operation must compute the set of all related objects
;  and determine the state of those objects at the source and local sites.
;  This error message is given when a failure is encountered during the building
;  of that map.  Previous error messages should give more detail on the
;  error.
;CAUSE:  Failure to compute related object set.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages which give more detail on problem.
PROCESSREPLICA SDD "Error processing replica object %s. Global object id: %s. Source id: %s."
;  An error occurred during replica refresh as the replica object was being
;  built from a copy of the source object.  The error may have occurred
;  in copying the object values from the source (which may indicate some
;  sort of type inconsistency between the docbases) or in applying
;  replication filter/remapping options.  Previous errors in the log should
;  indicate more about the nature of the problem.
;  %s - The replica object id (NEW_OBJECT if new object).
;  %s - The global object id.
;  %s - The source object id (commonly the same as the global id).
;CAUSE:  Failure to build new version of replica object.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages which give more detail on problem.
OBJECT_IDMAP "Error in Distributed Id Mapping during object replication action."
;  An error occurred during replica refresh as the replica object was being
;  built from a copy of the source object.  The error occurred during the
;  actions to remap source id ptr's in the object to the appriopriate local
;  object id values.
;CAUSE:  Failure to build new version of replica object.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages which give more detail on problem.

REPLICA_FETCH DSS "Error in Distributed Operation due to the inibility to fetch/create the replica object with id %s.  Type Name: %s.  Create Flag: %s."
;  An error occurred during replica operation because of the failure to
;  fetch the indicated object from the database.  If the above create flag
;  is True, then the attempt was to create a new object with the specified id.
;  %s - The replica object id
;  %s - The type name
;  %s - T if creating a new object, F otherwise
;CAUSE:  Failure to fetch replica object.
;ACTION: Check for previous error messages which give more detail on problem.

DMREF_ALLOC  "Error creating new dm_reference object."
;  The creation of a reference object failed because of an error creating a
;  new dm_reference object.
;CAUSE:  The server could not allocate a new dm_reference object
;ACTION: Check for previous errors which should give more detail on the cause
;  of the problem.  Check for resource usage (memory).

PARM SS "Error in distributed operation.  Bad parameter: %s = %s."
;  An error occurred due to a bad operational parameter.  This may indicate
;  a protocol error between the client and server, possibly an incompatibility
;  between the server and client versions.
;  %s - The parameter name.
;  %s - The parameter value.
;CAUSE:  Bad parameter.
;ACTION: Check for previous error message which may give more detail on the
;        problem.  Check the server and client versions.

FOLDER_MERGE D "A Replication error during computation of the new folders links for replica object %s in its target docbase."
;  An error occurred in replication during the folder-merge processing of a
;  replica object.  The error could either be in the creation of a new replica
;  or the refreshing of an existing one.
;  Folder merging determines which folders the replica object should be linked
;  into in the target docbase.  It involves merging the attributes from the
;  new replica object with any existing links in the local copy.
;  %s - The replica object id.
;CAUSE:  Could be a bad folder id or an inability to fetch a referenced folder.
;ACTION: Check for previous error message which may give more detail on the
;        problem.  Enable replication tracing to collect more information.

NOMAP DSD "No mapping found for object id %s in %s object %s."
;  A replication operation that relies on finding a local mapping for a
;  remote object failed.  No local object could be found which maps to the
;  given object id.

;  During replication, remote objects have their id fields remapped to
;  local values.  When no local mapping is found, then generally the fields
;  are left as-is.
;  However, some operations are sensitive to finding a valid mapping.  For
;  example content transfer relies on having a local storage area and format
;  object in order to store content locally.
;  %s - The object id which could not be mapped.
;  %s - The type name of the object which had the id pointer.
;  %s - The object id of the object which had the id pointer.
;CAUSE:  Could not find local mapping for id.
;ACTION: Check for existence of replica for given object.  Try running
;        batch-mode replication to bring over appropriate related objects.

PRESAVE D "Error preparing object %s for Distributed Save operation."
;  The save of the specified object failed.
;  A distribute save operation is one in which multiple docbases must
;  be updated.  Examples:
;    updating a replica
;    linking a document to remote folder
;    creating a foreign relationship (eg vdm) between documents.
;  This error message is given when an error occurs while attempting to
;  determine the update requirements for the distributed save.
;  %s - The object id of the local object being saved.
;CAUSE:  Object update requirements could not be determined.
;ACTION: Check for previous error message which may give more detail on the
;        problem.

SRC_FOR_UPDATE DSD "Could not fetch master object %s from docbase %s. Unable to update replica object %s."
;  The save of the specified object failed because of the inability to
;  fetch the replica's source object.
;  The error could have been caused by an internal error or by the non-existence
;  of the master object.
;  %s - The object id of the source object.
;  %s - The source docbase.
;  %s - The local replica object id.
;CAUSE:  Object could not be fetched.
;ACTION: Check for previous error message which may give more detail on the
;        problem.  Check for the existence of the master object.

MODIFIED_MASTER DD "Could not update replica %s because its master object %s is already modified in the user's cache.  Either save or revert the changes to the master object first."
;  The save of the specified replica object failed because the master object
;  was found to be modified in the user's client-side cache.
;  During the distributed save operation, changes made to the replica object
;  are moved over to the master docbase.  If the master object is fetched and
;  found to be modified, the operation cannot safely copy the replica changes
;  into the object of unknown state.
;  %s - The local replica object id.
;  %s - The object id of the source object.
;CAUSE:  Object was modified.
;ACTION: Revert the master object specified in the error message and retry
;        the operation.

VERSION_MISMATCH DDLL "Replica object %s is out of date with its master object %s.  Master Vstamp: %d, Replica Vstamp: %d.  You must refresh the local replica before applying updates to it."
;  The save of the specified replica object failed because the replica was
;  not up-to-date with its source object.
;  %s - The local replica object id.
;  %s - The object id of the source object.
;        %d - The master version stamp.
;        %d - The replica version stamp.
;CAUSE:  Object out-of-date
;ACTION: Refresh the replica object specified in the error message and retry
;        the operation.

REP_BADCOPY DD "Error during Distributed Update operation.  The attributes of replica object %s could not be copied to master object %s."
;  The save of the specified replica object failed because the copy of changes
;  from the replica to the master did not succeed.
;  %s - The local replica object id.
;  %s - The object id of the source object.
;CAUSE:  Error in attribute copy.
;ACTION: Check for previous error message which may give more detail on the
;        problem.

REP_BADCOPY2 D "Error during Distributed Update operation.  The modified attributes of replica object %s could not be copied to temporary object prior to save to source docbase."
;  The save of the specified replica object failed because the copy of changes
;  from the replica to the master did not succeed.
;  %s - The local replica object id.
;CAUSE:  Error in attribute copy.
;ACTION: Check for previous error message which may give more detail on the
;        problem.

REP_BADCOPY3 D "Error during Distributed Update operation.  The local changes to replica object %s could not be reapplied following the distributed save and refresh of the local object."
;  When a replica object is updated and the update includes both global and
;  local changes, the local changes are saved in a temporary copy object
;  while the master object is updated with the global changes.  Following the
;  master object, the local changes are re-applied to the replica and the
;  replica object is saved.
;  This save of the specified replica object failed because the copy of changes
;  from a saved copy back to the local replica failed.
;  Note that when this error is received, the master object has been updated -
;  only the local attribute changes have failed.  This state will be described
;  by later warning messages.
;  %s - The local replica object id.
;CAUSE:  Error in attribute copy.
;ACTION: Check for previous error message which may give more detail on the
;        problem.

NEW_REPLICA D "Error during Distributed Update operation.  The local changes to replica object %s could not be applied due to the inability to refetch the replica object following the remote update."
;  When a replica object is updated and the update includes both global and
;  local changes, the remote changes are applied first, the replica object
;  is refreshed, and then the local changes are applied.
;  This save of the specified replica object failed because the replica could
;  not be fetched following the refresh.
;  Note that when this error is received, the master object has been updated -
;  only the local attribute changes have failed.  This state will be described
;  by later warning messages.
;  %s - The local replica object id.
;CAUSE:  Error in attribute copy.
;ACTION: Check for previous error message which may give more detail on the
;        problem.

UPDATE_NOLOCALUPD S "A distributed update to object %s was partially completed. The updates to the master object were saved correctly but an error prevented the saving of local attribute changes."
;  The save of a replica or reference object succeeded only partially.  The
;  remote updates were performed and committed, but the local updates could
;  not be applied.
;  The user should attempt a manual refresh of the object (refresh api) to
;  bring it up-to-date with the remote changes.
;  %s - The object id of the local object.
;CAUSE:  Object could not be refreshed following update.
;ACTION: Check for previous error message which may give more detail on the
;        problem.  Re-try the refresh by using the "refresh" operation.  If
;        that still fails try enabling tracing during the refresh call.

.severity FATAL

MAP_INIT1 "Could not create dm_docbaseid_map type.  The type manager returned an error from the Store operation."
;  During docbase initialization, the server could not create the type
;  for dm_docbaseid_map.  Since the server was attempting to create the
;  type, the docbase must be being created or must be being upgraded from
;  a pre-3.0 version.  If neither of these are true then this may be the
;  source of the problem.
;CAUSE:  The type manager returned a failure from the attempt to create
;        the new type.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
;  Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
;  representative.

MAP_INIT2  LL "The version stamp for the dm_docbaseid_map type was %d but was  expected to be %d."
;  During docbase initialization, the version stamp for the dm_docbaseid_map
;  type was found to be at an unexpected state.  The version stamp is stored
;  in the dmi_vstamp table with i_application = 'dm_docbaseid_map'.
;CAUSE:  Could be running an incompatible version of the Documentum server.
;ACTION: Check the version of the server you are attempting to run to be
;        sure it is compatible with the docbase.  If they are consistent,
;  report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
;  representative.

TYPE_INIT "Could not create dm_reference type.  The type manager returned an error from the Store operation."
;  During docbase initialization, the server could not create the type
;  for dm_reference.  Since the server was attempting to create the
;  type, the server must be attempting to create a new docbase or to upgrade
;  a docbase from a pre-4.0 version.
;CAUSE:  The type manager returned a failure from the attempt to create
;        the new type.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
;  Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
;  representative.

BAD_VSTAMP  LL "The version stamp for the dm_reference type was %d but was expected to be %d.  You may be running a version of the Documentum server which is incompatible with the Docbase."
;  During docbase initialization, the version stamp for the dm_reference
;  type was found to be at an unexpected state.  The version stamp is stored
;  in the dmi_vstamp table with i_application = 'dm_reference'.
;  %d - the type version stamp
;  %d - the version stamp expected by the server executable
;CAUSE:  Could be running an incompatible version of the Documentum server.
;ACTION: Check the version of the server you are attempting to run to be
;        sure it is compatible with the docbase.  If they are consistent,
;  report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
;  representative.

TYPE_CONVERSION I "Failed to convert type dm_reference to version %d."
;  During docbase initialization, the version stamp for the dm_reference
;  type indicated that it needed to be upgraded to match the current server
;  version.  This upgrade procedure failed.
;  %d - the type version stamp
; CAUSE:  Type conversion failed.
; ACTION: Check the version of the server to make sure it is compatible with
;         the current version of the docbase.  Check previous errors in the
;         server log file and for additional error information (if any) in
;         the database error log files.

posted on 2009-11-16 12:17 liaojiyong 阅读(307) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum


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