love fish大鹏一曰同风起,扶摇直上九万里








.facility DM_EXCEPTION

; These are errors encountered during parsing format strings

.severity TRACE
.severity WARNING
SHUTDOWN_SERVER "A server showdown exception has occurred."
; CAUSE: a server showdown has requested. The server will be terminated.

SHUTDOWN_SESSION S "A session showdown exception has occurred. Shutdown type: (%s)"
; CAUSE: a session showdown has requested. The session will be terminated.

.severity ERROR

DOCU_FATAL S "A Documentum exception (%s) occurred."
; CAUSE: a bug in the server, or an external dll
; ACTION: if necessary re-start server

SYS_FATAL SS "A system exception (%s) occurred.  Instruction: (%s)"
; CAUSE: a bug in the server, or an external dll
; ACTION: if necessary re-start server

SYS_FATAL_ACCESS SSSS "A system exception (%s) occurred.  Code address: (%s). Attempt to %s data at address %s."
; CAUSE: a bug in the server, or an external dll
; ACTION: if necessary re-start server

MEMORY_EXHAUSTED LL "Unable to allocate %d bytes.  Maximum heap capacity %d bytes"
; CAUSE: the heap is too small
; ACTION: raise the size of the heap in server.ini

HEAP_TAG IS "Error during heap validation.  Thread id: %d.  Error: %s."
;CAUSE: Internal memory corruption
;ACTION: Monitor server log for failures - if too many failures occur restart server
.severity FATAL

posted on 2009-11-16 12:18 liaojiyong 阅读(204) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum


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