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; $Id: dmdump.e,v 5.10 2003/04/18 18:46:34 strellis Exp $
; dmDump class errors
.facility DM_DUMP This facility is for dump tracing.  The trace infomation will go to session log.
.severity TRACE
REPL_1 LFF "Number of objects looked up=%ld, total lookup time=%lf ms, avg time=%lf ms"
REPL_2 LFF "Number of objects inserted=%ld, total insert time=%lf ms, avg time=%lf ms"
REPL_3 S "Executing SQL stmt: %s"
REPL_4 SL "Skipping object ID=%s, i_vstamp=%ld"
REPL_5 SI "Starting dump: mode=%s, object count=%d"
QUERY S "Executing query statement: %s"
;Will show up at level 5
OBJ_ID S "Dumping object, id = %s"
;Will show up at level 8
TYPE_NAME S "Dumping type, name = %s"
;Will show up at level 8
RELATE S "Dumping the objects referenced by the following object: %s"
;Will show up at level 1
LOG_TYPE "Writing type information into the dump file."
;Will show up at level 1
DUMPMAP DS "Starting GetDumpMap operation on object %s. Option parameters (%s)."
;   %1 - handle for object for which map was requested
;   %2 - parameters to operation
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written at start of GetDumpMap if trace level
;  for DM_DUMP_FACILITY is >= 1.
DUMPMAP_ADD D "Add object %s."
;   %1 - handle for object being added to map
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written in GetDumpMap operation as objects are
;        added to the map if trace level for DM_DUMP_FACILITY is >= 1.
DUMPMAP_ADDPEER DD "Add %s, peer of object %s."
;   %1 - handle for object being added to map
;   %2 - handle for object which triggered the addition of this new object
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written in GetDumpMap operation as objects are
;        added to the map if trace level for DM_DUMP_FACILITY is >= 1.
DUMPMAP_ADDBEFORE DD "Add %s, before object %s."
;   %1 - handle for object being added to map
;   %2 - handle for object which triggered the addition of this new object
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written in GetDumpMap operation as objects are
;        added to the map if trace level for DM_DUMP_FACILITY is >= 1.
DUMPMAP_ADDAFTER DD "Add %s, after object %s."
;   %1 - handle for object being added to map
;   %2 - handle for object which triggered the addition of this new object
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written in GetDumpMap operation as objects are
;        added to the map if trace level for DM_DUMP_FACILITY is >= 1.
DUMPMAP_ADDPRIMARY DD "Add %s as a primary object for object %s."
;   %1 - handle for object being added to map
;   %2 - handle for object which triggered the addition of this new object
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written in GetDumpMap operation as objects are
;        added to the map if trace level for DM_DUMP_FACILITY is >= 1.
DUMPMAP_ADDEXCEPTION DD "Add %s as an exception object for object %s."
;   %1 - handle for object being added to map
;   %2 - handle for object which triggered the addition of this new object
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written in GetDumpMap operation as objects are
;        added to the map if trace level for DM_DUMP_FACILITY is >= 1.
DUMPMAP_DUPLICATE D "Object %s already exists in map."
;   %1 - handle for object being added to map
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written in GetDumpMap operation when an object
;        is encountered for a second time if trace level for DM_DUMP_FACILITY
;        is >= 1.
DUMPMAP_PROCESS D "Processing Object %s."
;   %1 - handle for object being processed
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written in GetDumpMap operation as the server
;        begins to search for objects related to the the logged one.  Written
;        if trace level for DM_DUMP_FACILITY is >= 1.
OBJECT_START S "Start object dump, id = %s#[[["
;   %1 - handle for object being processed
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written before dumping an object.
OBJECT_END S "End object dump, id = %s#]]]"
;   %1 - handle for object being processed
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written after dumping an object.
TYPE_START S "Start type dump, name = %s#[[["
;   %1 - name for a type being dumped
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written before dumping a type.
TYPE_END S "End type dump, name = %s#]]]"
;   %1 - name for a type being dumped
;CAUSE:  Informational message. Written after dumping a type.

.severity WARNING
FORCEPLAN_FAILED S "Could not turn on FORCEPLAN. %s"
OBJ_NOT_EXIST D "Skipping reference to object %s. Object does not exist."
; The dump operation followed an object id pointer to an object that does
; not exist.  The dump operation will continue, but that object cannot
; be dumped.
;  %1 - handle for object the server was attempting to dump.
;CAUSE:  Referenced object does not exist.
;ACTION: Look for references to this object in the docbase.
;        Ensure that if data is loaded, the objects which refer to this
;        nonexistent object can be used properly.
UNABLE_TO_FETCH_TYPE S "Could not fetch type %s"
; CAUSE: A dm_type object could not be fetched.
; ACTION: Verify if the type definition is consistent in the repository
; by fetching the type.

.severity ERROR
RECORD_SAVE_FAILED S "Save of dump record for object %s failed -- dump terminated"
OBJECT_UPDATE_FAILED S "Update of dump object %s failed -- dump terminated"
CANT_COUNT_ROOT_SET S "Query to count objects to be dumped failed. \nQuery was: %s"
CANT_OPEN_NEW_FILE S "Could not open new output dumpfile %s"
CANT_OPEN_OLD_FILE S "Could not open old output dumpfile %s"
OBJECT_SAVE_FAILED S "Save of dump object %s failed -- dump terminated"
CANT_CONTINUE "Can't continue dump -- count of root sets has changed"

TYPE_NOT_FOUND S "Dump request error: type %s does not exist in this docbase."
;PARAMETERS:  The requested type name which could not be found.
;CAUSE:  One of the types requested in the type list of the dump
;  object was not found in the docbase.
;ACTION: Remove the non-existent types from the dump list and restart
;  the dump operation.

NOT_SUPERUSER S "The dump operation cannot be executed because the requesting user (%s) does not have superuser privilege.  Superuser privilege is required to dump objects from a docbase."
;PARAMETERS:  The name of the user executing the dump operation.
;CAUSE:  The user does not have superuser privilege.  Because DUMP
;  bypasses permission checks, we require that the user executing
;  the dump have superuser privilege.
;ACTION: The current user cannot use the dump operation.

FILE_EXISTS S "Could not open new output dumpfile. File %s already exists. Dump will not overwrite an existing file."
;PARAMETERS:  The name of the dumpfile.
;CAUSE:  Dump command was called with a file_name that already existed.
;  Dump will not overwrite an existing file.
;ACTION: Move or remove the existing file and re-execute the dump
;  operation.

NO_FILENAME   "No file_name value given for the Dump Operation."
;CAUSE:  The file_name attribute of the dm_dump_record was not set.
;ACTION: Set the file_name attribute and re-save the dump record.

PARAM S       "Bad parameter for internal Dump Operation: %s"
;PARAMETERS:  The invalid parameter string.
;CAUSE:  A valid parameter is missing.
;ACTION: Check for the correct parameter value and re-save the dump record.

REPLICA_CATALOG S "Database error in accessing replica catalog: %s"
;PARAMETERS:  Database error message.
;CAUSE:  A database error has occurred when the server checks on the replica catalog if
;  an object has been previously dumped.
;ACTION: Check with the database dba. If error persists, use other dump mode.

DESTROY_DUMP_RECORD     "An error occurred during cleanup from a Dump as part of a destroy request on the dm_dump_record object.  The dump operation bookkeeping records (dmi_dump_object_record) have not been fully cleaned up."
; During a dump operation, the server creates bookkeeping records to keep
; track of what has been dumped (dmi_dump_object_record types).
; When the dump is complete, these records are cleaned up when the dump
; record itself is destroyed.
; The error is given when some problem occurs during the destroy of the
; dm_dump_record or the dmi_dump_object_records associated with it.
; The original dump operation which was done with the dm_dump_record is
; not affected by this error, only the cleanup of the bookkeeping objects
; is affected.
; NOTE: once a destroy has been started after a dump operation, the operation
; itself is "committed".  The dump can no longer be backed out via a revert.
; If a revert is done on a dump record following this error, then only part
; of the dumped data will be removed!
;CAUSE:  Possibly the underlying database system ran out of some resource,
;        most likely logfile space.
;ACTION: Review the error log for other errors indicating the destroy problem,
;        then retry the destroy.
OPEN_TRANSACTION   "The destroy Dump operation cannot be executed while inside of a user transaction."
; A dump operation needs to start its own internal transaction so that it
; can control when periodic commits are done to free database resources.
; It cannot be executed while a user transaction is in progress.
;CAUSE:  The user session which requested the destroy dump has a currently outstanding
;        transaction open.
;ACTION: Complete the current transaction before destroying the dump record.
CANNOT_CREATE S "Cannot create dump file with the specified file name: %s"
BAD_STREAM "A system error has occurred during a data stream formating operation."
FILE_IO S "File Input / Output error. Operating System Error :  %s"
RECORDED_SIZE SS "The recorded size of %s in file (%s) is corrupted."
INIT_DUMP II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d"
MAP_BUILD D "Error building map records in GetDumpMap operation for object %s."
; In replication processing, the server is sometimes called to generate a
; dump map which gives all the objects related to the one being replicated.
; This map is then used to determine what objects need to be replicated from
; the source docbase.
; If this error is given, then the server encountered an error attempting
; to build the map of object relationships.
;  %1 - handle for object for which map was requested
;CAUSE:  The server could not build the relationship map.  Could be an
;  integrity problem or even a resource exhaustion.
;ACTION: Check for errors in the sesssion log.  Try Enabling tracing during
;        the operation (trace,c,1,<filename>,DM_DUMP) and check the session
;        log for further information.
MAP_ARGS DL "Error in dmGetDumpMap call, bad parameters to operation.  Handle: %s, argument ptr: %d."
; The server RPC dmGetDumpMap call was made with bad parameters from the DMCL.
;  %1 - handle for object for which map was requested
;  %2 - the option argument object
;CAUSE:  Likely a bug in the DMCL.
;ACTION: Check that the server and dmcl are compatible for the current
;        operation.
INVALID_TYPE S "The type %s supplied by user is invalid."
NON_RESTART "Dump operation is not restartable because user has set the restart flag to false."
CANT_FETCH_OBJ D "Error fetching object to dump.  Object id: %s."
; The server encountered an error while fetching an object from the docbase
; in order to write it to the dumpfile.
;  %1 - handle for object the server was attempting to fetch
;CAUSE:  Error returned from the object manager.
;ACTION: Check the error log for error messages logged by the object manager
;        which may give more detail on the problem.  Check the rdbms log for
;        errors.
CANT_PROBE_OBJ D "Error checking existence of object to dump.  Object id: %s."
; The server encountered an error while fetching an object from the docbase
; in order to write it to the dumpfile.
;  %1 - handle for object the server was attempting to fetch
;CAUSE:  Error returned from the object manager.
;ACTION: Check the error log for error messages logged by the object manager
;        which may give more detail on the problem.  Check the rdbms log for
;        errors.
CANT_READ_DUMP_RECS "Error reading dump records from dmi_dump_object_record."
; The server was attempting to query the dmi_dump_object_record table to
; determine which objects have already been dumped by this dump operation.
; The attempt to read from the table failed.
;CAUSE:  A query failed.
;ACTION: Check the error log for error messages logged by the object manager
;        which may give more detail on the problem.  Check the rdbms log for
;        errors.
DUMP_OBJECT S "An Error occurred dumping object with id: %s."
;  %1 - id of object being dumped when the error was encountered
;CAUSE:  Failure in dump processing
;ACTION: Check the error log for other error messages which should give more
;        detail on the problem.  If the error appears transient (dbms or
;        resource problem) the dump can be continued by resaving the same
;        dump record.
ROOTSET_COLL "Error dumping result collection."
;CAUSE:  Failure in dump processing
;ACTION: Check the error log for other error messages which should give more
;        detail on the problem.  If the error appears transient (dbms or
;        resource problem) the dump can be continued by resaving the same
;        dump record.
NOT_SYS_ADMIN S "You must have sys admin privileges to perform a %s operation."
;  %1 - description of the particular operation needing sysadmin priv
;CAUSE:  Not enough privilege
;ACTION: Operation must be run as a privileged user.
; This error message is given on any failure in the FILL_DUMPLOAD_TABLES
; operation.  It should be accompanied by a preceeding error message which
; will give a more detailed reason.
;CAUSE:  Failure in the FILL_DUMPLOAD_TABLES method.
;ACTION: Check the error log for other error messages which should give more
;        detail on the problem.

DUMP_RELATED_OBJECT S "Error dumping objects related to %s."
; This error message is given on some failures encountered in a dump while
; trying to dump objects related to one just written to the dump file.
; It should be accompanied by a preceeding error message which
; will give a more detailed reason.
;  %1 - The object id of the object which triggered the dump of
;                 related objects.
;CAUSE:  Some internal error.
;ACTION: Check the error log for other error messages which should give more
;        detail on the problem.

.severity FATAL
INIT_FAILURE S "Initialization failure for %s."
;PARAMETERS: The name of the resource we failed to initialize.
;CAUSE:  Failure initializing a resource needed by dump and load.
;ACTION: Check the error log for other error messages which should give more
;        detail on the problem.


posted on 2009-11-16 12:19 liaojiyong 阅读(479) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

