love fish大鹏一曰同风起,扶摇直上九万里








; $Id: dmdoc.e,v 5.0 1998/01/10 02:07:35 sol_ora Exp $
; DmDocument class errors
.facility DM_DOCUMENT
.severity ERROR
NO_STAGE SS "Staging location named '%s' is not defined for '%s' document."
;CAUSE: staging location is not defined
;ACTION: Define staging location before saving staged document.
STG_DESTROY IS "Non-zero status returned from stage destroyer: %d.  Command line was: %s."
;CAUSE: A call to system() with the given command line returned a non-zero status.
;ACTION: Check to ensure that the server config attribute, stage_destroyer_location,
;  references a valid location and path.  Check the file permissions of that path.

NO_STG_LOC_PATH S "Unable to retrieve the file_system_path attribute of the dm_location named %s"
;CAUSE: The named dm_location does not contain a file system path
;ACTION: Ammend the dm_location

NO_DESTROYER_PATH S "Unable to retrieve the file_system_path attribute of the dm_location named %s"
;CAUSE: The named dm_location does not contain a file system path
;ACTION: Ammend the dm_location

.severity  FATAL
INIT1            "The dmDocument type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INIT2  II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dmDocument object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  If your software and data are
; consistent, then report a bug.
; Also, Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.
INIT3           "The type manager returned an error storing the dmDocument type."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
; representative.

TYPE_CONVERSION II "Failed to convert type dm_document from version %d to version %d."
; CAUSE: Type conversion failed.
; ACTION: Report the problem.

posted on 2009-11-16 12:20 liaojiyong 阅读(373) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

