love fish大鹏一曰同风起,扶摇直上九万里








.facility DM_LOCATION

; These are errors encountered during parsing format strings

.severity TRACE
.severity WARNING

.severity ERROR

CANT_FETCH D "Can't fetch, object identified by id (%s). Invalid id."

MEMORY_EXHAUSTED I "Memory exhausted allocating %d bytes"

CANT_DESTROY "Cannot destroy"

SAVE_REQUIRES_ATTRIBUTE S "Cannot save object due to empty attribute (%s)"

NOT_A_LOCATION S "The object identified by (%s) is not a dm_location."

INVALID_DESTROY_OPTION S "The destroy option (%s) is not a valid option."

VALIDATE SSS "Validation of DM_LOCATION (%s) failed.  Operating System failed to validate directory (%s).  Operating System error was (%s)"

FILE_EXISTENCE SSS "File System file specified in DM_LOCATION (%s) does not exist.  Operating System failed to validate existence of the file (%s).  Operating System error was (%s)"

DIRECTORY_EXISTENCE SSS "File System directory specified in DM_LOCATION (%s) is does not exist.  Operating System failed to validate existence of the directory (%s).  Operating System error was (%s)"

CREATE_DIRECTORY SSS "Creation of file system directory for DM_LOCATION (%s) failed.  Operating System failed to create directory (%s).  Operating System error was (%s)"

DESTROY SSS "Destroy with delete option of DM_LOCATION (%s) failed.  Operating System failed to delete directory (%s).  Operating System error was (%s)"

SAVE S "Save of DM_LOCATION (%s) failed."

INVALID_MOUNT_POINT SS "Unable to get file system path for location (%s)\n, because of failure accessing associated\ndm_mount_point (%s)."

ATTRIBUTE_UNKNOWN SSS "Save of DM_LOCATION (%s) failed due to unrecognized value in attribute (%s).  Value is (%s)"

NAMED_LOOKUP S "Unable to fetch the dmLocation named (%s) by name."

NEED_PRIV_FOR_CHANGE SS "The current user (%s) needs to have superuser or sysadmin privilege to save or destroy %s location object."

FULL_PATH_REQUIRED S "The attribute, file_system_path, must be a full path name when the attribute mount_point_name is not specifie.  file_system_path is currently: %s."

NON_UNIQUE_PATH SS "The attribute, file_system_path, must be unique among all existing dm_location objects.  Path = (%s).  Matching dm_location id = (%s)."
;CAUSE: Must have Superuser or SysAdmin privilege to save/destroy location objects.
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.

UNIQUE_CHECK "An error occurred attempting to validate the file_system_path attribute of a dm_location object."
;CAUSE: An internal error occurred during the lookups to ensure that the
; file_system_path attribute of a dm_location object was valid during
; a save of that object.
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.

WALK_DIRECTORY SS "Failed to access directory %s, OS error: %s"
;CAUSE: An internal error occurred while walking through the said
;       directory.
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.

RESETPERM_MAXERR SS "Failed to reset permission on path %s of location %s"
;CAUSE: An internal error occurred while re-setting permission on the
;       directory of the said location object.
;ACTION: Consult your system administrator.

.severity FATAL

; the following errors are considered internal or not expected

INIT1 "The dm_location object subsystem failed initialization.  The version stamp for the dm_location object exists, but the corresponding type could not be fetched."
;CAUSE: Possible database corruption
;ACTION: Consult documentation.

INIT2 LL "The dm_location object subsystem could not be initialized.  The version stamp for the dm_location type (%i) does not match the expected stamp (%i)."
;CAUSE: Possible database corruption.  Perhaps an older server is being run against a newer docbase"
;ACTION: Consult documentation.

INIT3 "The dm_location object subsystem could not be initialized.  A failure was detected attempting to store the dm_location type."
;CAUSE: Possible database failure.
;ACTION: Examine error log for other errors.

COPY_DIRECTORY "Sorry, the save operator is not implemented at this time"

MOVE_DIRECTORY "Sorry, the save operator is not implemented at this time"


posted on 2009-11-16 12:44 liaojiyong 阅读(460) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

