love fish大鹏一曰同风起,扶摇直上九万里








.facility DM_LOCALE

; These are errors encountered during parsing format strings,
; or during extraction of the client's local date format information.

.severity TRACE
.severity WARNING

DEFAULT_DATE_WIN S "Unable to get local date format from Windows environment. Reason code %s."
; CAUSE:  Your short date format is determined from the Windows International control panel.
;   An error has been encountered.  Your session will assume the default short date
;         format:  MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss
; ACTION: The reason code parameter indicates where the error was encountered.
;         Check your windows environment.
; PARAMETER:  Reason code.
;   1 --- The "intl" profile string could not be retrieved.
;   2 --- An invalid iDate variable value was encountered.
;         3 --- An invalid iTime variable value was encountered.
;         4 --- The 24 or 12 hour clock indicator was invalid.
;         5 --- The AM or PM string was invalid.
;         6 --- The date separator was invalid.
;         7 --- The time separator was invalid.
;         8 --- The short date format string was too long.
;         9 --- The short date format string was invalid.  Value
;               preceding the first date separator did not exist.
;        10 --- The short date format string was invalid.  Value
;               following the first date separator did not exist.
;        11 --- The short date format string was invalid.  Value
;               following the second date separator did not exist.
DEFAULT_DATE_MAC S "Unable to get local date format from Macintosh environment. Reason code %s."
; CAUSE:  Your short date format is determined from the Macintosh Date/Time control panel.
;   An error has been encountered.  Your session will assume the default short date
;         format:  MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss
; ACTION: The reason code parameter indicates where the error was encountered.
;         Check your Mac environment.
; PARAMETER:  Reason code.
;   1 --- The date order was incorrect in the internationalization resource.
;         2 --- The specification for 24 hour clock was incorrect.
DEFAULT_DATE_SYSV S "Unable to get local date format from your Unix environment. Reason code %s."
; CAUSE:  Your short date format is determined from the international short date format
;         of your Unix machine.
;   An error has been encountered.  Your session will assume the default short date
;         format:  MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss
; ACTION: The reason code parameter indicates where the error was encountered.
;         Check your Unix environment.
; PARAMETER:  Reason code.
;   1 --- The short date format returned by strftime "%x %X" was unexpected.
;         2 --- The date separator or time separator (or both) were
;               more than one character long.
;         3 --- The short date format could not be parsed.
ILLEGAL_DATE_FORMAT  S "Illegal syntax found in the date format '%s'. The default localized short date format will be used."
; CAUSE: You have provided an illegal date format in either a DATE or a datetostring function.
; ACTION: The default short date format that was used is "mm/dd/yy hh:mi:ss". If this is not acceptable
;         correct your date format pattern and re-run the query.
; PARAMETER: The user-specified date format pattern.
.severity ERROR

MEMORY_EXHAUSTED I "Memory exhausted allocating %d bytes."

UNKNOWN_CHAR_SET I "Unknown character set, ordinal =%d."

UNABLE_TO_MODIFY_OS_LOCAL S "Unable to modify the locale using the following API call: (%s)."

SERVER_FAILURE "An failed status was returned by the server during processing of your client locale.  Please check the server log for details."

UNKNOWN_CODEPAGE_NAME S "Unknown codepage '%s'"

UNKNOWN_LOCALE_NAME S "Unknown locale name '%s'"

.severity  FATAL

UNEXPECTED_OS_FAILURE SS  "An error was returned from the Operating System API (%s) and was unexpected.  Operating System Error: (%s)."

posted on 2009-11-16 12:44 liaojiyong 阅读(528) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

