love fish大鹏一曰同风起,扶摇直上九万里








; $Id: dmwflow.e,v 1.35 2002/09/06 19:58:19 xtang Exp $
; Workflow errors
.facility DM_WORKFLOW
AGENT_START SSIS "Workflow agent %s (%s : %d, session %s) is started sucessfully."
;CAUSE: This is an informational message generated at session startup.
;ACTION: None.  Informational message only.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter indicates this is a master or worker;
;            the second one indicate its is a process id or thread id;
;            the third one is the process (thread) id;
;            the fourth one is  session id.
.severity FATAL
TYPE_INIT S "Failed to initialize type %s."
; CAUSE: Failed to initialize type.
; PARAMETERS: S - type name
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site
;       representative.
BAD_VSTAMP SII "Type %s has a bad vstamp %d. The vstamp is supposed to be %d."
; CAUSE: The RDBMS table has a bad vstamp.
; PARAMETERS: S - type name
;             I - the vstamp in the database
;             I - the vstamp the server is expecting
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
VIEW_INIT  SS "Failed to create view %s: database error was: %s."
; CAUSE: Failed to create a database view for port information
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
TYPE_CONVERSION I "Failed to convert type %s to version %d."
; CAUSE: Type conversion failed.
; PARAMETERS: S - type name
;             I - the version stamp we are trying to upgrade to
; ACTION: Report the problem.

.severity WARNING
PORT_INCOMPAT_DOWN_CASTING ISSSS "Down casting occurs between %dth packages from source activity %s source port %s and destination activity %s destination port %s"
; PARAMETERS: I - the position of packages within the ports
;             S - source activity
;             S - source port
;             S - destination activity
;             S - destination port
; CAUSE: package type of source port is a super type of package type of destination port
; ACTION: change the type specification
CANT_REACH S "Activity %s can not be reached from any start activity."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
; CAUSE: There is no link path from any start activity to this activity.
; ACTION: Add a link path from a start activity to this one.
DANGLING_PORT SSSD "Output port '%s' of activity '%s' within process definition '%s' (%s) is a dangling port."
; PARAMETERS: S - output port name
;             S - activity name
;             S - name of the containing process definition
;             D - ID of the process definition
; CAUSE:  No outgoing connection is found for a selected output port.
; ACTION: Report this message to the process designer for fix-up, if necessary.
EXEC_POOL_FULL S "Failed to launch %s due to no vacancy in the execution context pool."
; PARAMETERS: S - name of workflow agent
; CAUSE:  The number of servers or agents has exceeded the supported limit.
; ACTION: No actions are necessary. The server will re-launch such agent upon
;         availability of the execution context pool.
NO_DELEGATION S "User, %s, does not have any one to delegate to."
; PARAMETERS: s - user name
; CAUSE: The user is not accepting new work and there is no one in the delegation list who is available.
; ACTION: Make the user or people on its delegation list available or add new people to the delegation list.
NO_MESSAGE_SENT S "An event notification could not be sent to user '%s'"
; PARAMETERS: S - User name
; CAUSE:  The user to whom the message was designated could not be found
; ACTION: Take action to remove the user from participation in the workflow
PERFORMER_CATEGORY SSD "Invalid alias category for resolved performer '%s' of activity '%s' of workflow (%s):  the category of the alias was not user or group"
; PARAMETERS: S - performer name or an alias
;             S - activity name
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  When resolving an alias into a performer, the alias that was found in the alias set was not of type user and/or group
; ACTION: Change the alias category of the alias set to be user and/or group for this alias name
PERFORMER_UNRESOLVED SSDS "A user/group could not be found for performer '%s' of activity '%s' of workflow ('%s').  The activity has been assigned to the workflow supervisor, '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - performer name or an alias
;             S - activity name
;             D - workflow ID
;     S - supervisor name
; CAUSE:  No valid match was found for the alias provided within the alias sets associated with this workflow and with the current user.
; ACTION: Make sure that an alias set accessible by the resolution scheme defines a value for the alias set.
BINDING_PACKAGE DS "Package binding failed because no object could be identified by package ID (%s) with package label '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: D - package ID
;             S - package label
; CAUSE:  No object with the given version label can be found within the
;         version tree in which the given object resides.
AGENT_DIED "Server detected that workflow agent master has died, and is restarting it ......"
; CAUSE:  Unknown.
; Server will recover automatically by re-launching the workflow agent.
TASKSUBJECT_UNRESOLVED D "Resolving task subject failed for workitem ('%s'), 'task_subject' attribute of its inbox item is not set."
; PARAMETERS: D - workitem ID
; CAUSE:  Internal Error
; ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum site representative.
PEFORMER_OF_PREVIOUS_ACT SS "Activity '%s' is set to use performer(s) of activity '%s'. But the source activity has not been triggered or has not finished. Therefore the task is assigned to the workflow supervisor."
; PARAMETERS: S - name of the target activity
;             S - name of the source activity
; CAUSE:  When setting up a workflow template, an activity's performer can be set to
;         "Use (Last) Performer(s) of Previous Activity". At runtime, when creating tasks
;         for this activity, Content Server retrieves the performer(s) of the previous activity.
;         If the previous activity is not triggered yet or has not finished, then the server returns
;         this warning message and assigns the task to the workflow supervisor.
; ACTION: Re-design the workflow template.
DYNAMIC_PERFORMER SS "Failed to resolve dynamic performer '%s' based on process data. %s"
; PARAMETERS: S - dynamic performer
;             S - error happened during the performer resolution
; CAUSE:  When setting up a workflow template, an activity's performer can be set to
;         "Select performer based on process data". At runtime, when creating tasks
;         for this activity, Content Server resolves the performer(s) from the process data instances. 
;         If any error happens during the resolution, then the server returns
;         this warning message and assigns the task to the workflow supervisor.
; ACTION: Re-design the workflow template.
RESOLVE_PROCESS_PARAMETER SS "Failed to resolve process parameter '%s'. %s"
; PARAMETERS: S - name of the process parameter
;             S - error happened during the process parameter resolution
; CAUSE:  When setting up a workflow template, some activity's properties can be set
;         to be resolved from a process parameter. e.g. the performer of an activity,
;         or the timeout value of an automatic activity.
;         If any error happens during the resolution at workflow runtime, then the server returns
;         this warning message.
; ACTION: Examine the error or Re-design the workflow template.
.severity       ERROR
CANT_FETCH SD "The %s object (%s) does not exist."
; PARAMETERS: S: type name; D: object ID
; CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given id.
; ACTION: This is probably caused by a bad ID.  Or, possibly, a connection
; to the Documentum server could not be established.
INTERNAL_STATE SD "The %s object (%s) is in a bad state."
; PARAMETERS: S: type name; D: object ID
; CAUSE: The object is marked bad by the e-Content Server.
; ACTION: First, retry the operation. If the problem persists, try with a
;         new connection.
CANT_CREATE S "Cannot create a %s object."
; PARAMETERS: S: type name
; CAUSE: Could not create a new object.
; ACTION: Report this error to Documentum sysadmins.
BAD_TYPE DDS "The package (%s) contains a component (%s) that is not of type '%s' or its sub-type."
; PARAMETERS: D: package ID; D: compoent ID; S: package type
; CAUSE: The pakcage contains a component whose type is not compliant with
;        the package type.
; ACTION: Use removepackage and addpackage to replace the problematic
;         package with a good one.
MISSING_VALUE SSSD "The attribute %s of %s '%s' (%s) has to be set for this operation to succeed."
; PARAMETERS: S - attribute name
;             S - object type. e.g. activity, workflow or package
;             S - object name
;             D - object ID
; CAUSE: The attribute value has to be provided.
; ACTION: Please set the attribute and retry the operation.
ACTIVITY_RUNTIME I "The sequence number of an activity run-time instance has an invalid value '%d'."
; PARAMETERS: I: sequence number of an activity run-time instance
; CAUSE: The object refers to an activity run-time instance that does not
;        exist.
; ACTION: Retry the operation. If the problem persists, try with a new
;         connection.
ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED SSS "This operation is not allowed when the state is '%s' for %s '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - state name
;             S - object type. e.g. activity, workflow, process, or activity instance
;             S - object name
; CAUSE: An illegal operation is attempted, when the target object is at
;        the indicated state.
; ACTION: Do not execute such operation.
VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED SSS "The value set to the attribute %s of %s '%s' is illegal."
; PARAMETERS: S - attribute name
;             S - object type, e.g. activity, process, etc
;             S - object name
; CAUSE: An illegal value is set to an attribute.
; ACTION: Use a legal value for such an attribute. Refer to the reference
;         manual, if necessary.
NO_WRITE_ACCESS "The operation requires at least WRITE permit or can be performed by a user with SYSADMIN or SUPERUSER privileges."
; CAUSE: The user does not have enough object level permission or privileges.
; ACTION: Retry the operation, after required permissions or privileges are
;         granted.
OUT_OF_RANGE SIISS "The value of the attribute %s should be between %d and %d for %s '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - attribute name
;             I - the lower bound
;             I - the upper bound
;             S - the object type, e.g. activity, process, etc
;             S - the object name
; CAUSE: The attribue value is out of range.
; ACTION: Set the attribute to a value as suggested and retry the operation.
NAME_INDEX SSDS "The internal index for attribute %s of the %s object (%s) is corrupted for key value '%s',"
; PARAMETERS: S - attribute name on which an index was built
;             S - type name
;             D - ID of the problematic object
;             S - attribute value
; CAUSE: The internal index is found corrupted.
; ACTION: Re-create the internal index by validate API command and
;         re-try the previous operation.
NO_VALUE SSDI "The attribute %s of the %s object (%s) contains no value at position %d."
; PARAMETERS: S - attribute name
;             S - type name
;             D - object ID
;             I - the position where a value is missing
; CAUSE: A attribute value is missing from an expected position. This
;        can be due to a corrupted internal index or entire object.
; ACTION: Re-create the internal index by validate API command and
;         re-try the previous operation. If such problem persists,
;         try the failing operation on a new connection.
CONFLICT_PACKAGE_TYPE SSSS "The package definition by the name '%s' has conflicting types: %s and %s on activity '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - package name
;             SS - conflicting package types
;             S - activity name
; CAUSE: A package is declared by more than one types.
; ACTION: Check all the package definitions of a package and make sure
;         they are declared under one single type.
PACKAGE_TYPE SS "The package definition by name '%s' contains a non-existing type '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - package name
;             S - package type
; CAUSE: A non-existing type is specified as a package type.
; ACTION: Replace the non-existing type with an existing one and
;         re-try the previous operation.
CONFLICT_PORT_TYPE SS "The port of name '%s' is used in multiple port types on activity '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - port name
;             S - activity name
; CAUSE: A port is declared as multiple port types.
; ACTION: Examine port names and types and fix the problematic values.
;         Re-try the previous operation.
FOREIGN_ID DSS "The foreign object (%s) is not allowed in the attribute %s of type %s."
; PARAMETERS: D - the foreign ID
;             S - attribute name
;             S - type name
; CAUSE: A foreign object ID is found in an attribute, which is not
;        expecting.
; ACTION: Replace the foreign object ID with a local reference object
;         ID that refers to the remote object. Re-try the operation.
MISSING_PARAMETERS S "The API command %s has missing parameters."
; PARAMETERS: S - command name
; CAUSE: There are missing parameters for the API command.
; ACTION: Please refer to the reference manual and provide the
;         required parameters.
PORT_EXIST S "The specified port '%s' already exists."
; PARAMETERS: S - port name
; CAUSE: There is already a port with the same name.
; ACTION: Use a different port name and re-try the operation.
ILLEGAL_PORT_TYPE S "The specified port type '%s' is illegal."
; PARAMETERS: S - port type
; CAUSE: The given port type is illegal.
; ACTION: Re-try the operation with one of the supported port
;         types.
ACTIVITY_TYPE D "The specified object (%s) is not an activity definition object."
; PARAMETERS: D - the activity definition object ID
; CAUSE: the object specified by the ID is not an activity definition object
; ACTION: Replace the with ID of an activity definition object..
ACTIVITY_NAME S "The activity name '%s' is invalid."
; PARAMETERS: S - the invalid name
; CAUSE: An invalid activity name was specified.
; ACTION: Replace with a valid activity name.
ACTIVITY_INUSE SS "The activity '%s' is referenced by link '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - the activity in error
; CAUSE: Specified activity is referenced by a link.
; ACTION: Remove the link and re-try the operation.
PORT_TABLE SSSSSSS "The following attributes should have had same number of values: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s and %s."
; PARAMETERS: attribute names for port names, port types, package
;             names, package types, package operations, package
;             ID's and package labels.
; CAUSE: The above attributes are supposed to contain same number
;        of values, but found otherwise.
; ACTION: Ensure all these attributes have same number of values
;         and they are properly set.
ROUTE_TABLE SS "The following attributes should have had same number of values: %s and %s."
; PARAMETERS: attribute names for condition name and port.
; CAUSE: The above attributes are supposed to contain same number
;        of values, but found otherwise.
; ACTION: Ensure all these attributes have same number of values
;         and they are properly set.
PORT_NOT_FOUND S "The specified port '%s' does not exist."
; PARAMETERS: S - the specified port name
; CAUSE: The given port name does not exist in the attribute for
;        port names.
; ACTION: Verify the given port name exists and re-try the operation.
METHOD_NOT_APPLICABLE S "The method %s is not applicable, before the object is saved."
; PARAMETERS: S - operation name
; CAUSE: An operation is attempted, when the target object has not
;        been saved.
; ACTION: Do not execute such operation, until the object is saved.
DESTROY_INUSE SD "The operation fails, because the %s object (%s) is in use."
; PARAMETERS: S - object type name
;             D - object ID
; CAUSE: The operation fails, because the specified object is being
;        referenced by other objects.
; ACTION: Make sure the object is not in use, before the operation
;         is executed.
CURSOR SS "The cursor '%s' fails. The error message from the database server is: %s."
; PARAMETERS: S - the query
;             S - the database error message
; CAUSE: An internal cursor failure occurrs.
; ACTION: Re-try the operation. If the problem persists, please see
;         your local system administrative.
CANT_DESTROY D "Can not destroy process definition due to being referenced by workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: D - workflow id
; CAUSE: the process definition is in use by a workflow
; ACTION: abort the workflow first
DESTROY_STATE "Can not destroy an installed process definition."
; CAUSE; the process definition is in installed state
; ACTION: uninstall the process first
INSTALL_ACTIVITY "One of the paramter provided to install an activity definition is invalid."
; CAUSE: an invalid value was specified for parameter install activity
; ACTION: specify [T]rue/[F]alse
RESTART "One of the paramters provided for restart is invalid."
; CAUSE: an invalid value was specified for parameter restart
; ACTION: specify [T]rue/[F]alse
ACTIVITY_NOT_INSTALLED D "One of the referring activities (%s) has not yet been installed."
; PARAMETERS: D - activity id
; CAUSE: an activity is not in installed state when installing its process
; ACTION: install the activity first
PORT_INCOMPAT_PKGCNT SSSS "Source activity %s source port %s has different package count than destination activity %s destination port %s."
; PARAMETERS: s - source activity
;             s - source port
;             s - destination activity
;             s - destination port
; CAUSE: input and output ports have different number of packages
; ACTION: change input or output port definition
PORT_INCOMPAT_TYPE ISSSS "Type incompatibility occurs between the %dth packages of the source activity '%s' port '%s' and destination activity '%s' port '%s'"
; PARAMETERS: I - the position of packages within the ports
;             S - source activity
;             S - source port
;             S - destination activity
;             S - destination port
; CAUSE: package type of source port is a super type of package type of destination port
; ACTION: change the type specification
END_ACTIVITY "More than one end activities are specified."
; CAUSE: there are more than one end activity in the process definition
; ACTION: change process definition to have only one end activity
ACTIVITY_DUPLICATE S "Activity '%s' has already existed."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
; CAUSE: duplicate activity name in a process definition
; ACTION: remove duplicate activity name
SRC_LINK_DUPLICATE SS "Source activity '%s' port '%s' has two outgoing links."
; PARAMETERS: S - source activity
;             S - source port
; CAUSE: two link has the same source port
; ACTION: change the link source port specification
DEST_LINK_DUPLICATE SS "Destination activity '%s' port '%s' has two incoming links."
; PARAMETERS: S - destination activity
;             S - destination port
; CAUSE: two link has the same destination port
; ACTION: change the link destination port specification
LINK_ACTIVITY_NAME S "Activity '%s' does not exist for linking."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
; CAUSE: a source or destination activity name does not exist in the process definition
; ACTION; specify an existing activity name
ACTDEFID_STATE D "Activity definition (%s) has not been validated or installed."
; PARAMETERS: D - activity definition id
; CAUSE: activity definition has not been or can not be validated
; ACTION: try to validate the activity definition
DEST_LINK_START_ACTIVITY SS "Start activity '%s' has an incoming link '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: s - activity name
;             s - link name
; CAUSE: there is an incoming link into a start activity
; ACTION: remove the incoming link
SRC_LINK_END_ACTIVITY SS "End activity '%s' has an outgoing link '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: s - activity name
;             s - link name
; CAUSE: there is an outgoing link out of an end activity
; ACTION: remove the outgoing link
PORT_NAME SS "Port '%s' does not exist in the activity definition '%s'."
; PARAMTERS: s - port name
;            s - activity name
; CAUSE: the link port name does not exist in the activity
; ACTION: specify an existing port name
PORT_TYPE SS "An input (or output) activity '%s' port '%s' is specified as source (or destination) port in a link."
; PARAMTERS: s - activity name
;            s - port name
; CAUSE; incorrect type of port specified in a link
; ACTION: use the right type of port
PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND SS "There is no package definition by the given name '%s' in port '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - package name
;             S - port name
; CAUSE: No package definition can be identified given such port and package
;        name.
; ACTION: Provide a proper port and package name and retry the operation.
ROUTECASE_NOT_FOUND S "The route case can not be found give the name '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - route case name
; CAUSE: No route case can be identified by such name.
; ACTION: Provide a proper name and retry the operation.
PACKAGE_EXIST SS "The given package name '%s' already exists in port '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - package name
;             S - port name
; CAUSE:  A package definition by the same name exists in such port.
; ACTION: Provide a proper package or port name and retry the operation.
PACKAGE_ID DSS "The package ID (%s) given in the package definition '%s' is not of the declared package type '%s' or its sub-type."
; PARAMETERS: D - package ID
;             S - package name
;             S - package type
; CAUSE: The package ID is not of the declared type nor any of its sub-types.
; ACTION: Provide a proper ID and retry the operation.
PERFORMER_TYPE_PRIV SIS "The setting of %s (%d) for automatic activity '%s' requires SUPERUSER privileges."
; PARAMETERS: S - attribute name
;             I - attribute value
;             S - activity name
; CAUSE: The particular setting of the indicated attribute requires
;        SUPERUSER privileges.
; ACTION: Either use a different setting or talk to your sysadmin about
;        your privileges.
FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED S "The feature indicated by the value in attribute %s is not currently supported."
; PARAMETERS: S - attribute name
; CAUSE: The value set in the attribute refers to a feature that is not
;        currently available.
; ACTION: Use a different value and retry the operation.
UNIQUE_PORT_PACKAGE SSS "The package definition by the name '%s' has duplicated entries in port '%s' of activity '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - package name
;             S - port name
;             S - activity name
; CAUSE: A package definition has duplicated entries with a port.
; ACTION: Remove the duplicated entry and retry the operation.
DISCONNECTED_GRAPH S "Activity %s does not have an incoming or outgoing link."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
; CAUSE: An intermediate activity does not have an incoming or outgoing link.
; ACTION: Add an incoming or outgoing link to or from the activity
NAME_NOT_EXIST SSS "The %s object by the name '%s' specified in attribute %s does not exist."
; PARAMETERS: S - type name
;             S - object name
;             S - attribute name
; CAUSE: Could not fetch an object with the given name.
; ACTION: Provide a valid name and retry the operation.
CANT_START SD "The workflow '%s' can only start, when its referenced process (%s) is installed."
; PARAMETERS: S - workflow name
;             D - the referenced process ID
; CAUSE:  The referenced process has not been installed.
; ACTION: Install the referenced process and retry the operation.
FROZEN_ATTR SSI "The attribute %s can not be changed, when the %s object is at state (%d)."
; PARAMETERS: S - attribute name
;             S - type name
;             I - state (an integer)
; CAUSE: Changes to the indicated attribute is not allowed, when
;        the object is at such state.
; ACTION: Do not attempt such a change or change the object's state
;         prior to changing this attribute.
CHECK_ACTIVITY "The parameter checkactivity is invalid."
; CAUSE: the parameter specified is invalid.
; ACTION: specifiy either [t]rue or [f]alse.
LINK_NAME S "The link %s does not exist."
; PARAMETERS: s - link name
; CAUSE: the link name specified does not exist.
; ACTION: specify an existing link name
BAD_PARAM S "The parameter %s specified is invalid."
; PARAMETERS: s - the invalid parameter
; CAUSE: the parameter is invalid.
; ACTION: specify a valid value for the parameter.
CANT_END S "The activity %s does not reach the end activity."
; PARAMTERS: s - the activity
; CAUSE: there is no link path from this activity to the end activity.
; ACTION: create a link path to the end activity.
LINK_DUPLICATE S "Link name %s is a duplicate."
; PARAMETERS: s - link name
; CAUSE: there is another link of the same name in the process.
; ACTION: use a different link name.
ACTIVITY_ATTR_COUNT "No of elements in activity_type/activity_priority/activity_def_id does not match that of activity_name."
; CAUSE: Did not use addactivity/removeactivity commands.
; ACTION: Make the number of elements in activity_name/activity_type/activity_priority/activity_def_id match.
LINK_ATTR_COUNT "No of elements in link_src_activity/link_src_port/link_dest_activity/link_dest_port does not match that of link_name."
; CAUSE: Did not use addlink/removelink commands.
; ACTION: Make the number of elements in link_src_activity/link_src_port/link_dest_activity/link_dest_port/link_name match.
ACTIVITY_SEQNO ID "No activity run-time instance can be identified by the sequence no (%d) in workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: I - activity sequence number
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  The given activity sequence number is bogus.
; ACTION: Provide a good activity sequence number and retry the operation.
ACTIVITY_RUNTIME_CREATION D "Failed to create run-time instances for activities defined in the process definition (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: D - ID of the referenced process defintion
; CAUSE: Errors occur while run-time instances were created.
; ACTION: Retry the operation, if failure was due to database errors. If the problem
;         presists, retry the operation in a new session.
COMPUTE_PERFORMER SID "Failed to compute performers for activity '%s' (%d) of the workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - the activity name
;             I - activity run-time sequence number
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  The operation failed due to some problems.
; ACTION: Ask the workflow supervisor to restart such an activity run-time instance.
ACCEPT_PACKAGE SSID "Failed to accept packages arriving at port '%s' of activity '%s' (%d) of the workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - the triggered port name
;             S - name of the containing activity
;             I - activity sequence number
;             D - ID of the containing workflow
; CAUSE:  The operation failed due to some problems.
; ACTION: Ask the workflow supervisor to restart such an activity run-time instance.
INCOMING_PORT S "The given port name '%s' is neither an input nor a revert port."
; PARAMETERS: S - the problematic port name
; CAUSE:  Packages arrive at a port that is neither an input nor a revert port.
; ACTION: Report to the process designer and ask to check any incoming links
;         connect to a port of non-incoming type such as output port.
INCOMING_PACKAGE IISD "The number of packages (%d) does not match what is expected (%d) as defined in port '%s' of the activity definition (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: I - the number of available packages
;             I - the expected number of packages as defined in the port definition
;             S - the port name
;             D - ID of the associated activity definition object
; CAUSE:  There are either under- or over-supplied incoming packages.
; ACTION: Ask workflow supervisor or your local sysadmin to check
;         the set of packages against the port definition of the
;         associated activity.
PACKAGE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND SD "The type '%s' of the package '%s' does not exist."
; PARAMETERS: S - the problematic package type
;             D - ID of the incoming package
; CAUSE:  Failed to examine the type of an incoming package.
; ACTION: Verify existance of the type. If it does not exist, report the
;         problem to your local sysadmin.
PACKAGE_TYPE_INCOMPAT SDSSSD "The type '%s' of the incoming package '%s' is not compatible with type '%s' as defined in package name '%s' of port '%s' of the activity definition (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - type of the incoming package
;             D - ID of the incoming package
;             S - the expected type name
;             S - the matching package name
;             S - the target port name
;             D - ID of the activity definition
; CAUSE:  An incoming package is found incompatible with what is
;         expected in the port definition.
; ACTION: Ask workflow supervisor to replace the problematic package
;         with one that has a compatible type.
ACT_STATE_TRANS SID "The workflow engine fails to make necessary state transition for activity '%s' (%d) within the workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
;             I - sequence number of the activity run-time
;             D - ID of the containing workflow
; CAUSE:  State transition fails for an activity run-time.
; ACTION: Report the problem to your local sysadmim. Examine the server
;         log and see whether this is a problem specific to a workflow
;         or accross the board.
PACKAGE_CONSOLIDATION SID "Package consolidation fails on activity '%s' (%d) of the workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - the activity name
;             I - activity sequence number
;             D - ID of the containing workflow
; CAUSE:  Errors occurr during package consolidation.
; ACTION: If the problem were caused by database errors and seems to
;         persist, report to your local sysadmin. If the problem were
;         caused by a bogus package, ask the workflow supervisor to
;         fix it. Replacing such a package may be necessary.
PACKAGE_MERGE DSDS "Package merge fails, because one package (%s) is of type '%s' and the other (%s) is of type '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: D - the first package ID
;             S - the first package type
;             D - the second package ID
;             S - the second package type
; CAUSE:  Two packages are found to have different types, which is
;         not allowed for merge.
; ACTION: Ask the workflow supervisor to make sure the two packages
;         have the same type. Package replacement may be necessary.
CREATE_WORKITEM SSID "Failed to create a workitem for user '%s' within activity '%s' (%d) of workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - performer name
;             S - the problematic activity name
;             I - activity sequence number
;             D - ID of the containing workflow
; CAUSE:  Unable to create a new workitem for such user.
; ACTION: Ask the workflow supervisor to investigate the problem or restart
;         the problematic activity.
COMPUTE_TRANS_COND SID "Failed to compute transition condition for activity '%s' (%d) of workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
;             I - sequence number of activity run-time
;             D - ID of the containing worklfow
; CAUSE:  Unable to compute the transition condition due to errors.
; ACTION: Ask the workflow supervisor to investigate the problem or restart
;         the problematic activity.
MANU_PACKAGE SID "Failed to manufacture packages for activity '%s' (%d) of workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
;             I - sequence number of activity run-time
;             D - ID of the containing worklfow
; CAUSE:  Unable to manufacture packages for selected ports due to errors.
; ACTION: Ask the workflow supervisor to investigate the problem or restart
;         the problematic activity.
OUTGOING_LINK SS "Failed to find the outgoing link from output port '%s' of activity '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - output port name
;             S - activity name
; CAUSE:  Errors occur while looking for the outgoing connection.
; ACTION: Ask the workflow supervisor to investigate the problem or restart
;         the problematic activity.
MISSING_PACKAGE SS "A package '%s' is missing, but is required to satisfy definition of output port '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - package name
;             S - output port name
; CAUSE:  A package does not exist, yet is required by the output port.
; ACTION: Ask the workflow supervisor to add such a package and retstart such
;         an activity.
EMPTY_PACKAGE D "The package (%s) contains no bound component."
; PARAMETERS: D - the problematic package ID
; CAUSE:  The package has no bound component.
; ACTION: Ask workflow supervisor to replace this package with one that
;         has proper component(s).
BINDING_PACKAGE DS "Package binding failed because no object could be identified by package ID (%s) with package label '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: D - package ID
;             S - package label
; CAUSE:  No object with the given version label can be found within the
;         version tree in which the given object resides.
AGENT_LAUNCH SS "Failed to launch %s due to an operating system error: %s."
; PARAMETERS: S - workflow agent name
;             S - error message from operation system
; CAUSE:  Launch failure was caused by an operation system error.
; ACTION: Verify the operating system has enough resources.
NO_ACCESS D "This user does not have the permission to perform the current operation on object, %s."
; PARAMETERS: D - object id
; CAUSE: The user does not have permission required for this operation.
; ACTION: Consult the docbase administrator or the workflow supervisor.
NO_START_END_ACTIVITY "There is no start or end activity."
; CAUSE: The process definition does not have a start or an end activity.
; ACTION: Add a start or an end activity to the process definition.
NO_PACKAGE "There is no package in the activity definition."
; CAUSE: The activity definition does not have any package.
; ACTION: Add a package to the activity definition.
INVALID_PACKAGE_NAME S "The package name, %s, is not valid."
; PARAMETERS: S - package name
; CAUSE: The package name specified does not exist in the activity.
; ACTION: Specify a package name in the activity definition.
INVALID_PACKAGE_TYPE S "The package type, %s, is not valid."
; PARAMETERS: S - package type
; CAUSE: The package type specified is not an existing type.
; ACTION: Specify an existing persistent type.
PACKAGE_EXISTS "The package already exists."
; CAUSE: A package of the same name already exist for the activity of the workflow.
; ACTION: Specify a package that has not been added to the activity.
PACKAGE_NOT_EXISTS "The package does not exist."
; CAUSE: The specified package does not exist.
; ACTION: Specify an existing package.
NOT_PERFORMER "The current user is not the activity performer."
; CAUSE: Only the activity performer can perform this operation.
; ACTION: Ask the activity performer to perform this operation.
NO_NOTE D "The specified note, %s, has not been added to the package."
; PARAMETERS: D - the note id.
; CAUSE: The note has not been attached to the package.
; ACTION: Specify a note attached to the package.
DUPLICATE_ROUTE_ID S "The route case identifier, %s, already exists."
; PARAMETERS: s - route case identifier
; CAUSE: The route case identifier has been added already.
; ACTION: Specify a different route case identifier.
INVALID_PORT SS "The port name '%s' is not defined on activity '%s'."
; PARAMTERS: s - port name.
;            S - activity name.
; CAUSE: The port name specified does not exist in the activity definition.
; ACTION: Specify an existing port name.
INVALID_ROUTE_ID S "The route case identifier, %s, specified does not exist."
; PARAMETERS: s - route case identifier
; CAUSE: The route case identifier does not exist in the activity definition.
; ACTION: Specify an existing route case identifier.
INVALID_ROUTE_ALIASE SS "The route aliase '%s' used in activity '%s' is invalid."
; PARAMETERS: s - aliase
;             s - activity name
; CAUSE: The specified aliases is not package name, dm_workflow or dm_workitem.
; ACTION: Specify a package name, dm_workflow or dm_workitem.
NO_RUNTIME_PACKAGE SS "The package, %s, does not exist for the activity, %s."
; PARAMTERS: S - package name
;            S - activity name
; CAUSE: The specified package has not been added or manufactured for the activity.
; ACTION: Use addpackage method to add the package to the workflow.
CLEAN_NOTE D "Failed to clean up old notes attached to a package (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: D - package ID
; CAUSE:  The workflow engine fails to remove reference entries from the set of annotation
;         attributes.
; ACTION: Ask the workflow supervisor to manually remove old notes from such a package.
COLLECT_PACKAGES D "The workflow (%s) fails to collect all available packages."
; PARAMETERS: D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  The cursor used to collect packages failed due to an error.
; ACTION: Report the problem to your local sysadmins to eliminate the cause of the database
;         error.
NO_EXECUTE_ACCESS SD "User '%s' has no EXECUTE permit on process (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - user name
;             D - ID of dm_process object
; CAUSE:  The user has no permission to execute a process.
; ACTION: Ask your local sysadmin to grant you necessary permissions.
CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED DS "Workflow (%s) can only be modified by its creator '%s' or users with SUPERUSER privilege."
; PARAMETERS: D - workflow ID
;             S - creator name
; CAUSE:  Unauthorized users attempt to modify a workflow.
; ACTION: Please ask the creator or superusers to make the chaneges.
INVALID_USER S "The specified user '%s' is not a valid user."
; PARAMETERS: S - user name
; CAUSE:  An invalid user name is provided.
; ACTION: Retry the operation with a valid user name.
WORKITEM_TRANSITION D "Workitem (%s) fails to make the state transition."
; PARAMETERS: D - workitem ID
; CAUSE:  Transition failed due to some errors.
; ACTION: Report problems to workflow supervisor or your local sysadmin.
UNINSTALLED_PROCESS D "Process definition (%s) is not installed."
; PARAMETERS: D - process ID
; CAUSE:  An un-installed process defition is not ready for uses.
; ACTION: Retry the operation after the process definition is installed.
INACTIVE_ACTIVITY SID "The activity run-time '%s' (%d) of workflow (%s) is not active."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
;             I - activity sequence number
;             D - containing workflow ID
; CAUSE:  The specified activity is not active.
; ACTION: Retry the operation after the activity run-time becomes active.
CREATE_ACTIVITY_RUNTIME S "Fails to instantiate a new activity run-time for '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
; CAUSE:  Errors occurred during creation of an activity run-time instance.
; ACTION: Ask workflow supervisor to restart the current activity.
DELIVER_PACKAGES SSSS "The activity run-time '%s' fails to deliver packages from the source port '%s' to the destination port '%s' of activity '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - source activity name
;             S - source port name
;             S - destination port name
;             S - destinartion activity name
; CAUSE:  Errors occurred while packages were delivered to the destination
;         activities.
; ACTION: Ask the workflow supervisor to investigate the reported problem and
;         restart the current activity.
CLEANUP_ACTIVITY D "Fails to clean up activity run-time list of workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  Errors occurred while cleaning up finished activities from the list.
; ACTION: Ask workflow supervisor to examine and fix the problem, if possible.
PACKAGE_COMPONENT_TYPE D "The component, %s, is not the specified type."
; PARAMETERS: D - component ID
; CAUSE: A component is not the specified type.
; ACTION: Make sure all components are of the specified type.
INVALID_ACTIVITY_NAME S "The activity name, %s, is invalid."
; PARAMETERS: s - package name
; CAUSE: The package name specified does not exist in the activity.
; ACTION: Specify an existing package name.
INVALID_ACTIVITY_TYPE S "The activity, %s, is not a start activity."
; PARAMETERS: s - activity name
; CAUSE: The activity is not a start activity in the process definition.
; ACTION: Specify a start activity.
INVALID_PACKAGE_INPUT_PORT SSS "The package '%s' is not in the specified input port '%s' of activity '%s'."
; PARAMTERS: s - package name
;            s - port name
;            s - activity name
; CAUSE: The package does not exit in the specified input port.
; ACTION: Specify the input port where the package exists.
OUTPUT_PORT SD "The specified output port '%s' does not exist in the activity definition (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - output port name
;             D - ID of the referred dm_activity object
; CAUSE:  The given output port name is not defined.
; ACTION: Provide a legal output port and retry the operation.
COLLECT_OUTPORT SID "The activity '%s' (%d) of workflow (%s) fails to collect manually specified output ports for transition."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
;             I - activity sequence number
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  The cursor used to collect output ports from workitems failed due to an error.
; ACTION: Report the problem to your local sysadmins to eliminate the cause of the database
;         error.
SEND_WF_EVENT SD "The workflow engine fails to send an event '%s' for workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - event name
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  Errors occurred while recording a workflow event.
; ACTION: Report to your local sysadmin to fix the reported problems.
SEND_WI_EVENT SD "The workflow engine fails to send an event '%s' for workitem (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - event name
;             D - workitem ID
; CAUSE:  Errors occurred while recording a workitem event.
; ACTION: Report to your local sysadmin to fix the reported problems.
SEND_WA_EVENT SSID "The workflow engine fails to send an event '%s' for activity '%s' (%d) of workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - event name
;             S - activity name
;             I - activity sequence number
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  Errors occurred while recording an activity event.
; ACTION: Report to your local sysadmin to fix the reported problems.
COLLECT_EVENTS "The workflow engine fails to collect events for processing."
; CAUSE:  Errors occurred while the workflow engine was collecting events for processing.
; ACTION: Report to your local sysadmin to fix the reported problems.
BOGUS_EVENT DD "The workflow (%s) is not able to process event (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: D - workflow ID
;             D - event object ID
; CAUSE:  The workflow is not able to process such an event either because
;         the event does not exist or has bad content.
; ACTION: Report this problem to your local sysadmin to fix this problem.
PROCESS_EVENT SSID "The workflow engine fails to process '%s' event on behalf of activity '%s' (%d) of workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - event name
;             S - activity name
;             I - activity sequence number
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  Errors occurred during processing an event for an activity.
; ACTION: Report this problem to your local sysadmin to investigate.
CHECK_EVENT SD "The workflow engine fails to check for event '%s' for workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - event name
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  Errors occurred during checking an event.
; ACTION: Report this problem to your local sysadmin to investigate.
TRANSITION_PRIVILEGE S "The operation can only be performed by the workflow supervisor '%s' or users with SYSADMIN privilege."
; PARAMETERS: S - workflow supervisor name
; CAUSE: An operation is attempted by an unauthorized users.
; ACTION: Do not execute such operation or request required privileges to be
;         granted.
DESTROY_PRIVILEGE SS "The operation can only be performed by the workflow creator '%s', the supervisor '%s' or users with SYSADMIN privilege."
; PARAMETERS: S - workflow creator name
;             S - workflow supervisor name
; CAUSE:  An operation is attempted by an unauthorized users.
; ACTION: Do not execute such operation or request required privileges to be
;         granted.
DESTROY_WORKFLOW SD "The workflow '%s' (%s) can not be destroyed, unless it is in DORMANT, FINISHED or TERMINATED state."
; PARAMETERS: S - workflow name
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  Tried to destroy a workflow that is either running or temporarily
;         halted.
; ACTION: Either finish or terminate the workflow prior to destroying it.
HALT_AUTOMATIC DD "The workflow (%s) can not be halted, because an automatic activity (represented by a workitem (%s)) is being executed."
; PARAMETERS: D - workflow ID
;             D - ID of the automatic workitem
; CAUSE:  A workflow can not be halted while executing an automatic activity.
; ACTION: Retry the operation after such an activity finishes.
INVALID_ACTIVITY_STATE S "The activity, %s, is not in dormant state."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
; CAUSE: The activity needs to be in dormant state for this operation to succeed.
; ACTION: addpackage or removepackage is not allowed once the activity has been started.
INVALID_WORKITEM_STATE D "The workitem, %s, is not in acquired state."
; PARAMETERS: D - workitem id
; CAUSE: The workitem needs to be in acquired state for this operation to succeed.
; ACTION: addpackage or removepackage is allowed only when the workitem is in acquired state.
ENGINE_PROCESSING_ERROR D "Internal error during processing of workflow, %s."
; PARAMETERS: D - workflow id
; CAUSE: Refer to previous error message for cause.
; ACTION: Retry the operation.  Inform the workflow supervisor if it fails again.
NOT_RUNNING D "The workflow, %s, is not running."
; PARAMETERS: D - workflow id
; CAUSE: The operation is allow only when the workflow is in running state.
; ACTION: Use execute or resume to re-run the workflow.
NO_PACKAGE_COMPONENT SS "The package, %s, for the activity, %s, does not have a component."
; PARAMTERS: S - package name
;            S - activity name
; CAUSE: The specified package does not have any component.
; ACTION: Restart the workflow and use addpackage to specify a component.
ACTIVITY_NOT_ACTIVE SD "The activity, %s, of workflow, %s, is not active."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name,
;             D - workflow id.
; CAUSE: This operation can not be performed while the activity is not active.
; ACTION: Consult the workflow supervisor for the appropriate action.
PORT_NO_PACKAGE SS "The port '%s' of activity '%s' does not have any package."
; PARAMETERS: s - port name.
;             s - activity name.
; CAUSE: Each port of an activity needs to have at least one package.
; ACTION: Use addpackageinfo to add a package.
NO_CONDITION D "The activity definition, %s, does not have any route case."
; PARAMETERS: D - activity id
; CAUSE: The activity has automatic transition but without any route case."
; ACTION: Use addroutecase to create route cases.
ITEM_NEED_SIGNOFF D "It is required to sign off workitem '%s' before complete."
; PARAMETERS: D - workitem id
; CAUSE: In the activity definition, sign_off_required attribute has been
;        set to TRUE.  This will require the preformer to eletronically
;        sign it off before the workitem can be marked as 'complete'.
; ACTION: Use signoff API to sign it off.  Then redo the 'complete'.
REFERENCING_PROCESS "This operation is not allowed where there is referencing validated process."
; CAUSE: There is a validated referencing process for this activity.
; ACTION: Transition all referencing process to DRAFT state.
WORKFLOW_NOT_RUNNING "This operation is not allowed when the workflow is halted."
; CAUSE: The workflow is not in running state.
; ACTION: Consult workflow supervisor or system adminitrator to bring the workflow back to running state.
CANT_RESUME SD "The workflow '%s' can only resume, when its referenced process (%s) is installed."
; PARAMETERS: S - workflow name
;             D - the referenced process ID
; CAUSE:  The referenced process has not been installed.
; ACTION: Install the referenced process and retry the operation.
NO_RELATE_ACCESS D "The operation requires at least RELATE permit on object(%s) or can be performed by a user with SYSADMIN or SUPERUSER privileges."
; PARAMETERS: D - object id
; CAUSE: The user does not have enough object level permission or privileges.
; ACTION: Retry the operation, after required permissions or privileges are
;         granted.
CANT_SAVE D "Saving the object, %s, is not allowed."
; PARAMETERS: D - object id
; CAUSE: Users are not allowed to modify this object.
; ACTION: Use an alternate API to modify the attributes.
SAVE_ONCE D "The workflow, %s, can be saved only once."
; PARAMETERS: D - object id
; CAUSE: Dm_workflow object can be saved only once.
; ACTION: Consult the workflow supervisor.
INVALID_NOTE D "The dm_note object identified as '%s' is not a valid object."
; PARAMETERS: D - dm_note object id specified in addpackage API
; CAUSE: dm_note object specified is not a valid dm_note object
; ACTION: specify a valid dm_note object. Null is also valid.
NO_SUPERVISOR_ACCESS SD "The supervisor '%s', designated in workflow '%s', does not have at least RELATE permit on the referenced process."
; PARAMETERS: S - supervisor name
;       D - the referenced process ID
; CAUSE:  The supervisor designated for this workflow does not have RELATE
   permissions on the process object
; ACTION: Designate a new supervisor with sufficient privileges, or change
;   the permissions on the referenced process
CANT_REPEAT SD "The referenced activity '%s' (%s) does not allow extension."
; PARAMETERS: S - Activity name
;             D - the referenced activity ID
; CAUSE:  The referenced activity's performer_flag attribute is not set to allow extension
; ACTION:  If this workitem should be extended, modify the referenced activity to allow extension
DUPLICATE_REPEAT D "Workitem %s is a repeated workitem; it cannot be further repeated."
; PARAMETERS: D - workitem object ID
; CAUSE:  This workitem is a product of a repeat.  Repeating it further is not allowed.
; ACTION: Do not repeat this workitem.
INPUT_BINDING S "Cannot add packageinfo to input port '%s'; package ID and label binding are not allowed for input ports"
; PARAMETERS: S - port name
; CAUSE:  Binding package IDs or labels is not allowed on input ports
; ACTION:  Binding can be done on the output port that is connected to this input port
PACKAGE_REQUIRED SS "Package '%s' is required for performer resolution, but is not defined on an input port of activity '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - package name
;             s - activity name
; CAUSE:  Performer resolution is to be derived from an input package, and the package name has been identified.
; However, the package is not defined on an input port of this activity.
; ACTION:  Add the package to an input port, or disable performer resolution from this package name.
PERFORMER_CATEGORY SSD "Invalid alias category for resolved performer '%s' of activity '%s' of workflow (%s):  the category of the alias was not user or group"
; PARAMETERS: S - performer name or an alias
;             S - activity name
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  When resolving an alias into a performer, the alias that was found in the alias set was not of type user and/or group
; ACTION: Change the alias category of the alias set to be user and/or group for this alias name
MULTIPLE_PERFORMERS ID "Only a single performer is allowed for performer type %d in activity (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: I - performer type
;             D - activity ID
; CAUSE:  The performer type allows only for a single value in the attribute performer_name.
; ACTION: Provide only one performer, or choose a different performer type designation.
PERFORMER_REQUIRED SD "A performer is required for activity '%s' (%s), or a designation of which activity's performer will choose this performer."
; PARAMTERS: S - activity name
;            D - activity ID
; CAUSE:  An activity exists within this process that requires either a performer name
;         or a designation that a prior activity will choose this performer.  Neither
;         has been provided.
; ACTION: Either add a performer to the activity or select an activity prior to it whose performer should choose its performer.
CHOOSE_ATTR_COUNT "Number of elements in act_choose_name/act_choose_by/act_choose_for do not match."
; CAUSE: The same number of repeating attribute values must appear across the three attributes.
; ACTION: Make the number of elements in act_choose_name/act_choose_by/act_choose_for match.
SETSUPERVISOR_WORKFLOW SD "The workflow '%s' (%s) can not be changed supervisor, unless it is in DORMANT, RUNNING or HALTED state."
; PARAMETERS: S - workflow name
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  Tried to set supervisor on a workflow that is either terminated or finished.
; ACTION: Do not execute such operation on terminated or finished workflow.
AUTO_TASK S "Launch of %s failed: the method was launched successfully but the method did not acquire/complete the workitem."
; PARAMETERS: S - workitem ID
; CAUSE:  Method script was not written correctly.
; ACTION: Modify the method and make sure it would exit with a non-zero value if the workitem is not acquired/completed.
CANT_REACH S "Activity '%s' can not be reached from any start activity."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
; CAUSE: There is no link path from any start activity to this activity.
; ACTION: Add a link path from a start activity to this one.
SELFLINK_NOT_ALLOWED SII "Activity '%s' has a link to itself.  This is not allowed for activities with performer_type %d and transition_type %d."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
;             I - activity performer_type
;             I - activity transition_type
; CAUSE: A sequential activity with prescribed transition should not have a link to itself.
; ACTION: Remove the link, or change performer_type or transition_type of the activity
ASSIGN_TASK_FAIL S "Workflow agent master failed to assign work item '%s' to worker threads."
; PARAMETERS: S - work item id
; CAUSE: This should not happen. It means a serious server bug if happens.
; ACTION: Restart server. Report the error  message to Documentum Engineering.
WAIT_FOR_TASK_FAIL "Workflow agent master failed in waiting for new tasks."
; CAUSE: This should not happen. It means a serious server bug if happens.
; ACTION: Restart server. Report the error  message to Documentum Engineering
CREATE_WF_CONTEXT "Creating Workflow agent execution context failed."
; CAUSE: This may happen only after running out memory.
; ACTION: Restart server. Report the error  message to Documentum Engineering.
CONTEXT_INIT "Initializing %s of workflow agent execution context failed."
; PARAMETERS: A character string contains event or mutex name.
; CAUSE: This may happen because swap space (page file on Windos) is not large enough.
; ACTION: Configure more swap space or page file.
SET_PRIORITY_AUTO_TASK_EXECUTING D "Setpriority failed on automatic workitem '%s' because this workitem is being executed by workflow agent."
; PARAMETERS: D - workitem ID
; CAUSE: This workitem is of automatic activity and is being executed by workflow agent.
; ACTION: There is no need to setpriority on an automatic workitem if it is being processed by workflow agent.
TRANS_MAX_OUTPUT_CNT_EXCEEDED I "A maximum of %d output ports can be selected. (The maximum is defined in the activity's transition_max_output_cnt attribute.)"
; PARAMETERS: I - the maximum number of output ports that can be selected.
; CAUSE: The number of output ports selected exceeded the maximum number allowed.
; ACTION: Select fewer output ports than the number defined in the 'transition_max_output_cnt' attribute of the dm_activity object.
CANT_REMOVE_ATTACHMENT DD "Cannot remove the attachment '%s' because this attachment is not attached to workflow '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: D - attachment ID
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE: This attachment object is not attached to the specified workflow. You may have specified an incorrect workflow or incorrect attachment.
; ACTION: If the workflow is incorrect, examine the r_workflow_id attribute of the attachment object to determine the correct workflow. If the attachment is incorrect, use the following query to find all attachments for the the workflow: select r_object_id from dmi_wf_audittrail where r_workflow_id = '<wflow id>'. After correcting the error, retry the operation.
OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED D "The activity object '%s' cannot be saved because the package definitions cannot be correctly saved."
; PARAMETERS: D - activity ID
; CAUSE: The package definitions of the activity contain some pre-existing non-default values in the r_package_flag attribute. Client applications built on a pre-5.3 client library do not recognize the r_package_flag attribute, and consequently, if the attribute contains non-default values, it's values cannot be saved to the repository by a pre-5.3 client library.
; ACTION: Use a 5.3 or above client application to modify package definition of the activity.
ADD_PORT_TABLE "The attributes that define a package must have the same number of values."
; CAUSE: The attributes that record a package definition did not have the same number
;        of values in each attribute. Each index position in these attributes represents
;        one package definition. Consequently, all the attributes must have the same
;        number of values. A missing value in one of these attributes means part of
;        a package definition is missing.
; ACTION: Ensure that all the package definition attributes are properly set and have the same number of values.
INVALID_ARG SSS "The '%s' method has an invalid value (%s) for argument '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: S - Name of the method
;             S - Value of the arguemnt
;             S - Name of the argument
; CAUSE: The method argument listed in the error message is invalid.
; ACTION: Check the documentation to determine valid values for that argument, and then correct the argument.
SAVE_TRANSITION "The r_conidtion_id and r_predicate_id attributes of the activity cannot be set concurrently."
; CAUSE: You attempted to set either r_condition_id or r_predicate_id when the other was already set. The attributes are mutually exclusive. Only one can be set for an activity.
; ACTION: To set r_condition_id, use removeConditionRouteCase to remove the value in r_predicate_id, then use addroutecase to set r_condition_id.  To set r_predicate_id, use removeroutecase to remove the value in r_condition_id, then use addConditionRouteCase to set r_predicate_id.
ATTR_COUNT SSS "The number of values in the %s attributes of %s '%s' do not match."
; PARAMETERS: S - Names of the attributes, separated by /
;             S - Type of the object, e.g. activity, process, etc
;             S - Name of the object
; CAUSE: The attributes must have the same number of values. For example, if one has six values, the other must also have six values.
; ACTION: Make the number of values match.
NO_TRANSITION_METHOD S "Cannot find the method %s, which is needed to evaluate the automatic transition condition."
; PARAMETERS: S - Name of the method used to evaluate automatic transition
; CAUSE: The method is not present or is not in the correct location.
; ACTION: Rerun the dm_bpm_install.ebs script to reinstall the method. The script is in %DM_HOME%/install/install/admin.
TRANSITION_TIMEOUT SI "The transition evaluation method %s timed out. The method timeout is currently set to %d."
; PARAMETERS: S - Name of the method used to evaluate automatic transition
;             I - The method timeout value
; CAUSE:      This error occured when the automatic transition evaluation takes longer time
;             to finish. If the time exceeds the method timeout length, this error will occur.
; ACTION:     Set the timeout_default attribute of the method to a greater value.
;             If timeout_default is set to more than 5 minutes,
;             you may need to set client_session_timeout in server.ini accordingly.
LAUNCH_TRANSITION S "Failed to launch the transition evaluation method %s."
; PARAMETERS: S - Name of the method used to evaluate automatic transition
; CAUSE:      Unknown
; ACTION:     Report to your local sysadmin to fix the reported problems. Turn on trace_launch of the method, check the server logfile and tomcat logfile.
ATTACHMENT_SAVE_DESTROY "You cannot use save or destroy methods to create or destroy a workflow attachment object. You must use addAttachment or removeAttachment methods (in IDfWorkflow and IDfWorkitem interfaces) to create or destroy a workflow attachment object."
; CAUSE: Cannot use save or destroy methods to create or destroy a dmi_wf_attachment object.  
; ACTION: Use addAttachment or removeAttachment methods to create or destory a dmi_wf_attachment object.    
SET_PACKAGE_SKILL_LEVEL SD "Attempt to set user skill level for package '%s' of workflow '%s' failed."
; PARAMETERS: S - Name of the package
; PARAMETERS: D - workflow id
; CAUSE: Refer to previous error message for cause.
; ACTION: Retry the operation.  Inform the workflow supervisor if it fails again.
AGENT_LOCK_OBJ_MISSING S "The SysObject '%s' is missing from the repository."
; PARAMETERS: S - Name of the SysObject
; CAUSE: The SysObject, used by the Workflow Agent Master while processing automatic activities,
;        was not found in the repository. This object is created automatically when Content Server
;        is started. Somehow, it was removed from the repository.
; ACTION: Restart the Content Server. The server startup procedure will recreate the object.
COLLECT_SD_ELEMENTS D "The workflow (%s) fails to collect instances of Structured Data Elements."
; PARAMETERS: D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  The database cursor used to collect instances of SD elements failed due to an error.
; ACTION: Report the problem to your local sysadmins to eliminate the cause of the database error.
NO_SD_ELEMENT_INSTANCE SD "The instance of the Structured Data Element, %s, does not exist for the workflow, %s."
; PARAMTERS: S - element name
;            D - workflow ID
; CAUSE: The instance of the specified Structured Data Element does not exist for the workflow.
;        This is probably caused by starting the Workflow from a client application that does not have
;        bpm jar files in its classpath.
; ACTION: Examine the classpath of the client application, make sure bpm jar files are present in the classpath.
LENGTH_WIDEN_FAILED S "The upgrade failed on widening attribute lengths for type %s."
;PARAMTERS: S - type name
; CAUSE: For an unknown reason, type conversion failed.
; ACTION: Check if there are any database errors or problems. Report the problem to Documentum Support.
SRC_LINK_EXCEPTION_ACTIVITY SS "EXCEPTION activity '%s' can not have an outgoing link '%s'."
; PARAMETERS: s - activity name
;             s - link name
; CAUSE: An outgoing link was defined for the specified EXCEPTION activity. However, an EXCEPTION activity may not have outgoing links.
; ACTION: Remove the outgoing link from the activity.
INVOKE_FAULT_HANDLER SID "Failed to invoke fault-handler for activity '%s' (%d) of workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - activity name
;             I - activity sequence number
;             D - workflow ID
; CAUSE:  Errors occurred while invoking fault-handler for an activity.
; ACTION: Examine the additional error message that accompanied this error message and take the action recommended for that error.
SD_REPORT_NO_ACCESS S "User lacks the required privilege to access the Structured Data Report table (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - name of the SD report table
; CAUSE:  SUPERUSER privilege is required to read, write or query the reporting type of an SDT.
; ACTION: Retry the operation after granting Superuser privilege to the user performing the operation.
SD_REPORT SSID "Failed to generate a report for the SD element '%s' at activity '%s' (%d) of workflow (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - The structured data element name
;             S - The activity name
;             I - The activity sequence number
;             D - The workflow object ID
; CAUSE:  Errors occurred while reporting on an SD element for an activity.
; ACTION: Examine the additional error message that accompanied this error message and take the action recommended for that error.
INSTALL_PROCESS_HANDLE_WORKFLOW SD "Failed to resume or abort the workflows when installing process '%s' (%s). If the process has been installed, un-install the process, fix the problem, then re-install the process."
; PARAMETERS: S - Name of the process definition
;             D - ID of the process definition
; CAUSE: Errors occur during process installation. Refer to previous error message for cause.       
;        Note that some workflow instances may have been resumed or aborted by the failed operation.      
; ACTION: If the process has been installed by the failed operation, un-install the process, fix the reported problem, and retry the operation.
;         Inform the workflow supervisor if it fails again.
UNINSTALL_PROCESS_HANDLE_WORKFLOW SD "Failed to halt the workflows when un-installing process '%s' (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: S - Name of the process definition
;             D - ID of the process definition
; CAUSE: Errors occur during process un-installation. Refer to previous error message for cause.
;        Note that some workflow instances may have been halted by the failed operation.      
; ACTION: Examine and fix the reported problems, and retry the operation.
;         Inform the workflow supervisor if it fails again.
COLLECT_ACTGROUP_INSTANCES DS "The workflow (%s) fails to collect activity group instances with query (%s)."
; PARAMETERS: D - workflow ID
;             S - query
; CAUSE:  The query used to collect activity group instances failed due to an error.
; ACTION: Report the problem to your local sysadmins to eliminate the cause of the database
;         error.
EMPTY_ACTGROUP SD "Activity group (%s) defined on process (%s) does not contain any activity."
; PARAMETERS: S - Name of the activity group
;             D - ID of the workflow template
; CAUSE:  Activity group can not be empty.
; ACTION: Examine and fix the reported problems, and retry the operation.        
UPDATE_TIMER SDS "Failed to update timer (%s) of workflow instance (%s) as %s."
; PARAMETERS: S - Name of the timer
;             D - ID of the workflow instance
;             S - cause of the failure
; CAUSE:  Examine the reported error.
; ACTION: Examine and fix the reported problems, and retry the operation.        

posted on 2009-11-16 12:47 liaojiyong 阅读(1322) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

