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; $Id: dmsess.e,v 5.34 2003/05/30 14:34:00 swei Exp $
; dmSession class errors
; Session warning codes.
.facility DM_SESSION
SESSION_START SS "Session %s started for user %s."
;CAUSE: This is an informational message generated at session startup.
;ACTION: None.  Informational message only.
;PARAMETERS: The id of the session and the client node name of the user
SESSION_QUIT S "Session %s quit."
;CAUSE: This is an informational message generated at session close.
;ACTION: None. Informational message only.
;PARAMETERS: The id of the session and the current time
SESSION_PAUSE S "Session %s paused."
;CAUSE: This is an informational message generated at session pause.
;ACTION: None. Informational message only.
;PARAMETERS: The id of the session and the current time
INITIALIZE_DB S "Initializing document base %s"
;CAUSE: This is an informational message generated when the document base is first initialized
;ACTION: None: Informational message only.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the document base.
NEW_CONN S "Established new connection.\nNew session identifier is %s"
;CAUSE: The connection with the server was dropped and has been reestablished.
;ACTION: None. The new connection is now ready for use.
;PARAMETERS: The handle of the new session.
INIT_BEGIN S "Initialize %s."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated when the document base is initializing each type.
;ACTION: None.
INIT_END S   "Initialized %s."
; CAUSE: This is an informational message generated when the document base is initializing each type.
;ACTION: None.
TRANSACTION_ABORT "Transaction aborted because of client timeout"
;CAUSE: The transaction begun by the client was aborted because of a timeout.
;ACTION: None.
SESSION_AUTHENTICATED SS "Session %s started and authenticated for user (%s)."
;CAUSE: This is an informational message generated at session startup.
;ACTION: None.  Informational message only.
;PARAMETERS: The id of the session and the client node name of the user
OPERATION_STARTED S "Operation %s started."
;CAUSE: This is an informational message generated if operation logging has been turned on
;ACTION: None.  Informational message only.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the operation completed
OPERATION_ENDED S "Operation %s completed."
;CAUSE: This is an informational message generated if operation logging has been turned on
;ACTION: None.  Informational message only.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the operation completed.
;CAUSE: This is an informational message generated if operation logging has been turned on
;ACTION: None.  Informational message only.
;PARAMETERS: The arguments for the current operation.
;CAUSE: This is an informational message generated if operation logging has been turned on
;ACTION: None.  Informational message only.
;PARAMETERS: The result of the current operation.

RETRYING_DATABASE_CONNECTION SII "The following error was encountered trying to get a database connection:  %s \nThe server will retry %d more time(s) (every %d seconds)."
;CAUSE: This is an informational message generated if rdbms_connect_retry_timeout is > 0 and a connection attempt failed.
;ACTION: None.  Informational message only.
KILL_SESSION SS "User '%s' is attempting to kill session '%s'."
; CAUSE: There was an attempt to kill the session.
; ACTION: None.  Informational message only.

DEADLOCK_RETRY "Retrying server operation following a DBMS Deadlock Error."
;  Deadlock errors returned from the server are retried by the DMCL when
;  the operation is not part of a larger multi-operation transaction.
;  The hope is that the second attempt at the operation will succeed.
;  When deadlock retry is successfull, the operation will return ok but
;  will have left deadlock error messages in the error stream.  This
;  informational message indicates that those messages do not indicate
;  a true failure.
;CAUSE:  A database deadlock occurred in the operation.
;ACTION: If the retry succeeds, no action is necessary.
DEADLOCK_INFO "A database deadlock occurred."
;CAUSE:  A database deadlock occurred in the operation.
;ACTION: No action is needed if the deadlock occurs inside a docserver method because DMCL
; will retry the same query automatically. However, if the deadlock occurs within a user
; transaction, i.e., started with a begintran, then user has to rerun the transaction
; because all the DBMS operation so far have been rolled back after it is chosen as a
; deadlock victim.
ASSUME_USER SS "Session %s is owned by user %s now."
;CAUSE: Informational message when a session assumed by a different user.
;ACTION: None.  Informational only.
;PARAMETERS: session id and user name
TRACE_ENABLED IISSI "Trace enabled for client process %d (thread %d) on machine %s.  Trace facility is %s, level %d."
;CAUSE: Informational message when a session enables tracing at level >= 10.
;ACTION: None.  Informational only.
;   Client session info (process_id, thread_id, machine_name)
;   The trace facility
FIRST_ATTEMPT_FAIL SS "Attempt to make a %s connection failed, trying to create a %s connection instead."
;CAUSE: Informational message displayed if the first attempt fails when connect command argument secure_flag is specified as either try_secure_first or try_native_first.
;ACTION: None.  Informational only.
;PARAMETERS: Two strings: "secure" and "native"
AUTH_PLUGIN_LOADED SS "Loaded Authentication Plugin with code '%s' (%s)."
;CAUSE: Informational message when an authentication plugin is loaded.
;ACTION: None.  Informational only.
;PARAMETERS: The code and file path of the Authentication Plugin.
CONNECTED_TO_DATABASE SS "Successfully connected to database %s on %s"
;CAUSE: Informational message when a session establishes a database connection.
;ACTION: None.  Informational only.
;PARAMETERS: Parameter 1 is the database name. Parameter 2 is the name of the server or machine on which the database resides.
PUSHING_OBJ_BY_CHUNKS SD "Operation %s is pushing the object '%s' by chunks now."
;CAUSE: This is an informational message generated if operation logging has been turned on
;ACTION: None.  Informational message only.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the operation which is pusing the object by chunks.
DYNAMIC_ROLE_OPERATION SSSSSS "Session %s %s dynamic role %s. Mode is %s. RPC name is %s, result of the operation is %s"
; CAUSE: this is an internal trace message.
; ACTION: none.

CURRENT_DYNAMIC_GROUP_ENTRIES SSS "%s dynamic groups for session [%s] : [%s]"
; CAUSE: this is an internal trace message.
; ACTION: None.




.severity TRACE
TYPE_DBLOAD_ATTEMPT S "Attempting type load from database name=%s"
TYPE_DBLOAD SSI "Loaded type from database ID=%s, name=%s type_cache_vstamp=%d"
TYPE_DROP SS "Dropping type from cache ID=%s, name=%s"
TYPE_DETACH SS "Detaching type from cache  ID=%s, name=%s"
TYPE_REFRESH II "Checking for type changes (inline) server count=%d db count=%d"
TYPE_REFRESH_CHANGECHECK II "Checking for changes (global) server count=%d db count=%d"
.severity WARNING
NO_CONNECTION "The connection with the server has been dropped."
;CAUSE: The connection with the server was dropped.
;ACTION: If the retry flag is set for the session, then the operation that caused the dropped connection to be noticed will be retried if a new session can be established.  Otherwise, a new session must be opened before further operations can be performed.
TRANSACTION_FAILURE SS "Transaction commit failed for session %s; database error is: %s"
;CAUSE: Program executed a CommitTransaction, but the transaction could not be committed.  Any pending updates were rolled back.
;ACTION: Retry the transaction.  If the failure persists, check the error message from the database system and take whatever action it suggests.
;PARAMETERS: The handle for the session and the internal error string from the database system.
ROLLBACK_FAILURE SS "Transaction rollback failed for session %s;  database error is: %s"
;CAUSE: Program executed a RollbackTransaction, but the transaction could not be rolled back because of a database system error.
;ACTION:  Database systems rarely have rollback failures.  Report the error message from the database system to your database system administrator.
;PARAMETERS: The handle for the session and the internal error string from the database system.
CANT_BEGIN_TRANSACTION D "Cannot begin a transaction since there is an active transaction for session %s."
;CAUSE: Most likely a transaction is already open. It is also possible that
;  other problems with database will not permit the system
;  to begin a transaction.
;ACTION: close the current open transaction before beginning the next one.
;  If a database problem has caused this problem, then solve that problem
;  before attempting to begin another transaction.
CANT_MAKE_TYPE_MANAGER SS "Cannot make a type manager for user %s in document base %s."
;CAUSE: A failure occurred during session creation that prevented reading the basic type tables from the database.
;ACTION:  Check that the database version is consistent with the version of the system being run.  Check that the user is valid for the database.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the user.
CANT_MAKE_OBJECT_MANAGER SS "Cannot make an object manager for user %s in document base %s."
;CAUSE: A failure occurred during session creation that prevented reading the basic object tables from the database.
;ACTION:  Ensure that the database version is consistent with the version of the system being run.  Ensure that the user is valid for the database.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the user and the name of the document base.
CANT_RESUME_SESSION SS "Cannot resume session %s for user %s."
;CAUSE: A request was made to resume a session that had not been previously paused.
;ACTION: No action.
;PARAMETERS: The handle of the session and the name of the user.
OBJECT_UPDATE_FAILED S "Save of object of type %s failed because attribute update to new values failed."
;CAUSE: A request to save an object failed because the object's attributes could not be successfully updated.
;ACTION: This is an internal failure and should be reported to Documentum technical support.
;PARAMETERS: The type of the object that was attempted to be saved.
SAVE_OF_NULL_OBJECT "Save of NULL object attempted."
;CAUSE: A request to save an empty object.
;ACTION: No action.  The save is ignored.
SAVE_OF_NONEXISTENT_OBJECT S "Save of object with handle %s failed because object does not exist."
;CAUSE: A request was made to save an object that does not already exist in the database.
;ACTION: No action.  The save is ignored.
;PARAMETERS: The handle of the object.
SAVE_COMMIT_FAILED SS "Save failed for object %s because transaction could not be committed.\nDatabase system error message was: %s"
;CAUSE: A save of an object failed because the database transaction could not be successfully committed after the object's attributes were updated.
;ACTION: Retry the save.
;PARAMETERS: The handle of the object.
FETCH_FAILED SS "Fetch of object with handle %s and type %s failed."
;CAUSE: A fetch of an object failed.  Most likely, either the type could not be found or the object did not exist.
;ACTION: No action.
;PARAMETERS: The handle of the object and the type of the object.
ENUMERATE_OF_NULL "Attempt to enumerate objects of NULL type."
;CAUSE: Program executed an ENUMERATE procedure (which enumerates objects of a given type), passing a NULL type name.
;ACTION: No action.  Enumerate ignored.
ENUMERATE_TYPE_FAILURE S "Enumeration of type %s failed because type could not be found."
;CAUSE: Program executed an ENUMERATE procedure (which enumerates objects of a given type), passing a type name that does not exist in the database.
;ACTION: No action. Enumerate ignored.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type that was to be enumerated.
MATCH_TYPE_NULL "Attempt to match objects of NULL type."
;CAUSE: Program executed a SEARCH procedure (which searches for objects of a given type that have a set of matching attributes), passing a NULL type name.
;ACTION: No action.  Search ignored.
MATCH_TYPE_FAILURE S "Match of type %s failed because type could not be found."
;CAUSE: Program executed a SEARCH procedure (which searches for objects of a given type that have a set of matching attributes), passing a type name that doest not exist in the database.
;ACTION: No action. Search ignored.
;PARAMETERS: The type name.
MATCH_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR IS "Match failed because attribute %d in type %s is invalid."
;CAUSE: Program executed a SEARCH procedure (which searches for objects of a given type that have a set of matching attributes), passing a set of attribute values to match that have types inconsistent with the values of the attributes in the database.
;ACTION: No action.  Search ignored.
;PARAMETERS: The number and type of the mismatched attributes.
DESTROY_FAILED S "Destroy of object %s failed."
;CAUSE: Program executed an DESTROY procedure that failed; the object did not exist or an internal error caused the object not to be removed from the database.
;ACTION: Check that the object did exist.
;PARAMETERS: The handle of the object that was to be destroyd.
DESTROY_ABORTED S "Destroy of object %s failed because transaction could not be committed."
;CAUSE: Program executed an DESTROY procedure that failed because the database transaction did not successfully commit.
;ACTION: The destroy had no effect; retry.
;PARAMETERS: The handle of the object that was being destroyed.
; Session error codes.
DB_PASSWORD_FILE_OWNER S "The database password file, (%s), is readable by other users."

PASSWORD_STALE SS "The password for user (%s) with user OS name (%s) is stale";

CANT_SET_CONVERSION_IDENTIFIER S "Failed to set the vtsamp identifier for docbase %s."
; CAUSE: Tried to create set a vstamp for ACL converson, but failed.
; ACTION: Need to set the identifier in order to do ACL conversion.
EXEC_POOL_FULL "Unable to launch process to perform deferred updates to objects, because the execution context pool is currently full. The updates will be performed later."
; CAUSE: Fail to lauch process because of full execution context pool.
; ACTION: If this's been happening a lot, increase concurrent_session in
;         the server.ini.
LAUNCH_DEFER_UPDATE S "Unable to launch process to perform deferred updates to objects due to the error: %s The updates will be performed later."
; CAUSE: Unable to fork a process. May be running out of resources on the host.
; ACTION: Take necessary steps to fix problems reported from OS.
ZOMBIE_HOT_SESSION_FOUND L "The session record for process/thread %ld was marked active, but had not been used within the server timeout interval.  The session was moved to the inactive list."
; CAUSE:  The session was not moved from the active list.
; ACTION: None needed at this point.
RESTART_AGENT_EXEC "The agent exec program has stopped running.  It will be restarted."
; CAUSE:  The agent exec program has stopped running.
; ACTION: Check the agent exec log file to look for error messages.
LAUNCH_AGENT_EXEC S "Unable to launch the agent exec process due to the error: %s."
; CAUSE: Server could not run the agent exec method.
; ACTION: Report the error to user sysadmin.
LAUNCH_CHANGE_CHECK S "Unable to launch the change check thread.  Operating system error: %s."
; CAUSE: Server could not run the change check process/thread.
; ACTION: Check for possible resource exhaustion or other operating system problems.
CHANGE_CHECK_ALIVE "Change check processing was not initiated.  The previously launched Change Check execution is still running.  Check your server log for additional messages."
; CAUSE: The thread/process that was started at the previous change check time is still running
; ACTION: Check for errors, such as network timeouts, in your server log
AGENT_EXEC_FAILURE_EXCEED "The failure limit of the agent exec program has exceeded. It will not be restarted again. Please correct the problem and restart the server."
; CAUSE: The agent exec program fails to launch after several successive attempts.
; ACTION: Report the error to user sysadmin. Please restart the server to reactive agent exec.
LIB_LOAD SS "The server failed to load the shared library '%s'.  Operating System error: %s."
; CAUSE : Cannot find the named shared library, or library corrupted.
; ACTION: Copy the shared library to the $DM_HOME/bin directory.

LDAP_NOCONFIG "The server cannot be set up for ldap services because the ldap config object does not exist."
; CAUSE : Cannot find the ldap config object indicated by the ldap_config_id
;         field of the server config.
; ACTION: Check that the server config and ldap configuration objects were
;         properly created.  In the meantime, the server will be functional
;         but will not support any ldap services.

GENTICKET_FAIL S "Failed to generate login ticket for user %s."
;CAUSE: Generating login ticket fails.
;ACTION: Make sure unused login tickets are cleaned-up.
;PARAMETERS: The user name and docbase base.

AUTH_PLUGIN_DUPL_CODE SS "Failed to load Authentication Plugin because it attempted to register with duplicate identifier '%s' (%s)."
;CAUSE: The identifier returned by the authentication plugin is already used by another plugin.
;ACTION: Make sure that each authentication plugin registers with a unique identifier.
;PARAMETERS: The identifier and file path of the authentication plugin.

SET_LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION_FAILED "Failed to set LDAP protocol version to Version-3. Proceeding with default V2 protocol version.
;CAUSE: Unable to make a connection to the LDAP server using LDAP V3 protocol.
;ACTION: Make sure that the remote LDAP Server is configured for LDAP V3.

.severity ERROR
BAD_INFO S "Could not read dminfo.sys file for docbase.\nError message was: %s"
;CAUSE: The dminfo.sys file for the docbase could not be read.
;ACTION: Check to see that the dminfo.sys file exists and has the proper format
;ACTION: Retired message.
INVALID_USER SSS "User (%s), with OS User name (%s), has failed to connect to docbase (%s) due to bad login."
;CAUSE: The program failed to establish a session for the user.
;ACTION: Check to see that the user is valid with both the operating system and the database system.  Check to see that the passwords supplied on session creation are correct.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the user and the name of the document base.
CANT_ESTABLISH_CONNECTION SSS "Failure to establish database connection: document base %s, database %s, server %s."
;CAUSE: The program failed to establish a database connection during session creation.
CANT_FIND_DOCUMENT_BASE S "Document base name %s not in dminfo.sys."
;CAUSE: The named document base is not defined in the dminfo.sys file in the directory $DOCU_HOME.
;ACTION: Check that the document base name and the $DOCU_HOME environment variables are correct.
;PARAMETERS: The document base name.
;ACTION: Retired message.
CANT_READ_DB_PASSWORD S "The database password cannot be read for document base %s."
;CAUSE: The user starting up the server does not have access rights to read the password file.
;ACTION: Check that the user starting up the server should have rights to read the password file.
;PARAMETERS: The document base name.
WRONG_DOCBASE_ID IIS "The docbase identifier: %d from the RDBMS does not match the DM_DBID: %d for docbase: %s."
;CAUSE:  A mismatch was detected during database startup between the database
;        identifier stored in the database and the database identifier given
;        in the initialization file (server.ini).
;        This check prevents the docbase from being started with the wrong
;        server.ini file or with a server.ini file that has been altered to
;        specify the wrong docbase id.  Otherwise these situations would lead
;        to inadvertant data corruption.
;        Another way to encounter this error is during an attempt to create or
;        recreate a docbase using an existing tablespace that has remnants of
;        an old docbase with a different docbase id.  If this is the case, the
;        table 'dmi_vstamp_s' must first be removed manually.
;ACTION: Check that the entry for the document base in the initialization file
;        is correct.
;    %1  The docbase id as recorded in the docbase.
;    %2  The docbase id listed in server.ini file.
;    %3  The docbase name.
CANT_FIND_VERSION_STAMP_TABLE S "Cannot find version stamp table for document base %s."
;CAUSE: A failure occurred during database startup that prevented the system from reading internal database tables.
;ACTION: Check that the entry for the document base in the dminfo.sys directory is correct.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the document base.
;ACTION: Retired message.
CANT_FIND_ID_TABLE S "Cannot find id table for document base %s."
;CAUSE: A failure occurred during database startup that prevented the system from reading internal database tables.
;ACTION: Check that the entry for the document base in the dminfo.sys directory is correct.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the document base.
;ACTION: Retired message.
CANT_SET_DATABASE_IDENTIFIER S "Cannot set database identifier for document base %s."
;CAUSE: A failure occurred during database startup that prevented the system for updating internal database tables.
;ACTION: Check that the entry for the document base in the dminfo.sys directory is correct, and that the DM_DBUSER for the document base can modify create and update tables in the database.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the document base.
;ACTION: Retired message.
CANT_INITIALIZE_SESSION S "Cannot initialize sessions for document base %s."
;CAUSE: A failure occurred during database startup that prevented the system from starting a first session to complete database startup.
;ACTION: Check that the DM_DBUSER entry for the document base in the initialization has system admin privileges for the DM_DATABASE.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the document base.
INIT_FAILURE I "Failure on procedure number %d in initialization procedure list."
;CAUSE: The program failed during database startup, calling one of the various initialization procedures that set up parts of the database.
;ACTION: Check that the database system has been properly installed.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
;ACTION: Retired message.
CANT_SET_SESSION_STAMP "Failure to set version stamp after creating session types."
;CAUSE: The program failed during database startup, because the session initialization code did not complete successfully.
;ACTION: Check that the database system has been properly installed.
CANT_SAVE_TRANS_TYPE "Cannot save transaction type during session initialization."
;CAUSE: The program failed during database startup, because the session initialization code did not complete successfully.
;ACTION: Check that the database system has been properly installed.
CANT_SAVE_SESSION_TYPE "Cannot save session type during session initialization."
;CAUSE: The program failed during database startup, because the session initialization code did not complete successfully.
;ACTION: Check that the database system has been properly installed.
SESSION_STAMP_FAILURE "Version stamp mismatch between session code and database."
;CAUSE: The program failed during database startup, because the session initialization code did not complete successfully.
;ACTION: Check that the database system has been properly installed.
CANT_BUILD_SESSION_TYPES SS "Cannot construct basic session types for user %s in document base %s."
;CAUSE: A failure occurred during database startup that prevented the construction of the internal database types used by the session manager.
;ACTION: Ensure that the database version is consistent with the version of the system being run.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the user and the name of the document base.
BOGUS_STAMP_TABLE "Internal version stamp table has wrong structure."
;CAUSE: A failure has occurred during database startup.  An internal table used by the system does not have the expected structure.
;ACTION:  Ensure that the database version is consistent with the version of the system being run.
CANT_INSERT_STAMP S "Cannot insert version stamp in internal table.\nDatabase system error was:  %s"
;CAUSE: A failure occurred during database startup.  An attempt failed to insert a value into an internal table.
;ACTION: Ensure that the database version is consistent with the version of the system being run.
;PARAMETERS: The error string returned by the database system.
CANT_UPDATE_STAMP S "Cannot update version stamp in internal table.\nDatabase system error was: %s"
;CAUSE: A failure occurred during database startup.  An attempt failed to update a value into an internal table.
;ACTION:  Ensure that the database version is consistent with the version of the system being run.
;PARAMETERS: The error string returned by the database system.
CANT_UPDATE_ID_TABLE S "The internal id table cannot be updated.\nDatabase system error was: %s"
;CAUSE: A failure occurred during processing of an operation that required a new identifier.  The internal table that is used to record the most recently allocated id could not be update.
;ACTION:  Ensure that the database version is consistent with the version of the system being run.
;PARAMETERS: The error string returned by the database system.
RPC_ERROR IS "RPC error %d occurred: %s"
;CAUSE: A remote procedure call error occurred attempting to communicate with the server.  The error number and description are those provided by Netwise.
;ACTION: Check the Netwise documentation for a further explanation of the error.
CANT_MAKE_TEMP_CONNECTION SSSS "Could not establish an internal, temporary database connection (database_name = %s, docbase_owner = %s, connection_string = %s); database system error was: %s"
;CAUSE: A failure occurred during an attempt to establish an internal, temporary database connection.  The database system refused the connection attempt.
;ACTION:  Check the database system error message, and resolve the database problem it describes.  This may be temporary;  repeat the operation.
;         If the problem persists, intervention by your database system administrator may be required.
CANT_MAKE_IDENTIFIER "Could not make new identifier value because of connection failure."
;CAUSE: A failure to make a temporary database connection occurred during an attempt to generate a new identifier.
;ACTION: None.
CANT_BUILD_IDENTIFIER_TABLE "Could not build internal identifier table."
;CAUSE: During startup, the internal identifier table could not be built.
;ACTION:  This is an internal error.  Report this error message to your Documentum site representative.
CANT_FIND_IDENTIFIER_TABLE "Could not find internal identifier table."
;CAUSE: During startup, the internal identifier table could not be found
;ACTION:  This is an internal error.  Report this error message to your Documentum site representative.
DATABASE_ID_NOT_FOUND "Database identifier not found in version stamp table"
;CAUSE: During startup, the database identifier could not be found in the internal version stamp table"
;ACTION: This is likely caused by starting up the system on an uninitialized database.  Perform database initialization and repeat the operation.
START_FAIL S "Server did not start session. Please see your system administrator or check the server log.\nError message from server was:\n%s"
;CAUSE: The server could not start a session.  The error message is the message returned by the server.
;ACTION: Check the error message returned from the server.
CANT_MAKE_TABLE SS "Unable to make the table '%s'.\nDatabase error was: %s"
;CAUSE: The server could not create the table specified due to a database error.
;ACTION: Follow the corrective procedure for the database manager for the error specified.
INIT_FAILURE1 S "Failure to complete %s initialization."
;CAUSE: The program failed during database startup, calling one of the various initialization procedures that set up parts of the database.
;ACTION: Check that the database system has been properly installed.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
ATTEMPT_TO_SAVE_TYPE  "Attempt to save object of type dm_type."
;CAUSE: The program client attempted to save an object of type dm_type.
;ACTION: Use "alter type" or "create type" instead.
CANT_FIND_SERVICE SS "Could not connect to Docbase named (%s) due to failure finding service to port mapping for service name name (%s)."
;CAUSE: The service name could not be mapped into a service number.
;ACTION: Check the /etc/services file for the client machine.
CANT_CONNECT SSSS "Could not connect to docbase (%s) at host (%s) because (%s).  Network address: (%s)."
;CAUSE The client could not establish a connection to the service on the named host.
;ACTION This likely means that the server is not running
CONNECT_REJECT SSSS "Connection request rejected by docbase (%s) at host (%s) because (%s).  Network address: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The server rejected the client connection request.
;ACTION This likely means that the server cannot establish a database connection for the user.  Check the initialization file to make sure that the database user is specified properly.
BAD_CLIENT_DIRS S "Could not validate directories needed by client; errors were %s"
CANT_MAKE_ID II "Could not satisfy request to make %d ids for the tag %d"
NO_TRANSACTION "Transaction was not open; commit failed."
CANT_COMMIT "Transaction could not be committed -- RPC to server failed"

PASSWORD_CHECK_1 SS "Failure to validate existence and accessibility of External Password Checking program: (%s).  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check your server log for more details.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
PASSWORD_CHECK_FORK SS "Operating System Failure during user validation using External Password Checking program: (%s).  Operation: fork().  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check your server log for more details.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
PASSWORD_CHECK_WAITPID SS "Operating System Failure during user validation using External Password Checking program: (%s).  Operation: waitpid().  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check your server log for more details.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
PASSWORD_CHECK_GETPWNAM S  "Operating System Failure during user validation.  Operation: getpwnam().  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check your server log for more details.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
NO_TRANSLATOR SS "Unable to find character translator for client machine: (%s) with client Locale: (%s)"

CONNECT_DOCBROKER S "Unable to connect to docbase (%s).  The Docbroker network addressing lookup failed"

DB_PASSWORD_FILE SS "Unable to access database password file: (%s).  The operating system error was: (%s)."

DB_PASSWORD_FILE_OPEN S "Unable to open the database password file: (%s)."

PASSWORD_CHECK_POPEN SS "Operating System Failure during user validation using External Password Checking program: (%s).  Operation: popen().  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check to see if the machine has enough resources such as swap space and physical memory to create more processes.  Check to see if the owner of the server process has a small limit on the number of files or processes that can be cconcurrently opened.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.

PASSWORD_CHECK_PCLOSE SS "Operating System Failure during user validation using External Password Checking program: (%s).  Operation: pclose().  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check that the dm_server_config.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.

PASSWORD_CHECK_SEU SS "Operating System Failure during user validation using External Password Checking program: (%s). Operation: fprintf of user name.  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check that the dm_server_config.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.

PASSWORD_CHECK_SE1 SS "Operating System Failure during user validation using External Password Checking program: (%s). Operation: fprintf of extra param 1.  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check that the dm_server_config.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.

PASSWORD_CHECK_SE2 SS "Operating System Failure during user validation using External Password Checking program: (%s). Operation: fprintf of extra param 2.  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check that the dm_server_config.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
PASSWORD_CHECK_SEP SS "Operating System Failure during user validation using External Password Checking program: (%s). Operation: fprintf of user password  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check that the dm_server_config.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.

PASSWORD_CHANGE_FAILURE "The server was unable to change your password";
;CAUSE: The program failed during change password.
;ACTION: Check that the dm_server_config.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
ELOC_NOT_CONFIGURED "The external location used to define the program used to change passwords is not configured."
;CAUSE: The program failed during change password, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check that the dm_server_config.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
PASSWORD_CHANGE_SEU SS "Operating System Failure during change password using External Password Changing program: (%s). Operation: fprintf of user name.  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check that the dm_server_config.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.

PASSWORD_CHANGE_SENP SS "Operating System Failure during change password using External Password Changing program: (%s). Operation: fprintf of new password.  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check that the dm_server_config.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
PASSWORD_CHANGE_SEOP SS "Operating System Failure during change password using External Password Changing program: (%s). Operation: fprintf of old password.  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check that the dm_server_config.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
PASSWORD_CHANGE_1 SS "Failure to validate existence and accessibility of External Password Changing program: (%s).  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check your server log file.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.

DOWNREV_SERVER SSS "Unable to connect to server due to software incompatibility.  The client library you are executing requires a server with at least a version of: (%s).  The server version is (%s). Your client library version is (%s)."

PASSWORD_EXPIRED SS "The Operating System password for user (%s) with user OS name (%s) has expired";
ACCOUNT_EXPIRED SS "The Operating System account for user (%s) with user OS name (%s) has expired";
ACCOUNT_DROPPED SS "The Operating System account for user (%s) with user OS name (%s) has been dropped";
ACCOUNT_LOCKED SS "The Operating System account for user (%s) with user OS name (%s) has been locked";

UNEXPECTED_CHK_RES SI "The return value from the external password validation program (%s) returned an unexpected value: (%d)"

CHK_PASS_OS_ERROR "There was an unexpected error during validation of your user credentials.  Please see your system administrator or check the server log"

RESTRICTED_ACCESS SS "The operation you attempted could not be completed because your user credentials are inadequate.  You are connected as user (%s) with authentication level of (%s).  Ensure you connected successfully."

CHGPASS_CRITERIA "Unable to change the password because the new password provided did not meet the required criteria for the underlying Operating System.  Try again with another password"

CHGPASS_CRITERIA_V S "The changepassword API failed with the following error: %s"

CANT_ADVANCE_ID II "Could not advance id generation beyond %i for tag %i"

BAD_PARTITION_SPEC III "Illegal address partitioning specification -- partitions: %i, start: %i, end: %i"

CANT_KILL_TICKET SS "User %s does not have sufficient privilege to kill ticket '%s'."
;CAUSE: User tried to kill a ticket with insufficient privilege. Only ticket owner and/or super
;   can kill a ticket.
;ACTION: None.
BAD_TICKET S "The following '%s' is not a valid ticket definition."
;CAUSE: User has specified an invalid definition for a ticket.
;ACTION: Specify a valid ticket spec. Ticket spec is DM_TICKET=<num>
CHG_PASS_BAD_CRED SS "The password was unchanged for user (%s) with user_login_name (%s) due to invalid old user_login_name/password"
; CAUSE: User did not specify his current credentials
; ACTION: Use the correct user_os_name, password pair
SEC_MODE_UNKNOWN "Failed to find out the docbase security mode, due to the sessionconfig doesn't exist."
; CAUSE: The client is having trouble to connect to the server and
;        is not able to find out the docbase security mode.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
BAD_INFOID S "Bad Info ID given: %s"
; CAUSE:    The info id is invalid.
; ACTION: It is very likely that the tag (i.e. the first 2 bytes) of the info id is wrong.
DOCBASE_VSTAMP LL "The version stamp of the docbase is %d and is lower than %d required by the program. Please upgrade the docbase first and run the program again."
; CAUSE: Try to run a newer utility on an old docbase.
; ACTION: Upgrade the docbase and run the program again.
HEAP_CREATION_FAILURE LS "Unable to create a session heap of size %x.  Operating system error: %s"
; CAUSE: Heap size too large (check session_heap_size in server.ini) or system is low on virtual memory
; ACTION: change setting in server.ini an re-start server, increase virtual memory, decrease max_sessions

ASSUME_USER_FILE SS "Unable to access the assume user program file.  Error returned from Operating System: (%s).  Program file: (%s)."
; CAUSE: the

DUMMY1_MESSAGE "This message is here to keep the error numbers from shifting."
;CAUSE: This is a dummy message that is never used.  Do not ever remove it.

LAUNCH_VALIDATION SS "Unable to launch the external user validation program: %s.  Operating System Error: %s"
; CAUSE: The external program was not accessible
; ACTION: Check for the existence and accesibility of the program

ACE_CREATE SSS "An unexpected error occurred while creating an Operating System ACE.  Parameters: %s, %s.  Operating system error: %s."
; CAUSE: OS Failure
; ACTION: verify installation and permission of server process

SET_SECURITY SS "An unexpected error occurred while applying security the the file: %s. Operating System Error: %s"
; CAUSE: OS Failure
; ACTION: verify installation and permission of server process

NETWORK_TIMEOUT "The network request timed out; the network may be non-operational or the remote service may be temporarily unavailable"
; CAUSE: network failure
; ACTION: insure you are connected to the network and the remote service is operational

NOT_SYSADMIN SS "The operation you requested, %s, was not executed because the current user, %s, is not sysadmin"
; CAUSE: the current user is not sysadmin
; ACTION: run command as sysadmin user

CHANGE_CHECKING_ABORTED "The root process change-checking step was aborted."
; CAUSE: Likely due to an intermittent database failure
; ACTION: If the error persists, stop and restart the server.  Check to ensure that the database system is running properly.

STORESTAT_OVERFLOW ID "The shared memory segment for caching the ONLINE/OFFLINE status of the Documentum Storage areas has reached its maximum size (%d).  Update access may be incorrectly given to Offline or ReadOnly storage area (%s)."
; CAUSE:  There is a fixed size array in shared memory used to cache offline
;   or readonly storage area statuses.  When this array is filled, no
;   more status values can be added.  Even though this does not prevent
;         the marking of storage areas as Offline or Readonly, because the
;   status cannot be stored in memory, the server will treat the storage
;   area as Online until room is freed up in the array. (By moving other
;   storage areas to Online state).
; ACTION: Reduce the number of Offline or ReadOnly storage areas.
; %d Size of overflowed array
; %s ID value of storage area that could not be added
PASSWORD_CHANGE_LAUNCH SS "Operating System Failure during launch of the using External Password Change program: (%s).  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check your server log for more details.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
PASSWORD_CHECK_LAUNCH SS "Operating System Failure during launch of the using External Password Check program: (%s).  Operating System Error: (%s)."
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check your server log for more details.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.
NO_LOG_LOC_DEFINED "Your server configuration does not define a log location."
; CAUSE:  The log_location attribute is missing from the server config object. 
; ACTION: Check the server config object and set the log_location attribute.
LOG_DIR_ACCESS SSS "The location defined in your server configuration for log, (%s), specifies a directory, (%s), which cannot be accessed.  The Operating System error returned was (%s)."
MISSING_PARAMETERS S "You must supply parameters to the apply method (%s)"
; CAUSE: caller did not supply any arguments to the apply method
; ACTION: The application, or user, is in error.  Correct as such.
MAKE_DATABASE_CONN "An unexpected failure occurred during an attempt to create a database connection.  Please consult the server log for more details."
; CAUSE: An exception occurred while establishing a database connection
; ACTION: If sitution presists restart the server process. 
MAX_HEAP_SIZE III "Unable to set the session heap size to (%lu).  Lower bound: (%lu), upper bound: (%lu).  You must use a value in the specified range."
; CAUSE: the number specified does not fit in the constrained range
; ACTION: retry with a number in the specified range
INVALID_SESSION_ID S "The session referred to by ID '%s' does not exist."
; CAUSE: An invalid session ID was used.  The session does not exist.
; ACTION: The caller (most likely a client) was in error.  Report and continue.
INVALID_VENGEANCE S "The vengeance level '%s' is invalid.  Valid vengeance levels are: 'nice', 'after current request', and 'unsafe'."
; CAUSE: An invalid vengeance level was given.
; ACTION: The caller (most likely a client) was in error.  Report and continue.
KILL_FAIL SS "Attempt to kill the session referred to by ID '%s' failed with operating system error '%s'.  Attempting to clean up after this session."
; CAUSE: The session thread/process may have died by itself uncleanly.
; ACTION: Attempt to clean up.
NT_UNIFIED_LOGON_FAILED SSS "Unable to authenticate user (%s) in domain (%s) for docbase (%s) using NT Unified Logon.  You may explicitly supply password and domain to connect again."
; CAUSE: User and domain names can not be validated from the machine where server is running.
; ACTION: Retry with password and domain.
SESSION_NOT_FOUND S "The session that was requested to be killed '%s' could not be found."
; CAUSE: The session already terminated
; ACTION: None necessary as the session is already terminated
UNEXPECTED_EXTERNAL SIS "The external password validation program (%s) returned an unexpected value: (%d).  Error details: (%s)."
NOT_SUPERUSER SS "The operation you requested, %s, was not executed because the current user, %s, is not superuser"
; CAUSE: the current user is not superuser
; ACTION: run command as superuser user
FILE_LIB S "The server failed to set up the file I/O library.  Operating System error: %s."
; CAUSE: cannot map the C-runtime library calls to server's function call.
; CAUSE: A database failure. The details of the failure are in the argument.
LAUNCH_BP_TRANSITION S "Unable to launch the BP transition evaluation process due to the error: %s"
TRANSACTION_ABORTED "Transaction aborted by server due to client session timeout. Use abort API to re-establish connection to server."
PASSWORD_CHECK_GETPWNAM2 SSSS "Operating System Failure during user %s validation. (User OS name = %s, Domain = %s, and session id = %s)"
;CAUSE: The program failed during user authentication, checking the external file.
;ACTION: Check your server log for more details.
;PARAMETERS: The number of the initialization procedure that failed.

DEADLOCK "Operation failed due to DBMS Deadlock error."
; This error is given when a server operation is interrupted by a deadlock
; error in the DBMS.  When this error is received the underlying DBMS
; transaction has been rolled back, so the operation cannot proceed.
;CAUSE:  A database deadlock occurred in the operation.
;ACTION: Retry the operation if appropriate.
LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED SS "Unable to authenticate user (%s) for docbase (%s) using LDAP."
; CAUSE: User can not be authenticated. The DirectoryServer might be down or an invalid password was used.
; ACTION: Retry with the correct password or inform your System Administrator.
LDAP_DOWN SIS "Unable to connect to Directory Server on machine (%s) using port (%d) for docbase (%s)."
; CAUSE: The Directory Server might be down.
; ACTION: Inform your System Administrator.
LDAP_SEARCH SS "The search in the Directory Server using searchbase (%s) and filter (%s) failed."
; CAUSE: The LDAP setup might contain incorrect values.
; ACTION: Inform your System Administrator.
LDAP_NOENTRY S "The search in the Directory Server for user (%s) didn't produce any results."
; CAUSE: The Directory Server doesn't contain a uid with the user's name.
; ACTION: Inform your System Administrator.
LDAP_BIND "The bind call to the Directory Server failed."
; CAUSE: The password might be incorrect.
; ACTION: Try again.
LDAP_MULTIPLE_UID S "The uid (%s) in the Directory Server is not unique."
; CAUSE: The setup for the Directory Server does not work for Documentum.
; ACTION: Inform your Directory Server Administrator.
LDAP_INIT "The initialization of the ldap library failed."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Inform your System Administrator.
LDAP_OPT_RECONNECT "The setting of the reconnect option failed."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Inform your System Administrator.
LDAP_OPT_THREAD "The setting of the thread safety option failed."
; CAUSE: Unknown.
; ACTION: Inform your System Administrator.
CHK_LDAP_NOSEARCHBASE SS "The searchbase couldn't be determined. The authentication for user (%s) with user OS name (%s) failed";
CHK_LDAP_DOWN SS "The LDAP server doesn't seem to run. The authentication for user (%s) with user OS name (%s) failed";
CHK_LDAP_SEARCH SS "The search for user (%s) with user OS name (%s) in the LDAP server failed. The authentication failed";
CHK_LDAP_MULTIPLE_UID SS "The search for user (%s) with user OS name (%s) found multiple entries in the LDAP server. The authentication failed";
CHK_LDAP_NOENTRY SS "The search for user (%s) with user OS name (%s) didn't find any entries in the LDAP server. The authentication failed";
CHK_LDAP_BIND SS "User (%s) with user OS name (%s) couldn't bind to the LDAP server. The authentication failed";

OPEN_TRANSACTION S "Cannot execute %s operation while in an open transaction."
; An operation was attempted that manages its own transaction state and
; cannot be executed while a user transaction is open.
;CAUSE:  The user session which requested the operation has an outstanding
;        transaction open.
;ACTION: Close the current transaction and attempt the operation.
AUTH_FAIL SS "Authentication failed for user %s with docbase %s."
;CAUSE: Authentication failed.
;ACTION: Check to see that the user is valid with both the operating system
; and the database system. Check to see that the passwords supplied on
; session creation are correct.
;PARAMETERS: The user name and docbase base.
LDAP_CHGPASS_USER S "The changepassword API failed with the following error: %s"
; CAUSE: Check the error message returned by the Directory Server.
; ACTION: Inform your Directory Server Administrator.
GETSVRCFG_FAIL "Getting server configuration object failed."
; CAUSE: This is usually caused by a system configuration issue, for exmaple, 
;        folder access permission settings.
; ACTION: Contact your system administrator.
CURSOR_ERROR S "A database error has occurred during the execution of a cursor ('%s')."
;CAUSE:  A SQL statement that queries the Documentum schema has failed. This error message
;        indicates that a failure occurred during the parsing of the generated
;        SQL statement by the underlying RDBMS.
;ACTION: The error message from the RDBMS is shown in the message. Use that
;        error message to figure out what has happened.

LOOKUP_DOCBASE_ID S "Could not look up the docbase id for docbase %s.  Error finding key value for 'doc_base_identifier' in the type dmi_vstamp."
;CAUSE:  A failure occurred trying to verify that the docbase server is
;        staring with a valid docbase id.  The server requires that the
;        docbase id in the server.ini file match the one recorded in the
;        docbase itself.  See DM_SESSION_E_WRONG_DOCBASE_ID error for more
;        information.
;ACTION: Check the existence and permissions on the dmi_vstamp_s table.
;    %1  The docbase name.

TRANSACTION_ERROR "Transaction invalid due to errors, please abort transaction."
;CAUSE:  A failure occured in a previous operation that caused the
;        transaction state to be invalid.  The transaction must be
;        aborted.
;ACTION: Abort current transaction.
UPGRADE_MAP_ERROR "Please shutdown your client session and reconnect to the docbase."
;CAUSE: Client side's "action proc map" is inconsisten with the one form server.
;       The client session wasn't terminated during server upgrade causing
;       this inconsistency.
;ACTION: Close the client session and reconnect to the server.
CANT_ALLOCATE_NEXT_TICKET_BATCH "Could not allocate next ticket batch."
;CAUSE: A temp connection to the database failed or an update failed
;       which then caused a failure to allocate a data_ticket value for
;       storing a new data file.
;ACTION: Ensure database has adquate connections and is functioning correctly.
;        Check the session and server logs for resource errors, particularly
;        around the establishment of new database connections.
OBJECT_FILE_OPEN S "Unable to open the object stream file: (%s)."
; CAUSE:  Internal error occurred while transferring big object over the wire.
; ACTION: Try the same API again.
; PARAMETERS:  The object stream file.
INVALID_APPLICATION_CODE S "The application_code setting of '%s' is invalid. Application codes may not contain whitespace. Valid codes may only contain alphanumeric characters or '_'."
; CAUSE: An invalid application_code value has been supplied. application_code
;        can be set in the apiconfig or sessionconfig objects.
; ACTION: Ensure that the application_code value only contains alphanumeric or
;         '_' characters. No whitespace is allowed.
; PARAMETERS: The value of application_code that is invalid.

AUTH_PLUGIN_LOAD_ERROR SS "Failed to load Authentication Plugin %s. Reason: %s."
;CAUSE: The specified Authentication Plugin could not be loaded.
;ACTION: Verify that the plugin has been developed according to the published interface for AuthenticationPlugins and that all components required by the plugin are present."
;PARAMETERS: The file path of the Authentication Plugin and the reason for the failure.

AUTH_PLUGIN_LOAD_CHARTRANS_ERROR SSS "Failed to load Authentication Plugin %s. Plugin requested codepage '%s' but server does not support translation from codepage '%s'."
;CAUSE: The specified Authentication Plugin could not be loaded because it requested a codepage that the server does not know how to translate into.
;ACTION: For custom plugins, plugin developer must specify a different codepage. For Documentum plugins, please contact Documentum.
;PARAMETERS: The plugin identifier, the codepage requested by the plugin and the codepage of the server.

AUTH_PLUGIN_LOAD_NO_ID_ERROR S "Failed to load Authentication Plugin %s. The plugin did not return an identifier."
;CAUSE: The specified Authentication Plugin could not be loaded because it did not return an identifier.
;ACTION: For custom plugins, plugin developer must specify a plugin identifier. For Documentum plugins, please contact Documentum.
;PARAMETERS: The file path of the Authentication Plugin.

AUTH_PLUGIN_LOAD_INIT_ERROR SS "Failed to load Authentication Plugin %s. Plugin initialization returned error: '%s'."
;CAUSE: The specified Authentication Plugin could not be loaded because its dm_init function returned an error.
;ACTION: Check the error message returned by the authentication plugin for more information.
;PARAMETERS: The file path of the Authentication Plugin and the error message returned by the plugin.

AUTH_PLUGIN_LOAD_EXCEPT_ERROR SS "Failed to load Authentication Plugin %s. The following exception occured during initialization: %s."
;CAUSE: The specified Authentication Plugin could not be loaded because of an exception during initialization.
;ACTION: Check the error message of the exception for more information.
;PARAMETERS: The file path of the Authentication Plugin and the error message.

AUTH_PLUGIN_AUTH_FAIL SSSS "Authentication failed for user %s with docbase %s. Plugin with ID '%s' returned error: %s"
;CAUSE: Authentication by plugin failed.
;ACTION: Check to see that the user and password are valid. Refer to 
; the error message of the plugin for more information.
;PARAMETERS: The user name, docbase base, plugin identifier and error message.

AUTH_PLUGIN_CHGPASS_FAIL SS "The changepassword API using plugin with ID '%s' failed with the following error: %s"
; CAUSE: The authentication plugin failed to change the password.
; ACTION: Check the error message returned by the authentication plugin for more information.
; PARAMETERS: The plugin identifier and the error message returned by the plugin.

INVALID_LDAPCERTDIR "Missing certificate database location object or Invalid LDAP certificate database directory."
;CAUSE: Missing certificate db location object or Invalid certificate database directory path.
;ACTION: Set certdb_location attribute in LDAP configuration object to location object name(for e.g. "ldapcertdb_loc").
;  This location object should point to directory containing the cert7.db certificate database.

LDAPS_CLIENT_INIT "LDAP SSL Client initialization call failed.".
; CAUSE: Missing cert7.db database file.
; ACTION: Create cert7.db database in the directory that is pointed to by the certificate location object.
;  Use certutil utility to create the certificate database. Please refer to the Server administration guide
;  for more details.

LDAPS_INIT "LDAP SSL initialization failed."
; CAUSE: SSL Handshake failed because of missing trusted certificate chain in the cert7.db database.
; ACTION: Use certutil to add trusted CA certificates to cert7.db. Please refer to the Server administration
;  guide for more details.

PLUGIN_LOAD_FAILED SS "Failed to load %s plugin. The following error occured: %s."
; CAUSE: The plugin did not load successfully.
; ACTION: Check the error reported and change server settings as appropriate to fix problem.
; PARAMETERS: Type of plugin, Error message

OUT_OF_TICKET "Cannot obtain a login ticket because all login ticket entries are in use."
; CAUSE: All login ticket entries have been used.
; ACTION: Increase the value of server parameter ticket_multiplier in server.ini to configure more login tickets.
CANNOT_DECODE SS "Cannot decode %s (%s)."
; CAUSE: Either the login ticket key has been reset since generation of the ticket/token Or the ticket/token may have been altered."
; ACTION: Make sure a correct ticket/token is provided. If not sure, please create a new one.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter tells whether this is a ticket/token while the second one is the ticket/token.
CANNOT_VERIFY_SIGNATURE SS "Cannot verify the signature of %s (%s)."
; CAUSE: The ticket/token may be generated using a different LTK than the current one.
; ACTION: Discard all old tickets/tokens.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter tells whether this is a ticket/token while the second one is the ticket/token.
TICKET_EXPIRED SS "The %s (%s) has expired."
; CAUSE: The ticket/token has expired.
; ACTION: Create a new ticket/token to use.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter tells whether this is a ticket/token while the second one is the ticket/token.
USED_TOKEN_ON_WRONG_MACHINE SSS "Application access control token (%s), created for use on machine (%s) only, cannot be used on machine (%s)."
; CAUSE: The token was acquired for use on a particular machine and will not work when used on a different machine.
; ACTION: Create a token that works for the target machine.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the access control token; the second one is the MAC address of the current client machine while the third one is the MAC address of the target machine.
INVALID_APPLICATION_ID SS "Application id (%s) does not match application access control token (%s)."
; CAUSE: The given application id does not match the one used in creating the access control token.
; ACTION: Make sure correct application id is used.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the application id while the second one is the access control token.
USE_TICKET_FOR_WRONG_USER SSSS "The %s (%s), created for user (%s), cannot be used for user (%s)."
; CAUSE: The ticket/token is used for a wrong user.
; ACTION: Make sure right ticket/token is used for the user. API command dumploginticket can be used to exmamine the properties of a login ticket.
; PARAMETERS: The first one tells if this is ticket/token; the second one is the ticket/token; the third one is the owner of the ticket/token; the fourth one is the target user.
USED_LOCAL_TICKET_OTHER_DOCBASE SSS "Login ticket (%s) is created for docbase (%s), cannot be used in docbase (%s).
; CAUSE: A login ticket with docbase scope is used on a different docbase.
; ACTION: Create a global login ticket to use. PI command dumploginticket can be used to exmamine the properties of a login ticket
; PARAMETERS: The first one is the login ticket, the second one is the ticket originating docbase id, and the target docbase id.
SETUP_TICKET_ATTRIBUTES SS "Setting up %s attributes for user (%s) failed."
; CAUSE: Some arguments to getlogin/gettoken command are invalid.
; ACTION: Make sure all getlogin/gettoken arguments are valid.
; PARAMETERS: The first one tells whether this is a ticket/token; the second one is the user name.
SIGN_TICKET SS "Signing %s (%s) failed."
; CAUSE: The login ticket key has not been set correctly.
; ACTION: Run apply method reset_ticket_key to reset login ticket key
; PARAMETERS: The first one tells whether this is a ticket/token; the second one is the target user name.
CREATE_ENCODER SS "Creating encoder failed during generating %s for (%s)."
; CAUSE: The underlying system is overloaded or has limited swap space.
; ACTION: Configure more swap space or reduce the number of running applications.
; PARAMETERS: The first one tells whether this is a ticket/token; the second one is the user name.
OUT_MEMORY SS "Running out of memory during creating a %s for (%s)."
; CAUSE: the underlying system is overloaded or has limited swap space.
; ACTION: Configure more swap space or reduce the number of running applications.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter tells whether server is creating a ticket/token, and the second one is the user name.
INVALID_APPLICATION_TOKEN S "Invalid application token (%s).
; CAUSE: Either no or invalid application token is provided.
; ACTION: Make sure the application token is prefixed with "DM_TOKEN".
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the application token string.
RESET_TICKET_KEY S "Reset login ticket key failed by user %s."
; CAUSE: This may be due to improper user privilege
; ACTION: Repeat as a super user
; PARAMETER: the user name of the current session.
PASSWORD_REQUIRED S "Password argument is required for executing method (%s)."
; CAUSE: password argument must be provided for method export_ticket_key and import_ticket_key.
; ACTION: specify an appropriate password.
; PARAMETERS: The name of the method that is missing the password argument.
NO_TICKET_KEY S "Docbase (%s) dose not have a login ticket key."
; CAUSE: There are two possible causes: 1) the docbase is a pre-5.3 docbase; 2)the login ticket key has not been set correctly for the docbase.
; ACTION: 1) Make sure that you are executing this command against 5.3 or higher docbase. 2) If this is a 5.3 or highr docbase, try to execute apply method reset_ticket_key to reset login ticket key for the docbase.
; PARAMETERS: the name of the docbase.
ENCODE_KEY_FAILED S "Encoding failed while exporting login ticket key from docbase (%s)."
; CAUSE: Running out of memory.
; ACTION: Be sure the system is not overloaded.
; PARAMETERS: the name of the docbase.
DECODE_KEY_FAILED S "Decoding failed while importing login ticket key from docbase (%s)."
; CAUSE: Running out of memory.
; ACTION: Be sure the system is not overloaded.
; PARAMETERS: the name of the docbase.
ENCRYPT_KEY_FAILED S "Encryption failed while exporting login ticket key from docbase (%s)."
; CAUSE: Running out of memory.
; ACTION: Be sure the system is not overloaded.
; PARAMETERS: the name of the docbase.
DECRYPT_KEY_FAILED S "Decryption failed while importing login ticket key from docbase (%s)."
; CAUSE: Running out of memory.
; ACTION: Be sure the system is not overloaded.
; PARAMETERS: the name of the docbase.
DOCBASE_NOT_TRUSTED SSS "The originating docbase (%s) of login ticket (%s) is not trusted."
; CAUSE: Using a login ticket generated by a non-trusted docbase.
; ACTION: Either setting trusted_by_default to T in the current docbase, or configuring the originating docbase as trusted.
; PARAMETERS: the name of the issuning docbase and the login ticket string.
REUSE_ONE_TIME_TICKET S "One-time login ticket (%s) has already been used."
; CAUSE: Reuse a one-time login ticket.
; ACTION: Generate a new ticket.
; PARAMETERS: login ticket.
ONE_TIME_TICKET_SCOPE SS "One-time login ticket (%s) is valid for server (%s) only."
; CAUSE: The given one-time login ticket has a different scope than the current server.
; ACTION: Generate a login ticket with correct scope.
; PARAMETERS: login ticket.
SUPERUSER_RESTRICTED SS "Super user (%s) is not allowed to connect to docbase (%s) using login ticket."
; CAUSE: This docbase has its docbase configuration attrubute restrict_superuser_connect set to 1.
; ACTION: Try to connect with a password.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the user name. The second is the docbase name.
TICKET_REVOKED SS "The %s (%s) has been revoked."
; CAUSE: The ticket/token has expired.
; ACTION: Create a new ticket/token to use.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter tells whether this is a ticket/token while the second one is the ticket/token.
INVALID_GROUP_NAME S "Invalid group name (%s)."
; CAUSE: The specified group is not valid in the target docbase.
; ACTION: Specify a valid group name.
; PARAMETERS: The parameter is the speified group name.
WRONG_GROUP SSS "User (%s) is not a member of of the group (%s) that owns the application access control token (%s)."
; CAUSE: The user is not a member of the group which owns the token.
; ACTION: Add the user to the group or create an appropriate token for the user.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the token; the second is the group name; the third one is the user name.
NULL_TICKET_KEY "A login ticket key must be provided."
; CAUSE: Missing login ticket key argument for apply method IMPORT_TICKET_KEY
; ACTION: Specify a login ticket key
INVALID_TICKET_FORMAT "Invalid login ticket (%s). A login ticket must have prefix 'DM_TOCKET='.
; CAUSE: The login ticket does not have prefix 'DM_TICKET='
; ACTION: Specify a valid login ticket.
INLINE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED SS "Unable to authenticate user (%s) for docbase (%s) using inline password."
; CAUSE: User can not be authenticated. The specified password does not match with the password
;        stored in the user object .
; ACTION: Retry with the correct password or inform your System Administrator.
LDAP_BIND_FAILED SS "The bind call to the Directory Server (%s) failed with error (%s)."
; CAUSE: Either the password might be incorrect or other reason as described in the error.
; ACTION: Try again.
MACHINE_ONLY SSS "Token (%s) can be used on machine identified by (%s) only; you are using it on machine identifed by (%s)."
; CAUSE: The token is a machine only token and can be used on the specified machine only.
; ACTION: Either use a token that is not machine only, or abtain a token for the client machine.
LDAP_AUTH_FAILED SSS "Unable to authenticate user (%s) for docbase (%s) using LDAP (%s)."
; CAUSE: User can not be authenticated. The DirectoryServer might be down or an invalid password was used.
; ACTION: Retry with the correct password or inform your System Administrator.
EXCEPTION_OCCURRED S "An exception occurred while %s."
;CAUSE: An exception has occurred.
;ACTION: Check the error message of the exception for more information.
;PARAMETERS: The operation which caused the exception.
EMPTY_CHUNKED_OBJ_STR DD "Either the chunked object string stored in session for the object '%s' is empty or the ID doesn't match with '%s'."
;CAUSE: DMCL tried to use the chunked object string for applying some function.
;       However, either the string stored in the session is empty or the chunked object doesn't
;       match with the ID stored in the session.
;ACTION: Check the ID and make sure that the object string was pushed by chunks before the function was called.
;        This is an internal error which customer is not supposed to encounter.
CHUNKED_ID_NOT_MATCHED DD "The chunked object ID '%s' passed in does not match with the one '%s' stored in the session."
;CAUSE: DMCL tried to push a chunk of some object string for applying some function.
;       However, the chunked object ID doesn't match with the chunked ID stored in the session.
;ACTION: Make sure the passed-in ID matches with the one set by the previous SET_PUSH_OBJECT_STATUS RPC call.
;        This is an internal error which customer is not supposed to encounter.
CHUNKED_ID_IS_NULL S "The passed-in chunked object ID via operation '%s' is a null id."
;CAUSE: DMCL tried to push a chunk of some object string for applying some function.
;       However, the chunked object ID doesn't match with the chunked ID stored in the session.
;ACTION: Make sure the passed-in ID matches with the one set by the previous SET_PUSH_OBJECT_STATUS RPC call.
;        This is an internal error which customer is not supposed to encounter.
NON_EXIST_OBJ D "The object identified by %s does not exist."
NON_LOCAL_SERVER_RUNNING "There are no running local content servers."
;CAUSE: All local content servers are down.
;ACTION: Make sure local content servers are up running.
NOID S "No id given for command %s."
; CAUSE:        An object id is required for this command.
; ACTION:       Correct the command to specify an object id.
; PARAMETERS:   The command as specified.
ILLEGAL_NUMBER_OF_ID_REQUESTED III "The number (%d) of IDs requested is either less than or equal to zero or exceeds the limit (%d) set for type with tag (%d)."
; CAUSE: The caller of NEXT_ID or NEXT_ID_LIST RPC has asked for either an illegal number or more IDs
;        (set in the HOW_MANY parameter) than server can offer for the specified type tag.
; ACTION: Set the HOW_MANY parameter to a lower number.
CANNOT_LOAD_LIGHTWEIGHT_TYPE_WITHOUT_PARENT S "The lightweight type (%s) could not be loaded because its parent type has not been cached yet"
; CAUSE: A lightweight type can not be loaded before its parent type because we do not send
;        the parent type's definition along with the lightweight type.
; ACTION: Either retrieve the parent type or its instances before retrieving the lightweight
;         so that the parent is cached before the lightweight type.
LDAP_AUTH_EXPRESSION_SEARCHDN S "Expression is not allowed when bind type is (%s)."
; CAUSE: When expression is set, bind type is bind_by_dn, not bind_search_dn.
; ACTION: set the bind type to bind_search_dn.
LDAP_FAILOVER_DOWN SS "Unable to connect to Primary as well as Failover Directory Server on machine (%s) for docbase (%s)."
; CAUSE: The Directory Server might be down.
; ACTION: Inform your System Administrator.
GET_GROUP_INFO_DB SS "Error processing database cursor for group %s. (%s)"
; An Internal error occurred while checking information on a given group name.
; The error may have been triggered by a problem with a database query.
; Previous error messages should give more detail on the failure.
; CAUSE:  An internal error occurred while looking up a group name.
; ACTION: Check database error messages for more information.
PROCESS_GROUP_QUERY S "Error executing query to process recursive group membership for group %s."
; CAUSE:  A error occurred while running a database query to find the set
;         of groups that the current group is a member of.
; ACTION: Check previous error messages for more information.
CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE "Failed to authenticate client.  Please check server log for more detail."
; CAUSE: The client installation sent a certificate that uniquely identifies
;        the client instance.  The Content Server was unable to successfully
;        verify this certificate.
; ACTION: Check the reason listed in the error message as to why the certificate
;        failed to verify.

ADD_DYNAMIC_ROLE S "Error adding dynamic role %s."
; CAUSE: An internal error was encountered during an attempt to add the role
;        as a dynamic group.
;        verify this certificate.
; ACTION: Check for previous error messages giving more detail on the error.
;        Validate that the specified group exists and is dynamic.

SETUP_ROLES_FOR_RPC SD "Error initializing dynamic roles for RPC %s (%s)."
; CAUSE: An internal error was encountered during an attempt to process the
;        role specified in a server call.
; ACTION: Check for previous error messages giving more detail on the error.
D6_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED S "You can not use the D6 feature, %s, from a 5.3 client or below."
; CAUSE: A pre-D6 client was trying to use a D6 feature like
;        . Fetching a lightweight sysobject, or
;        . Updating a shared parent
;        which are not allowed.
; ACTION: Only use D6 specific feature from a D6 DFC or above.
.severity FATAL
; These fatal errors starting with EXEC are internal errors.  They
; are generated by the dmRegisterExecute procedure, which is called
; internally.  A user should never see them;  they are generated for
; development and should never appear in a released product.
EXEC_TOOMANY "Too many procedures have been registered for EXECUTE."
; CAUSE:  There is an internal maximum size for the table of
;         registered procedures. 
; ACTION: Increase the size of the internal table (DM_SIZEOF_RFE_TABLE
;         in dmsess.c).
EXEC_DUPDEFN S "The function (%s) has already been registered for EXECUTE."
; CAUSE:  This function is already registered.
; ACTION: Find out where it is registered, and decide which registration
;         is valid.
EXEC_TOOMANYARGS II "Too many arguments (%d) have been specified for this function.\nThe maximum is %d"
; CAUSE:  There is an internal maximum size for the array of arguments for
;         registered procedures. 
; ACTION: Increase the size of the internal table (DM_RFE_ARGS in dmsess.c).
EXEC_NO_DATATYPE SI "No datatype specified in the argument description for %s (%d)."
; CAUSE:  The datatype (S, I, or B) must be specified.
; ACTION: Specify the datatype.
; PARAMETERS:  The argument name and an internal code showing where the error was
;         generated.
EXEC_BAD_DATATYPE S "An invalid datatype was specified in the argument description (%s)."
; CAUSE:  A datatype of S, I, or B must be specified.
; ACTION: Respecify the datatype.
; PARAMETERS:  The invalid datatype specified.
TYPE_CONVERSION S "The dmi_change_record type could not add the following attribute: %s."
; CAUSE:  While attempting to add an attribute (adding a column in a table) to dmi_change_record
;         an error was returned.
; ACTION: Contact Documentum
; PARAMETERS: This is the name of the attribute being added.
AUDIT_CACHE_IS_FULL I "The audit cache is full. The are %d entries in the cache."
; CAUSE:  There are too many types that need to be cached in the audit cache.
; ACTION: Increase the size of the audit cache (gcNumAuditCacheRows in dmshared.cxx).
INT1   SS "The following database query %s could not be executed. The database error is: %s"
;CAUSE: The problem may be caused by some inconsistence between server and database.
;ACTION: Look at the error logged by the database.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
;   Representative.

CRYPTOKEY_TYPE_CONVERSION SI "Failed to convert type %s to version %d."
;CAUSE:      Either the version stamp of the type was not set successfully or the
;            changes done to convert the type failed.
;ACTION:  Examine the type. Contact documentum support if needed.
SETUP_DYNAMIC_ROLE_INTERNAL_ERROR "dmSession::SetupDynamicRoles invocation error"
; CAUSE:    This is an internal error.
; ACTION:   Contact EMC Technical Support.


posted on 2009-11-16 12:50 liaojiyong 阅读(2806) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

