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; $Id: dmserver.e,v 5.10 2003/05/05 02:56:51 rogert Exp $
;  Generic server error message
;   Use this as the repository for errors from action procs, etc.
.facility DM_SERVER
START SS "%s %s"
START_SERVER SS "Docbase %s %s"
START_ID SI "Docbase %s was not successfully opened. Docbase id: (%d)"
CONNECT_STATUS SI  "Connection %s (%d)"
;CAUSE: This happens when anything interesting happens to a client connection
;ACTION: You need to look at what the specific error is to determine action
;CAUSE: this trace is turned on by setting the environment variable TRACE_CACHE to T
REGISTERED SI "The server registered using service: (%s) on port: (%d)"
LISTENING S "The server is listening on network address (%s)"
MAX_SESSIONS II "Max sessions (%i) too large; only (%i) sessions will be allowed"
SOCKET SI "%s %i"
SERVER_FORK I "Attempt to fork failed with error (%i)"
NETWORK_REGISTER "Attempt to register with network failed.  A new TCP/IP service name will be used"
;CAUSE: This can happen if the port is in use or stuck
ACCEPT_FAILED I "nl_accept failed, retry count = %d"
TRACE_GETHOSTBYADDR S "Trace gethostbyaddr(), %s"
GETHOSTBYADDR_FAILED S "gethostbyaddr() failed with error %s."
SKIPPING_GETHOSTBYADDR "server.ini parameter gethostbyaddr is set to F, skipping gethostbyaddr()."
LAUNCH_MTHDSVR S "Launching Method Server %s."
USER_DEACTIVATED S "User (%s) has been deactivated due to unsuccessful authentication attempts."
;CAUSE: Informational message after dm_docbase_config.max_auth_attempt
; unsuccessful authentication attemps in a row.
;ACTION: See sysadmin.
;PARAMETERS: user_name.
USER_SESSION_KILLED IS "%d sessions owned by user (%s) have been killed because of the user account deactivation."
;CAUSE: Informational message when an user account is deactivated because of
; unsuccessful authentication attempts.
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: number of session killed and user name.
INSTALL_OWNER_AUTH_FAILED SI "Server is shutdown because installation owner (%s) has exceeded the limit (%d) of unsuccessful authentication attempts."
;CAUSE: Informational message when the installation owner has exceeded the limit
 of unsuccessful authentication attempts in a row.
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: installation owner name and the limit of unsuccessful authenticatio
n attempts.
INIT_LOGIN_TICKET_MGR "Initialization of login ticket manager failed."
; CAUSE: Initializing login ticket manager is unsuccessful due to a bad login ticket key.
; ACTION: This should not happen. If this does happen, one has no other choice but contacting Documentum Engineering.
CONFIG_VALUE ISII "Current value %d of server configuration parameter %s should be bigger than %d and smaller than %d, you should correct its value in server.ini file."
; CAUSE: The given value for the configuration parameter is either too small or too big.
; ACTION: Adjust the value for the configuration parameter.
; PARAMETERS: Current Value, Configuration Parameter Name, Lower limit and Higher limit.
IPV6_DISABLED S "The server can not listen on IPv6 address because %s"
.severity WARNING
DO_METHOD S "Apply of DO_METHOD failed because of: %s"
;CAUSE: The DO_METHOD action proc detected an internal error.
;ACTION: Correct the error and retry the procedure.
;ARGUMENT: A description of the error encountered
NONE_TO_ARCHIVE      "No sysobject will be archived/restored as result of the specified request."
;CAUSE: The archive method predicate will cause no sysobject/document to be archive or restored.
;    No archive request will be queued.
;ACTION: change the archive request.
NONE_TO_RESTORE      "All of the objects specified by this restore request are currently online and available.  No restore action is necessary."
;CAUSE: The restore method predicate specifies no sysobjects that are currently
;       marked as archived and offline.  No restore request will be queued.
;ACTION: No restore required.

DUMMY1_MESSAGE "This is here to keep the error numbers from shifting."
;CAUSE: This is a dummy message that is never used.  Do not ever remove it.

CLIENT_SOCKET        "Could not set desired TCP socket options on new client connection.  The Connection has been established but may suffer performance degradations."
;CAUSE: The call to CookClientSocket - which sets desired TCP options on the
; client connection - failed.  The system will continue and use the
; the socket connection anyway in the hope that it will prove usable.
; Previous error messages should have given more detail about what socket
; attributes could not be set and why.
;ACTION: Check previous error messages for further details on the error.
CANNOT_SECURE_MODE "Could not start server in secure or dual connect mode because server is not in trusted mode. Starting server in native connect mode."
;CAUSE: attribute secure_connect_mode of dm_server_config is set to "secure" or
;       "dual" but no valid tcs_license file is provided. Server supports
;       secure or dual connection only when it is in trusted mode.
;ACTION: To avoid this message, either set attribute secure_connect_mode of
;       dm_server_config to "native" or provide a valid tcs_license file.
.severity ERROR
EXEC_SQL S  "The execsql method failed due to a database error: %s"
;CAUSE: The execsql method failed after trying to execute a DBMS command.
;ACTION: Refer to the database manual concerning the function you were trying to perform.
;ARGUMENT: The DBMS error.
SHUT_DOWN S "The shutdown method has failed for the following reason: %s"
;CAUSE: The user probably did not have sufficient privilege to run this command.
;ACTION: Run the method as a super-user.

INI_FILE_ACCESS SS "Error initializing process due to the inability to get startup parameters from the named init_file: %s.  Error reason: %s."
;  Documentum server processes and utilities use a init_file for holding
;  process startup information.  The name of this file is given as a command
;  line flag.  This error generally indicates that the named file is not
;  accessible.

;CAUSE:  The named init_file could not be read to extract startup parameters.
;ACTION: Checked the named init_file to make sure it exists and is readable.
NEED_ARCHIVE_DQL "Need a DQL predicate to perform archive/restore operation."
;CAUSE: The archive/restore request does not have a DQL predicate.
;ACTION: Resubmit the archive/restore request with a DQL predicate.
RESTORE1 "Need loadfile or DQL predicate to start restore operation."
;CAUSE: User specified a restore operation w/o a loadfile name or DQL predicate.
;ACTION: Respecify the restore method and specify at least load file or a DQL predicate.
START_NETWISE SS "The server failed to start due to an error returned by the Netwise networking subsystem. Failed API: %s. Error %s."
;CAUSE: This is a generalized networking error so it could be anything.
;ACTION: Use the Netwise documentation to determine the error based on the API that failed.
RUN_NETWISE SS "The server encountered an error returned by the Netwise networking subsystem. Failed API: %s. Error %s."
;CAUSE: This is a generalized networking error so it could be anything.
;ACTION: Use the Netwise documentation to determine the error based on the API that failed.
REGISTER_FAIL IS "The server failed to register itself on port (%d). Error %s."
;CAUSE: This error occurs when there is a network/administration error
;ACTION: Check that the required network administration is correctand if so check the Netwise documentation to determine the error.
REGISTER_IN_USE IS "The server failed to register itself as there is already a server on port (%d). Error %s."
;CAUSE: This error occurs when there is another server running on the requested port
;ACTION: Make sure that you have each server configured with its own port number
SOCKOPT SI "setsockopt failed for (%s) with error (%d)"
PREDICATE_TOO_LONG  I "The predicate condition specified is too long for the archive/restore operation.  The predicate must be a legal value for the QUEUE method's 'message' argument, which currently cannot exceed %d bytes."
;CAUSE: The predicate string is too long to fit into a QUEUE operation.
;ACTION: Rewrite the archive/restore request so that the predicate fits into
;        a smaller string.  Note that the archiver also enforces predicate
;        length restrictions on archive and restore operations that are likely
;        to be more restrictive than this error condition.
INVALID_VSTAMP IS "The operation failed because an invalid version stamp (%d) is found for '%s'."
; CAUSE: Initialization failed due to invalid vstamp.
; ACTION: Contact support and see why vstamp is bad and how to correct it.
LISTEN_FAIL SS "The server failed to register itself on network address (%s). Error %s."
; CAUSE: Unable to register on the network address/port
; ACTION: Check the network configuration

POOL_FULL I "Unable to create connection because the internal connection data structure is full.  There are %d elements"
; CAUSE: Software failure
; ACTION: Re-start server and call Documentum technical support

LAUNCH_FAILED SSS  "Unable to create connection for process at machine %s as user %s because the creation of the execution context failed.  Operating system error: %s"
; CAUSE: Possibly related to resource overload
; ACTION: Check load on system

SHARED_MEMORY IS "Unable to create shared memory segment of size %d.  Operating system error: %s"
; CAUSE: Possibly related to running out of either system semaphores or shared memory.
; ACTION: Use the ipcs and ipcrm to locate and remove any unused shared memory segments.  Ensure machine is configured with enough resources

LAUNCH_FAILED2 S  "Unable to create connection for process because the creation of the execution context failed.  Operating system error: %s"
; CAUSE: Possibly related to resource overload
; ACTION: Check load on system

START_NETWISE2 SI "The server failed to start due to an error returned by the Netwise networking subsystem. Failed API: %s. Error code %d."
;CAUSE: This is a generalized networking error so it could be anything.
;ACTION: Use the Netwise documentation to determine the error based on the API that failed.
RETRY_EXHAUSTED "The server failed to re-register on the network after exhausted the list of alternative TCP/IP service names"
;CAUSE: All ports are in use or there is a severe networking error

CRT_SHM_OBJ_FAIL S "%s : Failed to create shared memory object."
; CAUSE: Possibly running out of memory.
; ACTION: Check and add more swap space; or reduce the system load.
CRT_SHM_REG_FAIL S "%s : Failed to create shared memory region."
; CAUSE: There are several possibilities:
;  1) Running out of shared memory segments.
;  2) The shared memory region already exists.
; ACTION: In case of 1), contact your SA to configure more shared
; memory segments. In case of 2), use ipcs/ipcrm to remove
; the existing shared memory segment.
MAKE_SHM_ARG_FAIL S "%s : Failed to construct attach arguments."
; CAUSE: Probably out of memory.
; ACTION: Check and add more swap space; or reduce the system load.
INIT_MEQ_FAIL S "%s : Failed to initialize method execution queue."
; CAUSE: Method Execution Queue initialization failed.
; ACTION: Contact Documentum's technical support.
CRT_MTHDSVR_PROC_FAIL S "%s : Creating method server process failed."
; CAUSE: Maybe you are running too many processes on your system.
; ACTION: Contact Documentum's technical support.
NO_MTHDSVR_BINARY S "%s : Method server binary is not accessible."
; CAUSE: The method server binary "mthdsvr" is not under $DM_HOME/bin
; or it does not have the proper permission.
; ACTION: Make sure method server binary "mthdsvr" is under $DM_HOME/bin
; and set execution permission for it.
NO_MTHD_BUF S "%s failed to get free method execution request buffer."
; CAUSE: Running out of internal method execution buffer.
; ACTION: Increase the number of method server worker threads by setting server configuration parameter "method_server_threads" in server.ini to a greater value.
UPDATE_STATS S  "The UPDATE_STATISTICS method failed due to a database error: %s"
;CAUSE: The UPDATE_STATISTICS method failed after trying to execute a DBMS command.
;ACTION: Refer to the database manual concerning the function you were trying to perform.
;ARGUMENT: The DBMS error.
REORG_TABLE S  "The REORGANIZE_TABLE method failed due to a database error: %s"
;CAUSE: The REORGANIZE_TABLE method failed after trying to execute a DBMS command.
;ACTION: Refer to the database manual concerning the function you were trying to perform.
;ARGUMENT: The DBMS error.
UNABLE_TO_PROCESS_METHOD_RESULTS S "Unable to process method results for method '%s'"
;CAUSE: An operation failed because the server was unable to process the results from a method.
;ACTION: Look in the server log and method server log for more information. Run the method directly to confirm it works.
;ARGUMENT: The name fo the method.
SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILED II "Secure connection failed during handshake on connection (%d). Netwise returns error code (%d)."
;CAUSE: This may be caused by some unknown program trying to connect to Content Server secure port.
;ACTION: May ignore it if this is seen occassionally only. Report to custmer support if this is seen frequently.
;ARGUMENT: The first argument is the connection ID and the second is error code from Netwise.
VSTAMP_SETTING_FAIL S "Failed to update version stamp for application: %s"
;CAUSE: Content Server tries to update version stamp, but failed.
;ACTION: Check server log file and look for any SQL failure.
;ARGUMENT: The name of the application.

.severity FATAL
INCR_LENGTH_FAILED SLSL "While upgrading %s to version %d: The upgrade failed to widen the %s attribute to %d."
;CAUSE: Upgrading a type by increasing an attribute width failed.
;ACTION: Please call Documentum technical support.
;ARGUMENT: The first argument is the name of the type being upgraded. The second is the version
;stamp we are trying to upgrade to. The third argument is the name of the attribute being widened. The
;fourth argument is the length we were trying to make the attribute.

posted on 2009-11-16 12:50 liaojiyong 阅读(1671) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

