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; $Id: dmrouter.e,v 5.0 1998/01/10 02:08:11 sol_ora Exp $
; dmRouter class errors
.facility DM_ROUTER
.severity      INFO
BAD_PACKAGE DS "Package identified by %s and label <%s> does not exist."
;CAUSE: User has specified an invalid document with the specified ID and label.
;ACTION: Respecify a valid id and label.
NO_EXTERNAL_METHODS SS "Can not find any external method for router named: '%s' and operation: '%s'"
;CAUSE: During validation, could not find any external method for pre/post processing of
;  forward/reverse/queue operations.
;ACTION: Look for dm_method for any external names that should match a router external method definition.
BAD_PACKAGE2 DSSS "Package identified by %s and label <%s> does not have the relate permit because of %s '%s'."
;CAUSE: User has specified an invalid document with the specified ID and label.
;ACTION: Respecify a valid id and label.
.severity WARNING
ALREADY_ACQUIRED S "Task Number %s is already acquired."
;CAUSE: Tried to queue an acquired task. An acquired task
; is not requeued.
;ACTION: None.
.severity ERROR
CANT_DEQUEUE SSS "Cannot dequeue task number %s of router named '%s' for user %s."
CANT_DEQUEUER SS "Cannot dequeue router named '%s' for user %s."
;CAUSE: It is probable that failure of database operation caused this error.
;ACTION: Consult the other error messages on your message queue for more help.
CANT_DESTROY S "Cannot destroy router named '%s' since its state is active or halted."
;CAUSE: In order to destroy a router its state must be one of dormant or finished.
;ACTION: Place router in one of these states before proceeding.
CANT_QUEUE SSS "Cannot queue task number %s of router named '%s' for user %s."
CANT_QUEUER SS "Cannot queue router named '%s' for user %s."
;CAUSE: It is probable that failure of database operation caused this error.
;ACTION: Consult the other recent error messages for more help.
CANT_SAVES S "Cannot save router name '%s' since its state is active."
;CAUSE: In order to save a router its state must be either dormant or halted.
;ACTION: Place router in one of these states before proceeding.
MUSTBE_USER_OR_SUPER SSS "Current user %s must be the router supervisor or task user for %s task to perform %s operation on this router."
;CAUSE: The current user must be the task user or the router supervisor to perform this operation.
;ACTION: None. 
MUSTBE_TASK_USER SSS "Current user %s must be the task user for %s task to perform %s operation on this router."
;CAUSE: The current user must be the task user to perform this operation.
;ACTION: none. 
MUSTBE_SUPERVISOR SS "Current user %s must be the supervisor to perform %s operation on this router."
;CAUSE: The current user must be the router supervisor to perform this operation.
;ACTION: None. 
INVALID_TASK_TYPE SSS "Invalid %s %s for task number %s."
;CAUSE: Specified task has invalid next_task_type or dependency_task_type
; or task_type.
; With broadcast routers, the only next_tasks_type supported is all.
;ACTION: Change the erroneous next_task_type or dependency_task_type or
; task_type.
INVALID_ROUTER_STATE SS "Current router state is %s, expected to be %s."
;CAUSE: In order to perform the current operation router state must match
; the expected state.
;ACTION:Either wait for the router state to change, or change the
;      state of the router before performing this operation.
INVALID_ROUTER_TYPE S "Invalid router type %s specified."
;CAUSE: Invalid router type specified. Expected to see: route slip, broadcast,
; or general.
;ACTION: Specify a valid router type.
INVALID_SUPERVISOR S "Invalid user name %s specified as supervisor."
;CAUSE: Invalid supervisor name specified during save operation.
;ACTION: Please specify a valid user name.
INVALID_TASK_LIST1 SSS "Task list %s for task number %s should only have one task number, but the following were found:  %s."
;CAUSE: Specified task list should have only one task number.
;  a) for route_slip: next_task_list and dependency_list should only
; have one task number.
;  b) for broadcast: dependency_task_list should only have one task number.
;ACTION: Respecify the task list.
INVALID_TASK_LIST SSS "Task list %s for task number %s has invalid task number %s."
;CAUSE:Specified task list has invalid task numbers.
;ACTION: Make sure that they are all numeric and valid task numbers
; from the current router, and do not point to the current task number.
INVALID_TASK_NUM S "Invalid task number %s specified."
;CAUSE: An invalid task number has been specified.
;    A task number is invalid if:
; a) it is out of range with the given router,
; b) it is an invalid specification (ie non-numeric).

;ACTION: Specify a valid task number.
INVALID_TASK_STATE SSS "State of task number %s is '%s', expected to be '%s'."
;CAUSE: In order to perform the current operation the state of the specified task
; must match the expected state.
;ACTION:Either wait for the task state to change, or change the
;      state of the task before performing this operation.
INVALID_TASK_OWNER SS "Invalid task owner name '%s' specified for task number %s."
;CAUSE: During save operation, an invalid task owner was found to be specified
; for the given task.
;ACTION: Please specify a valid Documentum user or group name.
NEED_BEGIN S "Router named '%s' needs to have at least one begin task."
;CAUSE: A router must have one or more begin tasks.
;ACTION: Make sure that at least one task_type is begin.
NEED_END S   "Router named '%s' needs to have one end task."
;CAUSE: A router can only have one end task.
;ACTION: Make sure that only one end task is specified.
NEED_TARGET SS "Need one or more target task to perform %s operation on '%s' task."
;CAUSE: In order to perform the specified operation at least one target task is
; required.
;ACTION: Retry the operation with one or more target tasks.
NOT_VALIDATED S "Router named '%s' must be validated before execution."
;CAUSE: When a router is changed it must be validated before execution.
;ACTION: Validate the router before executing the router.
TARGET_NOT_REQUIRED "Target tasks not required."
;CAUSE:  Tried to do a forward where no target task is required.
; This can happen when forwarding a task where next_tasks_type is ALL.
;ACTION: Respecify the operation without target tasks.
TASKOWNER_NOT_REQUIRED S "The task owner parameter is not allowed on the %s operation unless you are the supervisor."
;CAUSE: Tried to perform a reassign as a non-supervisor. Task owner
;   parameter is only allowed if the current user is the supervisor.
;ACTION: None.
TASK_NOT_IN_LIST SSS "Task Number %s must be in %s list: %s"
;CAUSE: Specified task number must be in the specified list.
;ACTION: Use a task in the specified list.
INVALID_TASK_INDEX  I "Invalid task index %d specified."
;CAUSE: You tried to remove or inserttask with an invalid index number.
;ACTION: Retry with a valid task index.
MORE_END SI "Router named '%s' has %d end tasks. Only one end task is allowed in each router."
;CAUSE: Each router can only have one end task.
;ACTION: Remove the additional end tasks and try again.
DUPLICATE_TASKNUM SS "Duplicate task number %s is encountered in '%s' router."
;CAUSE: All task numbers must be unique.
;ACTION: Respecify the task number and try again.
BAD_TASK_ATTRC SSII "In router named '%s', count of %s: %d does not match the count of task_num: %d."
;CAUSE: Tried to save a router with invalid task attribute count.
;ACTION: Most likely the user tried to manipulate task attributes with append or
;   insert or remove methods instead of appendtask, inserttask or removetask.
INVALID_TASK_LIST3 SS "Task list %s for task number %s must be empty."
;CAUSE: The specified task list must be empty. All begin tasks must have empty
;   dependency_list, and all end tasks must have empty next_tasks_list.
;ACTION: Set these lists to empty.
NOT_A_ROUTER D "The object identified by %s is not a router."
CANT_ACQUIRE IS "Could not acquire task number %d of '%s' router."
;CAUSE: Previous errors, prevented the server to acquire the specified task.
;ACTION: Look at the previous error messages.
SIGN_OFF_REQUIRED S "Task Number %s must be signed off."
;CAUSE: User must sign-ogg the specified task before forwarding.
;ACTION: sign-off.
SIGN_OFF_FAILED S "Task Number %s could not be signed off."
;CAUSE: Server could not sign-off the specified task number. Previous errors
; have caused the sign-off to abort.
;ACTION: Check the previous error message for the appropriate action.
CANT_PERFORM SSS "Current user '%s' must be the router supervisor or task owner(user) or sysadmin for %s task to perform %s operation on this router."
;CAUSE: The current user must be either:
;   router supervisor, or task owner, or task user or sysadmin to perform this operation.
;ACTION: None. 
USER_NOT_IN_LIST SSS "User '%s' must be a task owner or user of %s list of '%s' task."
;CAUSE: Specified user must be a task owner or user of the specified list.
;ACTION: Try again with a valid user.
INVALID_TASK_STATE2 SSSS "State of task '%s' is '%s', expected to be '%s' or '%s'."
;CAUSE: In order to perform the current operation the state of the specified task
; must match the expected state.
;ACTION:Either wait for the task state to change, or change the
;      state of the task before performing this operation.
INVALID_TASK_STATE3 SSSSS "State of task '%s' is '%s', expected to be '%s' or '%s' or '%s'."
;CAUSE: In order to perform the current operation the state of the specified task
; must match the expected state.
;ACTION:Either wait for the task state to change, or change the
;      state of the task before performing this operation.
CANT_FIND_METHOD S "Can not find the external method named: '%s'"
;CAUSE: Server could not find a method with the specified name.
; Method problem no longer exists.
;ACTION: Check dm_method object.
CANT_RUN_METHOD SL "Could not run external method named: '%s', error return is %d."
;CAUSE: Server could not run the external method.
;ACTION: Report the error to user sysadmin.
METHOD_FAILED SL "Method named: '%s' failed with the following return value: %d."
;CAUSE: External method failed with the specified error code. The error returned
;  is application specific.
;ACTION: See your local site admin.
CANT_DELETE_REMOVED S "Could not delete removed tasks for %s router."
;CAUSE: User tried to resume a halted router with queued removed tasks.
;ACTION: Look into the previous message for possible database errors.
CANT_COPY_ROUTER S "Router %s is in use and can not be copied."
;CAUSE: A router that is active or halted can not be copied (checkin, saveasnew)
;ACTION: None.
NO_STEP_ALLOWED S "Router %s is a broadcast router and can not have a step task."
;CAUSE: User tried to define a broadcast router with a step task.
;ACTION: Not supported.
BAD_PACKAGE DS "Package identified by %s and label <%s> does not exist."
;CAUSE: User has specified an invalid document with the specified ID and label.
;ACTION: Respecify a valid id and label.
BAD_PACKAGE2 DSSS "Package identified by %s and label <%s> does not have the relate permit because of %s '%s'."
;CAUSE: User does not have relate permission to the package.
;ACTION: Have the owner of document to provide relate permission or use another document with relate permission.
MAX_CURRENT_TASK_LIST S "You have reached the maximum size of the current task list on router named '%s'."
;CAUSE: Router tried to add a task to current task list which is already full with active tasks.
;ACTION: Redefine the router.
NEED_BROWSE SS "User '%s' need to have browse permission on '%s' document."
;CAUSE: A document is about to be queued to a user that does not have browse access.
;ACTION: Change security on the document to allow browse permission for users of this task.
.severity FATAL
INIT1            "The dm_router type was found in the database without a version stamp."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
INIT2  II "Version stamp %d was expected to be %d."
;CAUSE: The version stamp that the dm_router object software expected was
; different from the actual version stamp in the database.
;ACTION: You must upgrade your DocuServer database to conform to the
; software that you are running.  If your software and data are
; consistent, then report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
INIT3           "The type manager returned an error storing the dm_router type."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error message logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.
INIT4           "The type manager returned an error converting the dm_router type."
;CAUSE: Unknown.
;ACTION: Look at the error message logged by the type manager.
; Report this message and any parameters to your Documentum Site
; Representative.


posted on 2009-11-16 12:50 liaojiyong 阅读(666) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

