love fish大鹏一曰同风起,扶摇直上九万里








; $Id: dmptm.e,v 5.15 2002/02/05 19:21:21 aamir Exp $
; dmTypeManager class errors
.facility DM_TYPE_MGR
.severity WARNING
SAVE_SUPER_FIRST SS "Before saving type %s must save its supertype %s."
;CAUSE: Program attempted to save a type for which the supertype has not yet been saved.
;ACTION: Save the supertype first, and then save the type.
;PARAMETERS: The names of the type and its supertype.
SAVE_SAME_NAME S "Attempt to save type %s while type with this name already exists."
;CAUSE: Program attempted to save a type that has the same name as one this already exists in the database.
;ACTION: Remove the old type from the database first.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
REMOVE_SUBTYPES S "Attempt to remove type %s, which has subtypes."
;CAUSE: Program attempted to remove a type that has subtypes.
;ACTION: Remove the subtypes first, then remove the type.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
TYPE_HAS_OBJECTS S "Attempt to remove type %s, which still has objects."
;CAUSE: Program attempted to remove a type for which objects still exists.
;ACTION: Destroy the objects in the type before removing it.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
DROP_FAILURE SSS "Cannot remove table %s for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Program could not drop one of the internal attribute tables while either removing a type from the database or dropping the last single- or multi-valued attribute of a type.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.
;PARAMETERS: The names of the table that could not be removed and the type being removed and the error string from the database system.
NULL_TYPE_INDEX "Attempt to create an index on attributes of the NULL type."
;CAUSE: Program attempted to create an index on the NULL type.
;ACTION: None.
BAD_TYPE_INDEX S "Attempt to create an index for non-persistent type %s."
;CAUSE: Program attempted to create an index on attributes of a type that is not in the database.
;ACTION: None: internal programming error.  No index is created.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
MIXED_INDEX S "Attempt to create index on type %s with both repeating and single valued attributes."
;CAUSE: Program attempted to create an index with a specification that includes both single- and multi-valued attributes.
;ACTION: Use separate indices for the single-valued attributes and the multi-valued attributes.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
BAD_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE SI "Attempt to create index on type %s using illegal attribute %d"
;CAUSE: Program attempted to create an index with an invalid attribute specification (the attribute does not exist or has an undefined type).
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type and the position of the erroneous attribute in the type.
NAME_TOO_LONG SS "attempt to save type %s failed because attribute or type name %s is too long"
;CAUSE: The maximum length of persistent type and attribute names is 27 characters.
;ACTION: Shorten the names and redo the save.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type and the name that was too long
ALTER_NOT_FOUND S "the attributes being dropped for type %s do not exist"
;CAUSE: The user specified a set of non-existent attributes to be dropped from a type.
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type
UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_COMPOSITE_TYPE "The type manager was unable to remove the dm_composite type."
;CAUSE: The type manager was unable to remove the composite type. As part of Piper,
;       the type manager attempts to remove the composite type since it is no longer
;       supported. If the type manager was unable to remove the type, it most likely
;       suggests that the version stamp is bad.
;ACTION: This should not affect the server at all. The composite removal is simply
;        for convenience and to remove unnecessary tables from the database. No action
;        is required.
UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_COMPOSITE_SNAPSHOT_TABLE "The type manager was unable to remove the dmi_composite_snapshot table."
;CAUSE: There was an error in removing the dmi_composite_snapshot table from the database.
;       This is part of the Piper composite removal.
;ACTION: The table can be dropped from the database manually, but it is not necessary.
UNABLE_TO_MOVE_INDEX DSI "The type manager was unable to move the index with id %s, for type %s, at position %d because the position is invalid. The database index has been dropped. The dmi_index object should be corrected manually and the MOVE_INDEX apply method should be used to recreate the database index."
;CAUSE: There is a known problem for customers who have upgraded their documentum server that
;       was caused by the fact that attribute indices are determined by using the attribute
;       position. The server was not previously adjusting these positions as types were
;       modified which now makes them potentially invalid. In the case that this warning is
;       issued, the attribute position is no longer a valid attribute of the type. Since we
;       do not know what attribute the index should be on, the server simply drops the index
;       and request customers to correcting the attribute position in dmi_index object and
;       using the MOVE_INDEX apply method to properly adjust the index.
;ACTION: The customer should determine which attribute the index should be on, and then manually
;        correct the dmi_index object in the database. They should then use the MOVE_INDEX apply
;        method to recreate the index in the database.
;       The first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object.
;       The second parameter is the name of the type the index was created on.
;       The third parameter is the attribute position of the index.
UNABLE_TO_CLEANUP_INDEX DS "The type manager was unable to remove the dmi_index object with id %s on type %s. This index needs to be removed since it references a table that no longer exists. Remove the dmi_index object and any references to it in the types dm_type table."
;CAUSE: The dmi_index object refers to an attribute(s) that no longer exists because one of the corresponding type's
;       tables in the database does not exist. This is most likely due to the r_table of a type being dropped since
;       there are no more repeating attributes, but the corresponding indices were not dropped.
;ACTION: Check the dmi_index object and make sure it is removed. Also, if the index was on the r_object_id or
;        i_position columns, make sure that the dm_type object no longer refers to the dmi_index object.
;       The first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object.
;       The second parameter is the name of the type that is indexed.
INDEX_WITHOUT_TYPE_TABLE DS "The dmi_index object with id %s on type %s, refers to an attribute in a table that no longer exists in the database. The type manager will drop the dmi_index object and clean up."
;CAUSE: The dmi_index object refers to an attribute(s) that no longer exists because one of the corresponding type's
;       tables in the database does not exist. This is most likely due to the r_table of a type being dropped since
;       there are no more repeating attributes, but the corresponding indices were not dropped.
;ACTION: Check the dmi_index object and make sure it is removed. Also, if the index was on the r_object_id or
;        i_position columns, make sure that the dm_type object no longer refers to the dmi_index object.
;       The first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object.
;       The second parameter is the name of the type that is indexed.
UNABLE_TO_PURGE_PENDING_PUBLISHES_FOR_TYPE S "There was an error while trying to remove data dictionary entries relating to the %s type. The type will still be dropped."
;CAUSE: The server was trying to remove entries pertaining to the type being dropped from the dd_publish_log, but could not.
;ACTION: Normal server operation should continue, although there may be a problem with the dd_publish_log table that
;        entries could not be removed. Check to see if any rows in the table are locked, or if the rows pertaining to the
;        type exist.
;        The first parameter of the error is the name of the type being dropped.
.severity ERROR
CANT_CREATE_TABLE SSS "Failure to create attribute table %s for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The names of the table being created and the type being stored and the error string from the database system.
CANT_DROP_TABLE SSS "Failure to drop table %s as part of creation or modification of type %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Report this error and its parameters to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The names of the table being dropped and the type being stored and the error string from the database system.
CANT_CREATE_INDEX SSS "Failure to create index for table %s as part of creation of type %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The names of the table and the type being indexed and the error string from the database system.
CANT_CREATE_VIEW SSS "Failure to create view table %s as part of creation of type %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The names of the view and the type being created and the error string from the database system.
CANT_FIND_TABLE SSS "Failure to find table %s as part of fetch of type %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the table that should exist and the type of which it is a component and the error string from the database system.
CANT_SAVE_TYPE SSS "Failure to insert row for type %s in table %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The names of the type and the table that was being updated and the error string from the database system.
CANT_FIND_TYPE S "Failure to find type %s in type table"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Report this error and its parameters to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The type name.
CANT_FIND_TYPE_HANDLE S "Failure to find type with handle %s in type table"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Report this error and its parameters to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The id of the type.
CANT_BUILD_OBJ_TABLE S "Failure to construct new object table while constructing new database: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The error string from the database system.
CANT_BUILD_OBJ_INDEX S "Failure to construct type index on object table: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The error string from the database system.
CANT_BUILD_NAME_INDEX S "Failure to construct name index on type table: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The error string from the database system.
INITIAL_COMMIT_FAILED "Failure to commit version stamp change on initialization."
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Report this error and its parameters to your Documentum site representative.
VERSION_MISMATCH "Version of type manager code not consistent with database contents."
;CAUSE: The database version stamp for the type manager is inconsistent with the version stamp in the system being run.
;ACTION: Check to see that the document base being opened was built with the same version of the Documentum system.
CANT_REMOVE_TYPE_ON_SAVE S "Failure to remove type named %s before saving new type."
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION: Report this error and its parameters to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type being saved.
CANT_ADD_VERSION_STAMP S "Attempt to add (internal) version stamp attribute to type %s before saving failed."
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION: Report this error and its parameters to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
SAVE_INSERT_FAILED SS "Failure to save new type %s in object table: error from database system was %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type and the database system error string.
SAVE_COMMIT_FAILED S "Failure to commit transaction when saving type %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION: Repeat the execution of the program; if the problem persists, report to your Documentum site representative.
OBJECT_REMOVE_FAILED SS "Failure to remove objects of type %s from object table before removing type: error from database system was %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type and the database error string.
REMOVE_COMMIT_FAILED S "Failure to commit changes to type tables when removing type %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION: Repeat the execution of the program; if the problem persists, report to Documentum technical support.
INDEX_FAILURE SSS "Failure to create index named %s for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the index, the name of the type for which it was being created, and the error string from the database.
INDEX_DROP_FAILURE SSS "Failure to drop index named %s for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS:  The name of the index, the name of the type for which it was being created, and the error string from the database.
CONNECTION_FAILURE "Cannot initialize type manager because of connection failure."
;CAUSE: An attempt to make an internal database connection failed, causing the type manager to fail during initialization.
;ACTION: Check to see that the database system is still running; retry the operation.
CANT_DROP_COLUMN SSS "Failed to drop column %s from table %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal error.
;ACTION: Check the error message from the database system.  The   The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the column, the name of the table from which it is being dropped, and the error string from the database.
DROP_UPDATE_FAIL SS "Failure to update type table dropping attributes for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal error.
;ACTION: Check the error message from the database system.  The   The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type and the database error string.
ADD_UPDATE_FAIL SS "Failure to update type table adding attributes for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal error.
;ACTION: Check the error message from the database system.  The   The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type and the database error string.
CANT_ADD_COLUMN SSS "Failed to add column %s from table %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal error.
;ACTION: Check the error message from the database system.  The   The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the column, the name of the table to which it is being added, and the error string from the database.
ALTER_BAD_ARGS SSS "Operation %s failed on type %s because %s"
;CAUSE: User error attempting to add/drop attributes from type
;ACTION: Correct the error and retry the operation
;PARAMETERS: The name of the operation ("add", "drop"), the name of the type and the reason for the failure.
ALTER_DATABASE_FAILURE SS "Attempt to modify type %s failed -- database error message was: %s"
;CAUSE: There was a database failure while modifying a type
;ACTION: Correct the error and retry the operation
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type and the error message from the database syste;
SAVE_SAME_NAME S "Attempt to save type %s while type with this name already exists."
;CAUSE: Program attempted to save a type that has the same name as one this already exists in the database.
;ACTION: Remove the old type from the database first.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
TYPE_HAS_OBJECTS S "Attempt to remove type %s, which still has objects."
;CAUSE: Program attempted to remove a type for which objects still exists.
;ACTION: Destroy the objects in the type before removing it.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
BAD_INDEX_SPACE S "The index space %s does not exist"
;CAUSE: An invalid index space name passed to create index or move index
;ACTION: Determine the proper index space name
;PARAMETERS: The name of the index space
CANT_FETCH_ACL SSSS "Failed to fetch the ACL '%s' in name space '%s' for the type '%s'. [%s]"
; CAUSE: Failed to fetch the given ACL.
; ACTION: Try a valid ACL.
CANT_DEREF_ACL SSS "Failed to de-reference ACL '%s' in name space '%s' for type '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to deref the ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
CANT_SAVE_ACL SSS "Failed to save ACL '%s' in name space '%s' for type '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to save the ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
ACL_REVISE_GROUP SSS "Failed to revise the group name of the ACL '%s' in domain '%s' for type '%s'."
; CAUSE: Failed to revise the group name of the associated ACL.
; ACTION: Report the bug.
ZERO_PERMIT SIII "Failed to save ACL for type '%s' because permits for owner, group and world, (%d,%d,%d), need to be either all NULLs or not NULLs."
; CAUSE: The OGW-permits under ACL security mode need to be either all zeros or all none-zeros.
; ACTION: Reset the OGW-permits.
ATTRIBUTE_TOO_LONG SS "The length of the %s attribute of the type %s is too long"
; CAUSE: The length of a string valued attribute exceeds the database limit
; ACTION: Reduce the length and retry the type creation or alteration
OLD_VERSION SII "Old version of type %s -- version stamp is %d; database version is %d"
;CAUSE:  An attempt to alter a type that has been modified since it was fetched
;ACTION: Quit the session, start a new session and try again
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type, the version stamp in the cached copy and the database version stamp
BAD_VSTAMP IS "Unexpected version stamp (%d) is found for type %s."
; CAUSE: The dm_vstamp object found for this type contains an unexpected
;        version number. The dm_vstamp object could be corrupted. The
;        type may have been changed unexpectedly.
; ACTION: Call Documentum tech support.
; PARAMETERS: The vstamp value and the type name.
ADD_UPDATE_FRESH_FAIL SS "Failure to batch update type table adding attributes for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal error.
;ACTION: Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type and the database error string.
CHECK_FTINDEX_FAIL S "While checking for whether types already indexed, the following database query %s could not be executed."
;CAUSE: Unknown
;ACTION:  Report this error and its parameters to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The failed database query command.
TYPE_INFO_UPGRADE_FAILED "The type_info upgrade failed."
; CAUSE: The type_info object upgrade failed.
; ACTION: Call Documentum tech support.
ATTR_CHECK_FAILED S "A database query to check upgrade status failed.  Message: %s."
; CAUSE: While checking if an upgrade occurred, a query failed.
; ACTION: Call Documentum tech support.
CANT_ADD_ISREPLICA S "Attempt to add (internal) i_is_replica attribute to type %s before saving failed."
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION: Report this error and its parameters to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The name of the type.
DATABASE_INTERNAL_ERROR S "An database error occured in while making object table. The database internal error is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal database system error.
;ACTION: Report this error and its prarmeters to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The database internal error.
LOAD_SYNONYM_CHECK S "An Error occurred looking for a synonym for the type %s during load processing of the dmi_type_info object."
;  During load operations, when we encounter dm_type or dmi_type_info objects
;  we check for an existing type of the same name in the docbase to determine
;  what action to take.  This error occured during an attempt to determine if
;  the named type was already existing or was created during the current load.
;  If this error occurs while checking an existing type, it will not cause any
;  bad effects, assuming there are no other errors in the load.  However, if
;  this error occurs while checking a newly created type, it will likely cause
;  the operation to bypass any new data dictionary information that should
;  have been created along with the type.
;    %1  - the name of the type being processed. 
;CAUSE:  Internal error in load processing
;ACTION: Check for other errors which may give more detail on the problem.
;        Check that new types were created as expected, including the data
;        dictionary information (indicated by the type_override field of the
;        dmi_type_info entry).  If the load was not successfull it can be
;        reverted and retried by fetching the dm_load_record and applying
;        the "revert,c,l" command and then the "save,c,l" command.

LOAD_TYPINFO_UPD S "An Error occurred applying updates to the dmi_type_info object for new type %s during load processing."
;  During load operations, when we we create a new type, we bring over the
;  data dictionary information from the source docbase's type info record.
;  This error indicates that a failure was encountered during an attempt
;  to apply that update.
;    %1  - the name of the type being processed. 
;CAUSE:  Internal error in load processing
;ACTION: Check for other errors which may give more detail on the problem.
;        If the error appears transient, the load can be retried by simply
;        fetching the same dm_load_record and issueing a new save on it.
;        If the load cannot be retried, it should be reverted by fetching
;        the dm_load_record and applying the revert api.

LOAD_TYPINFO_FIX S "An Error occurred applying updates to the dmi_type_info object for new type %s during the second phase of load processing."
;  During load operations, when we we create a new type, we bring over the
;  data dictionary information from the source docbase's type info record.
;  This error indicates that a failure was encountered during an attempt
;  to apply that update.
;    %1  - the name of the type being processed. 
;CAUSE:  Internal error in load processing
;ACTION: Check for other errors which may give more detail on the problem.
;        If the error appears transient, the load can be retried by simply
;        fetching the same dm_load_record and issueing a new save on it.
;        If the load cannot be retried, it should be reverted by fetching
;        the dm_load_record and applying the revert api.
NO_OLD_OBJ_TABLE S "Unable to either find or construct old style object table: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be
; resolvable in the database system.
;       If not, report this error and the error from the database system,
; and any other error messages on the
;       error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
; The old style object table is necessary to protect the docbase from
; inadvertant connection by an older server.
;PARAMETERS: The error string from the database system.

INIT_DBMS_ERR S "Error from DBMS during initialization of the type manager.  Error was: %s."
;  This error message is given if an error is obtained during type initializtion
;  at server startup which prevents the server from determining if a server
;  type exists or not in the underlying database.
;PARAMETERS: - the dbms error message
;CAUSE: Error from DBMS during server startup.
;ACTION: Resolve DBMS condition leading to error

EXISTING_TABLE SS "Cannot create type %s because the table %s unexpectedly already exists in the database and the server 'preserve_existing_types' flag is enabled.  To complete this operation the table must first be manually dropped or the server flag disabled."
;  This error message is given if during type creation the server finds that
;  a table it needs to create already exists in the database.  By default
;  the server will simply drop the table and re-create it.  But if the server
;  startup parameter -preserve_existing_types is present then this error
;  is given instead.
;  %s - the type name
;  %s - the table name
;CAUSE:  Table already exists in the docbase
;ACTION: Ensure that it is ok to remove the existing table and then manually
;        drop it.  Alternatively the 'preserve_existing_types' flag can be
;        removed from the server startup options and the server restarted.

EXISTING_TYPE S "Cannot create type %s because a type by that name already exists in the database and the server 'preserve_existing_types' flag is enabled.  To complete this operation the type must be manually dropped or the server flag disabled."
;  This error message is given if during type initialization at server startup
;  the server finds that a type it needs to create conflicts with another
;  type by the same name already in the database.  By default
;  the server will simply drop the type and re-create it.  But if the server
;  startup parameter 'preserve_existing_types' is present then this error
;  is given instead.
;  %s - the type name
;CAUSE:  Type already exists in the docbase
;ACTION: Ensure that it is ok to remove the existing type and then manually
;        drop it.  Alternatively the 'preserve_existing_types' flag can be
;        removed from the server startup options and the server restarted.
UNABLE_TO_ADJUST_INDEX_POSITIONS SS "The type manager was unable to modify the attribute positions in the dmi_index objects for the type %s as a result of attribute changes to one or more of its supertypes. The following database error occurred: %s"
;CAUSE: Whenever attributes are added or removed from a type, the attribute positions of its
;       subtypes changes. As a result, we need to adjust the dmi_index objects of any of the
;       types subtypes because the dmi_index object uses attribute positions to determine which
;       attributes are indexed. If this error occurs, it means there was a failure in the type
;       managers attempt to adjust the dmi_index objects.
;ACTION: This really should only occur due to a database or query error. Check database errors
;        or any additional errors that may have been reported and contact your Documentum
;        Administrator.
;       The first parameter is the name of the type the index was created on.
CURSOR_ERROR S "A database error has occurred during the creation of a cursor ('%s')."
;CAUSE:  A SQL statement that queries the Documentum schema has failed. This error message
;        indicates that a failure occurred during the parsing of the generated
;        SQL statement by the underlying RDBMS.
;ACTION: The error message from the RDBMS is shown in the message. Use that
;        error message to figure out what has happened.
INDEX_WITHOUT_TYPE_TABLE DS "The dmi_index object with id %s on type %s, refers to an attribute in a table that no longer exists in the database. The type manager will drop the dmi_index object and clean up."
;CAUSE: The dmi_index object refers to an attribute(s) that no longer exists because one of the corresponding type's
;       tables in the database does not exist. This is most likely due to the r_table of a type being dropped since
;       there are no more repeating attributes, but the corresponding indices were not dropped.
;ACTION: Check the dmi_index object and make sure it is removed. Also, if the index was on the r_object_id or
;        i_position columns, make sure that the dm_type object no longer refers to the dmi_index object.
;       The first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object.
;       The second parameter is the name of the type that is indexed.
INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS SD "The index being created on type %s already exists. The existing index is represented by dmi_index object with id %s."
;CAUSE: Duplicate indices cannot be created. An index on the desired attributes and type
;       already exists.
;ACTION: Check the dmi_index object specified in the error and verify that it is on the
;        same attributes.
;       The first parameter is the object id of the dmi_index object.
;       The second parameter is the name of the type that is indexed.
UNABLE_TO_POPULATE_TABLE SSS "Type Manager was unable to populate the table %s for type %s: error from database system is %s"
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION:  Check the error message from the database system.  The problem may be resolvable in the database system.
;         If not, report this error and the error from the database system, and any other error messages on the
;         error message queue to your Documentum site representative.
;       The first parameter is the name of the table being populated.
;       The second parameter is the name of the type.
;       The third parameter is the error string from the database system.
QUERY_EXECUTION_FAILURE SS "The Type Manager encountered an error while trying to execute the following query: %s. Database error was %s."
; CAUSE: Query execution failed.
; ACTION: Check the error message from the database in order to determine the
;         cause of the query failure.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the query that was being executed.
;             The second parameter is the resulting error from the database.
CANNOT_CREATE_ROOT_TYPES_TABLE "The Type Manager was unable to create the dm_dd_root_types table. More specific error messages should accompany this error."
; CAUSE: The Type Manager encountered an error during the creation of the dm_dd_root_types
;        table.
; ACTION: It is necessary to check additional error messages for details on why this
;         failure occurred.
UNABLE_TO_LOCK_TYPE_CHAIN "The Type Manager was unable to lock the type chain for type %s."
; CAUSE: The Type Manager encountered an error while trying to lock the type chain
;        through the dm_dd_root_types table. The type chain is typically locked
;        during a ALTER/CREATE/DROP or Data Dictionary publish operation.
; ACTION: Refer to additional error messages to determine the cause of the failure.
; PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the name of the type.
CANNOT_ADD_ATTRIBUTE SS "Attempt to add attribute (%s) to type (%s) before saving failed."
;CAUSE: Internal system error.
;ACTION: Report this error and its parameters to your Documentum site representative.
;PARAMETERS: The respective names of the attribute and the type.

GET_ASPECT_INFO_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY SS "A database error occured while checking if aspect %s has attributes defined (OR) if objects that have the aspect attached has attributes defined by the aspect. Database error is %s"
; CAUSE: A database error occured while executing the GET_ASPECT_USE_INFO apply
; method.
; ACTION: Refer to the accompanying database  error.
GET_ASPECT_INFO_INVALID_ASPECT_NAME S "There is no aspect in the repository with the name %s OR the argument specified is either NULL or empty"
; CAUSE: ASPECT_NAME argument specified for GET_ASPECT_USE_INFO apply
; method is invalid.
; ACTION: Specify a valid value for the ASPECT_NAME argument.
GET_ASPECT_INFO_TYPE_NOT_FOUND "There is no dmc_aspect_type in the repository"
; CAUSE: There is no dmc_aspect_type type defined/created in the repository
; for GET_ASPECT_USE_INFO apply method to use.
; ACTION: Refer to the installation guide and resolve installation/upgrade
; errors.
GET_ASPECT_INFO_INCORRECT_ASPECT_TYPE "dmc_aspect_type does not have the i_attr_def attribute"
; CAUSE: dmc_aspect_type type in the repository does not have i_attr_def
; attribute.
; ACTION: Refer to the installation guide and resolve any installation/upgrade
; errors
CANNOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_ASPECT SS "Cannot remove default aspect '%s' from type '%s' because the aspect is not found in the type's type info."
; CAUSE: The specified aspect name in the DQL ALTER TYPE REMOVE DEFAULT ASPECTS statement does not exist in the type's type info.
; ACTION: Check default_aspects in the type info object to make sure that the default aspect is specified there before
;         issuing the DQL statement. It is possible that the specified default aspect was removed
;         by another user already.
MAKE_INDEX_FAILED S "MAKE_INDEX failed to create the requested index. Reason: %s"
; CAUSE: A failure occured while processing the MAKE_INDEX apply method.
; ACTION: Refer to the reason and take the corrective action.
TOO_MANY_ATTRIBUTES SI "Cannot add attributes since %s would have more than the maximum number of attributes (%d)"
;CAUSE: Attempted to add attributes to a type such that the type would have more than the maximum number of attributes allowed.
;ACTION: None.
;PARAMETERS: The first parameter is the name of the type.  The second parameter is the maximum number of attributes allowed.

posted on 2009-11-16 12:52 liaojiyong 阅读(768) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Documentum

